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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #256828
This is an intense story about the truth. Try and understand it, if you can!!
Both of Everyone

In loving memory of Kean Anderson

I can remember those gifted years, way back, when things were so simple. It’s hard to think I’ve come this far. But there isn’t much time to think; now we are off to fight – again. The weeks toll of fighting is warring my very being into the ground.

Never the less I draw my sword. I place the chrome helmet on my head, making sure that the leather strap is tight. I’ve worn it so much it feels weird when it’s off. The worn leather providing little comfort. My sandals are firmly fastened. And my shield, even though it’s dented, clasps to my weary forearm.
“Are you guys ready for this? ” I ask with uncertainty.
“Are we ever! ”

As we talk the Dark ones loom closer. Each having deadly weapons all fine-tuned to seek out the weakness of men and women. They charge and we draw up our ranks.
“Come on guys if we stick together they wont be able to take us .” I encourage.
“Draw swords”, just as the dark ones attack.

Gordon is sitting with his back to us; playing the piano. Chelsey is close to him and singing with all her heart. Neil and I are sitting Bible drawn. Kean and Peter are sipping hot chocolate and munching their favorite chocolate chip cookies.
Gordon stops and looks around.
“Something wrong?” asks Chelsey.
“I think we are in desperate need of worship” he replies.
I look up and then over to Kean and Peter.
“Lets worship together.” repeats Gordon.

The Light is with us, glinting in our weapons. It surrounds us and holds us safe and close. The dark ones have no room to attack, as our stance is so tight they can’t separate us. Together we walk forward and they are pushed helplessly back. Wielding our weapons feels so good; it gives a man a sense of security. To know his weapon, to know it will defend him in troubled times.
Up ahead is one of the Captains of the dark ones. A very powerful dark one -- with a sinister purpose. This isn’t going to be easy.

Our group feels like it’s splitting up. Which would leave us all vulnerable.
“Guys if we split up, we’ll be severely weakened” says Neil.
The radio is playing gently.
“Especially in uncertain times like this” I say. They all agree and I can see them thinking of America.

The path ahead is riddled with traps and with dark ones, just waiting to split us up and annihilate us.
We have been very unorganized in our defensive strategy. And I can feel an attack coming.
“Guys, be careful the enemy is near” I whisper.
A long spear flies through our rank and slices Kean’s arm. I clasp the wound tightly shut, raising my shield in defense of him.

“Guys Kean isn’t coming”
“It’s been like this for weeks”
“Is he sick?”
“He never mentioned getting sick”
“I think he’s wounded on the inside”. A lonesome song drifts from the radio.

Here we stand, as close as we can manage.
“Don’t let down your guard”
“Draw weapons”, comes our battle cry.
The darkness looms closer.
“I don’t think I can take more of this!” whispers Kean.
“They’re coming.”
We’re close enough that they can’t get to us. A spray of fiery tipped arrows bombards us.
“Raise shields”
The arrows bounce off, sounding like devilish popcorn.
“I can’t take it”, screams Kean.
“Hold still. ” Says Chelsey.
“Don’t leave, please. Don’t break from the group. We can help you and God can sustain you.”
I can hear some idiot messing around behind us.
“Who is that?”, I turn to see a careless warrior slip. He’s not one of us but he’s on our side.
His sword glances and stabs Kean. Kean bolts right toward the on coming hordes. He swings his sword and takes one out, with a powerful stroke. I turn to see the butt of a sword; I’m knocked to the ground, as they attack. Using the gap in our group to separate us. They’re slicing and slamming my friends around. Rage wells up inside. One of them is kneeling on my brestplate. It’s pounding on me, but my attention is on Kean.
“Come back”, I wince as another blow is landed. “Come back!” I plead.
I watch as one of them runs a jagged blade through him. (NO, please no, Father help me. Help Kean, please!) The other one strikes my face and my lip flows with semi-sweet blood. The next blow breaks my nose. The next opens a cut on my face.
I scream as I’m in throbbing pain, but my pain goes deeper than that it, cries out for Kean.
“Help him ” I scream.

I sit up. I’m alone in the darkness, sweating and terrified. My heart is bounding like I’ve run a marathon. I run my index finger down my nose. What was I expecting to find, a break or something?
I turn on the light and the darkness flees to the corners of my room. Lightning splits the sky into disorganized fragments, as the thunder follows in the murky sky.
“Something’s wrong. ” I whisper “What could it be?”
I get up and stretch, my muscles are unnaturally exhausted. I come to my knees and bow my weary head.
“Father help me.”

A powerful blow knocks the enemy off me. I rise to my feet and grab my sword. I step forward and scream out to my Father.
“Father I want to be close to you” I swivel my blade and leap into battle.

These thoughts keep coming up in my mind. I have to fight them. Sins keep boiling up, so I put some music on, faintly in the background. I close my eyes and silence my mind. The music is rolling over my ears. The sins of the past come to haunt me. Flying passed my eyes into my sub-conscious, where it hovers. I open my eyes and turn up the music. A new song starts: “Father I want…”

I pull back, my bloodstained sword angled downward. It was severely bloodied during battle. I reach into my pack and take out a stone. It’s a sharpening stone that has words engraved on it. I run it down the blade and sparks fly as the blood seeps into the ground. The group is assembling again. There’s a new soldier among our ranks who, from the looks of it, wants to join.
“Guys its time for a sharpening.”
We gather, sit and begin.

At the group we all sit around in a circle. There’s a new comer in the group, next to Gordon. The coffee and hot chocolate are ready, steaming to perfection.
“It’s too early,” says Neil.
“I agree,” concedes Gordon. “Anyway this is Tamaryn”
“Sorry for not introducing myself. I’m Daniel,” I smile meekly and intrigued by the newcomer.
“Its good to have you with us,” welcomes Neil.
“We usually get together at reasonable times but this is an exception” says Peter.
I look over and lose myself in her intense brown eyes.
“Daniel, are you there?” asks Peter.
“What?” I don’t divert my gaze.
“Back to the reason of this,” says Chelsey “We’ve all felt it, right!”
I nod in agreement, still admiring one of God’s beautiful creations.
“Is something wrong?” asks Peter.
“No, I mean yes, I … um”
“This is the earth calling Daniel, come back to us,” says Gordon.
I can feel a connection with this girl. Unlike any other I’ve felt. It’s an odd feeling but makes my hands shake and my words stumble.

The attacks keep on coming, singling us out and hunting us down. As long as we stay together with Christ we are safe.

The thick fog of confusion lies ahead. We stand somberly; not knowing the road leads right through it. The dark ones emulate it. It comes from their very being. They thrive off of it; it gives them room to work and room to torment. The tunnel of light goes right through it, but it’s so narrow, it means going through, on your own crawling on your knees.
“When does it end?” Asks Chelsey.
“I’m not sure”
“But we need to get to the other side,” declares Neil.
“We could always stay here,” suggests Gordon.
“I say we draw ranks and walk right through it,” says Peter.
“That would be foolish, what if they’ve set a trap, or what if they’re waiting for us?” asks Tamaryn.
“I still say it’s safe here!” says Gordon.
“Yes, but we have to keep moving we can’t just stop here. We’ve made it this far, lets get going. ”
I hug Tamaryn and step forward.
“What ever you do don’t step out of the light, regardless of what happens.” Says Neil.
I crouch down and silently whisper to my Father. I start the long crawl. I reach back and hold Tamaryn's hand. ‘You do know that…”

“I’m here for you.” I say still entranced by her beauty. “I have to be the luckiest guy in the world, to be in your life. You mean so much to me!”
“I’m also here for you when you fall. In fact I’m here for you anytime.” She says sweetly.
I turn off the television and put soft music on. She lights up my living room, so I stand closer.
Slowly I lean towards her and she closes her eyes.

I look up to see a raised sword over Tamaryn's head. I draw my blade of righteousness and leap. I swing and the dark one is severed. Another one comes at me but I spin and impale it.
“What happened?” asks Peter.
“What?” questions Neil.
“We’re almost out of the fog, what’s the hold up?” Asks Chelsey.
“It’s Daniel, he’s alone. He’s out of God’s protection,” says Tamaryn, still held by fear.

The temptation to sin is becoming too great. I don’t know what to do; I don’t know how to fight it.So I fall to my sin and feel helpless as I’m out of Gods protection. I’m alone at home, so I call up Tamaryn and then Neil. Asking if they will meet me in the park.

Peter charges out and tackles me; we roll away from a few dark ones and into a whole lot more.
“This is more my style,” he draws his sword of righteousness and plunges into battle.
The others join us and we fight off the hordes, but we’re taking a beating.
“Move away from the fog,” calls Neil.
“Which way?” I scream and duck a brutal blow.
“North!” he shouts.
We work our way out of the dreaded fog, but are badly injured.
“I’m so sorry guys, it’s all my fault.”
The battle is almost over. I’m bleeding and feeling faint. Neil rests his hand on my shoulder.
“It was a tough battle,” He says.
“One of our hardest,” I cough.
“You don’t have to say it I know already.” He says.
“Know what? ”I look down clenching my eyes.
He looks at me as if reading my thoughts. Chelsey bounds up.
“We made it, they’re leaving!”
“Could you call Tamaryn for me” I ask.
Chelsey looks worried but does as I request.
“What can I do?” asks Neil.
“Not much” I look up with a difficult smile.
“God really knows how to make beautiful women!” I say to Neil.
Tamaryn walks up, “What’s wrong?” she asks innocently.
“The time has come”
“Time for?” she asks. At that a hooked arrow rips right through me, piercing my stomach.
“No, not now!” she pleads.
“I can’t wait to see you again.”
“No, don’t leave me.” She pleads her eyes swelling with many well-placed tears. I’m about to fall over.
“Eternity won’t be enough time to spend with God and you”
She tries to embrace me but in an instant I’m before God.
(I wonder what my physical went through?)

I get a flash back of walking in a park with Tamaryn and Neil. (What on earth is a park, I’ve never seen one before!) And I remember tripping on a root and the spike went right through my stomach. Before I died I remember two things, Jesus Christ is Lord and will I see Kean again?

In tribute of Kean Anderson, a great friend who lost his life in spiritual warfare. Deceased 19 September 2001.

We miss and love you “Buddy” !

Arc Angel
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