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Rated: E · Article · Cultural · #265728
It's just a very bare-borns basic view on everything
People died in the past, people will die in the future. You can see this is true by noting than people die in the present all the time. Of course, that we know this, that I know this, must be partly attributed to the fact that I am not dead, not yet. A whole lot of other people aren’t dead yet either. For a reason I just can’t wrap my mind around, some people seem quite intent on killing each other. I wonder if there is a person out there that would kill me if they had the chance? That seems so unnecessary, I’ll die anyway. I mean come on, you don’t water your lawn when its raining do you? You just don’t need to, it’s obviously been taking care of.

History is a funky story. It left enough people around to tell it, and the more people that lived it a certain way had the chance to tell that story the most. A vast wealth of knowledge surrounding our recent history, you know, those last couple thousand years, is there for the taking. The only time anything new happens is when somebody learns about it for themselves for the first time. I guess some people never got a chance to learn too much about history, be it their own or that of others‘. I‘m sure they know a lot about some story lines history has been able to keep going for sometime, but they must just be skipping a select few parts because they keep doing these really stupid things. The thing that makes these stupid things so stupid is that people did most of them already, sometimes long ago, and they were even stupid back then. Maybe I’m just being to broad in my classification of things that some people do as “stupid“.

Not too many things happen that don’t blow over. Many many many bad things happen all the time, but they do eventually blow over. Really the only time they don’t blow over, the time when things don’t work out, is when you end up dead. Maybe sometimes that is, for a strange reason, what is supposed to happen when certain things do workout. It’s entirely possible in my tiny opinion that maybe some people die at times that seem inconvenient at best, tragic at worst, for some very strange reasons we just don‘t know. I doubt good answers will ever be provided for questions that arise from situations like those, but then, why do we need answers right now? If we’re around to debate about this stuff, we must not be the dead ones, so what seems to be the problem? If I died I wouldn’t want people to spend all too much of their time caught on such a moot point. I mean sure, grieve, miss me, whatever, but then please get on with your life, go live it well, that would make me rest peacefully I think.

If every morning when you rolled out of bed you stepped on a nail coming out of your floor, froze in the shower without hot water, and set your kitchen on fire making breakfast, you would probably take steps to stop ruining your mornings like that. You could probably fix some of the problems yourself. Take a file to the nail perhaps, and start eating cereal for breakfast. You might need somebody to check on the water heater for you, but you’d see that it got done. If every morning when you roll out of bed certain things about the world just ended up ruining your day, take steps to ensure that they don’t. If something frightens you, learn about it so it doesn’t any longer. If something angers you, learn to funnel the anger into more constructive pursuits, tolerance might be shooting a little high, but that’s the idea. Nobody can really get inside your head, but you can let as many folks as you like into your heart. It’s not that dangerous of an endeavor, just try to be honest and realistic most of the time, and I doubt you’ll suffer all too much.

The world’s always been way bigger than any of us, it always will. For a long time I think too many people have had their interests and concerns too high on their priority lists. We aren’t that big, we aren’t so mighty. There’s a lot of things that we can do that can’t be done by any other species, and there’s probably just as many things only we do that shouldn’t be done by any. One of the greatest things that I think we can do is communicate and learn. Many animals on this Earth can also do this, but none on a level that really compares to us. We have so much time to learn about and share amongst each other. We run out of it rather quickly if we kill each other.

There are many things to see if we open our eyes, many things to learn if we open our minds, many friends to greet if we open our arms, but nothing much to hope for if we don’t open our hearts. The Sun keeps rising so the Earth must still be spinning. If we’re still around to notice then I think that’s good thing. We don’t know how long we’ll be around to enjoy that little miracle, but I’m hoping to make the most of my participation in it. I often find myself hoping that everybody is trying to make the most of theirs also, and if they seem determined not to, I just hope they soon will and continue to set what I see as a good example.

People sometimes say that life is short, some of the time they're complaining about it, some of the time they're just pointing it out. But really, if it’s (perhaps) the only life I get, I’d rather think of mine as long, or at least long enough. I have no idea when it might be over, so why view my days as too few? If it truly were short, wouldn’t that make the value of each moment increase? That makes stopping to complain about there not being enough of them seem a little absurd to me. In contrast, if my life ended up long, wouldn’t that make the value of every extra moment incalculable? Either way, everybody eventually reaches the end of their lives. Most spend the majority of theirs never having the faintest clue as to when it might be over. I guess in the end you should just be glad you get to have a life, don’t dare take any of it’s moments for granted, and enjoy the trips around the Sun you get to make as long as you get to make them.

The world has been a pretty incredible place in the past, and probably will stay that way in the future. You can see this is true by noting that it is a pretty incredible place right now.
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