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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #260173
The remaining leader of the Arcain Empire attacks Heero and his beloved Bindy.
September 2009 LT (Lost Time)

The large, wooden door of the castle swung open. Heero and Bindy walked into the castle main hall, dragging their swords behind them and heads facing the floor. “Mother! Father!” A voice said loudly. Heero Jr. ran towards his parents from his throne at the end of the hall. Heero and Bindy looked up at their son. Heero Jr. finally reached them and hugged them. “How was the battle father?” Heero Jr. said with excitement.

“I will tell you all about it later ok?” Heero said, smiling at his son.

“Aw, but I want to know how you defeated the enemy now.” Heero Jr. said.

“Be patient son. Besides, isn’t it time for bed?” Heero said. Heero Jr. looked down at the ground and walked up the castle stairs to his room. Bindy followed him. Heero walked down the main hall and sat on his goldne throne. He looked around, making sure no one was around. Then, he pushed a button on the bottom of the left armrest. Behind the throne, the think, stone wall opened and a room appeared. Heero got up off his throne and stepped into the room. The room was filled with weapons of all ages. Swords, bows, handguns, cannons, automatic weapons, and beam weaponry. Heero took off his entire suit of armor and put it away. He also took of his belt holding his Colt45 and sword.

Heero heard soft footsteps coming towards him from behind. He stood there, not moving, just waiting for the person to make their move. The person stopped right behind Heero. The person wrapped their arms around Heero’s waist and put their head on his left shoulder. Heero looked in the corner of his eye and saw Bindy. Her eyes closed as Heero put his hands on hers. Then she felt blood drip onto her hand and her eyes opened. “Heero? What happened?” She asked.

“Just a scratch I got in today’s battle, don’t worry about it.” Heero replied

Bindy turned Heero around, lifted his shirt, and looked at the wound right above his heart. “But.... It looks serious...” She said an put her right hand on the wound.

“If you want I’ll have Serenity to heal it tomorrow.”

“But....” Bindy said with a worried look on her face.

Heero kissed Bindy softly. “I’ve had worse before remember? This won’t slow me down one bit.” He said.

Bindy sighed. “I guess your right.... At least patch it up then”

“Ok fine.” Heero said. Bindy turned around and headed towards the doorway.

“I’ll be upstairs when you are finished down here.” Bindy said and walked away. Heero looked around the room for something to help his wound. He came across a bottle of Healing Potion that Serenity gave him. She was great with healing and an average fighter. Heero looked at the potion and drank it.

“Yuk! Damn potions always tasting bad.” Heero said to himself. He looked at the wound slowly heal. “That’s better” He said and then left the room. He went to his throne and pushed the button making the doorway to the room close. He walked up the castle stairs and looked around the hall. He walked to a small door not to far from the stairs and to the right of him. He opened the door and walked into a room full of bottles and barrels of Red Wine, Bindy's and his favorite drink. He took two bottles and left the room.

He walked to the room with grand doors, his room. He went inside his room and looked around. The fireplace was lit but the room was empty. He put the bottles down on a table next to the bed. He turned to his right where the bathroom door was. He put his ear up to the door but heard nothing. “Where could Bindy be...” He turned the knob of the bathroom door, locked. He knocked on the door and said, “Anyone in there?” No answer. He waved his hands around making the key to the bathroom appear in his hand. He unlocked the door and stepped inside. No one was in there but the shower had been recently used.

Then, Heero felt someone or something tap his shoulder. He quickly and saw Bindy. She wrapped her arms around him and pulled him close. Heero looked at Bindy, noticing she was wearing a silk white night gown. He smiled and said, ”Since where do you wear clothes like that?”

Bindy laughed a bit and kissed Heero. Heero kissed back softly. Bindy smiled and held Heero tighter. She pulled Heero to the bed, laid down, and pulled him on top of her. Heero kissed Bindy, this time with tongue. Bindy smiled as his tongue rub against hers. She put her hand under Heero’s shirt and rubbed his back. Then she pulled away from the kiss and took his shirt off. She started kisses him softly over and over and rubbing all over the upper half of his body. Heero smiled, loving every second of it.

Then, a knock came to the bedroom door. Bindy sighed. "Can you please kill who ever is behind that door?" she said. Heero laughed a bit and got up off of Bindy. He went to the door and looked back at Bindy, smiling. Heero turned to the door and opened it. A fist flew right at Heero's face, knocking him down to the ground. The sound of the punch echoed throughout the castle.

"HEERO!" Bindy yelled and ran to Heero. Heero shook his head and looked up at the attacker. It was Emperor Maxx, Emerpor of the Narn Empire and Founder of the Former Arcain Empire. Behind him stood his son, Server. Server was holding a dagger to Heero Jr's neck.

Maxx pulled out a Narn Beam Gun from his belt and pointed it at Heero. "Now it is time for revenge. This is for the Arcain Empire!" Maxx said.

"You've truely gone mad, Maxx. You and I both know that the Arcain Empire was corrupt and would eventually collapse on its down." Heero said.

Maxx laughed and said, "Even if that is true, I will still eleminate you. But first, it will be fun to watch you suffer," Maxx pointed his gun at Bindy. "Lets see how you like it when you loss a friend!" Maxx fired his gun straight at Bindy's heart. Bindy's eye widened as the beam came towards her. Heero quickly reacted and jumped infront of the shot, hitting him dead center of his chest. The beam burned through his flesh, but didn't go all the way through. Maxx laughed. "You fool, Heero. I thought that you would had tried to attack me while I fired, but I guess I was wrong." Maxx said.

Heero laughed a little. "Maxx.....if your turn to your right you'll see what I also did." Heero said. Maxx, Server, and Heero Jr. turned thier attention to the hall to the right. A seven foot Dread Knight stood, its black armor glowing with great power. Heero Jr. stepped on Server's foot and broke away from his grasp. He ran to Bindy and Heero. Maxx fired rapidly at the Dread Knight. Server did the same. The Dread Knight pushed them down the hall way.

Heero looked around the room slowly for a weapon. In the corner, he saw Bindy's swords that she forgot to put away. Heero got up slowly and walked towards the swords. His wound started to bleed badly. Bindy quickly got up and stood infront of Heero. "What are your doing?!" she asked.

"I'm going for the swords........I have to fight them.....," Heero replied

"You can't fight now! Your too badly hurt!" Bindy exclaimed.

"If I don't fight them....... who will? The Dread Knight........ won't last much longer and your....... not strong enough to take them on." Heero said as his breathing and heartbeat slowed.

Bindy sighed. "Just try not to get hurt....." Bindy said and moved out of Heero's way. Heero got to the swords and picked one up. He threw the other one to Heero Jr. Heero and Heero Jr. left the room as they heard a cry of pain from the Dread Knight. They looked down the hall and saw the Dread Knight fall and fade away. Heero Jr. ran towards Server while Maxx ran towards Heero with his sword. Maxx slashed violently at Heero. Heero could only defend himself from the blows with his sword as his vision blured.

Though Heero Jr. was only 8 and Server was 15, their fighting was just as intense as Heero and Maxx. The clash of swords were heard throughout the castle. Bindy looked around the room for a weapon. She remember that Heero use to keep all his weapons here. She searched under the bed and found a handgun with three clips beside it, each clip with fifteen rounds. She ran out of the room and watched the fighting in the hall.

Heero Jr. thrusted his sword stright into Server's neck. Then, he quickly pulled it out. He looked at Server fall to the ground and the blood flowing onto the ground like a fountain. He looked at his sword and said," Is this why father loves to fight.......because of this surge of pleasure when veiwing the enemy finally fall?"

Maxx kicked Heero in the gut, making him stumble backwards. Maxx then hit Heero's wound with the handle of his sword. Heero screamed in pain with each blow. Maxx kicked Heero again, making him fall to the ground. Heero Jr. ran towards Maxx. "Don't even try it kid...." Maxx said as he heard the footsteps. Heero Jr. kept running on the right side of Maxx. Maxx held at his sword infront of Heero Jr's path. Heero Jr. jumped over the blade and stood next to Bindy. Bindy lifted her gun at Maxx and started firing. Maxx laughed as his armor deflected the shots. Maxx jumped over Heero's body and ran at Bindy. The gun clicked, empty. Bindy quickly reloaded the gun and kept firing. Maxx was just a few feet away. Heero Jr. stepped infront of Maxx, kneeled down, and pointed his sword at his gut. Maxx ran stright into the blade and looked down at Heero Jr. Heero Jr. pushed his sword deeper into Maxx until it went all the way through. Blood dripped from the sword as he kept trying to force the sword deeper and deeper. He then quickly pulled out the sword and stabbed him repeatedly.

"That's enough son his dead!" Bindy excalimed then walked over to Heero. Heero's eyes were closed and had a faint heartbeat. "Go check if there is anyone that can help us." Bindy said.

"Yes mother," Heero Jr. said and ran down the castle stairds. Bindy pulled Heero's upper half of his body and held him in her arms. Heero Jr. looked around at the gaurds on the ground. He went up to one to check if they were dead. "They are just sleeping..." he said to himself. He slapped the first one. The gaurd quickly woke up.

"What is it Master?" the gaurd said.

"Father is hurt. Wake the other gaurds up and go upstairs to help!" Heero Jr. said.

"Yes Master!" the gaurd said.

Bindy looked in the direction of the stairs and saw five gaurds coming. Two gaurds picked up Heero. "Put him on his throne" Bindy said. The other gaurds took the dead bodies away. They reached the throne room. "Leave now gaurds" Bindy said.

"Yes Miss," the gaurds said and left the room. Bindy took Heero's finger and used it to press the button under the armrest. The door behind to throne opened and Bindy went in.

"Stay here son." she said.

"Ok," Heero Jr. said. He paced infront of Heero then heard a knock at the front door. He walked to the doors, hand in his sword just in case. He opened the doors and Serenity and Link II appeared. "Hey you two! What are you doing here?"

"We felt a battle coming from here. Is everything ok?" LinkII said.

"Fathers been badly hurt! It was Emperor Maxx and his son!" Heero Jr. exclaimed.

"Really!? Where's Heero?!" Serenity asked.

"I'll show you," Heero Jr said and walked back to the throne room.

Bindy looked around the room for a healing potion. She checked every part of the shelf marked "Potions". She found nothing. "FFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCKKKK!!!" Bindy yelled and fell to her knees, tears in her eyes.

Serenity walked up to Heero exaimed the wound. She put her hand on the wound and slowly healed it. Heero's eye's slowly opened.

"Link II....Serenity...what are you doing here?" Heero asked.

"We felt a battle come from here so we came to check on you," Serenity said.

"Thanks for the help. Where's Bindy?" Heero said.

"She went into that back room place that I'm not allowed in father," Heero Jr said. Heero got up off his throne and went into the room. He saw Bindy on the floor in the corner of the room facing the shelf. He walked up to her slowly and kneeled behind her. He put his hand on her shoulder.

Bindy sighed and said,"Are you here to tell me Heero is dead....." Silence. Bindy sighed again and turned her attention to the gun in her hand. "If he is going to be leaving now......then I'm going to go with him...."

"Don't do that......" Heero said. Bindy quickly dropped the gun, turned and hugged Heero tight. Heero wrapped his arms around Bindy, holding her tighter than ever before...."Its over....The Arcain Empire is gone for good..."

Bindy smiled."Now we don't have to fight anymore..." she said softly.

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