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Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #2336658
Chapter Name: A grubby little monster steals my lunch (And then his parent comes over)
Me and Extera rented a little place, just two rooms. Extera thought this little place was spectacular, and started exploring a little. I did notice he doesn’t like dark spaces, I’ll make sure to light up spaces from time to time when we get chances to rest. As we started to relax for the day, or well, Extera did, I went to my room and started to create a pamphlet on some of the most dangerous things we could encounter, and things to watch out for.

List of the most dangerous things you should watch out for.

First off, We have natural hazards.

Terrain may be different from the void. where the void is like a shell of what was, and may be dangerous, these worlds are ten times more dangerous. There are many beasts that roam at night, and not to mention it could rain at any time. I have tools to determine the weather but sometimes it could be inaccurate.

Secondly, The Eterna Flora

The Eterna Flora is a flower that normally exists in heavily forested areas. It tends to thrive on very little water, and can survive days without sunlight. Do not step on its vines that sprawl throughout the ground if you do, it will shoot its toxic seeds at you through the base of the plant. The plant is weak to fire but that could cause wildfire or spread toxic fumes.

Third, we should be wary of travelers.

Most travelers right now are either on edge or spreading more cause of war. If we encounter someone on our journey, it’s best to keep our distance. If we need help it’s safer to get to a city than risk being attacked with no one around for miles.

Fourth, there are many types of monsters to beware.

With you being rather new to this world, you must know that most monsters can be deceiving, no matter how cute they can be. Please beware of most snow white monsters, for they can tend to be related to water or ice, which you now have to avoid at all costs.

Don’t forget - Most drinks contain water. You may not have to drink anything because you are from the void, but please make sure not to drink anything you don’t know.

Later, that same night, I gave Extera the sheet of paper, as well as many other documents with some types of monsters, beastmen, and other races and how to behave with them. Extera thanked me and read it all. I could tell he was up all night, because his light was on.

He really is a good person... He wants to make sure he gets it right the first time...

We got up the next day, and Extera and I got some supplies and headed out. First though, we needed some breakfast and other things. We headed to a coffee shop and decided to start talking about our plans.

“Hello, welcome to Coff N’ Shop. Yer’ Anti, right?”

“Yes. I am Anti. We’d like something small to eat and some coffee, please.”

“comin’ Right up! It’s on the house, my friend.”

Me ant anti took a seat and almost instantly, our steaming coffee was ready. I’m very fortunate that coffee mainly uses milk, for If it used water...

“So, anti... What’s the plan?” Extera says, trying to start a conversation.

“Huh? Oh, well we’ll start on foot, heading to small towns along the way to keep stocked up. If we’re lucky, we should make it within three days and report it to the queen.”

“What’s the queen like?” Extera Puzzles

“She’s nice. Dubbed the battle queen for her bravery and fierceness in battle. She’s actually quite nice and down to Etheria, though.”

Our food came. Simple double pig bacon and split eggs. It tasted pretty good.

“I hope that this is all over quickly.” Extera says with a shudder.

Poor extera... He has to suffer through this all right when he leaves the void. Kind of like the queen...

We sat there and chatted for a little while, Explaining some more and generally laughing. I can’t blame us for doing so, because in the harshness that has been happening, I wanted Extera to have downtime, the calm before the storm.

A little ways off inside the dinner, A knight in armor got up and left. We didn;t think anything of it, But we probably should have...

The knight in armor was bustling about, outside. He knocked into people, said sorry, and hustled off. He headed towards the Rolling Hills Tabaxi Cab.

“Where ya headed? Off to a battlefield?”

“S-Somewhat. I need to get to Greyfeild. Just off the border of Rushland.”

“You got it sir.”

They flew in silence. the wind rushed past the flying cab, they were there rather quickly. The knight was shaking inside the armor.

“My bird needs a moment to rest, so You can’t leave right away.” The man says. The knight put a hand on his sword as the both left the cab.

“I’m sorry.” The knight said, and promptly stabbed the defenseless man, then slashed him as he fell to the ground.

The town was empty. A dark liquid formed. It was an Ink demon, from the inner ranks of Shuxxl’s party.

“Do you have a reason for being here? information, I suppose.”

“Y-yes. Some people are figuring it out. Anti and someone else. They’re going to alert the queen.”

“That’s a hindrance. Thank you for telling us.”

“Give me my family back now, please! I... I need to see my boy’s face again.”

The ink demon went up, and placed an inky hand on the man’s cheek.

“Ohhhoh, don’t worry, my dear. You’ll see them again soon enough.”

The ink demon then proceeded to suffocate the man in Ink, he flailed and tried to slash at the demon, but the ink was a liquid. The man fell to the floor afterwards, dead.

Extera and I got our stuff and headed to get some more supplies. We went to a couple shops, The first one was a sword shop. Extera didn’t necessarily want to get a sword, but after a little bit of telling him he needed to defend himself, he ended up getting one.

We of course were able to snag everything for half off due to me being very famous. I tried not to gather a lot of attention. but it was almost undeniable that people would stop us.

“Hey anti, We have to ask a question!”

“I have a question too anti!”

“Anti, come look at this!”

Extera politely told them that we were busy, and that it was an emergency. The way he told everyone and defused the situation was perfect. Everyone left, and we managed to go and get some more supplies. We then later went and headed off.

The path was clear for a while along, but the sky wasn't. I was beginning to believe that it may rain, and was having some doubts. I was beginning to overthink and try to do a lot of mental math about the possibility of rain, Like I normally do.

Extera tried to start a conversation during this, and I’m glad he did. We need to keep things interesting. It's a long journey.

“So, uh, where are we? There are tons of rolling hills.”

“This is Greenland, the capital state of Monstrosia. Twicefold is the capital. It should take us about two days to get to the capital.”

We stop at a big hill and I pint the weather tracker up. The clouds were kind of dark and this wasn’t a good sign. The weather tracker starts to beep warningly and fast. My hair stands up, so does Extera’s hair.

“Get down!” I yell, dropping the device and throwing Extera away from it, just in time for a Lightning bolt to hit the device, with a deafening loud boom. My vision is dancing when I stumble up. Extera gets up and helps me limp to a nearby tree, while the wind was howling louder than cerberus. “We... need to set up the base, a storm... Is coming...”

With barely any time left, Extera nods, and gets into my bag, and I pass out.

I was panicking.

I remember hearing about lighting in the paper, but It said it was rare. I prepared as quickly as I could, taking the thunder rod and planting it in the hill, then going down the hill, carrying Anti on my shoulder. Anti was really in trouble, it looked like he was about to pass out. I scrambled to get him to safety, then I got a waterproof tent from his bag. The clouds were darkening overhead, loud thunderous booms came about, making me jump every time. With the instructions, it didn’t take me that long to set up the tent, but it felt like eternity, my brain racing so fast, thinking at any moment those drops of water would come crashing down, killing me as easy as sweeping off a bug from the floor.

I managed to get it set up, and I scrambled to get Anti inside. I made it just in time, for the water started hitting the tent right after I zipped it up. I lay on the weird fabric of the ground, panting hard, my heart racing. After what feels like forever, I get up, fully calm. I reach over to Anti’s bag and pull out a map. If Anti doesn’t wake up when the storm ends, I’m going to need to get him to the queen’s palace real fast. The map was highly detailed, telling me about places far out. The land mass was all connected, minus one island labeled as Heltic, which seemed to be formed by an underwater volcano erupting after it grew out of the ocean.

I studied more, and It seemed to be a clear shot to castletown, the capital of greenland, which is also a capital of the kingdom of monsters.

I’m not going to lie, this was all confusing to me still, and without Anti I felt like I was a toddler trying to build their own bed. I sat there though, determined to get all of this done. I didn’t want a single innocent soul to die, not any more than the ones who...

I focused for hours more, the storm passed and I took down the tent. I did a fireman’s carry of Anti, and with great strain, managed to slowly carry him the way I had to go.

I was really careful, not wanting to slip again, and I almost did many times. I found a dry spot near a spot of woods. I began to get out some food to eat after setting Anti to rest when I heard rustling of some bushes. I quickly got up, alert. The rustling was getting closer and closer, and I was worried that some huge monster would come out and attack when a little yellow creature runs out on four stubby legs, it’s two black eyes staring, an almost smile-like mouth with sharp teeth open, panting like a dog. I stood there in shock.

That thing... It's so tiny. It reminds me of a dog in some ways...

It sniffs the air and looks at my food, a small growl-like sound emits from its throat.

“Is that what you want?” I say, holding up the food. It makes another small growl-like sound. I toss the food, and it eats it with one bite. I smile and go to tend to Anti. It didn’t seem like a threat.

Anti seemed to be getting better. I could tell that he’d be up and awake soon, and that seemed to be fine. I do really need help.

I turn back to get some supplies and then I see that little monster inside the supplies bag!

“Woah woah, no no no!”

I go to grab the monster and throw it away, we could not afford to lose anything.

I checked the bag and it seems we lost a lot of food. despair falls upon me. Most of our food supply is gone, only one day left of rations are there. How could that tiny thing eat that much food?

I packed up and started to get anti on my shoulder. He was starting to wake up but I had to get going now that our rations were deathly low.

“Dang Nabbit, the worst is upon us now.” I curse. I admit I was mad, and I didn’t want to doom the world because of one tiny monster.

I heard a giant rumble from the forest, with a huge growl. I heard loud booming footsteps, and I slowly turned around. I saw a huge silhouette and decided maybe the worst was ginormous running full speed at me, so I did what any normal person would do and ran the other way.

Fear kicking in, I started to panic. It looked like the small monster but huge, with sharper teeth and a much more rotund shape. From all the ruckus of me running, Anti was jostled awake, he looked up from behind my back to see the giant thing chasing us.

“Wha- OH MY- Extera, what did you do?” Anti says, fear in his voice.

“I’m sorry! I gave a little one some food then it took almost all our food! I threw it away and now the big one is chasing us!”

The big one started catching up, I could feel its hot breath on my back. I took a hard turn, knowing that it would have to make a slow turn due to its mass.

“Extera, run into the forest, we can surely lose it there!” Anti yelled as I took another hard right, making a beeline for the forested area.

We barrel through the forest, tree branches smacking us as the monster clears a path behind us. Taking left turn after right, the monster seems to catch up ever so slightly.

It’s clear I’m losing breath. I can feel it, every twist, every turn. Anti can tell as well, but there's nothing we can do but run in hopes of losing it.

From the corner of my eye, I notice something. Vines on the ground somewhat far away. It’s the plan Anti warned me about. I get a plan together, and I yell to anti.

“Hey, so I’m going to get that thing stuck in that flora over there.” I yell, gasping for breath.

“Are you crazy?” He yells, panicked

“We have no choice!”

I take a sharp turn, heading for it. The monster charges and follows very close behind. It’s close. just one more mishap and I’m monster meat.

Almost there...

I take a sharp turn and duck. The monster rolls over us, and lands onto the barbs of the Eterna Flora. The monster screams in pain, and soon its cries stop, no longer moving. I am of course very upset about this, but in the moment all I could think about was the fact that I just barely escaped death.

We sit there for a few seconds, trying to catch our breath. Anti looks about and then jumps.

“The vines! Extera, get away from the vines!”

I looked down, and because it just sucked all the energy out of such a massive creature, then its vines started to grow insanely fast. Me and Anti start to run, but the vines are catching up, embedding themselves into trees, the grass, everything to help get to us faster.

We stopped for a second because the vines started to grow in front of us. We went to turn but they grew all around us. A deep feeling of horror sets in. Anti starts to rummage through his bag, muttering, looking for anything that could possibly save our lives. I close my eyes. I could tell this was the end.

All of the sudden, Anti yells in excitement and pulls out some device. I hear a loud sound and then the sound of the vines being sliced and cut. Looking up, I noticed Anti had some sort of motorized device with a chain, it managed to cut the vines faster than they could grow, and all the power that went from the beast was being wasted trying to regrow the vines.

We book it through the forest. We ran up through the landscape and to a valley. By the time we got to a good clearing, all the traces of bad weather were gone.

Me and Anti were on the grass, I was catching my breath while Anti sat there. Nightfall was upon us, and the sky was a nice crimson color. Anti got up and looked at me.

“I should have warned you about that thing, I thought if time comes I could handle it.”

Anti looked like he wanted to take care of it, but I knew it was my fault this happened.

“No, Anti, I shouldn’t have given some beast I didn;t know anything about a warm welcome. It’s my fault that happened in the first place.”

We sat there for a while, looking at things far in the distance, not knowing how to tell eachother it was our fault. We eventually decided to set out, not wanting to waste time while we still were invigorated. We managed to make it a good distance before we were tired.

We kept going, though our brains did not. We managed to make it to a small town, I do not recall how we got there. It wasn’t the capital, but It was a life saver. Anti must have led the way to it, now that I think about it. He does know most of everywhere on the entire planet.

It was fully dark in the town, there were silhouettes of some people up ahead. We stumbled about when someone called us from a patch of small houses. We were sleep deprived and very tired, but instantly the man that called us, we could tell it was urgent. We shambled up to him.

“‘Tis no place to be out and about. Follow me if you wish to live.” We followed him, almost fully alert now. What did he mean, and why was he so scared? It was hard to make out shapes in the dark, but we followed through the back alleys and streets. His head looked around every direction, like an owl’s head, alert.

He brought us to a giant tower, and knocked on a stone three times. The stone was brought backwards, and someone called from inside.

“What is the hour of day?” The voice called from inside.

The man with us replied, “The time of day is night, and the time of night is no time to be outside.”

The voice from inside beckoned us in, while part of the wall swivelled inward like a door. We get inside, the light blinding us. I know I had to bink about ten times inside the light of the tower. I saw around five people.

The man who brought us looked strong, red skin with two horns holding up a red beanie. The person who let us in was a woman. She wore a casual dress, and the other two people were in a corner, writing things down. They looked beaten up, all of their clothes looked old. Anti questioned them on what’s going on, and the man replied “So, ‘yer wonderin’ the issue? You see, A great force has settled in this town, and people get sick, real sick. They start to go mad, and this ink-like substance comes from their eyes and mouth. We’ve tried to stop ‘em, but ya see, if you digest that stuff, the same thing happens to ya. Many a people have been too badly injured to get out of here, and many hope that it can be cured.”

A great lump formed in my mouth. I knew of this, but I could only think of what did happen, and how things are going to get bad. I kept my calm, silently freaking out in my mind. Anti seemed to think rationally. He asked where everyone is in town, and if there's a way they can all contact each other.

“There are the phone lines, but we've had incidents where that ink stuff spits out of ‘em. Other than that, we’re all separated.”

Anti is silent. He’s forming a plan. It’s late, however, and we all decide to sleep and figure it out in the sunlight.

The man leads us up the tower, around the second to last floor before the roof. We set up, and try to fall asleep. I sit there for a good time before dozing off, looking out at the silhouettes outside, now noticing their limping and shuffling.

Occasionally, one gets close enough, and I can hear the shaky laughter of them, sending shivers down my spine. I fall asleep with nightmares of them surrounding me, and in desperation, accidentally killing them all.

I sit alone, crying as I realize I killed innocent people that cannot control themselves, muttering for forgiveness as my consciousness drifts to utter darkness, crying in the dark at things I had never actually done.

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