Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/250096-The-Other-Day
by Aspen
Rated: E · Other · Opinion · #250096
A personal look at religion
The other day, while walking along the street a seventh day adventist pulled me over to the side of the road and began preaching to me about god. The look on her face when I told her that I was an atheist was one of absolute horror and disbelief. She looked at me like I was dirty and it was her job to wash me clean, so I would be as white as snow.

Only she couldn?t understand why I didn?t wont to be changed into her version of pureness. I might not believe in god, but I still am a very moral person. I know what?s right and wrong. So politely I walked away, leaving her to harass other people.

Reflecting on the events on the day, I again came across this issue. Why do I believe the things I do? Is it to spite my grandmother, the only person in the world that I hate? Because she believes that she can buy her way into heaven. Tell her a problem and she?ll shove money down your throat making you feel like a charity case. Then she?ll tell all her friends how she helped this person because they were going to turn the gas off, when they?ve just received the bill. She doesn?t care about you and yours, only herself and knowing that her place has been reserved upstairs.

Then I thought about my religious instruction teacher in primary school who, in not so many words told me that I was fat. Leaving me to believe that she only liked skinny people, so therefore God only liked skinny people.

Or was it the American movies always portraying people as good Christians, so sickly sweet. Why is it that every time I think of a nun I think of the penguin in the ?Blue?s Brothers?? Hitting people over the head with a ruler.

It?s probably the fact that Samson, Moses and Solomon are all lager than life male hero?s all good, pure, noble men. While the famous women on the other hand seem to fall into one of two categories ? evil temptress or the patiently suffering virgin/mother. Why are all the twelve decibels men? If God loves us all, surely he would have evened out the roles he meant for mortals to play.

Why does there only seem to be two famous females mentioned in the bible? It would not surprise me if over the history of time a priest had; to make women the weaker sex changed Mary Magdalum's story. Turning her into a prostitute from some other ?honest? title. Or if they only gave Mary the ?Virgin? title so that the women had somebody whom they could pray to, baring there souls to another female other than an unknowing male who wouldn?t understand ?women troubles?. I mean think about it, women have only been able to become priest in recent times. A nunnery, or a ?Bride of Christ?, was for centuries a place for fathers to throw there unwanted daughters in, to shelter them from the world. So they could not live there lives as they wanted, but as how other people wanted.

I?m sorry I cannot believe in a religion, when it comes to representation, where I am in the minority. By reading this you may have gotten the impression that I resent God, or people believing in God. Well that?s not true, if people wish to have faith in any religion that is fine as long as they?re happy with it. I know that some people need to believe in something, but I cannot at least not now in this time in my life.
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