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Rated: E · Fiction · Children's · #2336386
'Wish Come True.'
A beautiful white daisy once grew in the lovely garden. It was the flower of all young flowers. Splendid and adorable above all things. A little girl walked by and looked at the beautiful daisy and then decided to pluck it. She started playing a whimsical game by herself picking off the daisy petals one by one saying, ‘Wish come true. Wish do not…’ as she picked them all off in a circle going round and round as she plucked off one little petal after the other. The lovely little flower counted with the little girl, ‘Wish come true, wish do not.’ Until the very last little pretty petal was plucked from the flower and the girl picked it off saying ‘Wish come true.’ And she was so happy that the game had ended exactly where she wanted with all of her heart. If the magic of the charm held true, her greatest wish would be granted where she ended the game ‘Wish come true.’ Indeed. The little girl ran off to tell her friends, her deepest wish would soon hold true. The true love of some charming young boy, no doubt, the plucked and discarded daisy stalk thought to itself with a smile. And what wish would you wish for yourself little daisy now that your final petal has been plucked. Will the magic charm hold true for you too? So the sad and forsaken daisy stalk wished that it was made whole again, with two dozen beautiful white petals to show off with love and pride to the whole world once more. The sun set in the west and so did the long and dark night ahead, but lo and behold, the next morning with the breaking of the splendid red sunshine over the distant blue hills, the most beautiful of daisies was indeed made whole again, as she was growing tall and proud in the flower bed once more. Two dozen of the purest white flower petals bloomed from her tiny being once more. The wish had done its magic still it seemed. A wish comes true, a wish does not.’ True love is the greatest gift of all.
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