Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/270017-Massace-at-Heeros-Retreat
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #270017
The spa of Heero's best friend Jennifer is threatened.
Only a few days after Heero and Bindy dueled, Serenity and the others returned to the cabin. The group was shocked at not only how badly Bindy was damaged, but also how she was still alive. Serenity quickly healed her as much as possible, and then complained to Heero. She told him that his strength should only be used against the ‘Evils of Rijema’, not fellow friends. Bindy quickly defended Heero before he could even speak and told Serenity, “It was just a duel that got out of hand.” It didn’t matter; Serenity didn’t change her view on this issue. The others knew Heero was powerful and that Bindy would challenge anyone just so she could become more powerful than her enemies could.
After that was settled, they group told Heero and Bindy what they had learned about the ‘Evils of Rijema’. They all sat around a wooden table in wood chairs in the cabin, drinking hot chocolate.
“After searching for them for days, we finally found them. We were all careful not to get their attention, since they were talking about something important. They had a map in front of them and they were obviously looking for their next targets. They decided to finally put an end to this war and destroy everything in Rijema. So, they divided the continent into three parts, each taking one. But before we could find out where or when they were going to attack, they found us. Luckily we were able to get out of there alive,” Serenity informed.
“We could split up into three groups to guard each part of Rijema,” Heero recommended.
“Our force would be too thin. There are only six of us. Even with our power combined we haven’t been able to defeat even one of them,” Jeremy replied.
“Heero and I have both become much strong. I’m sure we can get the job done,” Bindy responded quickly.
“The ‘Evils of Rijema’ have become stronger as well. Chaos has been learning the ways of necromancy and raises armies of the dead instantly. Crimson God’s fiery techniques improve daily. And Demon Knight’s swordsmanship is nearly flawless. I doubt you two can handle either one of them,” Jeremy replied.
Bindy slammed her fist on the table, causing it to crack. “You dare deny my abilities!” Bindy shouted.
“From what I’ve seen I could probably defeat you with my bare hands,” Jeremy replied with a grin.
Bindy quickly rose and withdrew both her blades. Jeremy responded by drawing his. “Stop it you two! This isn’t helping,” Serenity protested.
Neither budged, they were both glaring deep into each other’s eyes. “We can settle this later with a duel of our own,” Jeremy finally responded, sheathed his blade, and sat back down. Bindy nodded and followed.
“What if we get the people to help defend the land?” Heero suggested.
“They don’t stand a chance against the ‘Evils of Rijema’. Even with an army of warriors of any and all kind,” Rose spoke up.
“We can’t just let them destroy everything,” Saturn replied.
Everyone was silent. “Saturn is right,” Heero broke the silence. “It would be better if we all spread out and fought them instead of letting them kill without being challenged. Anything is better than just sitting around.”
“Senselessly risking our lives is foolish. We are the only ones who have a chance of defeating them. And without us Rijema is doomed no matter what,” Jeremy protested once more.
“Better we die instead of others,” Bindy replied.
“That’s insane!” Jeremy shouted.
“It’s better to die trying than to do nothing,” Bindy replied, eyeing Jeremy carefully.
“You can do what you want, but I’m out of here,” Jeremy replied and left the cabin.
“We are better off without him,” Bindy said.
“No, now we are down a good fighter,” Heero replied.
Bindy stayed silent for the remained of the conversation. They all decided to split up, protecting major cities in Rijema. Heero was to take care of Yoa, not too much of a problem getting there. The rest left the following morning. Serenity and Bindy covered the northern half of Rijema while Rose and Saturn took the southern half. Heero had anything in the center.
Days past and Heero checked Yoa for any trouble everyday. He mostly spent time with Jennifer once he decided that no one would attack. It was always relaxing and pleasant in the spa and Jennifer would always accompany Heero. Their friendship grew as time passed, built solely on happiness.
As usually, Heero and Jennifer were enjoying the comforts of the spa. Then, Jordan rushed into the spa. “Heero! There is a legion of undead heading this way!” Jordan announced.
Heero quickly jumped out of the spa. “Where are they coming from?” Heero asked as he went into the changing room.
“Northward. I’ll go ahead and make sure they don’t make it to the city,” Jordan replied and ran out the room as Heero strapped on his armor. He ran out of the building and northward toward the enemy. It only took seconds to reach the destination. The army was much farther away and Heero had to rush to get there. Minutes passed before he could reach them. Jordan was already in combat with them. The army consisted of hundreds of sword-wielding skeletons and ruthless zombies. Jordan’s short sword wasn’t powerful enough to defeat many quickly, but it was holding up.
Heero hurried to the army and severed many of the zombies’ heads in a single blow. The quick movements of Heero’s blade were no match for the sluggish zombies. Nor could the zombies penetrate his armor. Jordan was less fortunate. The zombies were able to use their thick rotten claws to slash his leather armor and face.
Jordan then let out a cry of rage and sent a gigantic jolt of electricity through a line of zombies. The zombies fell, their body parts smoldering and twitching. Heero had reached the line of skeletons. Their frail bones were no match for Heero’s blazing blade. While the skeletons continued to swing their short iron swords at Heero, none could harm him. Heero continued to slaughter the undead with ease. Jordan too was able to extinguish the enemy with little difficulty. It took less than an hour to finish off the unworthy foes. Heero arose unharmed. Jordan suffered only minor injuries, which he could heal himself. “When you called for me, I thought there would be a challenge involved,” Heero said to Jordan.
“Would you prefer an army of Demon Knights?” Jordan joked.
“As long as I win,” Heero replied. They both laughed for a moment, and then stopped. The matter would have been funnier if it wasn’t so important. Then, a massive explosion was heard. Heero and Jordan both turned. In the distance, they could see large clouds of smoke that darkened the sky. Both rushed towards Yoa with great speed. They both were aware every second counted. But the run seemed felt like hours, hearing explosions one after another.
Jordan was the first to arrive in Yoa since Heero’s armor slowed him. The streets were filled with reckless destruction. Yet there were no bodies. Merely streaks of blood all heading in the same direction. The enemy wasn’t around either. Jordan followed the crimson liquid cautiously. It had lead to Funky’s Spa. The double doors were unscathed. Jordan entered them silently.
Heero had reached the city not too long after. Amazed at how deserted the place was he quickly followed the blood trail. Dashing from block to block, Heero knew that whatever caused the deaths of all the townspeople would be dealt with. He reached Funky’s Spa and ran through the doors. Heero examined the rooms carefully. The rest of the doors were shattered, but no one was around. He searched through the left room and up to the second floor. No one was their either. He quickly rushed back and into the spa.
The spa was the color of blood. The corpses of the townspeople were chained to the wall, their blood flowing down to the spa. Limbs and heads were scattered across the floor, making it impossible to walk to the other side. The cuts that had separated part from body were flawless. Such perfection required time, yet it must have occurred in mere minutes. The bodies grew cold as their warm blood flowed radically out of their flesh. “Heero…Help Jennifer…,” a slow, quiet voice said. Heero turned to his right to see Jordan against the wall wounded in the chest. His leather armor was completely torn and deep cuts were covered by a veil of blood. Heero nodded and looked across the spa. Jennifer was there, chained to the wall alive and unscarred. But she was shivering violently.
Demon Knight was also there, standing next to her patiently. Heero flew over the water, causing it to part and flood the bloodstained floor. Demon Knight raised his sword and shield in response. “I was beginning to wonder whether or not you would show,” Demon Knight said as Heero landed on the small patch of tile.
Heero responded with a rapid slash from his burning blade. Demon Knight’s reaction was nearly premeditated, blocking the blade with his own. Heero then started a fury of attacks from the sword, but all of them were deflected effortlessly by Demon Knight. Demon Knight’s skills had greatly improved defensively, not allowing a single strike to be made. Heero’s furious barrage didn’t let. Demon Knight’s patients wore thin and he struck back at Heero. The attack was too fast for Heero to see, striking him across the chest, cutting through the armor with ease. Heero stumbled backwards, falling into the pile of rotting corpses. Demon Knight gave a quickly laugh, and then lunged at Heero with his dark blade. Heero parried the blade with his own and blasted Demon Knight away with a dark red energy.
Heero’s had turned blood red once more and flew towards Demon Knight. Demon Knight was once again bombarded by Heero’s blade, but was still able to keep up with deflecting it with his black sword and shield. Heero gathered his strength for a final strike and swung. Heero unknowingly let out a demonic war cry as he struck Demon Knight. Demon Knight raised his shield in anticipation, but to his surprise, Heero’s blade shattered it. The fragments of the dark shield fell to the floor and erupted into small balls of flames. Demon Knight in desperation slashed furiously at Heero.
Heero blocked many of the attacks, but couldn’t hold them all back as he countered with his own. A blur of red and black filled the space between Heero and Demon Knight. Jennifer could only watch as her shaking subsided. Such frantic movements by the two combatants caused great damage to one another. Their armor and bodies become scared and blood dripped down, adding to the already blood filled spa. They were both in a made fury, neither of them willing to surrender. Such force when the two blades collided caused the room itself to shake.
While the time passed more rapidly than they both imagined, their strength seemed to grow. And they both knew one major flaw would make a difference. They hacked away at each other till the mistake was made. Demon Knight left himself open for a fraction of a second, just long enough for Heero the thrust his scolding sword deep into his flesh. While Demon Knight could not feel the pain, he knew it was a deciding blow. Before Heero could strike again, Demon Knight blasted him to the wall of corpses. “We will settle this later,” Demon Knight stated as he blasted a hole through the wall and retreated.
Heero quickly stood rushed to the hole. Demon Knight was nowhere to be found. Heero then dropped to his knees, completely drained of energy. “Heero!” Jennifer cried out as she helplessly watched him bleed and fall to the floor.

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