Thoughts “Did you see that?” Did I see what? My brains are not working today. This is the story prompt. I’ve been streaming it through my head all morning. I’ve come up with a few thoughts, but as I try to make something out of them, so far, they’ve crumbled. There’s the friend saying that to a friend who didn’t see it, which pulls us into exciting whatever it was. Then the opposite, the other friend saw it too! They rush off to investigate. But what and where and why…? There could be a conversation over seeing something on TV, or a particular movie that changed someone’s life. Or something else bonding the two together in some unexpected way. As I ponder these thoughts while doing my daily cleaning, I keep thinking. What have I seen? What might someone ask about? Well, that’s easy for a mother. Did you see my book, my favorite toy, my red sweater, my shoes? Hey did you see my towel? Yes, a four-year-old has a lot of angst over using his own towel, or worse, finding out someone else used it behind his back! Then there’s the husband, did you see my wallet? My watch? The papers I was reading last night? My blue sox, my favorite cup? Heaven forbid, if one of the kids used the favorite cup! And then there’s the inevitable house things, the scrape on the kitchen wall, the tub being full of toys, the plate of macaroni under the sofa… As if me seeing them, automatically makes it my responsibility to deal with the perpetrators. Well, I just can’t get a story today. Maybe my husband was right for once… I should have stopped watching the Castle marathon, and gotten some sleep… Ah well, it was worth it. |