Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/270700-A-Lesson-Learned
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Satire · #270700
A boy meets not so ordinary girl. It's a short story.
A Lesson Learned

Caution: Knowlege of basic french words may be required to understand some parts of this story.

The evening sky hung high overhead, pitch black in the east and fading to a midnight blue as it approached the western sky. A number of faint, glowing stars had already found their place in the cloudless heavens. The sun had mostly sunk beneath the dark sparkling waters of the horizon, it's tip spreading it's last rays of orange light for the day.
The young boy, sitting on a rocky cliff edge, one leg hanging down, the other hugged towards his body with goosebumped arms. He looked on towards the sunset as a fresh sea breeze engulfed him, sending his white t-shirt into ripples while foamy waves crashed against jagged rocks hundreds of feet below. Far behind him, in the tall grass that ended well before the cliff ended, crickets began singing their nightly chorus, as if trying to put him to sleep. But he couldn't sleep.
In his mind, Jack Takahashi could not get rid of the image he'd seen earlier that afternoon. She was a young girl any man would have killed to be with. She was his personal Helen of Troy, but only more beautiful. Her smile would make the shadows shrink back in fear, her radiance could brighten up any atmosphere. Even the sound of her name, so soft and gentle, Jack simply loved repeating it in his head. The sound would gently roll off his tongue. She called herself Agatha Orikamichovawicz. A name so beautiful, it was more than reflected in her beauty. Agatha Orikamichovawicz. Her long, waist length hair sparkled like a sea of diamonds under the sun. Her ice blue eyes pierced his heart and stared right into his very soul, causing his knees to tremble and tying the tightest knots in his stomach. Her curved body and slender limbs were coated with a milky complexion, smooth as silk. And her clothes... they just got in the way, Jack thought to himself.
"LaaAAHhhlAAahH!!" A sharp, painful, demonic sound cut through the air, halting the music of the crickets, shattering the serenity of the scene. It pierced his ears and made him feel like his head was about to split apart. Jack spun around to see what kind of demonic creature would be capable of producing such an offensive death cry. Then, he saw her emerging from the thicket of the tall grass - Agatha Orikamichovawicz.
" Ms. Orimkoma - urg, cough, cough!!!" Jack choked on his own tongue. It was so much easier to say in my head, he thought. He fell to the ground, gagging and clutching his chest.
"Oh dear, are vous alright?" Agatha cried. Flocks of birds flew out of the trees in terror Jack cringed as a horrendous onslaught of bass and alto escaped from her mouth and engulfed him, filled with concern that could be noticed if one had managed to survive the initial wave of attack on the hearing.
"I, um, well," Jack stammered, looking for the words he deemed worthy of saying to the goddess standing before him. "Er, what....are you doing here?" Shit! The important thing is she's here! Don't chase her away! He scolded himself. "You see, I like -"
"Aww, you seelly garcon!" Agatha croaked. "You sink I no notice vhen you tok to moi you go all dumb dumb face? Je sais you haff somesing to say to moi no? I came to hear vous tok to mee, to let vous noh I'm 'ere to ecoutez."
"Well you're right about that," Jack said, calming down. "I just think you're a very special girl..." She was there to talk to him. He started looseing up, realising she was there to hear anything he had to say. "...and I just didn't realize it cause I've never been in love like this..." Unaware to him, his view shifted from her face, slowly towards her chest and halted there. It's like someone had put two baseballs, no, GRAPEFRUITS under there!! They just stick out like - "....melons." Jack realized what he had said as he quickly brought up his hands to cover his mouth. But not even that could've saved him from the impact of an atomic -


Jack snapped out of his stupor to see a very angry Agatha Orikamichovawicz staring into him with her cold blue eyes. His face burned with the fresh sting of a hard slap. Tears forced their way out of one of his eyes. "How ZARE vous treat moi like un sex object!! Vous are a tres disgusting, fat, cochon!!" Another cry came from her that imitated that of a pregnant, dying dinosaur sent a chill down Jack's spine. "I vill find un autre garcon who vill treat moi avec le respect I deserve!! Rot in hell you PERVERT!!" With a final victory roar, Agatha stomped back off towards the thicket, never to be seen by Jack again.
He turned back around and sat on the cliff edge and stared at the horizon at where the sun had long since gone into hiding in fear of the dreaded banshee. The stars now glittered brightly in the sky, like diamond dust. His face still hurt. He brought a finger up to his cheek, still feeling it's sting, a vicious reminder of what he was - a pervert.
Disgusted by his earlier actions, Jack made a vow that night. No more would he treat women as sex objects. He would have to check out the size and strength of their fists first, before anything else, as a safety precaution.
Perhaps a sweet voice would also be a step forward, he thought to himself.

The End
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