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Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Erotica · #2336096
The Creep. The Night. Realizations.
"Go with me on this…"

Adrienne had leaned close, and whispered in Ollie's ear, shortly after they laid their napkins on their plates, ending the meal. "This guy's been giving me the glad eye for the past fifteen minutes. When I tell you to, look up and to your left, then start chuckling."

She waited, breathing in his ear, her hand resting on his leg. God, she smells so good! Whatever she's wearing is driving me crazy, he thought. And if her hand moved any higher--

"Now," she whispered, actually nuzzling his ear. "Just go with this…" He did as she had asked, looked up and to his left and chuckled. He heard a man scoff, but no receding footsteps followed. Then Adrienne nuzzled him again, whispering even more softly. "This should make him go away…" And she kissed his neck, just below the ear. He almost jumped out of his skin--holy fuck! The smell of her perfume, her warm breath behind his ear, Adrienne's moist lips on his neck… He put his hand on hers, which was still on his leg, and squeezed. If she shifted at all, she was going to be able to tell he was hard as a rock in his trousers!

Adrienne giggled and whispered. "That did it. That fucking creep was looking at you and then looking at me like he wanted to get me away from you. He was kind of freaking me out. Thanks for being my big strong-man, Ollie." She kissed his cheek and sat back up in her own chair.

Ollie smiled at her, feeling his erection bent uncomfortably in his trousers. "Oh, it was… my pleasure," he said, grinning down at the table.

His sister quietly excused herself to ladies' room before they left. When she walked away, Ollie groaned quietly, his dick still hard and confined in his pants. What the fuck, he thought. That's Adrienne! That was your sister, dude! But that very thought seemed to make him a little harder, and his belly fluttered. Although he didn't know it, Ollie suddenly looked like a man trying to figure out calculus.

He thought of the feeling of her hands stroking the smooth, thick cream onto his face in the bathroom. And he got harder. He thought of the smell of her perfume as she leaned in to take care of him. He throbbed harder. He recalled the incredible natural feminine scent of her as she stood in front of him (apparently in a very short skirt for the aroma to have been that strong) running her fingers through his hair slowly and gently. His breath hitched and his cock ached. No matter how it started or how it was intended, he thought, at this point--I AM on a date with my big sister! He was surprised that he felt just fine about it.


Adrienne was so nervous, she thought maybe she wouldn't even be able to pee. She sat in the stall in the ladies' room (which was huge and intimidating, like its own palace) and let her breath come in short little spasms. Kissing Ollie had been one fuck of a risk. He could have recoiled in disgust, which would have broken her heart. He could have called her out as his sister, which would have been humiliating. But he hadn't done those things.

He had taken her hand and gently squeezed it, just like he would have done if they HAD been a couple, just a like a man would do when the woman he loves nuzzled him behind the ear. Adrienne had almost lost herself in that moment; she wanted to go on kissing him, turning him on. If he hadn't taken her hand, would she have run it all the way up his leg and touched him? She thought she probably would have. By the time she excused herself got here into the bathroom, her panties were thickly damp with her arousal.

She closed her eyes and got her breathing under control. As she calmed down this way, her muscles finally relaxed and she was able to release her bladder with a sigh of relief that was almost a groan.

I'm dating my little brother, she thought. She smiled as she thought it, feeling warm all over, feeling RIGHT. She cleaned herself and then walked back to the table where the love of her life was waiting for her.


“It’s only eight thirty; the show doesn’t start until nine thirty or ten,” Adrienne said as they walked out of the restaurant. “What do you want to do to kill an hour and a half?”

Ollie’s response was so immediate that it surprised Adrienne. "I don't want to 'kill' a single minute. I haven't enjoyed a night out with a pretty girl in so fucking long…"

Adrienne looked at him with surprise that bordered on shock. Could he be feeling like her, even a little bit? No-- But… dreams sometimes come true…

She summoned a chuckle that sounded mostly genuine and put her arm through his. "Sure, kid. I'll be your trophy girl tonight." Ollie didn't seem to mind it, but Adrienne immediately regretted calling him "kid." She added quietly, almost speculatively, "Except you're not a kid anymore…"

Ollie turned his head and smiled toward her, tightening his arm a bit around hers to keep it there. He was still smiling when he answered, but his tone was not teasing. "Ade, you'd be a trophy for any man." He paused, and he felt Adrienne squeeze his arm just a little bit in silent gratitude for the compliment. Then he finished: "I'm just glad I get to have you to myself tonight."

He kept his face pretty neutral, Adrienne thought. She had to give him that. But her right arm was through his left, and she could feel his pulse speeding up. She was sure he had meant that in the way she WANTED him to mean it, NEEDED him to mean it. Well…MOSTLY sure. Maybe it was now…


At that moment, Ollie inhaled deeply. "We're by the park, aren't we? The park smells so good at night. Take me over there, Ade?" His voice had taken on a wistful, almost distant air. Whatever was in the scent of the park obviously moved him deeply. Ollie had left his white cane in the car when they decided spontaneously on a walk in the evening cool, and he had to rely on Adrienne to guide him.

She steered him carefully across the street, which was getting a little busy at this hour. The park was still a few blocks away, and they navigated the distance in silence, Ollie scenting the air like a man experiencing the bouquet of a fine wine. As they entered the park through the gap in the prickly hedge that served as a gate, Adrienne asked quietly, "What is it about the park, Ollie? Tell me what's so significant about a night in the park."

He thought about it, but didn't answer directly. "Let's sit. Lead me to a bench?" She led him gently to a bench and they sat. But she didn't want to just sit! She wanted to rush into his arms, to kiss him, to make him say he wanted her, too! But that's wasn't love, that was just primal lust (which was certainly not a bad thing, in its own right!). She would not hurry through this, in case she never got to experience it again. Instead, she sat next to him quietly, waiting.

"I don't know if I can explain it." His voice was far away again. "It's like… The scent is so strong that's like seeing--it HAS to be. It makes me feel cool, but not calm; it's an intoxicated feeling. There's a--I don't know, like a taboo flavor to it. It's like I'm not supposed to experience it, I'm not SUPPOSED to be able to smell the spicy grass and the sharp cedar hedges and chlorine from the pool across the way…" He shook his head, unable to express himself clearly. "It's just unique, babe," he said, talking almost to himself.

Adrienne felt a strange sensation in her chest when he absently called her "babe." He didn't realize he had done it, so there was no awkward pause; it was as natural coming out of his mouth as it felt coming into her ears, her heart. She recognized that strange sensation. She had been in love with Ollie for quite some time; but what she felt with that one casual endearment that is usually shared between lovers was that very same love taking a deep, deep root.

Ollie couldn't explain himself further. Well…he COULD'VE, but that would have been more than a little bit unconventional. To him, the smell of the park was unique, which made it exotic and exciting. It smelled like risk, like a stolen kiss must feel. There was no other smell like it, and he had catalogued thousands during his lifetime in darkness. He could have said all this, but it came dangerously close to a truth that seemed dangerously close itself, right now: the aroma of the park at night, just as the dew sets in, after the grass has been cut and hedges trimmed, as the last of the voices are fading to sidewalks leading out--it turned him on. It was like an aphrodisiac to Ollie, and if he had the chance to shuck his clothes and roll in the cool wet grass naked, he would happily and shamelessly take himself in hand stroke away with contentment.

He COULD have said it, he thought as he "looked" across the park at the cool green scents dancing in the playful breeze. It would have probably made Ade a bit uncomfortable, but he guessed he COULD'VE said it. But what he REALLY couldn't have told her was that, tonight, the scent of the park was as unique and dangerous and erotic as the smell of her had been in the bathroom when they were getting ready, a smell that HAD to have been his sister's pussy. He was rather hopeful it had gotten fully dark outside, because he could feel how persistently and no longer unpleasantly hard his cock was. Just from thinking about Adrienne's secret hot sex.

I was NOT full dark, however. It never was on this bench, directly under the streetlamp. Adrienne had chosen this bench over several others so that she could look at Ollie as he spoke, to engage him with as many senses as she could. Her arm was still through his, though loosely now. She looked down at her hands as she listened to him reach for the right words to explain his sightless experience of the night. As he trailed off into quiet thought, images and feelings rushed through her: what it would be like to come here on a real date; the fantasy of bringing him here in the middle of the night and making love to him in the wet grass that excited him so much; of just lying on the bench with her head in his lap, happily enjoying nothing but a quiet sunset. Her eyes flickered over to his lap with this last, and his erection was more than apparent in his trousers. And even just from this angle, through his clothing and in the tricky light of a streetlamp, she could still tell it was better than Harvey's.


They sat, quietly. Ollie's hand moved and found Adrienne's. She's my sister, it's perfectly natural, he reasoned silently. But he didn't take her hand like a buddy or a friend. He experienced it, gently "seeing" it for the first time in a way he never had. His siter's hand…but a woman's hand. A beautiful, kind woman whose hand, in turn, gently twined through his. It was subtle, and it COULD have been natural of siblings. Ollie felt so much more.

He was quiet not because he didn't have anything to say, but because there was so MUCH to say, and none of it should be said. Tonight was going to have been a lark with his big sister, and it had turned into something so deep, so unexpected and potentially life-changing, he had no way of expressing himself without also giving himself away.


It seemed like they sat there for just a moment; it seemed like they sat there for an eternity. Adrienne had arrived at her secret truth by small increments, over the past few years; Ollie arrived at his in the course of a night (probably). But they had both arrived at the SAME truth--they were in love with one another regardless of familial ties. They each admitted it silently to themselves, and welcomed it happily. They knew the social pitfalls and traditional taboos on this love, and so each kept the feeling hidden. Neither knew, though both hoped against hope, that the other felt the same way. And so the minutes passed in a flash as each allowed themselves to be consumed by the emotion; and the seconds crawled by in excruciating anxiety of unspoken, unspeakable love.
© Copyright 2025 Jeffrey Meyer (centurymeyer35 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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