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Rated: E · Poetry · Pets · #2337148
What a lot of people don't understand about a Cat and their person.
What does the cat know that people don’t understand?
Is that the human belongs to the cat which is their person
who does all these things for them. The Cat Knows.

The Cat Knows;
When there’s food and water
for them to have.
Which they look forward to.

The Cat Knows;
When there’s a comfortable,
warm spot to sleep. Be it
a bed or a lap.

The Cat Knows;
When they are feeling
depressed or not feeling well;
They know they can come to you.

The Cat Knows;
When there are countless
play toys and cat trees;
It brings out the kitten in them.

The Cat Knows;
When they are watching you,
as you clean their litter
that you care about them.

The Cat knows;
That they are safe from harm, abuse, cruelty,
being outside for predators to kill [seen too many].
The Cat Knows.

The cat shows their appreciation and ownership of you
by rubbing against their person,
head bunting [butting] with their person
and resting foreheads with one another.

Most people will never
know how one can love a cat so much?
But that’s Okay,
The Cat Knows.

Lines = 35
Words = 191

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