In this world of chaos, that harbours both good and bad I lived like a corpse, swinging between "happy" and "sad" you would ask: but how can a corpse feel anything? That's the trick: when deprived of goals, a human becomes a corpse that has nothing left but feelings Thrown around by life, like a helpless leaf in the winds of winter reminiscing about past days, with what few memories that linger Until one day, this leaf landed near a beautiful tree And that is you, my dearest, always such a beautiful sight to see though the seasons come and go, they only were like costumes amplifying your glow But what about the times you were sad? or angry? Even then there was beauty and grace in your reactions, that is just how precious you are, my lovely However, that was never an excuse to leave you like that even for a moment for soon you anger becomes my concern, and your sadness becomes my torment And so, I dedicated myself to preserve your wellbeing as much as possible, my dearest never a problem, nor a Favor from me but as a duty, and pleasure that puts my thoughts to rest Yet eternity, is a condition only unique to god. and so our meeting had to come to an end forget the winds, now this leaf was thrown away into the ocean by a storm falling into the darkest depths, after losing the light of your charm Is it the end? does the leaf hit the bottom, only to be put to eternal rest? No, after all wouldn't it be an insult to my dearest to give up after helping me become my best? So I'll shed away this identity, reject being a leaf and accept my humanity Remember only the lessons from the past not the pain, to build a fine future with clarity And I'll swear on my faith, my honour and your name: to live and strive to be among the greatest For that is the meaning of sincere love: to live on well for me, and for you, my dearest |