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Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Erotica · #2336097
Revelations. Your Place or Mine. A Deep Breath.
It was Adrienne, who had been brave enough to run from home to avoid damaging Ollie, brave enough to try to find happiness somewhere that would leave Ollie free to normal relationship, who was brave enough to speak first. She slowly began tracing the back of his hand with her fingers, feeling his heart begin to pound and race again. She was so close to being sure he was feeling the same way that she had to take the chance of saying it out loud, feeling certain that she was being bold enough to say what he could not find the courage to voice, as well.

Looking at his hand as it cradled hers, she murmured, just above a whisper. "It's you, Ollie."

His voice was as low and soft as hers, and just as rough at the edges with pent-up emotion. "…Me?"

She looked up into his eyes and smiled, shaking with desire and anxiety. "You're the one I've been waiting to go out with, Ollie. You're the one, the…the--"

"--Only man you love," he finished for her. His voice was filled with dawning comprehension, and Adrienne was afraid she could hear all the uncertainty and misunderstanding that often accompanies it. But instead of pulling away, Ollie reached his free hand across his body to touch her cheek. His hand found her face, and more than caressed her: in his own particular way, he LOOKED at her--closely, searchingly, as his sensitive fingers never had before. His hand traced the bridge of her nose, the stiff dark brows, the soft cheeks. His thumb explored the definition of her lips, which parted in relief and hunger. Adrienne thought perhaps she could live the rest of her life just experiencing her brother exploring her face intimately for the first time like this; she was in heaven.

When he moved her fingers through his sisters warm, soft, fragrant hair, Ollie himself felt like he had met rapture. The physical attraction was obviously present; he was hard as a rock. But his heart was hammering in his chest, and he could feel himself quivering in his gut. He didn't just want to fuck this woman, or even just make love to her. He wanted to hold her, protect her, soothe her, please her. Completely BE with her. No wonder it's so hard to define to true love in words, he thought randomly. The feeling was so intense that he never really knew who leaned into whom, but their lips met, and they shared their first kiss.

For each of them, it might as well have been their first kiss EVER.

When they moved apart, they were both breathing heavily. Adrienne's hand was on Ollie's thigh; she could feel the way his trousers were pulled taut toward his crotch; she could feel his need radiating from him. He whispered, "This right here… this is the feeling of the park at night for me…" He moved his hand into her hair again and began to lean forward.

Adrienne knew that if she let him kiss her again, they would not be able to stop. Right here, in the park, in some shady grove, her dream would come true. Well…almost…

She gently stopped his advance, but before disappointment could fully dawn on his face, she whispered back to him, her lips so close Ollie could smell her warm breath. "No, please, Ollie. Not here. Not in some park like teenagers--"

"--Should we get a room over by the airport?" he murmured urgently.

Adrienne caressed his face as she answered, with less urgency, but no less need. "No, baby. Take me home," she said. After a pause, she finished, a pleading tone coming into her voice. "Take me home, Ollie. Make love to me in my own bed, in our own space. Make love to me where we both live, where we both breathe… take me home, Ollie. Take me back to our place…" And then she did kiss him, deeply, feeling her heart pound, feeling the dampness between her legs spread as her sex throbbed with need and longing.

Ollie nodded, his facing communicating understanding and agreement. Out loud, he murmured, in that soft tone lovers use, "Our place." He smiled and finished simply: "I love you, Ade."


They walked hand-in-hand out of the park, but reluctantly let each other go as they navigated the few blocks back to Adrienne's car. This was the real world again, and this was the town where they lived, where people knew them, where people knew they were brother and sister. They had walked to the park arm-in-arm with no qualms, but they felt conspicuous now, wary of people seeing, thinking, knowing things.

When they reached the car and limbed in, Adrienne waited before starting it. She was trying to find a way to frame a thought that had been forming in her mind as they walked to the car. But before she could speak, Ollie broke the silence himself.

"I don't know what it's like to love a sister." Adrienne looked at him, misunderstanding what he was saying. She was afraid he was going to tell her this was wrong, that he didn't feel the way she did. Instead, he smiled ironically as he continued. "After all, you're the only sister I've ever had, and it's not like I could have asked Joe, 'Hey, buddy, you ever feel like your sister cares more about you than you own mother loves your father?'"

He paused, and as the silence grew, Adrienne's hand stole over to his, and she whispered, "Ollie…"

Ollie turned his face toward his sister and smiled that ironic grin again. "See? That's what I mean. I've always read of sibling rivalry; but you never competed with me for anything. You always competed FOR me. I've always heard sisters and brothers squabbling, picking on each other good-naturedly, it looks like. But there's always a cruel undertone to it. And when they're apart they run each other down. …You ever run me down when you were gabbing in the locker room after gym, or staying over for the night at Holly's?"

"Ollie! Of course not! Why--"

He soothingly rubbed her hand where it lay on his by the shifter. "I know. I already knew the answer was no, I knew it was a safe question." He caressed her hand before continuing again. "Because I have always trusted you more than any of my friends could trust their sisters. I have always loved you differently than they loved their sisters. I always told myself I felt it differently because I was blind. But that's not true, Adrienne. It’s not that I loved you 'differently,' it's that I loved you 'more.'" He paused again, then whispered, "Take us home…sweetheart."

Adrienne would wonder later how they ever got home alive; she was more intoxicated and distracted on the way back that night than she had ever been when drunk or high.


It was full dark when they pulled into the driveway, but not late. Adrienne turned the car off, but neither made any move to get out. As Ollie opened his mouth to break the silence, they were both startled by a sharp rap on Adrienne's window. Their mother was peering in the window at them in the dark.

Adrienne was blushing as she rolled her window down, grateful it was dark. She felt like she had been caught doing something wrong. "Jesus, Mom, you scared me. Why are you lurking in the driveway?" Adrienne kept her tone light, but she also felt annoyed that her mother was intruding on the mood with her soon-to-be lover.

"I thought you were going to be out late at a music thing," the older woman stated. But before Adrienne could answer, their mother continued. "Anyway, I'm meeting with Genie and Fran tonight. Kyle will be there. I might be late or I might not be home at all tonight."

Adrienne looked at her mother and nodded. She was pretty sure her mother had just stated, in her own brusque way, that she, too, was probably going to go get laid tonight. Adrienne smiled at her, rather bemused. "Just be safe, Mom. Text me before you go to bed? So I know you didn't get raped and murdered and thrown in the canal?"

"Adrienne." Mom was not amused, but she relented after a moment. "I'll send you a text before I go to sleep. Sorry your music night didn't work out. Good night, Ollie!"

They both bid their mother good night. As she got in her car and pulled away, Adrienne and Ollie got out of the car and walked up to the house. The stepped in the front door and looked at each other. Perhaps each was wondering if the other would put a stop to this; perhaps they were each afraid of that same thing. Or perhaps their emotions and sensations were simply cranked so high they couldn't think or say anything for a moment. It was the deep breath before the plunge into unknown waters. But the moment passed, and presently Ollie turned to Adrienne with grin that implied many things at once and said: "Honey…we're home."

Then the kissing began.
© Copyright 2025 Jeffrey Meyer (centurymeyer35 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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