Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/311812-A-Love-Next-Door
Rated: GC · Short Story · Erotica · #311812
Best friends explore their relationship in this Birthday surprise story. M/F
Christian Blake lay on his bed stewing in the anger and sadness that had been accumulating all day long. "How could she have possibly forgotten?" he thought. Christian and Alexandra, or Alex as he called her, had been inseparable since the first grade when she bloodied his nose for calling her a 'puny girl'; he didn't make the mistake twice and they became fast friends. A small smile lifted the corner of his mouth as he remembered them as seven year olds. Even then her temper could be stronger than all of the class put together. She was also however, loyal, kind, and generous to a fault. A fiery little red headed pixy that he ached with love for. 'Boy, when did that happen?' he asked himself. Sure, he had always loved her, but it was only until this year, their senior year, that he lusted for her as well. They still wrestled, had water fights, and argued, but now it was all seen through a red haze of desire. Because Alex was quick and strong, she was just about always the winner in previous years. Recently, testosterone and working out had kicked in and now Christian was able to win without being afraid he might hurt her. He was strong enough to gently overpower her and the victory was sweet in many ways.

Last week (he did not remember the cause) they had started to wrestle. His mouth went dry as he remembered all the places he grazed under the guise of play. After a few delicious rolls in the grass he was harder than he had ever been in his life and she looked oblivious. When Christian was finally able to restrain her, his body was on top of hers and his long sinewy arms had pinned hers above her head.

He had leaned close, his blue-gray eyes staring into her green ones. "Say 'Uncle,'" he commanded her.

"No way," Alex replied and started to struggle.

Chris transferred her hands into one of his and held them as his hand went to her shirt. Only he knew how ticklish her stomach was and he used the knowledge well. His eyes grew shades darker when he saw his tanned hand above her pale stomach. God, how he wanted to touch her and rub his hand up her stomach until her breast was cupped in his hand. He had wanted to lift her shirt completely off of her and gather her to him. Then make hours and hours of hot, sweaty sex until both fell asleep happily exhausted by their antics.

He had been shaken out of his short and recently frequent fantasy when she replied, "Uncle, Uncle, now get off." Reluctantly he pulled away from Alex and turned his back, saying he had to study, when really he had to take a series of frigid showers.

Another time he was extremely uncomfortable in her presence was when he had to wash his father's car. It was a hot and humid day so he took of his shirt, leaving his body bare except for a pair of shorts. Unknowingly he displayed his broad shoulders and taut abs to his gawking female neighbors and peers who had been having a party, thrown by Alex's snotty stepsisters. Alexandra's father had remarried two years after her mother's death and Alex had gained four stepsisters around her age and the quintessential horrid stepmother. They only paid attention to Alex when they could get something out of her and Chris's shoulder had been soaked many times by her tears, strengthening a bond between them that would last for the rest of their lives.

That day, Alex angrily stormed out of the house, which happed to be next door to his, and heatedly told him to stop making an ass of himself and to put his shirt back on.

Before her angry tirade Chris had been leaning lazily on the hood of his dad's car waiting for her. At her unfair words he straightened to his full height and grated, "I think you need to cool off, Miss Priss," and sprayed her with the hose.

Chris had been vaguely aware that there was something different about her. He knew quickly and surely what it was however, when her shirt was plastered to her skin. She wasn't wearing a bra.

Chris was treated to the view of the most perfect breasts he had ever seen. Full, round, and high on her chest, they sported large and coldly extended nipples. With her shirt soaked to the skin he was able to see how different they were in comparison to her trim stomach and flaring hips.

"Jeez, Alex," he had said hoarsely, "when did you get those?"

She didn't pretend that she had not heard him. "Puberty," she replied waspishly as she angrily strode towards his bucket of soap water. Her angry stride was stiff and stomping, causing her breasts to bounce slightly. He was hypnotized by them and his knees weakened, causing him to slump onto the car. Chris followed Alex's every move and did nothing to protect himself except close his eyes when she lifted the bucket off the ground. "Jerk," she called him as she dumped it over his head.

When he was finally able to get the soap from his eyes he saw her go inside and slam the door.

Ever since that day Chris couldn't see, hear or do anything without making something sexual out of it and thinking simultaneously of Alex. She'd say, "Do you want to do something tonight?" and he'd think automatically, "Let's have sex!" God, he had to stop. She was his old buddy, his pal, his best friend, and he, the moron, couldn't stop thinking about screwing her brains out.

Not that he didn't also have feeling of love for her, he did. In fact, he knew that he couldn't have felt about her this strongly if he didn't love her. He even knew that his love wouldn't fade or grow old with time, but that he would love her until he died, maybe even longer. That was an unnerving thought. "Shit," he thought, "what's even more scary is if she doesn't love me back, or worse, that she just loves me as a friend." The idea of platonic love left a bad taste in Christian's mouth and he grew more depressed as he remembered that day. His 18th birthday. His friends and family congratulated him and wished him well, but the person who mattered most didn't even remember. He had even asked if she wanted to do something that night, like go see a movie, but she had said that she had chores to do and didn't have time.

Then, a thought struck him. A horrible and nerve-wracking thought that she might not even love him as a friend. Maybe she just put up with him all of these years out of her deep kindness and generosity. Maybe he annoyed her and that was why she didn't want to be with him or couldn't even remember his birthday. Irrationally, he thought, 'maybe she finds my height disgusting (he was a foot and 3 inches taller than her 5 ft frame) or she doesn't like my cologne (she bought it for him last Christmas).' Maybe?


Startled, he looked around his dark room as if she was somewhere there in the dark.

"Chris, pick up the radio."

"Oh, right," he mumbled to himself. Maybe she was calling to apologize for forgetting his birthday.

"Yes," he said huskily, a result of the thoughts he had been having about her a few minutes before. He hoped she misinterpreted it as sleepiness rather horniness.

"Meet me at the tree-house, I want to show you something."

Probably a stray she found, thought Christian. Alex had a fondness for the less fortunate and usually he would be over in a flash, but she had hurt him today.

"I don't know, Alex. I really need to catch up on my sleep."

"Just come," was all she said before she clicked off. Not "Okay" or "Bye" or "Catch ya later." Must be important.

Christian got out of bed and pulled on a T-shirt. He didn't pull on a pair of pants, because they had seen each other's underwear so many times that he thought nothing of it. Quietly he crawled out of his bedroom window and down his 'escape tree' and got his old bike out. Then he drove over deserted fields to the abandoned house that sported a tree-house he and Alex had seen and renovated. No one knew about it and it was their secret hide-out. When he reached the tree, a ladder was dropped down and he climbed up.

All this was normal, what was out of the ordinary however, was the sight laid before him. Candles and lanterns dimly lit the room and surrounded what looked to be a makeshift couch of quilts and pillows. He stepped into the room, hunching his shoulders, and saw to the side a cake for two that said in big flowing letters, "Happy Birthday Chris."

He turned again and saw Alex's happy grin, stating clearly her enjoyment over his shock and pleasure.

"You did all this?" he asked incredulously.

She walked towards him and slipped her arms around him, her face tilted to his. "You didn't actually think I'd forget you?" she asked quietly.

He returned her embrace and sputtered, "Yes--I mean, no, of course not--well, maybe a little."

"How sweet," she murmured and chuckled against him. She hugged him tighter and he did the same.

Christian felt like an ass on two counts. One, he never should have doubted her and two, he shouldn't be thinking what he was thinking, but it was difficult with her large and unrestrained breasts pressing against him the way they were.

Alex pulled away and walked towards the cake she had made earlier.

"Um, you look nice, Alex. Is that a new nightgown?"

She started, then fiddled with the makeshift bed unnecessarily. He thought he detected a blush, but blamed it on the lighting.

"Yes," she answered only.

"Oh," Chris phrased inadequately, but 'Oh' was right. She simply looked amazing. Her bright red hair curled in waves past her almost bare shoulders and her shimmering white nightgown brought out her pale complexion. Her lips were very red and her bright green eyes were enormous in the candlelight. Not to mention her body--Christian commanded himself to stop that train of thought before he embarrassed himself. Luckily, Alex saved him.

"Do you want some cake?" Alex asked without looking at him. He knew her well enough that he could see she was preparing her courage for something, but he had no idea what that could be. In fact, he was a little stung at her quiet, usually he couldn't get a word in with all of her adorable chattering.

"Yeah, sure." Christian walked over and sat next to her on he quilts. The scent that was uniquely her washed over him and he almost sighed, but caught himself in time. Then he looked at her and saw she was watching him with a strange look in her eyes. Had he been an omniscient viewer he would have seen that it mirrored the one in his own.

While looking deeply at him she said, "I forgot the forks."

"Oh, well that's okay. We'll just eat with our hands." Christian didn't want anything to ruin Alex's surprise because she had obviously put a lot of effort into it. He scolded himself once again for believing she might not care.

Alex smiled at him as though he had just answered one of the mysteries-of-life questions correctly.

He contemplated that look but thought that maybe it was just his imagination or a flicker of the candlelight.

"Uh, why don't you cut me a piece?" Christian expected a knife to appear, but instead saw Alex move her hand towards the cake and dip her index finger into it slowly. Christ felt his stomach contract. She drew a line in the cake with her finger and retraced it to square it off. Unnecessarily she lifted her frosted finger and dipped it again to finish the piece. Chris almost moaned at what her action resembled.

She pushed his slice towards him and Chris, on auto-drive, grabbed it and brought it to his mouth. He didn't taste it. It could have been ambrosia or coal and it would have made little difference.

He watched as Alex daintily licked her finger, then slipped it into her mouth to such on its sweetness.

Christian's heart started to pound erratically and the blood rushed from his head and to his penis. He cleared his throat, but his voice was still husky, "Uh, do you want any cake?"

Innocently Alex looked at him and replied, "No, I'm not really hungry for cake."

Chris almost choked on the innuendo. Well, maybe Alex didn't mean it as one, but it sure as hell sounded as though she were saying she was however, hungry for something of a completely different nature.

Quickly, he finished off his cake then looked around for something to wipe his hand.
"Alex, do you have something to clean this off with?"

Alex smiled brilliantly at him, her beautiful white teeth flashing in the candlelight. "Why yes, I do!" Swiftly Alex grabbed his hand and brought it to her mouth, looking at him all the while. He jerked in surprise as though her warm moist mouth had burned him when he felt it glide over his hand. He breathed harder as she used her teeth and tongue to clean him off. She sucked his fingers long after all the frosting was gone. Finally, when she was done she wiped his hand on her thin nightgown, just below her breasts. She closed her eyes as his hand grazed their soft undersides. "Chris," she whispered.

Alex guided his hand to her breast and he easily searched and found her distended nipple with his thumb.

Alex had been sitting on her calves in a kneeling position, now she leaned back on them, with her arms as braces and raised her breasts for his ministrations. Obligingly he worshipped them with his questing fingers.

"I need--I want--I want skin. Give me skin," he said hoarsely.

"Yes," Alex searched down and pulled her nightgown up and over her body.

Chris stared for a second then said, "God, Alex!" He pulled her to him and started kissing her, their tongues imitating the mating act and illustrating clearly their hunger for each other. She gladly straddled him, caring little about her nakedness or exposure, only happily reveling in their closeness and the way the air felt cooling what was swiftly becoming soaked.

"I want to see you," she said. "Please, darling." Chris practically ripped off his shirt. He tried to get off his boxers, while at the same time kissing Alex, but she was straddling him, her knees on the outsides of his thighs.

"I--I can't--get these--stupid--things off," he whispered between kisses. But before Alex could reluctantly get off him, he grabbed her waist and said, "No! Don't get off. Just--Just lift."

Comprehension dawned and she cooperated. Chris laid down and she leaned forward on her hands. His hands moved off her breasts and to his boxers. They kissed hungrily while he tried to squirm out of his shorts, the smell of her desire inflaming his senses. When he lifted his bottom to slide his boxers down, his cock grazed her and they both moaned.

They each decided to suck and kiss the other's neck while fondling their mate. Both were panting as if they had just run a race.

Wantonly, Alex put her hand between their bodies and held him. Her eyes opened in surprise and she looked at him. "Chris, you're so--I mean, you're so--I had no idea--will we fit?" Chris groaned, but he gave her a little smile. Lovingly, she stroked his thick length and grazed her thumb over the moist tip of him, swirling his juices onto the head. He placed his hand on hers and guided her. "Just squeeze, baby. Oh, yeah." He drew out the last word as she complied. He brought his hand between her legs. "Open for me, sweetheart." She hesitated, but obeyed. He drew one long finger over her and she trembled. "God, Alex," he moaned. "You're so wet for me."

When she trembled again she squeezed him and Chris moaned loudly. "Sweetheart, I can't take it. If you don't stop the party'll be finished before it's started." She smiled as she removed her hand and laid it on the quilt, the cake had been moved to the side long ago.

"I want you really open, Alex. Lift your knees." She did and he dipped his middle finger inside. He moved it in and out, all the while rubbing her clitoris. Chris slipped another finger in and stretched her virgin walls. "God, baby, you're so tight." He could feel her walls start to vibrate and asked her, "Do you want more, baby?"

Alex's eyes were closed and her hands were moving restlessly on the sheets. "Yes," she moaned. Chris slipped a third finger in and stretched her more. He felt his fingers being sucked in by her walls and her hips lifted to take in more. "That's it, baby, take your pleasure," he encouraged. The distant convulsions grew and grew until she was screaming his name in her first orgasm.

When it was over Chris pulled out, Alex's juices creating a sucking sound. He leaned down and kissed her sweating brow. Then he licked her cream off his fingers and smiled into her passion dazed eyes. "Better than cake," he told her and she laughed.

Then Alex sat up. "Chris?"

"Hmm?" Chris was diligently trying to control his raging hard on, thinking that the fun was over. "Yes, Alex."

"I want you to lie down."

"Why?" he asked curiously and expectantly.

"I want some cake."

"Oh," said Christian, not understanding at all, but abiding her wishes. A soon as he did, Alex climbed on top of him. She leaned over him to pull the cake towards them and her breasts dangled in front of his face. He couldn't help himself, he leaned up to capture one in his mouth to lick and suckle. Alex stopped all movement and just enjoyed. His warm tongue circled her nipple then flicked across it. "Chris," Alex moaned. Finally, he took it into his mouth and sucked. With each tug at her nipple Alex felt a pleasant jolt through her loins. "Harder," she pleaded, "suck harder." Gladly, Chris did.

This went on until Alex exclaimed, "Wait. No--stop." Startled, Chris let go. "This is your birthday," Alex reminded him and then started to slowly move down his body.

Chris smiled at her. "Don't worry, honey. I was having a good ol' time."

Alex grinned back at him for his candor. "Oh somehow I think you'll enjoy this more." Alex grabbed a handful of frosting and smeared it on his muscular chest. From his left nipple to his right was a line of frost. "Hey! What're you doing?"

"I want some cake," she replied. Alex was on all fours leaning over him and she smiled mock menacingly into his eyes as she touched his breastbone with her frosted hand. Simultaneously, she kissed him hotly on the lips while dramatically smearing more frosting on his chest. Then she glided it down, his muscles contracting as she passed over his defined abs. Finally, after what seemed to Chris to be an eternity of waiting, Alex reached his hard cock to rub her hand up and down it's smooth length. "Alex," he moaned and jerked under her pleasuring hand.

"Shhh," she calmed him. The result was a frosted T on Chris's torso.

Alex started at one nipple and proceeded to lick it clean. She was pleasurably surprised to see his swift reaction to her touch. She followed the T and moved to his other waiting nipple. Christian was grunting with pleasure, his hands gripped on her thighs. Finally, it too was clean and she moved to his sternum. The suspense was killing Christian, he knew what she was going to do, but almost believed it was too good to be true.

When she reached his naval she dipped her tongue in. Chris half moaned, half yelled at her action when finally she was at the heart of his virility. She looked up at him. Chris's eyes were clenched shut and he was panting. His fingers were now gripping the sheets as she had before.


He grunted.

"Chris, tell me what you want."

"You, Alex," he said gravelly. "Your beautiful mouth sucking me dry. Now just do it, damn it!"

She smiled at his ferocity. "Happy Birthday, darling," said Alex as she put her mouth on him.

"Alex, Alex, Ohhh Alex," he chanted her name as she licked and sucked the frosting off. "God! Harder, baby. Take it in! Shit!"

Alex tried to take in as much as she could, but he was big and thick and she was becoming soaking and aroused at his senseless monologue.

"Oh baby, oh baby. Move sweetheart. Move, I'm gonna, I'm gonna--" Alex might have moved, but she resolutely stayed on to give him every ounce of pleasure possible. She loved him. It was as simple as that.

"COME!" he finished his broken statement as he did just that. His penis jerked frantically as it filled her mouth and she loved it. She swallowed him deep and stroked his balls as he yelled her name. She held him until he went slack in her mouth then lovingly cleaned him with her tongue. He stroked her hair as she cleaned and kissed him. Finally she lifted his tip with her mouth and gave it a little kiss before she released him. She traveled up his stomach with kisses while he lovingly and quietly caressed her. When she reached his face he cupped her beautiful face in his hands and kissed her. When they were done, both were painfully aroused once again; their need for each other boundless. She looked into his blue-gray eyes and was somewhat startled by his deep and serious expression.

"I love you," Christian told her in a deep and meaningful voice.

Happy tears flooded her eyes when she heard his admission. She smiled and ran her fingers through his golden locks. "I know," she told him, "and I love you too. Always have, always will."

Had she not been holding him she would not have known the relief that swept through his body. His muscles loosened, but his arms tightened to bring her closer. They shared another bone deep kiss that promised themselves, both making silent but profound vows to the other.

"Make me yours," Alex whispered against his lips.

"Forever," he told her as he lowered her down to the makeshift bed.

He kissed her face gently as he fitted his body against hers. He lovingly feathered kisses over her brow, her long lashed eyes, and her full, sensuous lips. She, in return, stroked his back up and down with her fingertips. He braced himself with his arms as he placed his shaft at her portal. Chris knew Alex well enough that though she was passionate before, she was still untouched. She had said that she would wait until she found the love of her life and he thanked God that that man was he. Gently he guided himself into her. He stretched her entrance and it would have been impossible had she not been so prepared. Chris kissed her softly as her moved forward until he reached a barrier. He stopped and she opened her eyes to look at him. "I love you," he told her before he broke through with a sure thrust. He caught her cry in his mouth and calmed her with loving words and sweet kisses. Gradually the pain faded and she moved against him. Pleasure mixed with pain, but pain would soon become a phantom of the mind, vanquished by the heat of their love. They gave of themselves selflessly until they reached their climax together.

Finally, sated and wrapped in each other's arms they slept and woke to the first of many mornings they would spend till death did them part and even then they loved because...

Some love lasts forever.

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© Copyright 2001 Jackie Denver (jennakat at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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