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Rated: E · Article · Children's · #312936
This one explores the cage that Bandit lives in her Castle.
The Adventures of Gizmo and Bandit

Bandit’s Castle

Day is done, gone the sun, I’m going to bed with Mommy and Daddy and Bandit’s stuck in a box with a basket on top. See ya kid. Don’t eat the cardboard it will make you sick for a week. Don’t worry tomorrow maybe, just maybe you will get to sleep somewhere else, but not with me. Just one more thing to think about, I will be sleeping in a nice comfortable bed while you are stuck in a cardboard Castle.

Oh my its morning already. Dad are you up yet. I’ll just go lick his face and kill two birds at one stone, Daddy will wake up and Mommy hates the licken I give him. Ok here I go and one, two, and three, Lick, Lick, Lick, Lick, Lick, Lick, Lick, I think he just hopes if he don’t do anything I’ll quite, but I can do it for an awful long time. Wait he’s stirring, or just rolling over. Oh Boy Mommy is up and yelling to cut it out. I’ll just give her a look and she’ll get the message. “Gizmo knock it off”, once again the look. That did it, she’s getting up and it will be just me and Daddy in the bed. What a way to start a Sunday Morning.

What’s this, its only 9AM and he’s getting up already. I guess I should go and see if any breakfast is made. I might have to wait for Daddy though, he likes to make me scrambled eggs on Sunday, I even let him have some. Downstairs we go and you would think that he would carry me to the chair downstairs. Oh well one more stair and I’m down, OH MY GOD!!! Its still here that stinky little mop of a thing. I bet Mommy made her breakfast. Just leave me alone you little brat. I’ll get you and jump up on the sofa. Can’t get up can you, now go run away or something.

Sniff, Sniff, Sniff what’s that I smell. Great Daddy’s making eggs and he’ll give me some and that little fur ball will get nothing. Great here they come and I’m getting down. Mmmmm they taste great, too bad Bandit you can’t have none. I sure wish she would stop staring at me. Mommy’s talking to Daddy about where the little devil is going to sleep tonight. I sure hope they don’t think she’s getting my house and what do you expect me to do you gave it away. I guess the little fur ball will get a new one or a cardboard box again.

What’s this two dishes, eggs on both of them, tow for me none for Bandit. If I go back and forth Bandit will never get the chance to eat any of them. “Gizmo”, Mommy’s yelling at me to knock it off. Okay furball, have some. OH MY GOD!, she eats like a pig, gulp, gulp, gulp and
its gone. Now the little dustmop is eyeing mine, no way I’ll eat quick, Gulp, gulp, gulp and there its all gone. If I pester Daddy he’ll give me some more and none for Bandit. There she goes again yelling at me “Gizmo”! I’ll just go wait on my chair and take a little nap.

YAWN!! Its time to go take a leak and maybe even a walk. Here comes Daddy and he’s getting my leash. Oh Boy I’m all hooked up and ready to go. Just one look at Bandit and she will know that she’s not going, HAHAHA! What’s this Mommy is telling Daddy to take Bandit too and he said that he will carry her. I never got carried, just pushed outside on a leash. Just wait until later and nobody’s looking, Bandit you’re mine!

Well the walks over and time for a drink and a snack. Let me check out what they put out for Bandit’s snack, boy that’s tasteless, I’ll just stick to mine. Now Daddy brought up the conversation of where the furball is going to sleep tonight. Mommy and Daddy are going again to find a place for Bandit to sleep. Mommy mentioned something about the lady two houses over has a cage that she’s not using. I didn’t think that they made a cage big enough for that monster she’s got. They call him Rocky and he’s just a big old sap. I will never ever let him get near me. Maybe just maybe I can feed that hairy fur ball to him for a snack. Just a thought!

Here comes Daddy with a humongous cage for Bandit. I’ll just get down and help him put it together, this way I can lock her in it. WOW its big enough for a herd of cattle. I never had that much space. I bet she thinks she the Queen of Furville! Now its together and Mommy is cleaning it out and told that little ball of fun she is going to make it real homey for her. At least she doesn’t sleep in bed with my Daddy. If I had my way Mommy could sleep in the other room or even in that cage with Bandit, then it would be just me and Daddy in bed at night and I could get a good night sleep. Fat Chance, but one can dream.

When Mommy’s done I need to check this place out. It looks like the Ritz over there in the corner. There goes Mommy and here I go to check this thing out. Oh My, she got a fluffy pillow, a blanket , toys, a water bowl and food. All the comforts of home, MINE! “Gizmo”, there she goes again yelling at me for just making sure my little bratty sister is going to be living right. I’ll just waltz my way out of here and on to Daddy’s lap. She just told Daddy that he’s got me spoiled. Well she don’t know the meaning of spoiled. If I was really spoiled she’d be sleeping someplace else.

There goes that little fur ball checking things out. At least I’m on Daddy’s lap and I got a good view from up here. As soon as she goes in the cage I’ll just jump down and shut the door tight. After all she does have food and water. There goes Mommy sticking her head inside and helping Bandit out. If only she would go in a little further I could close the door on both of them and that would be that. I don’t think that I could get away for long. Daddy would let them out. Daydreaming’s the best though.

Well its dinner time and Daddy’s heading outside for the grill. That almost always means steak for me. Oh boy, Oh boy, steak for me. I think I will just take a peak outside and see how things are going. Daddy’s turning them steaks and Mommy’s got the french fries going just great. Two of my favorite foods. Daddy’s putting them on a plate and bringing them to Mommy. She got two little plates, tow plates again, imagine she is going to feed Bandit steak. Can you just imagine that. I hope she take it from her portion and not mine.

Boy this steaks just great. I would like a little ketchup for my french fries though. She always forgets the ketchup. Daddy puts it on my fries though. I guess I will have to start sharing Daddy with this little ball of fur though. That’s going to be real hard but I guess I can think of trying though. I do share him with Mommy and maybe if I can cut from her time and give that to Bandit then I’ll still have all me time to me. I just love it when a plan comes together.

A WALK, I heard someone say it, A WALK! Both Mommy and Daddy are going to take me out tonight. Oh I forgot Bandit’s going also. At least Daddy will hold my leash, I might even get a look at that hunk of a poodle down and around the corner. If I’m real lucky he’ll sneak out for a little look and seek. Daddy doesn’t let him get close enough for a little kissy though. What’s this, we aren’t going to go the way I want to. That means no poodle tonight. Boy oh Boy Bandit sure has messed things up in my life. At least I still got my Daddy!

Here we go home again. Now here comes the neighbors to get a look at the little dust mop. I don’t understand why humans think that she’s so cute. Look at me, you want cute, now I’m cute. Oh well here comes that little brat from down the street, I can’t stand her but at least she’s coming to me first instead of Bandit.

At last its time to go in, or at least Daddy’s taking me in when its cooler. These humans don’t understand how hot it is out there. Its getting late so Mommy will be in soon. Here comes Bandit and Mommy. She said the bugs were getting her. Wait until she sleeping tonight, the bugs will be like a facial compared to what I am going to do.

Daddy’s going up to get changed for the evening. I guess its time for us to watch a little TV, maybe a snack, Ice Cream I hope, and then to bed. Oh great they got a video so their’s no interruptions and its Ice Cream time. This time Mommy said none for Bandit, finally I got something she didn’t ad its D elicious.

Well the movie is over and the news is just about done. Daddy’s getting up and turning things off. He is also changing the water in Bandits cage. This is the first time he notices how comfortable Bandits cage really is. There he goes putting the little dust mop in the cage and locking the door. Bandit just took to that pillow like she was meant for it. Daddy’s covering the top and putting on some music for her. Oh My, YUCK, he’s hugging Mommy and looking at Bandit so snugly. He told Mommy that we have to give Bandits home a name, and Mommy said we’ll call it “Bandits Castle”.

© Copyright 2001 John J. Matyjewicz (jmatyjewicz at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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