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Like Old Times. Stronger than Dreams. |
"Why aren't you dressed?" Ollie's head snapped up from the ponderous Braille book he was reading. Ironically, even though he had been a straight-D student in history in high school, he was obsessed with it now. He looked annoyed. "Like being blind isn't enough, you're trying to give me a stroke, too?" Adrienne tried not snicker. She'd like nothing better right now than to give him a stroke…or as many strokes as he wanted. "What are you talking about, anyway? I AM dressed." "Not for going out with me, you're not," she replied. Sometimes she liked messing with him, but if she had seen any other woman playing with his head and smiling about it, that woman would have had to have Adrienne's fingernails surgically removed from her eyes. She could imagine Ollie's own eyes, had they worked, darting back and forth, trying to figure out what part of the conversation he had missed. Instead, he sat there completely still, like a robot processing commands. Finally, he responded. "Okay, I think you might have missed the first part of my comment. What the fuck are you talking about?" Adrienne flopped in the soft armchair he kept in his room. It was the chair she always sat in when they talked like this. Her words came out almost whining. "Come on, Ollie… Neither of us EVER go out. Let's take each OTHER out, instead. Come on, it'll be fun." She bit her bottom lip waiting for his reply. She was pretty sure she could talk him into this, but there was always the outside chance he might decline. Ollie thought, but not long. He smiled and replied, "Yeah, that WILL be fun." He started to put on his boots, then paused. "But…what do you mean I'm not dressed right? Are we going to a wedding?" Adrienne chuckled a little. "No, dork. But why don't you take me to dinner, then maybe a show? I can usually get tickets--" Ollie muttered. "Ah fuck." Louder, he said, "I'm not going to the fucking opera, Ade. You KNOW how much I hate that…music," he finished lamely, not wanted to call her favorite music "shit." She had anticipated his reaction. This little charade was going exactly as she had planned, and it made her tingle all over, just as she had tingled in her somewhat-more-than-risqué dream/fantasy last week, when she had decided on this course. If the rest of her plans held… "No, not opera. They're not even in town. But Kyle Hooker and the Rest are…" She said this with a smile on her face and in her voice. She knew Kyle Hooker was his favorite artist. "What? Where?!" "Over at the Hoodwink." Her tone was smug, and she felt the old satisfying sibling rivalry of getting one up on him. Sibling, she thought. This is so fucked…I'm trying to get my SIBLING to go on a date with me! No…I'm not. He happens to BE my sibling, but Ollie is so much more than that. Her heart seemed to take an extra beat as these thoughts flitted through her mind in an instant. Ollie was smiling. "That's awesome…but you don't even like the blues, Ade." "They're okay. I just can't take a steady diet of it. But it'll be fun to be with someone for a change, so the music will be fine." She paused, anticipating his reaction again. "But first, you have to take me to DeVeroe's for dinner." He fulfilled her expectation: he groaned and slumped back in his chair. "Ohhhh, shit! That means I have to dress UP up! Fuck, Ade, I look like a…well, I'm a mess!" She thought he looked positively wonderful, herself. Comfortable and relaxed in his favorite chair, his beard thick and mysterious, his newly-grown-out hair tousled and sticking up in places. God, I'd be perfectly happy staying home with him and curling up in his arms all night. He was quiet for a second, then sat up suddenly, decision written on his face. "Fine. DeVeroe's it is. But I have a condition, too." "You're already getting to go see Kyle and the Rest!" He waved that off like it was no longer germane to the conversation. "You have work to do first. I'm not going out to a fancy restaurant looking like Paul Bunyan. Just like old times, Sis. I need a shave, and I need this shit"--pointing to his head--"ironed out. And I need you to do it." The last sentence came out in an entirely different tone. Tender, personal…almost longing. "But I'm already dressed up!" Instead of bantering, he asked her sincerely, "Please, Ade? I really have been wanting to get rid of the beard. I don't wanna look like a…like a drug dealing biker anymore--" Adrienne was instantly furious, protective of her man--er, her little brother--er…fuck this was confusing! She hissed at him. "Don't you let that motherfucker into your head, Ollie! Not for one second! Dad's a fucking--" She was so instantly emotional knowing Ollie was still upset by their father's abuse that she could hardly think. "Just--fuck him! You look tuff, sure, but you look strong and, and…" she brushed frustrated tears off her cheeks. She took a deep breath to calm down. "Look, I'll shave it if you want me to, but don't shave it because of what Dad said. That was a long time ago, anyway." She paused. "You're beautiful either way, Ollie." Her brother smiled at her reassurance. Sometimes she still felt like just his big sister, watching out for him. But she didn't know many big sisters who had dreamed of happily and secretly swallowing a huge wad of their little brother's sperm. This is so fucked, she thought again, troubled only by the fact that the situation didn't REALLY trouble her at all. Whatever happens--or doesn't--I will NOT hurt him! She got up and reached out for his hand. "Fine , you win. Go get a shower, and when you're done I'll slice your face up." Ollie smiled in a way that was happy and sad at the same time. Nostalgic. "Just like old times…" Yeah, but this time I'm not going to feel the least bit guilty about wanting you to-- Nope, not time for those thoughts. Not yet, at least. Maybe if things went according to plan… As she listened for Ollie to finish his shower, Adrienne became aware of how straight-up, tits-out horny she was. It had been a long time without sex for her, but the thought of how she felt last time she had done this, how he must look right now with hot water coursing down his lean body…fuck! As she felt that naughty itch intensify between her legs, she grinned wickedly. This feeling was intense and infuriating, but it was also so hot! What if it were a little hotter? She bit her lower lip again, her eyes dancing. She slowly began taking off her shirt, then her bra. Her belly fluttered, and she literally shivered with excitement. She took off her skirt. Then her panties. Then her shoes. This would be for both of them, then. He would never know she was completely naked for him while she gave him his spa treatment; and that made it all the more erotic. "Ade? You still here?" Ollie had managed to sneak up on her, for a change. While she sat here on her bed, naked, shivering with arousal, he had padded down to her room in his bare feet. "Oh!" she started, jumping a little. Her breasts jiggled when she jumped; her nudity amplified the sensation, and she felt her nipples harden. "Yeah, go sit down," she managed. When she stood up, she was amazed at how wet she was. She glanced down at her bed where she had been sitting and saw a dark wet spot. The sight sent sparks through her crotch. When she entered the bathroom, she was nervous. It wasn't as though Ollie could see her, but she still felt like she was walking a tightrope, flirting with the danger of him realizing her intentions. Not yet, she thought, picking up the shaving cream and straddling the old wooden chair he had placed for her in front of him. "Ready, babe?" she murmured. Her eyes widened at her slip--BABE?-- and she wondered if would react. He just nodded his head. She could have just used the clippers and shorn him like a sheep first. But she wanted this to be more personal. She got the feeling he did, too, in some way. She scooped a large dollop of the warm foam into her hand and murmured, "This is going to take a little longer than it used to--" Don't call him Baby! She began spreading the foam on his beard, then kneading it into the thick, springy hair. It was still damp from the shower, and it was warm and soft. Adrienne caressed the soothing soap into her brother's beard gently, sensually. She was very aware of the weight of her bare breasts as she leaned forward toward him, soothing, caressing, relaxing his gorgeous face. When Ollie's beard was thoroughly lathered down to the skin, Adrienne opened the straight razor she used to shave her legs. She knew she was probably the only woman on the planet that used a straight razor on her legs, and that she could actually hurt herself quite badly if she was not very careful, but the very danger of it was weirdly exciting for her. She scooted forward to the edge of her chair and leaned forward, carefully resting her free hand on Ollie's cheek. She could feel the slick puddle of her vaginal juice now against her ass cheeks. She had to take a deep breath and focus. She murmured to Ollie, "I'm using a straight razor this time, so no sudden movements. You're beard is so long and thick, a safety razor won't do. So be still…" She leaned further forward and placed the cold blade on his cheekbone. He inhaled sharply, as he always did when she first started. "Wow," he murmured. "Whatever you're wearing, you smell good…" "You…you smell like--" "Shh!" She placed her finger against his lips to shush him. "I really want to go to dinner with you, not the emergency room. Now shut up and sit still, Ollie." He did. He sat stock still. He sat so still he could have been in rigor mortis. It was like he could smell her--he felt himself start to stiffen in his crotch. Was he getting hard from the smell of his sister's body, he asked himself. Nooo… And yet… When Adrienne finished with the bulk of his beard, she tenderly re-lathered his face and fine-tuned with a safety razor. She was sweating when she finished. The bathroom was still steamy from Ollie's shower. She had been confident but nervous with every careful draw of the razor, and she had been sitting naked in a puddle of her own sexual juice in front of her gorgeous baby brother for the last fifteen minutes. "There," she said. "Now your hair. That won't take so long, I promise. We won't miss the show." He put his hand out and found her knee. Her eyes widened. He said softly, "Take your time, Ade. And thank you. Really." It was everything Adrienne could do to keep from taking her brother's face in her hands right there and kissing him with all the pent-up arousal consuming her. And if his hand moved one inch, she would be powerless to stop herself. But he pulled his hand back, and she stood up from the now-sticky chair. She began working with his hair, which he had stopped having cut pretty much the day he had graduated. Adrienne was familiar with its shenanigans, deftly sorting it and layering it and smoothing it. The whole time, she stood in front of him, her neat black mound less than a foot from his face. What if he can smell it? She thought suddenly. I'm so wet, he HAS to be able to smell my pussy! Ollie didn't say a word or move a muscle, though. Still, Adrienne was right: as she finished futzing with his hair, Ollie was slowly inhaling deep breaths of his sister's private, warm crotch, amazed at its incredible aroma, wondering why he wasn't revolted…and wondering why he could catch the scent so strongly. Adrienne brushed his hair into place one last time and traced her palm gently down his cheek. "God damn you're handsome, dude." Ollie blushed and started to stand up. Adrienne was able to move only just in time to prevent his face from colliding with her breast. "Alright," she managed without stuttering. "Go put something on from the left side of your closet. And I want to be impressed!" Ollie stood in front of her for a moment, inches away from her. Her breath wanted to come out in rapid little pants. Her belly fluttered and her nipples puckered tight. He stood inches from her, for just a moment, near enough to feel his moist, warm, minty breath. She was wet again, her body and heart and mind were ready, and this was it then. She was going to pull that smooth, freshly shaven face against hers and kiss him with all the longing of the last three years. She parted her lips and started to reach out… …Then Ollie smiled, turned, and walked back to his room, completely oblivious of the deep love that had just narrowly missed its opportunity. Adrienne stood there for a moment, now breathing in those little gasps. She was shaking again. Oh, it was easy to dream of blithely performing oral sex on her little brother, playfully and happily sucking him off, and then grinning about it ten minutes later. But now, after only having really touched his face and his hair and felt his breath against her cheeks, she was an absolute mess, shaking with emotion deeper than she had ever felt and a need more achingly acute than anything adolescence had ever introduced. She wondered for a moment if she'd actually had an orgasm, standing there in front of Ollie, naked except for her short little white socks, vulnerable and willing. No, not that much, she concluded. But her wetness had actually dripped all the way down to her knees. She took the washrag Ollie had left on the side of the tub and wiped the insides of her thighs and her lips. As the rag grazed those sensitive petals, she shivered. She could quite contentedly sit down right here on the bathroom floor and use the rag that caressed Ollie's naked body to rub herself to an orgasm. Instead, she put the rag down, walked back to her room, and put her clothes back on. She brushed her hair again and put on just the tiniest bit more of the perfume Ollie had said he liked. She silently told her heart and her pussy to behave themselves and went to see if Ollie was ready. |