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by Lee Author IconMail Icon
Rated: XGC · Chapter · Adult · #2336573
Ben awakened to experience first-hand being inside a mental health hospital is really like
Chapter 9.

As Ben slowly opened his eyes, the distant sounds of people bustling outside his door filled the air. His heart pounded in his chest, and the adrenaline surged through his veins. He hesitated to confront the other residents of the mental facility just yet, so the anxious, fit, and slender Welshman, remained lying in the ridged bed that had been provided for him.
The man was feeling such desperation to throw the bed out the window and escape, but the guard burst in and wailed in such a manner that Benjamin almost lost control of his bladder and weed his pjs, the rotten man in a position of authority screamed,
“Oui, you lazy good for nothing get your sorry ass to Dr Zimmermann. He’s been waiting for your pathetic self for over twenty-five minutes. Scumbag”

Ben splashed water onto his unshaven face and went with the monster to the doctor's office and with each step he took he felt eyes embedded into the back of his skull, as he went past the common room where all the staff and residents were congregating. Bens's head looked down at the floor as he made the twenty steps to the doctor's office.
The frightened 30-year-old Welsh lad quickly gazed at the intimidating people and saw they were no longer human beings but aliens with 3 multicoloured heads and talking gibberish heading towards him with what looked like rectal probs. So Ben made it to the doctor's office and banged the door behind him. The heavy metal fan screamed at Andy Zimmermann,
“For goodness sake what's wrong with me? Last night I was on board the starship Enterprise and now everyone except you are aliens, please help me.”

The Irish 60-year-old baseball fan gave Ben a reassuring smile and put his hand on the author's shoulder and said,
“Good morning Mr Hardcastle I feel for your torment, suffering and confusion, but feel not we are monitoring your situation and working out your mental health condition. Please trust in our treatment and the staff's ability to take care of you. The medication will be taking effect and you will shortly be feeling more yourself. My advice is to mix well with the residents and staff and your stay with us will be significantly more pleasant. There are plenty of activities to occupy your mind and plenty of food to keep you nourished. There is a garden to get some fresh air and stretch your legs. So relax Benjamin and let us professionals get to work on helping you.”

Ben felt a bit more reassured and his anxiety for the first time since hearing the terrifying voice had calmed significantly. He thanked the doctor and went to the common room where all the people were human again. The rocking runner was introduced to an 18-year-old girl who constantly talked at 100 miles per hour, a friendly guy who kept playing snooker called Mark and a Brazilian man called Ray who continued to go outside to vape. There was Becky a 25-year-old Mancunian who ate everything and Leroy who was covered in tats and played guitar. Another resident who was scary and hardly spoke was called Abbass, who sat close to everyone all of the time. He tried to groap all the ladies, unsuccessfully.
There was a pool table in one corner and a large sofa in the middle of the room, with a TV stuck to the wall. A massive glass door to the garden was on the back wall and a corridor to the men's and then the women’s rooms. There was a door to the front of the building with a washing machine to the left and then an office for all the staff. There was also a kitchen just off to the left of the common room and a room for family visits and to see the doctor once a week.
Becky came up to Ben and introduced herself and she explained to him the kitchen was open for breakfast between 8-30-10-30am and they had cereal, toast and fruit an array of drinks available, tea, coffee, hot chocolate, orange cordial and fresh. She also told the Five foot 12 inches black haired slim man who wore spectacles there would be a lunch trolly in the common room with sandwiches drinks and cakes on that was from 12 pm until 130pm and tea was from 5 pm-630pm with hot meals and hot and cold pudding too. But all Ben could hear was his dictating offensive internal voice bellowing,
“Shut this fruit loop annoying little whore up by getting a knife from the kitchen and cutting out her and shoving it up her Virgina. “

Ben looked horrified for he was 100% sure she could hear the beast in his mind and would think it was him, but that’s further from the truth! He thanked her with a smile made his excuse and went to get the first nourishment of his incarceration. The 30-year-old author and music producer walked in his pyjamas to the kitchen area and made some hot toast and a refreshing cup of tea, Along with some fresh orange juice. He carried this to an empty table in the main room.

Abbas’s voice came from behind him as he was turning around to open the door and the 55-year-old man said,
“ Imposter, you are not the good person you think you are bitch!”

Benjamin almost dropped his tray with his breakfast on and gave the man an abstract look as if to say
“what the heck mate?”

He Manoeuvered around the scary man and walked back into the common room where he sat on his own in the centre of the tables laid out for breakfast. Mark Handsworth walked over to Ben and said,
“ Welcome to Alice's mental Health facility, ignore Abbas’s Behaviour, he likes to ignite a bad reaction. My name is Mark but everyone calls me Mr snooker as I’m always playing, would you like a game later? I see you're into heavy metal with all your tattoos. Who are your favourite bands? I like Black Sabbath, Judas Priest and Iron Maiden mate. By the way, sorry what’s your name? “

Ben put his tray down on the nearby table shook Mark's hand and gave a warm and friendly smile, he thought,

“Another metalhead I could be friends with and chat about music with!”

The Welshman said to his new compadre in music,
“Morning Mark I am Benjamin Harfield but you can call me Ben and I’m very scared about being in here but knowing that there’s someone in here with my taste in music is the first step to making a recovery. Can you show me around that big garden after I’ve had breakfast and got dressed please, I love open spaces. My favourite bands are the ones you mentioned but I like Shinedown too. I’ve seen many bands live and met all of Iron Maiden a few years ago. I am the author of 16 children’s books and on the verge of completing my first novel on running which I also love to do, but I got ill and can’t focus on my writing. What are the other residents and staff like?”

Mark sat opposite while Ben ate his toast with butter and strawberry jam on them but the wickedness piped its profanity once again saying,

“Oh! Knob for brains, give that mother fucking voice a rest and grab that snooker cue and wack it around this utterly gay twats head! Now, now, now, now!!! Don’t get any ideas of this will be an easy ride Mr pathetic for me and my demons are coming for you and going to make your stay beyond hellish you Gormless freak! “

Poor Ben almost choked on his First meal in the psych ward, and in his mind, the brave man wailed at this Manifestation to
“shut the fuck up now!”

Ben made excuses to leave after the half-marathon runner gobbled down his toast and swigged his drinks. The Father of two walked briskly back to his room and got undressed. Stepping in the shower with his cleaning equipment, the dreaded infuriating voice piped up,
“You had better keep hold of that soap freak otherwise, that new friend will be making you bend over and shove it right up your rectum ha ha ha ha!”

Now Ben was extremely infuriated with this invisible foe, he couldn’t kick the shit out of it but he could scream at the mother fucker,
“Fuck off twat go back to hell, it’s all your fault I’m in here and not with my family at my lovely home. I’m taking no shit from you so stop talking in my head.”

Ben got dressed in a new t shirt and shorts and in a positive frame of mind, he thought he'd stood his final ground with the evil demonic voice, but he hadn't seen the last of the Violation and all the mental health conditions would soon be thrown at the poor man from Lamberis.

Chapter 10.

Ben had a skip in his walk as he marched back to the lounge with his Iron Maiden autobiography book to show Mark and to discuss the greatest band in the world when he got the shock of his life. There were three new people on the sofa and Ben felt like the walls were closing in on him, for he was sure that they were his family. Stephanie was 15 years older but still looked stunning yet she could not recognize her beloved, no matter how much he explained who he was. She just thought he was a handsome Welsh stranger.
Then the boys were now adults, Isaac was 28 and Tanya was 18. They were dressed in officer clothing and looked like they had important jobs, which he had no doubt they would have had. He tried his very best to convey to his wonderous handsome boys just who he was and that he'd been stuck inside the mental health Facility for 10 years in the blink of an eye. All he got from the boys was that they were the pilots of a spaceship and that the Earth had Imploded from the number of humans on the surface of the glorious planet. They told Ben he was the captain and needed instructions to navigate their way through a meteor storm.
Ben looked out of the window and all he could see was space, stars, planets and an area the size of a stadium full of meteors.

The other residents who were the same but ten years older were scared and shouting,
“Make a bloody decision now, Mr. Captain Hardcastle!”
Well Ben was flabbergasted at this inhospitable predicament and as a result passed out from the whole ordeal.

Chapter 11

Ben opened his eyes with a shudder and forcefully with a huge jolt, as he sprinted into the common room thinking he'd seen a smouldering wreck of a burning spaceship but what he found made his head spin around like a demented owl. For the tormented novelist saw no time had gone by except a few hours as it was lunchtime. Ben still had the Maiden autobiography in his hand, but in the other a bandage that looked as if he'd been injected with some sharp needle.

Ben ran over to Mark and in an desperate emotional state said,
“What the bloody hell mate? One minute I'm having a shower and it's 2019 then it's 2029 and my family are here and the earth has gone? We crash on an uncharted planet, so where's my wife, son and daughter? How can we be back in the hospital on Earth and not injured or worse aboard the spaceship? And what is this bandage on my arm? Who's done what to me?”

Mark looked concerned for his new friend and didn't know how to tell him the truth so he said,
“Hey brother I am not sure exactly what you mean? Why don't you go over to the nurses and ask them what's wrong?”

Ben looked at his rocking friend with a puzzled look and thought,
“Why wouldn't Mark say what happened? Only several hours earlier they were all shouting for him to act on what to do about the meteor storm and now it had all vanished? What the heck was going on? I saw my lovely family as plane as he was seeing everyone in the facility. How could this be?”

Ben turned to walk over to the nurses and the matron of the ward said,
“Hello Mr Highfield, lovely to meet you my name is Sophie Plant and I'm ward supervisor please come with me and I will answer all your questions. Don't fret for everything is okay and Mark will be a gentleman and ask the kitchen staff to save you some lunch.

Chapter 12

In the small cramped room, the ward supervisor sat Benjamin Highfield down to go over the incident after breakfast. The 35-year-old Irish woman explained to the Dustin Harris series of children's books,
“ I'm sorry to say this Ben but you experienced another delusional episode and ran around Ethan's ward out of control and opened every room in the hospital, even the lady's section that's off-limits to males. Understandably you will realize that we have to insist that you stay with us a little while longer to assess your care and whats best for your recovery. This is by law called a section 2 and we can keep you hear for more than 2 weeks and you can only go into the garden and not off the hospital grounds unless with family and friends. We had to give you a sensitive to calm you down. Now go and have your lunch it will make you feel better and anything out of the ordinary just come see me any time of the day, but trust in our ability to deliver the correct diagnosis and plan of action.

Chapter 13.

Ben felt giddy from realising his temporary incarceration was to be longer than he expected, walked over to the food trolley that was located at the back of the room and picked out a blt sandwich some prawn cocktail crisps and a cheesecake. To swallow it down he had a Vanilla flavoured Coca-Cola.
Ben sat next to Mark and apologized for his outspoken behaviour this morning when suddenly the television he was sitting in front of started directing its attention towards the author. They were watching police camera action when the CID officer informed the public they knew a Ben Bradshaw at the Alice mental health facility and somewhere on his person he had a Lethal nerve agent that if injected can shut down the body of its host in 10 minutes, so we are appealing to this individual not to harm anyone, even if he think they may be a danger to the country and world? The hospital is surrounded and we shall take out the author if he doesn’t back down.

Ben's heart rate went into overdrive like he was going up a hill in a race and slowly and steadily the runner got up, and told Mark he was feeling a little queasy and needed to return to his room. The Welsh man took his tray back to the food trolly and quickly and quietly walked back to the place where he felt like being inside prison cell.
As the distressed man began searching his belongings for what the CID special officer said he had, the quiet and friendly movie lover’s mobile went off, in his jacket pocket that hung up in his wardrobe. It played iron maidens run to the hills and a text said,
“This is Karl your buddy from the running club all ok in there? I saw you on TV how did they find out? Have you still got the nerve agent securely hidden in what you most treasure? The box of marzipan chocolates from your family. Get to work boyo or you know what happens!”

Benjamin sat on his bed and re-read the message several times to let it sink in. He dropped the phone onto the bed and delicately picked up his favourite box of chocolates that had been put on a table with the rest of Ben’s belongings. He sat back down on the bed and gently lifted the sweet confectionery out of the box. He placed them onto his lap and there sitting on the bed in the box was a canister of deadly nitrate agent.

Ben Picked up the bottle of poison and looked at the contents, a yellow liquid that he thought resembled piss. The family man was shocked to have such a thing on his person and was numb to know what to do next. He suddenly got ferociously angry and thought,
“Whoever has me over a barrel doesn’t know me at all for there’s no way that I'd harm another human being. They think that they hold all the cards and I’ll do whatever they say because they’re holding my family but I have the last laugh Mother fuckers!”

So Ben Removed the top of the slim tiny bottle and carried
out his mission to save his family. No one was dying today while Mr Hardcastle was in control with the lethal poison. He picked up the canister removed its blue top and proceeded to consume its contents. He decided that nobody except him was being sacrificed in the name of evil because those tossers was holding his dear family. He knew that he'd never see them again but at least they and all the people in Ethan’s ward would be alive! And without the toxic substance, the police could quickly act and free Stephanie, Thomas and Elizabeth.

Now he had to act fast if he wished to see his beloved family again but thought,
“ If it’s too late for me Then at least I’ve done something worthwhile in this lifetime! He ran the fastest the 44-year-old had ever done in his life and ran to Sophie in the hope she and her team would be able to give him the antidote, while the police arrested the baddies.
However when the children's author, in a desperate state explained to the ward supervisor what he'd done she phoned for a ambulance as he’d got confused and thought the deadly poision for a fountain pen and had ingested the ink, so Ben needed his stomach pumped. Would the drs and nurses manage it in time and save Mr Bradshaw’s life or had he poisoned him self and was too late?

Chapter 14.

Tears rolled down Seph’s face as she saw Ben wired up to machines and guards at his bedside for his and other people's safety. The mental health facility had informed Ben and his wife that he would be placed on section two and had to stay with them for a few more weeks, for he'd become a safety concern and wasn't ready to be out in the community. However, Benjamin felt different since the Drs and nurses had pumped his stomach of the ink and were recovering in bed, especially seeing his beloved wife. The 30-year-old author and runner had regained his senses and came back to reality being out of the mental health hospital for he could see that what was going on in his mind wasn't real and the poor man hadn't altered anything. He didn't want to return to the hospital and was dreading it when Steph asked,
“My handsome and clever man what happened that you would want to swallow an ink cartridge and spring of a pen? Could you not see how poorly you'd get? I am not angry just glad you're okay. Please tell me what you were thinking?”
The Bradshaws hugged one another the best they could be strapped to machines and Ben explained his rezoning and then he held Stephanie’s hand and said,
“I'm very sorry for my actions and I know I need help now. I’m scared about returning to the hospital. “
Stephine kissed his cheek and said,
“Don’t worry hun everything will be ok you're in safe hands with Dr Zimmerman and his team and I will be right here every minute of every day! Just pick up your phone and call me and I'll be right by your side. Our adorable children send their love and best wishes, they miss you so very much and can't wait for their dad Benjamin home to play games with. I have brought your iPad and I think if you can try and relax in your room and watch films, read books, do whatever you can to absorb yourself to stay in reality and before you know it you’ll be back home I promise. Facetime me anytime day. I have also brought you a variety of snacks to keep you going when you may be bored at night and your mind might wander into delusional territory I’ve also bought your favourite marzipan cake. There are some extra warm pyjamas because the temperature is going to drop significantly for the weatherman says we’re getting a cold snap called the beast from the east and then as the sheets on your bed are very thin and I wouldn’t want you to catch pneumonia.
I know you have your Iron Maiden biography book with you, but while I was in the supermarket buying your other things, I noticed a Collectors edition of classic rock magazine and I instantly bought it for you as I know it would cheer you up immensely. I have also included a picture of us; your loving family, I thought that you could look at this every day and know what you’re fighting for to keep healthy and come home to us.
My darling Ben, I know none of this is a replacement for us and your freedom, but I Just wanted to cheer you up and show you how much we care for you. Please enjoy your things and I wish you a speedy recovery and comes home to us As soon as you are much better. I love you with every ounce of my being and I will be thinking of you every second of every day until you come home to us.
The kids love and best wishes and told me to give you a hug and kiss and they want to take it to the next Maiden concert and Rock like a hurricane. As a Mega Incentive to get well And come straight home to us soon, there is a surprise waiting for you at home and all I will say is it has to do with running your favourite race. Keep that and us in your heart when you put your head up on the pillow tonight and every night that you’re in the Saint Alice facility. I will let you get some rest now my lovely man and I’ll bring the kids to see you tomorrow your mum is bringing another surprise for you this evening when you return to the mental health hospital.
Again please try to remember, that I am at the other end of the phone or iPad day and night so if anything gets bad just Call me and I will come straight over no matter what they say.
Try not to lash out or half yourself, you have people around you who care and your family that love you so much forever!! Now try to close your eyes and get some sleep for they are taking you back to the ward at 6 o’clock after you’ve had tea. See you tomorrow, my bunny you’re chicky loves you with all her heart. “
Ben and Stephanie gave each other a warm embrace and passionate kiss and the airline pilot got up and left the hospital and drove home.
Benjamin put his head on the pillow I was trying to sleep but the OCD wouldn’t let him it screamed and bellowed too,
“Get your worthless piece of shit for brains up out of bed and go and find that code for nothing Bitch and slice of tongue off for talking absolute bollocks to you and stick it up a Vagina and after you run her over with the car, you will slice her tits and clitoris off and shove them up her ass, For she knows you are not and never will be safe in that crazy house.”
Ben just put his fingers in his ears, closed his eyes tight and shouted in his head to
“Shut the F up now you nasty piece of work, go back to hell from which you came!”
Minutes later, Ben Was sound asleep.

© Copyright 2025 Lee (runningmusic27 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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