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by Lee Author IconMail Icon
Rated: XGC · Chapter · Adult · #2336567
Ben Bradshaw is a happy family man and avid runner but he starts to hear voices
Chapter 1.

Benjamin Bradshaw loved running it made him feel on top of the world and indestructible. He could feel the adrenaline pumping through his veins and certainly the wind beneath his feet. As he put 1 foot in front of the other no matter what speed or distance he travelled he always felt great even if there were hills in the race or it was just training. The friendly man had started running at school but lost interest when he became a teenager, for it was girls and music he cared more about.
Out of the sadness of losing his grandad, Benjamin wanted to do something good in his memory, so one day his daughter brought home a leaflet saying Colwinbay 10k. He thought to himself,
“ I could do that! I could run 6 miles for cancer research and give back to the doctors and nurses who looked after my grandad by raising lots of money. However, firstly I need to train so I’d better put my trainers and shorts on and hit the road.”
So Mr Bradshaw, who had two wonderful children and a beautiful wife that lived in North Wales, told his beautiful Stephanie of their daughter Tanya’s Leaflet, She had brought it home from school. She was seven and his son Isaac was 18. Benjamin and Stephanie were both 44 and it was 2019.

The race went well and Mr Bradshaw, who was an Author of children’s books decided to attend the Porthmadog Dragon running club a few months later, after finding the courage to join despite being so shy all his life, and not mixing well with people.

The club went running all around Porthmadogg, Rhyl, Llandudno, Prestatyn and Pwllie. There were lots of races too; from 5K, 10k and 5 miles, 10 miles, cross country and relay.
Benjamin loved these distances, but he wanted something more, something he could get his teeth into, but he didn’t know if he was ready. Could he? Should he? Is he able to do the unthinkable and the author complete 13.1 miles, his first half marathon?
It was a tall order and he didn’t know whether his body could manage it. it would mean lots of training, three days a week running! could his schedule give him that time off to do the thing that he loved in his life, besides his family and music, or was it too much of an ask? All these years, all he’s ever done is his best and if that’s not good enough, well at least he’s tried! That's the best philosophy anybody can live by, so Ben searched the Internet for the next half marathon, being a novice he didn’t know all the races yet around the area.

After an extensive inquiry, he found the Rhyll half Marathon on 20th May. He was told to find his pace in a long-distance race, but this was Gobbledygook and didn’t understand. All he could do was put 1 foot in front of the other he didn’t understand times distances and heart rates, all that sort of thing. One great friend said,
“You must stick with it mate and you will crack running eventually!”
Benjamin found that his body and mind could get into a rhythm and one with nature and the Earth, where he could run forever. One day after 10 miles. The Welshman felt sensational and there was no apprehension of signing up for the half marathon, so he got his phone out and clicked on the Rhyll Half Marathon website and without thinking signed himself up.
Days, weeks and months later, Benjamin trained well with his club at his races, plus running on his own, around the fields at the back of his house.
The Dragon Running Club member and children’s story writer was now ready and his body felt strong and able to run around the seaside town. This was located 40 miles from his home in Lamberis and would take place the following weekend.
So Ben went to the local running shop and kitted out with brand-new shorts, a T-shirt, socks, water bottles, Energy bars and some magnificent trainers. He would look the part, even if he came last, but he had faith in his ability to sustain his stammer and complete the race.
It was the eve of his first half marathon and butterflies had begun to set in, but the great friends he'd made in the two years of running had certainly made him feel indestructible and unstoppable to do any distance, and they were all coming to support him along the course.
The day of the race was finally here and his loving family bought him a great big cake saying good luck Dad was on the front and a T-shirt that said,the best runner in the universe ever, and You can’t run without Daddy Benjamin!

The man of 16 children's books, put on his running gear, had a quick breakfast, then kissed his family goodbye. He headed for his DeLorean car and drove to Rhyl alone, as it was too busy for his family to stand for a few hours. He was very excited as he sat behind the wheel of his car, but he kept his cool and concentration for the race.

Benjamin parked and did some stretching and a practice run of a half-mile, now the friendly and happy man who had a great life was ready for his ultimate test of endurance.
On the start line, the slight Ben felt the nerves had truly set in and with the distance weighing heavy on his mind, he began to think,
“What the heck am I doing running all this way it's not physically and mentally possible! Will I ever be strong enough or will it break me?
Oh sod, this, it is just another run, I can do anything I put my mind to and I don't have to be afraid of anything!”

Benjamin pinned on his number and headed for the right pacemaker, the author reckoned about 2 hours and 30 minutes finish, so the Welshman stood by the guy with a large black flag and before he could shout,

“Something Inside me says I am strong enough now to run 13.1 miles for my grandad and children!!!”

The organiser of the race had given a brief talk and fired a gun to start, now they were off, running along roads, fields, pavements and the seafront. Before Mr Bradshaw knew it he’d run a 10k- 6 miles already. It was halfway when he began to feel fabulous, even better for he had passed the pacemaker and was doing better than could truly have hoped for.

Could Ben maintain this pace and were there any surprises along the next section, like hills, mud or zig-zag roads? The famous local didn't have the time to remember the map that came with his number, but took on some water and an energy bar, to keep up his stamina, which he could feel draining already. The great runner figured it was all in his head and if he thought,

“ I can do this! Anything’s possible!”

The crowds and awesome marshals were fabulous In cheering everyone on, but then suddenly a little girl shouts,

“Keep going you sensational number 13, just round the next corner, don't give up now there's already so much at stake so rise up and and let the crowd carry you to the finish line!”

Ben was pleasantly surprised at her bravado for an eight-year-old and then bam, the finish was right in front of the loving husband, so he tried to find that extra gear and sprinted as hard as the Limberis man could pull out of his tired and achy legs.

He zoomed through the masses of crowds waiting to see the finishers.

Benjamin Highfield had only gone and blooming done it, not only ran his first half Marathon; but completed it in exactly 2 hours, a big shine personal best. He felt elated and pure happiness swirled inside. When they kindly handed him his medal and t-shirt he was overjoyed, but then all that positive feelings would change and his life would never be the same again.

Chapter 2

The remarkable man stood in the heart of Rhyl with his close friends and discussed the race. 30 minutes later Ben was in the Royal Oak public house, he FaceTimed his loving family and shared the extraordinary news.
"My dear, you won't believe it, but I've completed my first half marathon and I feel absolutely elated. Let's call our parents and celebrate! We can head to the Shark Fin Inn for the finest steak in North Wales. Please reserve a table for 3:30 pm so I have enough time to return home and freshen up."
Steph was thrilled by her husband’s amazing news. He had transformed himself from a couch potato to a fit and healthy man, having lost over two stones in weight. She was excited to congratulate him and hear all about his achievement. She quickly called her parents to invite them for tea, eager for them to see their beloved grandchildren.
Next she called her in-laws, Ben's parents who had watched his progress also and was eager to learn of his outcome in the race. They were stunned to hear that Ben had completed the challenging run and was still full of energy, especially considering his past dislike for sports back in Manchester. Their excitement was apparent as they agreed to join her at the renowned restaurant to celebrate Benjamin's incredible feat. The Highfields couldn't contain their pride and anticipation to see Ben's well-deserved medal. With plans set, she quickly made her way to freshen up and get ready for the upcoming celebration.

Chapter 3.

Benjamin and Stephanie, accompanied by Tanya and Isac, embarked on a thrilling 15-minute drive into the breathtaking town of Llanberis to reunite with their family. The charming black and white building stood proudly at the corner of a small Harbour, surrounded by a vast gravel-filled car park. An array of boats of different shapes and sizes were docked, while seagulls soared high above, filling the air with their characteristic squawks. People basked in the warmth of the summer evening, delighting in the charming scenery.
As they arrived, Ben stepped out of the car donning, proudly wearing his Rhyl half marathon T-shirt around his neck. It glistened in the sun and definitely looked like, the symbol of his incredible achievement. Their family emerged from their vibrant red Peugeot 308 saloon car and strolled just 10 meters from the car park to the posh Shark Fin establishment, ascending two small white steps before entering.

The joyous family, captivated by their dad and husband's medal, joyously reunited with their parents and grandparents. They settled at a spacious table with a striking red tablecloth, eager to share their excitement and stories. Ben’s parents gave their son a warm embrace. As soon as they gazed upon the large, super-shiny medal with a bright orange ribbon they smiled and gave Ben a much-deserved congratulations. The author went over the race and his fine performance. He ended the chat with,
“Well, I honestly have no idea how people run another 13.1 miles and do a full marathon. They must be either crackers or the Incredible Hulk!"

All of Ben's family laughed and then read over the menu while Tanya said,
“It doesn’t matter what distance you ran, my epic Dad. You're my superhero and you're super-fit running for two hours is just phenomenal! Love you around the Earth and back, my humble and big-hearted dad."

The whole family chose their desired meals with the waiter and some non-alcoholic and alcoholic drinks. Then they waited for the starters to arrive and discussed what Ben's future dreams of running were. The resilient and courageous runner smiled at his warm and attentive family and said,
“Thank you all for your kind remarks on my achievement and for coming out on short notice. I’d like to make a toast to you all for sponsoring me and encouraging me to get off the sofa and run, run, run. Regarding future races, I heard in England the Lichfield half is a pleasant and scenic route. I know what I said about marathons, but every runner dreams of a place in London, even though it would be like climbing Everest or getting to the moon. Running around the grand Tintagel Castle would be a magical experience.too”

Chapter 4.

Steph’s mum was talking about Ben’s next children’s short story and did the charity helper have any new ideas? The famous author smiled at his mother-in-law and as he told her some ideas of stories he had, he thought he heard a man behind him vindictively sqwark,
“What the hell has it got to do with that ugly bitch anyway? You must grab your sharp steak knife and slit the annoying cow's throat before she squeals her oral shite some more, your useless piece of grotesque scum! “
Ben got up and turned around in absolute anger and disgust at the insulting and violent man, but when he glanced over his shoulder and discovered nobody was there, he gasped in shock and horror and then slowly sat down to the horrified faces of his wonderful family.
Ben’s dad looked at his son and said,
“You alright my epic runner? We were quite concerned for you just then, what’s going on in that bright and creative head of yours?”
Ben took a good mouthful of his beer closed his eyes and then said,
“ I just heard a man behind me say some truly wicked things to me and when I turned around nobody was there, what the bloody heck’s going on? Am I losing my mind?”
Isac’s girlfriend, who was a nurse at Llangollen’s hospital; Fay Bishop a 17-year-old Australian who loves ballet dancing; the sweet girl said,
“I wouldn't be too concerned Benjamin for you’ve just exerted yourself in the two-hour race and haven’t had a chance to relax and recuperate yet, so your mind is just hearing things, nothing to worry about. It was just your brain playing tricks on you as your dad said, let’s eat and be merry!”
The whole family erupted in laughter and Ben felt so much better and tucked into his steak and triple cooked home-made chips, onion rings, mushy peas and mushrooms and carling to wash it down with.
Samual Orange; Stephanie‘s dad said,
“Your mind was probably just catching up with the rest of your body Ben? And you know you’ve got a special creative one you have so as Fay said, I wouldn’t worry too much. Go home and rest on the sofa for the rest of the day matey. I am sure the Running Time Travel children’s story will be another successful book, but I’d just rest and watch the track and field competition at the 2024 Olympics in Paris and forget about it or search the web for your next race. We should make a toast, to you Mr Benjamin Highcastle; to a man of pure heart in raising over £1000 for great causes and having the stamina to complete 13.1 tough miles. Well done me lad you blooming did it, we all had faith in your ability for your built of strong stuff!.”

Ben smiled at his wife's friendly and kind dad, as he tucked into his favourite dessert, Coconut and marzipan ice cream. While his family had coffee and cake, Tanya went to play in the park outside for half an hour. Then the whole family gave each other a big hug and said goodbyes, and congratulated Ben once again and they got into their vehicles and drove home.

Chapter 5.

A week after the half marathon and the incident with Ben hearing someone who wasn't there, he had begun to feel fighting fit and raring to take on his next race. The family got in their car and drove to Amber and Samuel Orange’s house for their weekly visit, this was in Canarvan, which was located just five miles from Llanberis. Steph drove as Ben preferred to be green and run and ride his bike everywhere. As they drove through picturesque countryside and along the seafront into Canarvan it happened again for Mr Benjamin Highfield experienced the wretched voice that said,
“Are you letting that slapper wife of yours take you to that boring old farts yet again, are you? Grab the wheel and flip this crappy lump of metal over three times onto its roof and watch your pathetic family burn to a crisp, you stupid ugly gormless mental case! Do it now! Do it! Do it Now, Now, NOW!!!
Ben gasped in absolute horror and sat on his hands because he was convinced that whatever was controlling his mind was controlling his body, he then looked at his gorgeous wife and asked her nicely to stop the car in the next safest place. Steph looked at her fine handsome husband and said,
“What's wrong my lovely man? You seem as if you have seen a ghost.”
Then Ben heard the voice again,
“Stupid bitch is as clued up as a rotten turd!”
This made Benjamin extraordinarily angry and literarily ripped off his seatbelt, and got out of the car. He lost all control of his senses and actions and ran around the car that was parked in a layby, about ten times before calming to a degree of being able to explain himself,
“Steph! Steph! Oh my! W w w wha whats happened to me? I've had that nasty voice twice and it's been a week since the race? I feel fighting fit like I could do another half marathon, so it can't be exhaustion. Please help me!!!”
Mrs Bradshaw was beside herself with worry, but being the calming and brave woman she is, she managed to regain her husband's senses to a minimum. She told the great author,
“Try to take deep breaths my darling Ben and sit quietly while I phone a doctor. Try not to worry I'm sure everything will be fine my lovely and you're just stressed from worrying about the run and getting your latest book published. We will fix this Ben my darling I know it is extremely harrowing for you, but try to keep calm and put your favourite CD on and relax to Oasis.”
Benjamin stumbled back toward the car and shook as he tried to search for the Oasis CD, but as he grabbed at the silver metal disc, the invisible voice piped up again,
“As if some mank shit like pathetic oasis is going save you from the hellish beast coming for your worthless sinful soul!”
Ben screamed at the top of his voice as he pressed play on the CD player,
“What? Eh? Who’s saying this utter rubbish? Get out of my head you utter smeg for brains ”
His beloved Stephanie cried as she spoke on her iPhone to Dr Zimmermann and he asked her,
Mrs Highfield, are you able to drive your husband to the emergency room at Llangollen Hospital to be checked over?”

Chapter 6

“Hang in there my darling Ben, for the doctor wishes to see you at the accident and emergency department right away, so try and stay as calm as you possibly can and I will get all the help you require, no matter how long it might take!”
Sophie said as she drove them down the duel carriageway at the national speed limit of 60mph, but in her mind, she was flying faster than Concord to get the help her poor man desperately needed. All the time panic raced through her head and constantly thought,
“What's going on with my kind, strong, brave and super handsome man? Please don't let him lose his mind lord, let it be me that's ill not my perfect man.”
Thirty-five minutes later Stephanie had driven Benjamin to the accident and emergency for an assessment.

Chapter seven.

It was 935pm by the time the Welsh couple arrived at the emergency room after the weather conditions had drastically affected their journey substantially, making the state of the roads treacherous. The traffic had backed up for miles and Ben and Stephanie's car had become a sauna, making Ben feel drastically worse. His frightening enigma had commenced yet again, except this time the voice was critical leaving the epic runners' emotions in total desperation. The invisible speech attacked the poor guy's subconscious making his brain ready to explode like a supervolcano. Its rantings ripped his mind in too making it impossible to think clearly. Its demands were impossible just like a mini horror film inside his brain that never had any ending. The wretched tormentor got louder and louder as Stephine tried to navigate her way through the wet pitch black Llandudno roads to the infirmary.
As the chef parked her 1981 Ford Corteener outside the Mercer Imperial Hospital, Ben pulled himself from the classic car and collapsed to the floor wailing in agony his hands gripping his battered head. Sophie ran towards her beloved and held him in her petite arms as she desperately comforted the man of her dreams. She spoke softly but with assertion to make Ben feel like everything was going to be okay,
“Try not to fight it, my love, whatever it happens to be? I will protect you from any horror forever. Please stay by the car while I locate Dr Zimmermann.”
Mrs Bradshaw ran into the medical centre on the quiet soggy evening at 10 pm and felt her heart beating out of her chest as she manoeuvred her way up some marble steps, but as she reached the large glass entrance several men and women burst through the doors and almost knocked poor Stephanie down the stairs and into her yellow expensive car.
Benjamin saw the heavies fast approach and tried to jump back into his wife's vehicle but his body and mind were being forced on the spot, into a state of flux. The hospital staff manhandled unfortunate Mr Highfield and forced him into a maroon Mercedes and when he'd been securely fastened into the exquisite posh car, the driver ran his window down and said,
“ Sorry for the rough handling, Mrs Bradshaw but your husband is of high risk and we need to get him off the street and securely placed into St Alice mental health hospital where Dr Zimmermann will take good care of him, we promise!”
Stephanie was out of her mind with fear and worry but like Ben, she felt frozen to the spot and unable to save her husband of 20 years. All she could do was watch as they took her soulmate away and she had never felt such despair in all of her life before. But as the black expensive car sped away to the one place Ben had feared his whole life and now he was being dragged away like some criminal, the five-foot-ten-inch tall, the blond hailed 44-year-old woman felt sheer anger and bitterness for these heavy-handed thugs. Now she was determined to rescue her half-marathon runner from his living hell crisis, with every breath in her body, if it was indeed the last thing she'd ever do.
Regaining the ability to move she stormed into the hospital at 500 miles per hour, like a derailed freight train demand with the office staff,
“What the bloody heck have you done with my husband? Taking him like some convict off the street into God knows where? I utterly demand you bring him back this very instant or I will get my journalist friends to make the biggest stink this hospital has ever known!”
Miss Talula Ambrose was a 19-year-old med student holding the desk while her colleague used the bathroom and the poor innocent girl had no idea of Mr Highfield’s location and the individuals that had grabbed his defenceless body down the road. The young lady spoke with a jittery disposition while being shouted at a million decibels,
“Forgive me madam but I do not know the information you seek. I am a just student nurse but the secretary will be along in just a minute, so please bear with us.”
As Stephanie waited for answers, Ben was on a high-octane race through the Llandudno streets at 80 mph and all the time his brain screamed incredibly monstrous profanities at the author's frontal lobe,
“Hey, you sack of puke you let them take you like some little girl! Grab your seatbelt and strangle the pathetic menaces to death and go kick the crap out of that dr Zimmermann smeg for brains! Now!! Do it now or else the staff at the hospital where your ugly pathetic bitch is will dismember her piece by piece and post them to your worthless self! You will ahead our threats you sack of shite or else you'll be sorry.”
Ben screamed at his invisible foe telling it,
“Go fxxk yourself your monstrous beast!”
As the stylish automobile pulled up at the mental health facility other men and women came out from the scary-looking building and dragged him off into the despicable hellhole. Then they entered the cramped airless penitentiary and straight into Dr Zimmermann’s office. The bleek infirmary was scattered with patients who were either asleep, reading or watching TV. Ben tried to navigate his eyes around the ward as he was led to the man in charge’s devilish sanctum.
The four foot two inches tall, balled sixty-year-old Liverpudlian sat behind his desk at ten thirty at night and the fierce-looking white man spoke to Mr Highfield but the whole time he was trapped inside his head, shaking with utter trepidation of what lay ahead for the children 'ss author. The Dr said,
“ Welcome to St Alice’s Mental Health Hospital! My staff and I hope your stay here is a pleasant one. You must abide by our rules of conduct otherwise things will get ugly for you, do we understand one another Mr Highfield? I am sorry for the unpleasantness in getting you here, but my staff at the Mercer Hospital were deeply distressed over your mental state and I called my team to escort you here. I am sorry if we frightened you and your wife, but we were unsure of how dangerous you might be to my staff and the public, so I felt it necessary to get you here as fast as possible for monitoring and treatment. Please take this pack of information to read and any questions or concerns, please come to me any time night or day! Now go with Nurse Tinsley for your observations and medication. I am positive we shall work together to solve your illness and can go home to your wife and children very soon! Keep thinking about them and your running and that will help you get through the time here with us more smoothly. Good evening, Benjamin, breakfast is at 8 am and I will start your journey back to wellness at 10:30 am, once I've seen the other inmates.”
Mr Tinsley pulled the chair from under Ben and he quickly stood so as not to fall and marched off to the infirmary room before going to bed. The nurse checked his heart, pulse, lungs and height, plus weight. He then provided the runner with a plastic cup of four tablets and a tiny cup of water. Ben swallowed the multi-coloured unknown meds and then was allowed to go to his new room. A tall and lean security guard entered the room and in a gruff voice bellowed,
“Come with me now!”
As Benjamin Highfield followed the Irish 30-year-old man down the corridor and into the lounge, he pointed to Ben's new accommodation and said,
“That's your room, don't expect to get any sleep! Expect to die!”
With that outrageous hmm statement, The six-minute-mile runner darted off to his new room and didn't look back in fear for his life.

Chapter eight.

Ben sat on the edge of his bed and put his head into his hands in complete desperation for he just couldn't come to terms with this deadly location the Welsh man found himself in Ben shouted out loud,
“I'm a fighter not weak like they want me to believe and I'm never giving up for I will see my wife and children again.”
Suddenly without warning a hatch on the door opened and the security guard flashed his torch into Bens's room the muscular man bellowed,
“Get some sleep for you will need all your strength to fight the perils of this foreboding shitwhole boyo!”
Ben jumped right out of his skin and back again at the presence of the gruelling guard and quickly got under the duvet and shouted,
“So sorry”
And then Ben put his head on the tiny thin pillow and closed his eyes to try and sleep. But his inner demon sparked up in a sinister tone,
“And I thought you said you're a fearless warrior? Ha! Ha ha! More like a little girl that's lost her dolly. Get used to this shit laddie for you are precisely where you've always desired to be your utter pathetic nobody. Sit back and enjoy the ride for it's time to show you who I am and make you suffer so utterly and by the time I'm through, you'll be begging that Dr Joker to release you.
Ben just climbed under the thin sheets in the cold tiny room and hoped to hide there until morning or until he could go back in the safety of his wife, the thought of facing the other guests was abominable which sent his heart rate into next week. But that's tomorrow, it was tonight he had to worry about and if he'd get through it unscathed or at all. The general writer’s subconscious suddenly had thousands of images a second pumping into his Werey mind,
“What if there's a fire? How do I get out? What if there's a flood, will I drown? What if someone comes in to beat me up or rape me? How can I protect myself when I am utterly alone in a god-forsaken hell hole? I I I got a get out a here now!!!
Then the Liverpool-born strong runner had a monstrous thought,
“Oh, my good grief is that door even locked? From the very depths of his core the brown-haired, six-foot tattooed man jumped out of bed and sprinted over to the big heavy metal door tried the handle and very slowly opened it. To his horror, the door was unlocked,
“WW What in the bloody heck? How can I possibly go to sleep now knowing I'm that any inmate could walk in a manhandle me or worse?”
Benjamin pushed the door firmly shut darted back over to his bed and grabbed his flimsy sheet. The renowned author dived under the hard metal bed and shoved the sickly-looking blanket overviewthe top of himself. And then it all transpired for his mind proceededi in twisting the fabric of reality into not only hearing things but now seeing things that weren't there and untrue facts. He looked up at the mattress and was convinced he could see a piece of paper that had an intricate drawing of the layout of the mental health facility. He pulled the picture off the ugly hard bed and studied well. Suddenly Ben recognized the artwork, it was his sister who lives in Denmark and is a painter. He turned the paper over and got the shock of his life, for there was a message from Poppy. It read,
“Dear big bro, I hate to see the greatest author and runner in such a hellish and deprived place, so I managed to get one of the patients to smuggle the map into your room. The person has left a key behind the picture on the wall. I trust all this will help you get back to your lovely Stephanie when you make your escape. “

Ben put the piece of paper in his jeans pocket, got up sat back on the rigid bed and looked if the guard was walking past then took out the beautifully detailed map and sorted out the easy exit, but it was the guards who would be the problem, but they would not be able to catch the fast paste runner. He remembered the key, so Mr Highfield ran over to the picture frame without being spotted and Peered at the back of the picture of a beautiful palm tree. There he discovered a key Sellotaped To the back of this beautiful picture. It was a service elevator key which meant he could go to the basement of the hospital and escape through the back door. Ben thought long and hard about how he'd get passed the guards. He would pretend he was going for a walk and if they tried stopping him he would then say he needed a shower or the toilet and wait until they were gone and sprint to the service elevator to the basement.

Ben put the map back into his pocket and walked to the door gently pulled it ajar and got the shock of his 44 years when he materialized up on the starship enterprise and his room had completely vanished. Captain James T Kirk and Mr Spock were standing in front of the children’s author and pointing a phaser gun at him. Mr Bradshaw shouted at the two most famous star fleet officers in science fiction history,
“Captin Kirk and Mr Spock what am I doing on the Enterprize and why are you pointing a lethal weapon at me? I was an inmate at a mental health facility and I was just going to the restroom. Please don't shoot me whaagain. But Kirk was faster and said,
“Admiral Khan you know we can't speak blood Klingon, you get back in your holding cell and we shall discover how you got on board our grand starship.”

Mr Spock began a heated debate with his captain saying,
“Let my mind meld with our arch nemesis to uncover the truth of the actions of this monster. Ben cried out to be heard on Mars,
“Captin Kirk please listen to me I am and never have been a Kligon, I am human like you and a children's author and I am afraid you and your crew are works of fiction.”

“Get back in your holding cell and don't think you're taking over the Enterprize this time Khan, we have you and the Federation of Planets fleet is surrounding your vindictive warbird and flying us back to Star fleet on Earth for trial against the killing of multiple species through the galaxy.
As Kirk and Spock threatened their worst enemy, Ben's wicked Invidable foe shrieked at the runner saying,
“I am God and you must battle against these demonic forces trying to kill me and Jesus and the Gods and queen of the multiverse. Do not let these evil beings corrupt your Sophisticated mind, you have the power to send them back to Hell from which they came. I Hate all forms of violence but use that key in your pocket on the captain and use your running Abilities to get to the engine room and eject the warp core, thus rendering the ship inoperable. Do this before they put the forcefield back up against your door Otherwise, the fate of everything you know, and you don’t know will be in the balance and gone forever.”

The quietly spoken, Ben was losing his mind fast, but the music fan suddenly turned around and saw his room that had rematerialised, so he again hid under the bed. 10 minutes later Ben heard people entering his room and they discovered the poor man hiding and pulled him out with such force that he felt like his arms were ripped off. Out of nowhere the Doctor that he saw when he first came into the hospital stood over him with the most gigantic needle he’d ever seen. Dr Zimmerman shot the drugs into his abdomen with such force, and then they left and made Ben’s world, spin around at 11,000,000 miles and he quickly became unconscious. This was not before that invisible foe kicked the poor guy when he was at his lowest. It gripped his mind and made his heart feel as if it was being ripped out of his chest. The benevolent sarcastic old entity said,
“You miserable piece of scum haha it was I all along manipulating your subconscious into thinking you’re on the starship enterprise ha ha ha ha! I

’m going to have lots of fun with you in here shite for brains.”

Then all the lights in his mind proceeded to switch off and Ben was out for the count until 9:44 am the next morning

© Copyright 2025 Lee (runningmusic27 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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