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Revelation 17 The Whore of Babylon
Lesson 22 Questions

First Day: Read Lesson 21 Notes.

The notes and lecture fortify the truth of the passage for understanding and application to daily life.

1. How did the lecture impact your understanding of God’s mercy and justice?

2. What thoughts in the notes regarding God’s expression of His justice and mercy stood out to you?

Second Day: Read Revelation 17:1-2.

An angel invited John to see the punishment of the great prostitute.

3. a. What did the angel declare he would show John?

The angel said “ Come,” he said, “I will show you the condemnation and punishment[c] of the great prostitute who sits on many waters. Revelation 17:1

Upon whom did the woman of verse 1 have influence?

The kings of the world she had immoral relationship with and those on Earth who got drunk on the wine of her immorality.

4. Explain the adultery mentioned in verse 2. (See also Exodus 20:1-6.)

This is a spiritual adultery, with people lusting for something/someone who is replacing God. Spiritual adultery is idolatry, and violates the first commandment to have no other god beside the Almighty.

5. What public figure or attractions of the world appeal to you or detract from your devotion to God, and why?

Distractions such as games, puzzles, and videos. I tell the Lord to wait, because I’m almost done, and refuse to understand what He means when He tells me to rest.

Third Day: Read Revelation 17:3-6.

In the Spirit, John was carried into the wilderness to see the woman and the beast.

6. Describe the woman in this passage and the beast she was riding. (See also Revelation 13:1.)

So[e] he carried me away in the Spirit[f] to a wilderness,[g] and there[h] I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast that was full of blasphemous names and had seven heads and ten horns. 4 Now[i] the woman was dressed in purple and scarlet clothing,[j] and adorned with gold,[k] precious stones, and pearls. She held[l] in her hand a golden cup filled with detestable things and unclean things from her sexual immorality.[m] 5 On[n] her forehead was written a name, a mystery:[o] “Babylon the Great, the Mother of prostitutes and of the detestable things of the earth.” 6 I saw that the woman was drunk with the blood of the saints and the blood of those who testified to Jesus.[p] I[q] was greatly astounded[r] when I saw her.

The woman is dressed in finery as only the wealthy and powerful can afford.

7. a. What was the woman’s relationship with God’s holy people?

She despises them. She wants them dead for her own pleasure and desires.

b. Read 2 Chronicles 36:15-21; Jeremiah 39:1-10; and Daniel 5. How do these passages show the name “Babylon” is appropriate for the woman in John’s vision?

Babylon was used as an agent to carry out God’s wrath. The Babylonian empire attacked Judah and destroyed Jerusalem. They slaughtered people indiscriminately, and razed Jerusalem. Sacred vessels and other treasures were taken from the temple. Babylon suffered God’s retribution when Crown Prince Belshazzar feasted, using sacred vessels of gold and silver taken from the Temple to drink from and praise idols of gold, silver, bronze, iron, wood, and stone. That night, Belshazzar was killed and the Medes and Persians took control.

So, the woman symbolizes the carrying out of God’s wrath, and the corruption she engaged in, drinking from golden vessels. She, too, will be destroyed after getting drunk on the blood of God’s people and spread of apostasy.

8. How do the glittering but abominable attractions of the world today stand in contrast with the things of God? To which are you more drawn, and why? (See also Matthew 6:19-21.)

The desire for things, and for luxury are attractive. The earthly attractions feed human lusts, like money, power, greed, and sex. These lusts can dominate us, very “If it feels good, do it.” These are fleeting and turn our worship towards ourselves. They degrade and control us. God Is the only one worthy of our worship. His treasures never spoil or decay or are taken from us.

I am more drawn to God. He Is my source of all good things, and will never hurt me.

” Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry, never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you”
Rick Astley, Never Going to Give You Up

Fourth Day: Read Revelation 17:7-14.

John received the angel’s explanation.

9. a. From verse 7, what would the angel explain to the astonished John?

The mystery of the woman and the beast with ten horns.

b. From where did the beast and the 10 kings come, and what was their goal?

They came from the bottomless pit, and their goal is to make war on the Lamb.

c. What will be the outcome of the war?

The Lamb will conquer them. He Is the King of Kings and Lord of lords, and those with Him are called and chosen and faithful.

d. If you are a follower of the Lamb, what comfort, encouragement, and certainty do you receive from this outcome?

Whatever I endure now, I am His. In the end, it’s game over, God wins. He Is my home, my life, my redeemer.

10. What is the difference between the description of the beast in Revelation 17:8 and the description of the Lord God Almighty in Revelation 1:4, 8; 4:8?

The beast was and was not, and is to come; the Lord who Is and who was and who is to come. The Lord is holy and seated on the throne. The Lord is eternal, and worthy of all praise and worship. The beast is going to be destroyed, while Almighty God is the only source of peace.

11. a. Why does verse 9 state wisdom is required? Where does this wisdom come from?

The people whose names aren’t written in the Lamb’s Book of Life will be amazed when they see the beast. We who belong to Jesus must use discretion and discernment. We have to turn to God for understanding, and not be overwhelmed by the outward appearance of the beast. This wisdom comes from God.

b. How do you gain wisdom for your life today? What have been the results when you have yielded to God’s higher thoughts and ways?

The Bible, studying scripture, and reading. Also direct communication with God.

Fifth Day: Read Revelation 17:15-18.

God’s purpose will be accomplished.

12. What do these verses say about the unity of God’s enemies? (See also Judges 7:22 and 2 Chronicles 20:22-23.)

All events occur eithin the Lord’s will. These enemies of God are defeating another of God’s enemies. The unity is brief, and they won’t stay unified or survive His judgment.

13. How do you see God’s sovereignty at work in this passage and in the world today?

God put the desire in the hearts and kings to destroy the woman. No matter what they think they’re doing, they are carrying out God’s will.

14. How does knowing ultimate victory belongs to God help you see through deception, withstand persecution, and proclaim the truth of Jesus Christ?

Sixth Day: Review Revelation 17.

All who choose to stand against God will experience destruction.

15. What have you learned in this week’s study about God and Satan’s work in the world? How may your group pray for you as you make this truth a part of your life?

Passage Discovery (homiletics, word study, etc.) for Group and Administrative Leaders: Revelation 17

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