Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/321472-Fishing
Rated: GC · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #321472
A tale with a twist about a fishing trip gone bad.
Her breath crystalized and formed a small vaporous cloud in front of her mouth. The frigid air stabbed needles into her rosy cheeks. Her nose was a thing of the past. Looking around her, April admired the serene beauty that was present in the bleak leafless landscape.
A bitter wind cut through her layers and bit into her skin. She huddled down into the meagre shelter that her clothes provided, wishing fervently for someone to invent heated clothes.
Looking up at the branches arching far above her head, she was once again struck by the beauty of the entwining branches. It seemed as though the twigs were deperately stretching out towards each other. Trying to reach the safety of the neighbor's embrace.
"How funny," she thought, "that trees can so accurately depict most people".
A snowflake fell and rested on her eyelash, refusing to melt. She looked at the white mass, thinking of the eloquent dance it had created as it fell; twisting here, spinning there.
"How nice it would be to be as free as a snowflake. Letting the wind carry my where it wanted, only being concerned with my dance."
At this thought she raised her arms to the sky and started dancing. She lept and twirled, ran and spun. For the moment she was lost in her own world.
An exhalation broke her reverie and she was pulled back to reality.
She turned towards the man crouched against the tree.
"Well, as long as you're here you might as well make yourself useful. Here, take this," with that she threw him an pic-ax.
"And what's in it for me?" the man asked, arching and eyebrow with a sly grin on his face. April walked over to him and stood him up, leaning him against the tree. Slowly the put her hand up to his face, caressing his cheek, smiling as she saw the dark desire in his eyes. She leaned towards him, pinning his arms down to the tree as he tried to caress her side. Slowly she kissed his cheeks, half kissing and half nipping her way to his mouth. She then placed her lips over his, allowing her tongue to ease in between his lips, pressing her body up against his, feeling him thrumming with need. Taking one hand she reached down to right above the bulge in his pants, allowing her fingers to cruelly play with the fabric, enjoying the torment she saw in his face. Trailing her fingers up his length only once she said seductively,"Now, go out on the lake and start opening a hole so I can fish."
With a groan of frustration at being left unsatisfied, the man shuffled out onto the lake and started chipping away at the ice. Without warning, the man vanished, falling into the frigid waters beneath the thin layer of ice that had supported him. The man's head reappeared and he groped desperately for anything to pull him up.
"Hold on!" yelled April as she searched for something to throw to him. She unwrapped the scarf from her around her neck and started inching out onto the ice. The man saw her in his struggles and started trying to clamber out towards her. She got on her stomach and wiggled a little further, going as far as she dared. Then she threw the scarf, holding on to one end. It fell a few feet short of the hole.
"Come on! Kick a little harder! You can make it!" cried April.
The man began struggling frantically, trying to ease himself onto the ice. His strangled cries echoed pitifully in the wilderness around them. As the mintues ticked by his struggles became weaker and weaker.
"Come on you pussy! Don't give up on me now! Just a little further!...Shit"
As his struggles ceased and his head sunk below the ice April chuckled and raised herself, brushing the snow off of her clothes.
"I love it when they think that there is some hope of survival. They try so much harder."
With that thought she turned on her heels and walked back into the woods to her waiting snowmobile.
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