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Rated: E · Short Story · Detective · #2334654
First Draft. Who Killed Floyd Preston of South Bunker? Someone from his days as Mayor? Or?

In the press box, three stories up the baseball field bleachers, Detective D.J. Vanholte turns away from the prone body of former Mayor Floyd Preston who’s lying face down in a dried puddle of blood. Floyd’s gray hair is matted with dried blood and the collar and top of his yellow polo shirt are dark with blood spots.

DJ watches the big barge of a car that ME Geoff Booker drives, a bright yellow Pontiac Bonniville with a black ragtop, pull into the F Street gate. He would recognize that car anywhere, he roomed with Geoff at WVU. Getting to ride in it many times to and from classes while he was working on his criminal justice degree, and Geoff was in med school.

Looking back at Junior Detective, Hiram Cobb, his assistant, “Nobody saw anything, I suppose?” DJ opens his arms in exasperation. Shoves one hand into his pocket and rubs his brow with the other. Gazing around the press box with a trained eye, he's certain he hasn't missed anything.

“I asked the patrolmen to canvass the neighborhood. Across the alley, that runs behind the wall,” Kneeling over the dead body, Hiram looks up, “there are a few two-story apartment buildings they need to check. Nobody noticed his car pulling into the F Street entrance.”

"Who found him?" DJ asks.

"Two electricians coming to install more outlets.” Hiram continues, “They opened the door, saw the body, and hightailed it half a block to the police station." Hiram returns to Floyd's body, bending over and checking his pockets, and not finding anything that may tell more of Floyd’s last hours.

A homicide in South Bunker is usually drug-related, or a fast crime of passion. But this being the former Mayor, it could be a nightmare. We haven't found any solid clues yet, just a body with his head knocked in.

One of the officers poked their head in, “DJ! The ME’s here.”

“Ok, thanks. We'll step outside," touching Hiram's shoulder and motioning to the door. As they start out, a bear of a man steps up.

"Heya, 'Deeg, hope I didn't hold you up, lunchtime traffic through the construction is terrible," Geoff laughs as he apologizes.

DJ thought Geoff's car fit him nicely. Both are big and both need a lot of space, "No problem, we'll be out here, if you need us."

Hiram sits down on a bleacher and starts making notes. DJ stands against the back wall. Looking over the low back wall, he notices 3 open-ended PVC pipes strapped to the side of the building. They're about 3 or 4 feet below the top and run down to the ground. Probably conduit pipe the electricians had been using, he thinks. Beside the pipes he sees two narrow metal pieces going from the wall to the metal tower that holds the field's lights.

Looking back into the press box, "Got anything yet?" he asks.

"Ya know, I can't give you anything official till I get him in the lab." says Geoff, "The time of death is approximately 11 pm. Give or take." Geoff motions "C'mere", with his bear-claw-sized hand, "Here, below the hairline on his neck, looks like a zero or o and an n. Some sort of a blunt instrument to the back of the head ended his night. A heavy pipe or bat." He pulls back the matted hair showing me the marks.

DJ asks, "So, a baseball bat could be the weapon?" thinking not lucky enough to be that easy.

Geoff smiles, "Maybe, but certainly not one of the little league bats if that's what you're thinking."

After a closer look at the markings, he raises, "Anything else?" he asks.

"Not confirmed but from the angle of the contusion it looks like the object was moving upwards at an angle." Geoff motions like a golfer swing.

DJ asks, "So, he was hit by someone shorter than him?" holding his hand at eye level.

"I'll know more in the lab. It's getting hot here, and we should move him to the lab." Geoff stands up and motions his interns to get the body.

"Page me if you get more," DJ says. Motioning for Hiram to follow, DJ starts down the wide bleacher steps. He smells the fresh-cut grass mixed with the smell of red clay dirt. Hiram, being much smaller than DJ, has to take two small steps to his one.

“Bet this place brings back memories.” Hiram wheezes a little.

DJ smiled thinking of the many times he played shortstop or 2nd base on this field, “Oh yeah, some good, some bad. They’re just memories. It’s been almost 20 years.” Enjoying the warmth of the spring day as he steps off the bleachers onto the grassy path to the parking lot.

“That’s the former mayor's car over there," Hiram points to a Lincoln, "The crime lab boys are running prints on it, then it’ll be towed to the garage to be searched.” Looking at DJ, “Do you think we need to do something about the rumor mill that will probably start?”

DJ says “Not a lot we can do. The sooner we solve this, the sooner the truth will be known. Townspeople will find something else to talk about.” sliding into the passenger side. Hiram gets into the driver's side and pulls out of the gravel parking lot. "Head over to the office, we have official records about Floyd in the HR files. Remember, he was a mayor."

The office is evidence of the time in grade DJ has over Hiram. DJ has his collage and Academy pictures along the wall. Behind his semi-neat desk, the wall holds his WVU Diploma and State Police Academy Diploma. On a corner shelf, DJ has a coffee pot, his Academy coffee cup, and an extra cup for visitors. Hiram has his Marshall University Diploma and State Police Academy Diploma. On his clean-as-a-whistle desk, sits a picture of his wife and son.

DJ picks up his Academy Award coffee cup and pours a cup of coffee before he sits down at his desk. Moving papers aside and stacking them on the corner, he touches the picture of his wife of 10 years sitting with their two boys on baseball bleachers. It is a habit he has had since being promoted to Detective about 9 years ago.

DJ looks over at Hiram, "Now, why would a former Mayor be in the press box of a Little League baseball field at midnight?" Opening his file drawer, he pulls out a folder and lays it on his desk.

Hiram, sitting at his desk, looks up from his notes, "I don't know, to meet someone maybe? Or took someone there for a little romantic rendezvous. His car was the only car there." Shrugging his shoulders, "Whatever the reason, it didn't end well."

DJ opens and reads the folder's content "Floyd started his political career early, as a councilman. He worked his way up to Mayor for the maximum of two terms." Looking up, "Think he may have stepped on a few toes? Would you see if the folder with his last application for Mayor is in the file cabinet? That info will be more current," DJ sips his coffee.

Hiram pulls the folder out of the cabinet, looking through it as he moves back to his desk.
"Nearest relative is Connie Preston," snapping his fingers, "I just remembered, she works at Joey's Fountain and Drug Store."

"Anything else we can use?" DJ asks.

"It says he is a Trustee and Board Member of the South Bunker Little League," Hiram says excitedly, "I know who to see there, I had to sign my son up for baseball last week. That's Phyllis Throckmorton, the League secretary, and the office is right across the baseball field."

Watching Hiram getting excited like a little puppy with a new toy reminds DJ of how exciting a homicide can be for a rookie. But lord forgive me, I need to get used to his high squeaking voice, he thinks.

"Ok." Looking at his watch, "The lunch rush isn't quite over yet. Let's go back to the ballfield and chat with Ms. Throckmorton. The lunch rush should be over by the time we are done, and we can go see Connie." DJ sets down his coffee cup and heads out the door, with Hiram following.

It was just a couple blocks drive to the baseball field, and we parked outside the Fourth Avenue Gate,
in front of the South Bunker Little League office. After parking, DJ walks over to the large iron gate. He finds the lock is rusty and notices the orange plastic-covered chain of a bicycle lock lying in the grass beside the wall. He reaches between the bars and the wall and picks up the piece of plastic with a chain inside. This revealed a watch with a broken band under it. Picking up both and then sliding the chain into his pocket, He looks the watch over, finding an inscription ' RJA from LAA', he slides this into his pocket as well. Looking at where the dirt from the grass meets the cement, he takes note of a bicycle tire mark. He gets the Polaroid and takes a quick picture. He pockets it and then takes the camera back to the car.

With Hiram following, DJ enters the office and the first thing he sees is a small, round, red-headed lady standing on a stool feeding fish in an aquarium.

Stepping off the stool and setting the fish food down, Phyllis Throckmorton gushes "Oh DJ! How have you been, it's been a while since we talked. You and May celebrated, what is it now,10th anniversary?" She seems to glide to her desk. Laughing a bit as she offers DJ and Hiram a seat.

"Ms. Throckmorton, when was the last time you saw Floyd Preston?" DJ takes a seat across from the lady, as does Hiram.

"Why DJ, you've known me for years, it's Phyllis to you, please," smiling and adjusting herself and her dress into the chair, "Now what about Floyd? I saw him for a few minutes yesterday morning. Came in, got a couple of faxes and left. He never sits here long at all."

DJ motions for Hiram to take notes. "Do you know what the faxes were?"

"Oh nothing important. He gets copies of the Vendor's billing weekly," a quizzical look on her face. "Is something wrong?" Her fingers start gently tapping on the desk, DJ watches her getting nervous.

"Did he say anything out of the ordinary, or act different?" DJ was trying to be as compassionate as he could, obviously she doesn't know of his death yet.

"To be honest, we don't talk much. If he would say more than two sentences to me, it would have been out of the ordinary," she answers.

"Were you close to Floyd?" DJ asks, noticing the pain that just flashed across the large, open face of Phyllis Throckmorton.

"Has something happened? Is that why all the questions?" her face squinches, anticipating bad news.
Her deep blue eyes start to fill up with tears, "Something has happened to Floyd? Can you please tell me? We were close once." Pulling up her pocketbook from under the desk, she pulls out a handkerchief and wipes her eyes.

DJ glances over and sees Hiram's eyes glued to the greying red-haired woman, his hands writing notes.

Looking back at Phyllis, "Ms. Throckmorton, I mean, Phyllis, something has happened to Floyd." watching her intently and sliding his hand out to her across the empty desk. "He was found dead this morning," holding her hand as he tells her and giving her a slight squeeze.

"OH MY!" she catches her breath "What happened? Did his heart give out? He seemed as healthy now as he was in high school. Does Connie know? They weren't close but those kids knew him." She was starting to gush.

"No, not yet, and I would appreciate it if you wouldn't say anything as yet about this. Give me some time to piece this together and let Connie know. Just a few more questions, if you can handle it." DJ always hated interrogating people who were hurting.

"How long did you know Floyd?" Gently rubbing her twitching hand.

"Oh my lands, we grew up together. His family lived next door, and his dad and my dad would go fishing together." She dabs at her eyes and her runny nose.

"You mentioned high school? Was he an old flame?"

"We dated for 3 years, right up till graduation. Then he turned too good for me, at least that was the impression I got." Looking down her eyes took a little angry turn. Like an injustice occurred to her.

DJ felt he was fishing a full stream, just had to coax it out. "I didn't know you went to high school with Floyd. You dated for a long time. What happened between you and him in the senior year?" He glanced over and Hiram was writing almost as fast as they were talking.

Wiping her eyes, she looks down for a moment then continues, "He met some girl from up toward Elkview, a country girl. I heard a rumor that he was cheating on me one week, and the next week he's telling me he's not taking me on that graduation cruise. I knew it was over then."

"I'm so sorry he treated you that way. Date three years, then get dumped just like that." DJ shakes his head. "What cruise are you talking about?" DJ thinks he feels the hook set. Still holding her hand, he squeezes gently.

"At the start of the year, he bragged if he graduated his grandparents would treat him and a friend to a one-week cruise before college. Guess who he didn't choose."

"It would be tremendous help if you can remember the girl's name, Phyllis, and what cruise ship it was." DJ watches her eyes.

"You would think, that after all these years I would forget that. Laura Ackers, I remember it like yesterday. "She starts sobbing again, out comes the handkerchief again.

DJ leans slightly across the desk, "Do you remember the cruise ship or company? "

"I'm pretty sure it was Cardinal Cruise; the one advertised all the time. The Sea Prince, I think, but not sure. I'm sorry." another sob.

"Ok just one more question. What year was graduation for you?" DJ looked at Hiram, making sure he was noting all of this.

"Class of 68" she says, "South Bunker High School" She starts a smile, while drying her tears. She
is setting up straight now, her hands down in her lap.

"Are you ok?" DJ stands up, "We got a few more stops"

Standing up and offering her hand, "I'll be fine, all that was many years ago. I hope you find whoever is responsible for this."

DJ and Hiram return to the car, DJ deep in thought. In the car, "Let's go see Connie. Park over at the office, and we can walk over. "Rubbing his chin and gazing out the car window.

"I need a couple of things, run that tag and if you still have a friend or two at the State Police, see if you can get us the Cruise Manifest for that year Floyd took the cruise. One more thing, see if Laura Ackers is still in Elkview. Get that started and I'll meet you at the bench in front." DJ says.

Leaving the car DJ walks around to the front bench as Hiram runs in the back door. DJ enjoys the warm weather while trying to piece the parts together. He feels its still early and has to talk to a few more people to get it all straight.

Hiram steps out "Ok just waiting for replies now, I'll check the fax later." They walk out onto D Street and head toward Joey's Fountain and Drug Store. A soft breeze carries the sound of Union Carbide and FMC down the street, mixing with trains shifting in the train yard from the lower end of D Street. As they walk past Portman's Grocery, DJ gives a smile and nod to Mrs. Portman who is standing in the doorway.

During lunchtime, all the local, little businesses are busy with the Carbide and FMC crowd. Middle of the afternoon, like now, it's almost deserted, till 5, then busy again till 6:30. After that, you can roll up the streets.

Hiram and DJ walk the short distance to Joey’s and step inside. Lunch is over so there are only a couple of people at the counter and the four booths are empty. They are greeted with the sound of plates being washed and stacked as they slide into the first booth. Connie Preston heads toward them with two glasses of water and menus. DJ waves off the menus and smiles at Connie, “How are you doing, Connie? Little guys ready for baseball?”

“You know it,” she sets down the water and takes out her order pad, “What are you having today, DJ?”

“It's business today, Connie," DJ pauses, taking a small breath, "Something has happened to Floyd...he was found dead,” DJ watches her intently for a reaction. "I'm sorry."

Her mouth opens in surprise. “Oh my!” she sits down across from him.

Connie Preston was Carl Preston’s widow, Floyd's son. “You know I hated that filthy bastard, but it’s bittersweet. The kids will be crushed. They adored him.” She continued, "He had no respect for me or the kids. I don’t think he had respect for any woman.” DJ reaches for her clenched hand, squeezing it gently in support.

Moving his other hand to cover hers with a small pat. "Go ahead, we’re listening," he says.

Looking at DJ then over at Hiram, “You know he hit on me?… Not just once, oh no! After the funeral, it was every time he would find himself close to me.” Wringing her hands. “I'm not surprised he was found dead after what he did to Madylin!”

“What did he do to Madylin? All this is news to me, Connie.” DJ says, looking around for Madylin.

Getting up from the booth, “You guys want some coffee? I’ll get Madylin and let her tell you about it." Connie moves across the floor to get coffee and has a whispered conversation with Madylin. Over the sounds of dishes being washed and the cash register, DJ hears a distinct "Whoot! in very hushed tones. Madylin, eyes big and bright, comes across the floor with two coffees.

DJ knew a little about Connie and Madylin. That they both graduated just a couple of years behind him.
They had been best friends in high school. Madylin has one boy to raise alone. He was about the same age as Connie’s two boys, so they were all friends and in the little league.

“Hi DJ, so there is life after high school?” She set the coffees down and slid into the booth Connie had vacated. Hiram scooted over a bit to make more room, sliding his notebook to his left.

“Hi Madylin, good to see you. Guess the little guy is gearing up for baseball season?” DJ starts.

“I understand you found a dead snake?” Madylin says, looking at the lighter and the cigarette she just pulled out. Lighting it and laying the engraved Zippo on the table, then exhaling away from the table. DJ glanced at the lighter, it had the special forces emblem stamped in it and Madylin's deceased husband's name below it. The horrors of battle got to Madylin's husband even after coming home. One cold night he took a walk off the St. Albans-Nitro Bridge.

"Floyd Preston was found dead this morning," DJ says.

“He finally got what was coming to him." Her eyes brighter than the fire at the end of her cigarette.

DJ asks, "Where were you last night?"

"I was with Connie and the kids watching movies all yesterday evening, we stayed over to watch the midnight show.”, she exhaled away from the table. "And no, you won’t see me shed any tears for that SOB!” She continued, “Of course I wanted him dead, but no, I didn't kill him." She says.

DJ watches her intently, “What did you have against Floyd Preston? "

“You need to promise me one thing,” Madilyn says, “Don’t let this out, I don’t need Jody, my boy getting wind of this. I will deny saying anything if it gets out.”
She takes another drag off her cigarette, and taps off the ash, “Floyd Preston took advantage of me. He offered to help Jody, my son, get selected for All-Stars. If I were to meet him at the Pioneer Motel, the first time was 3 years ago. He approached me the next year, I wanted Jody in All-Stars, so I agreed again."

"So, two years in a row he fixed a position in the All-Stars in exchange for sexual favors," DJ clenched his teeth, agitated that this was going on under his nose, by a former Mayor, to say the least.
"More?" he asked.

"He got his pay for those two years, but that's not the worst of it. He called me last year and proposed the same thing. Meet him at Pioneer's and Jody gets on All Stars." Taking a long drag off her cigarette, exhales slowly away from the table. Her knee bouncing was evidence of her nervousness.

"Last year the voting was delayed a few days, and I didn't know that. He called and I met him as we had been doing. The same room even. The next day Jody comes home from school and tells me he didn’t make the All-Stars this year." Her voice changes pitch a little, the anger seeping through as she slaps the table.

"I was seeing red, but I held back while Jody was home, but after he went to practice," She was nearly in tears, DJ watched as her self-esteem deflated and she nearly falls apart. He reaches for her hand and gently holds it.
At this moment he hated Floyd with a passion. But he had to settle himself down to get the whole story. “You want some water or something, Madylin? Take your time, Hiram is getting this down. I feel for you having to go through this, I’m sorry.” DJ hated this part of the job. "After Jody went to practice?" DJ was afraid of the answer, for her sake.

"After Jody went to practice, I got Floyd on the phone and gave him hell. He didn’t even give me an excuse, just said sorry, Christy’s son, Jimmy, made it.” Long drag on the cigarette, exhaling softly away from the table.

DJ's fist was clenching and unclenching, he took a deep breath like they taught him at the Academy. Slowly easing his anger, he watches Madylin closely. The look he saw on her face was that of a beaten-down person with no answers.

"I kept my side of the deal, "Madylin says, "He screwed me over!"

“You're saying he did this to you three times, and then to Christy?”

“I don’t know for sure, but her son got All-Stars, the first time he has ever been picked.” She sighed a little “Wonder if her fiancé knows? Not that I would ever say a word, nobody deserves pain. Things we go through for our kids.” Standing up, Madylin looks at DJ, “Might pay you to go out to the Pioneer and see Jerry, he sees a lot of goings on I’m sure.”

"Hang on a second, is that Christy Brenderpeek he was talking about?" DJ's feeling a fishing moment. "Isn't she dating that Preacher, John Prichett?"

"Yeah, that's the Christy." Madylin laughs, "Little Miss Goody two shoes may have made a boo-boo!"

DJ looks at Hiram. ”Ok, a ride out to see Jerry Giles.” He and Hiram get up and DJ lays a few dollars on the table for the coffee.

Looking to the back he says, “Thanks Connie, you and Madilyn helped a lot. We need to catch whoever did this before anyone else may get hurt, or dead.” He and Hiram head out the door.

They walked to the office and got the car, the ride out to Pioneer Motel was pretty short. It was just on the outskirts of the town line.

Jerry Giles, owner, was one of the good ones. He grew up in South Bunker and raised his family here. the motel sponsors a team every year. He also owns and runs The Ferdinand, a topless dance bar. He tries to keep it clean and safe, but that’s not always possible.

The Pioneer is a little off of Rt 60, across the tracks and into the parking lot going up a small incline. When we pull into the lot, Jerry's sitting on the old porch at the Motel office. We get out and head up to the porch, “How've you been, Jerry, is the family doing ok?” DJ asks, stepping up on the porch, Hiram right behind getting out his notepad.

“Have a seat guys. I figured you would be coming out. Coffee? Water? You need a drink?” Jerry was always accommodating to almost anyone who would sit down with him.

“Well, you know then, why we are here?” Sitting down in the other rocker as Hiram takes the one beside him.

“I suppose Floyd’s shenanigans caught up with him. I thought it would sooner or later so I just watched. Ask what you may, I got nothing at all to hide.” Jerry's rocking slowly.

“Let’s start with his Motel visits. I know of Madilyn. What else can you tell me?”

“Well, he had a few meetings with Madilyn, over the past few years that is. Last time, right after Madilyn pulled out of the lot, Christy Brenderpeek pulled in and went down to the end of the lot." Jerry pointed to the back of the lot, "Like she was hiding. Then she walked up to the room Madilyn had just left."

"What makes you think she was hiding?" DJ asked.

Jerry takes a drink of whatever it is in the unmarked bottle, "She parked at the end of an empty lot." He swats at a fly. "I watch who comes and goes but I have no idea what goes on behind those doors, nor do I want to know."

DJ asks, "How long was she here?"

"She left later that evening, and he checked out shortly afterward," Jerry said.

"And this was how long ago?" asks DJ.

"Last start of ball season, just about this time last year. I suppose."

"Anything unusual last night?"

"Last night he pulled in, so I thought it was going to happen again. This time he didn’t leave his car, and another car pulled in. It pulled toward the back of the lot, and a dark-haired lady got out. She walked up and got into Floyd's car. He drove off."

"You have any idea what time it was?"

"It was a little after 11 because the evening news was still on when I went in."

"Did you see them come back?"

"Nope and the car was gone this morning.”

Hiram was writing fast, and DJ was turning these things over in his head. Jerry took a drink of what looked like juice and wiped his mouth.

“You didn’t recognize the girl?”

“Nope, but I did get nosey. After he pulled out, I walked down and got her license tag number,” Jerry said with a big smile.

“Good job! Now we have something to go on.” DJ smiles.

Jerry pulls a piece of paper from his pocket and hands it to DJ. He reads it and then hands it to Hiram. DJ’s pager interrupts the conversation, and he asks Jerry if he can use the phone. Inside the office, DJ drops his coins into the payphone and dials the ME’s number. After acknowledging this morning's information, DJ hangs up and steps back outside.

Looking at Jerry, “You haven’t forgotten anything? We're going to the lower parking spaces and look around."

"Sure! Down at the bottom of the lot." Jerry points.

“Come on Hiram,” DJ says, stepping off the porch.
“Thanks, Jerry! See you at the opening games. Tell the wife we said hi.”

Turning down toward the parking lot, DJ and Hiram head to the car. As they pull down to the lower spaces, DJ tells Hiram about the phone call. "Pretty much the same thing he said this morning so nothing new,”

After he gets out of the car, DJ starts looking over where the weeds and brush meet the pavement. Pushing through the brush a little at a spot that looks a bit flattened. He sees a creek, following where it looks like the brush has been broken or trampled, he heads down through the brush and comes out on a rock at the edge of the creek. He spots a bicycle partially in the creek and on the bank. DJ climbs through the brush and takes hold of the bike. Pulling it up and out of the weeds, he drags it out of the brush to look at it. Opening the trunk, he puts the bike into it and he and Hiram get back into the car.

DJ pulls the chain and the watch out of his pocket and lays both on the dash along with the tire picture. Looking at Hiram, "Puzzles pieces need to be put together. Any ideas or suggestions?"

Hiram looks at the watch engraving "Do you know who RJA or LAA is? LAA could be Laura Ackers, Phyllis was talking about." DJ slides the items into a manilla envelope he had in the glove box.

"How does it all fit together?" DJ asks more to himself than to Hiram.
They pull out of the parking lot onto Rt.60.

“So we looking for a very heavy bat with an O and N somewhere on it? Are we sure no Little League bat could do that?” Hiram asked, cutting through some traffic.

"That's what it sounds like so far," DJ settles into his seat, turning the events over in his head. He feels a slight nagging that he may have missed something. Pieces of a puzzle still missing so not a complete picture yet. "Let's park at the office and walk over to Bobby's. May, the wife, talked to her about a part-time job last week, so I know she's still working there."

The walk to Bobby's was short and pleasant, this time of day there are fewer vehicles on D Street. DJ can still hear the constant sounds of the plant across Route 60, though he can also hear the loud crash and thump of train cars being maneuvered at the 2nd Avenue yard.

Opening the door at Bobby's, a bell is hit and dings at anyone's entrance. DJ steps inside and takes in the faux marble counter, devoid of any customers, so he sits at a barstool. Hiram sets down on the next one over, laying his notepad on the counter.

From the back, a little, mousey-looking girl walks behind the counter. The big smile and bright eyes fade quickly, then right back bubbly again. DJ notices the quick change "Hi Christy, congratulations on Charlie making All Stars!" as genuine as he can. "Bet he's thrilled!".

Christy flushed with a look of pure anger, looking slightly sideways at DJ. Quickly replacing it with a downcast expression. Looking down at her hands as she picks at her nails.

His voice is low, so if there are others in hearing range, they won't know what he is saying. "Do you know, we found Floyd Preston's body today?" clued in by the previous facial changes, DJ's trained eyes are intent on the thin, little, lady as she moves around to the stool beside him.

She puts her hands over her face as she turns and puts her elbows on the counter. DJ watches her shoulders shake as she sobs into her hands. Just for a moment, he thinks he hears "Thank you Lord" whisper from Christy.

Putting his hand between her shoulders, he feels her stiffen slightly then she takes a deep breath. Setting up, she turns to face DJ.

"How long did you know Floyd?" DJ asks.

"Not long at all, I didn't have time, with all the church activities I had going. I couldn't take part in the Little League activities, so our paths barely crossed." she fidgeted nervously, her eyes moving back and forth. Her hands writhing in each other, and DJ reaches to soothe them.

"What did Floyd do to you"

"I heard through the rumor mill that he could help my son make the All-Stars. I knew if he could, it would be a good shot at a college scholarship." More tears and wipes her eyes. DJ reaches and tenderly touches her shoulder. His own emotions raised his blood pressure, and he could almost feel this lady's pain.

"Did you approach him?" These interrogations were wearing on DJ. He didn't like the pictures they were painting for him.

"Not really, we found ourselves sitting across from each other at a picnic table, at the church homecoming picnic. We started talking about the boys playing baseball. His grandsons attend our Sunday school."

"It was wrong, what I did." She wipes tears away and reaches for some napkins from the dispenser.

"Does Connie Preston go to the same church?" DJ shifts around a little, to be face to face with this frail creature.

"No, she just drops off her boys, then picks them up about noon." biting her lip," I know it was wrong, and this is God wrapping my knuckles with a ruler!" She starts sobbing again. "If Johnny finds out he'll send me packing. Oh Lord, what did I do?" starting to wildly look around, like someone could be listening.

"That's Reverand Johnny Tacket? Has that little Independent church on 2nd Avenue?” DJ just let her know that he is familiar with Tacket as well as the church.

"Yes.." she sniffs, "We've been engaged for a few years, just not set a date yet. One thing or another comes up." The wisp of a person shakes again with another bout of sobs. "Now I don't know, oh my."

"So you met Floyd when? " DJ thinking how the timeline is coming out, feels he is fishing again.

"A few months ago, it was last season. I drove out to The Pioneer on 60, he met me there." She fidgets a little, "Can we not let this out? My life will be ruined, for one mistake." Wiping her eyes, then nose, and biting her lip. "Johnny was at an overnight retreat."

"Where were you last night?" DJ throws a line out and waits, eyeing her intently for anything that would give away a lie.

"Johnny was at a weeklong retreat and today was a teacher's day at school, so the girls' junior class wanted a movie and a sleepover night. Diane and I had arranged it, and Tonya was there for a little while." She seemed a bit calmer now, DJ thought, as he glanced at Hiram writing furiously.

"When is the Reverand getting back from his Retreat? I'll keep it as discreet as I can, Christy." DJ mentally notes her quick look of fear, her hands starting to writhe again.

"He got home this morning and should be cleaning up the activity building and getting it ready for Sunday." her voice was a little squeaky like tension starting to build up again. DJ rubs her shoulder gently like a friend who cares.

"I need to talk with Diane and Tonya if they're here. I'll try to make it short," looking around, "lucky no customers have drifted in so far." DJ stands and offers his hand to Christy, helping her off the bar stool. He stretches and looks over Hiram's shoulder, noting how precise he is in taking notes.

Christy smiles and moves toward the back, DJ hears some muffled voices and a tall, long-haired, lady comes from the back. She was a little bigger than Christy, with the same uniform on.

Smiling, "Hi I'm Diane Sey," She offers her hand. "Christy said you were asking about Floyd Preston. Save you some time, I only know him from coming in here, getting a cup of coffee, and two creamers to go. See him less than 5 minutes a day." Diane leans partially on the bar stool, "From what I can tell that was too much."

"I'm Detective DJ Vanholte with South Bunker Police" DJ stands and gives her a handshake.

Watching Diane's face, "You were with Christy last night?" he sees only the calmness of a lady wanting to get off work and go home.

"Yeppers, all night long." she says with a laugh, "Came straight into here for work right afterward, I live almost an hour away." She continues, "A full shift here, then Tonya rode with me over to the church after we locked up here about 9."

"You said all night. All three of you with the kids?"

"Yeah, Tonya lives a block away, she went home for a shower. And came right back." Diane says.

"Any idea how long she was gone?" DJ asks.

"Not long, about an hour, it was during a change of movies for the girls."

"Thank you, Diane, you've been a good help. Where's Tonya?"

As Diane turns away, Tonya steps out to the other side of the counter. She's not much bigger than Christy but looks like she has carried more worry than a young woman her age should.

DJ watches Tonya out of the corner of his eye and sees her swaying and her hands starting to clasp and unclasp, showing some nervousness. He turns fully to Tonya now, " Hello Tonya, I'm Detective DJ Vanholte and this is Hiram. I don't think we have met?" reaching out to shake her proffered hand.

"Hi DJ, if I may call you DJ." her voice is much deeper than her size, and her grip is pretty strong, DJ observes. "I love the hometown vibe here, not something we have where I'm from."

"And where is that, Tonya?" DJ glances toward Hiram, making sure he is getting all of this.

"Elkview, just a few miles up the road. Out in the country," Tonya smiles but DJ feels this is plastic. His gut is screaming that something is not quite right.

"You drive that much every day? To work and back? That is quite a few miles on a car." DJ starts his fishing expedition. "How does that pay, all your money into car maintenance?"

"No, I have been living the past two weeks at the Mini Motel down on 2nd Avenue. It's only a few blocks down the street and I'm home." Tonya laughs nervously. Looking a little wide-eyed, she glances at the wall clock.

"What's your last name, Tonya?" DJ asks.

"Ackers, Tonya Ackers." Tonya's deep voice sort of rumbles. DJ's thrown off a little by her voice being so deep.

"Tell me about last night," DJ says.

"Nothing special, watched the kids with Christy and Diane." She looks down at her hands.

"Did you leave the group anytime?" DJ asks.

"No, I was there with Christy and Diane, we stayed there and then came into work" She's looking around a bit, bites her lip, and starts again. "I went to the motel to take a shower about 10:30 I think. Was only gone an hour."

DJ already standing looks at Hiram, "I think we got all we need at the moment, don't you ladies leave town." He jokes a little, breaking the tension.

"Thank you, ladies, for helping." DJ starts toward the door, "Let me know if you think of something, use my pager number." He leaves a card on the cash register counter as he and Hiram step outside into the cool evening.

Out on the street, DJ feels the air cooling and hears the familiar train noise mixed with noise from the plants down the street. His head clearing a bit, he walks toward the office. His mind turned over the things he had uncovered thus far.

At the corner to the office, he turns to Hiram, "Check your faxes. I'm going to walk down to see a preacher, pick me up at the 2nd Avenue church."

The walk to the church was refreshing for DJ. He liked to walk this time of year and give thought to some memories of growing up here. In front of him before he turns the corner is the Dairy Bar. He thought of the many ice cream cones he had from there. After Little League games they all would crowd around the Dairy Bar with their ice cream or drinks, regardless of winning or not.

About halfway to the church, DJ passes the 2nd Avenue bridge, remembering the many times he would slide down the sides of the embankment. In snow during winter, and now at the end of spring, the grass would be high enough to slide down. The bridge itself was a challenge to any bicycle rider, steep on both sides and meets with Central Avenue which is 4 long blocks downhill to the bridge.

Passing the Junior High, he sees the church just ahead, its white side growing dim in the now waning daylight. Getting closer he noticed the 3 sash windows had been replaced with newer weather-resistant windows. Right beside the church is a turn-in with a big, shiny Lincoln.

Walking between the car and the church toward the Activity Building door, DJ spies some construction clutter. Quickly stepping to the side he notes its parts from the old sash windows. A closer inspection he counts 5 metal slug weights the windows use as weights. Should be 6, he thinks.

Back stepping he moves to his right, where the door is partially open. He pushes it open slowly and peers in, "Reverand? You in there?" he asks a little loud.

"In here." came the reply, "Just cleaning up a bit, come on in!" Reverand Johnny Tacket was not a big man, but bulky. Short with wide shoulders and his voice was deep and gravelly.

DJ steps in and offers his hand, " Hi Johnny, haven't seen you since you guys licked us at the quarterfinals!" DJ's Little League team was beaten out of the semi-finals by the team sponsored by Johnny.

Johnny sets down the papers he had been cleaning up and shakes hands with DJ, with a big smile "Yeah, but if you would have had one more inning the game may have turned out differently."

DJ plunges ahead and throws out the fishing line "You heard about Floyd Preston?" Watching closely, "I'm just checking around with those who knew him." DJ leans against the table, crossing his arms.

"Yeah, that's a shame, I know he wasn't the best of people, but nobody deserves a bashed head. Do you have any ideas?" Johnny was looking down and looked up slightly at DJ then quickly back down again.

DJ catches the look, and changes tactics a little, "Christy said you have been on a retreat? Sounds like something I could use for a vacation. Anywhere special?" looking back out the door.

"Naw, just the Marriott in Parkersburg, 7 days of breakfast and prayer. We had a guest speaker." Johnny relaxes a little and smiles.

"That's a fine-looking new Lincoln out there. Bet it was an expensive drive for you, and adding to the maintenance on the car. " Moving toward the open doorway and stepping out, gazing at the car with one eye and watching Johnny with the other.

Johnny steps out with a bunch of paper in his arms. He turns to go between the church and the activity building, where the garbage cans are.

"Oh no, I wouldn't take that beast. Way too much gas, so I just rented a car for the week. It's cheaper in the long run. "Johnny opens the garbage can lid and pushes the paper down into it.

DJ notices a bike rack in the back corner of the activity building. A closer look reveals 9 bicycles locked up. Alternate yellow and orange lock chains are very evident.

"Hey Johnny, did someone steal a bike? I see you have 9 but one in the middle is missing?" DJ casts his line out, hoping to reel something in.

"Christy had a sleepover, one of the girls may have borrowed it, that's what they are there for." A little nervousness starts showing, his hand twitching slightly as he straightens up and starts back toward the street.

"Well, you can report it, if it doesn't show up." DJ moves out of the walkway area behind Johnny, sees Hiram pulling in, and waves at him.

"Johnny, been nice talking to you. This was a good walk to clear my head. Glad you're back, take care." DJ waves and slides into the passenger side of the car. Hiram pulls out and down the street, he pulls over. DJ can see Hiram is excited, like a little boy wanting to show off something, and coaxes him "Ok, out with it, what have you got on the car?

Hiram pulls out his notebook, "The car was a rental, I got a copy of the receipt here, it was rented to Reverand Johnny Tacket. I also have a copy of Laura Ackers' Obituary; she passed 5 years ago." Hiram's eyes were lighting up. Her obituary says she was survived by twins, Tonya and John Ackers. " Hiram's excitement catches DJ as well.

"And the Cruise Lines?" DJ's mind is clicking pieces together.

"Floyd Preston and Laura Ackers were both on that cruise." Hiram says, " They have faxed me a report that was made, then dropped on the cruise." He turns and puts the car in gear. "The report was sexual harassment, she said he raped her. After the fuss it caused, all parties dropped the accusations."

DJ shows Hiram the orange lock, "This is off one of the bikes," he motions to the bike in the trunk," that Johnny has at the activity building."

In the car, DJ explains to Hiram, "That bike was used to ride out to Jerry's to get that rental car left in his parking lot. I am betting Tonya has something to do with this!"

Hiram says, "Lauras Obituary says she died in Shepards Institute, a mental hospital. She had been in and out of there her whole life."

"Now let's check Tonya at the Mini Motel now," he starts looking through the report. What he finds partially sustains his suspicions. Laura Ackers made a rape report to the ship's purser on Floyd Preston but withdrew it before they were put into port.

Pulling into the motel parking lot. DJ told Hiram to take the front and find out her room and he would go through the back. Night has fallen and it's a bit cooler and the parking lot lights have come on. DJ hurries around the side of the Motel just in time to spy a figure moving between cars toward the dumpster at the back corner of the lot.
"EXCUSE ME!" he says loudly, changing his direction to step up on the startled and frozen figure. He steps up beside Tonya Ackers. In her hands, she is holding something in a green garbage bag. She looks nervous and laughs "What are you doing here?" Can't a person take out the garbage without being hit on?" she looks down at the bag. DJ steps one step back and grasps her shoulder with one hand and pulls his firearm with the other.

"Lay it down, Tonya," DJ hoping she complies.

"Hey, this isn't what it looks like," she starts as she lays the heavy bag down. DJ pulls her around and slides his firearm back into his holster, he pulls out his cuffs and snaps them on her. Turning her around then, moving the top of the bag with his foot, he sees one of the heavyweights of a sash window.

Holding her cuffs with one hand he picks up the 25 lb. weight and looks closer. Down the middle, reverse embossed, is L O T O N MFG. Loton Mfg. made these for years on top of years.

Coming out the side door, Hiram has the Reverand Johnny Tackett in cuffs as well.
"He knocked me down and I cuffed him. At least till he plays nice."

"Hey I am not going down for this, I didn't kill no one!" she struggles a little.

DJ says "Wait, Hiram Mirandize her, then she can tell us." Hiram reads both their rights and asks if they both understand.

DJ had radioed for a couple squad cars while Hiram talked with Tonya and Johnny.
Looking at Tonya "If you want to make it easier on yourself you'll talk to me before we put you into the squad car."

"He made me do it, said the only thing I had to do was get him to the press box." Tonya sobs.

"He found Floyd after mom died. And been watching him all these years. I told him to let it go, it was done, and he meant nothing to us, but John wanted revenge. He set this up. The whole thing, me baiting Floyd to go to the press box. He hid under the counter and hit Floyd just one time. The pig deserved it though, even after I told him I was his daughter he was still wanting sex."

Looking at John, "You got anything to say, Floyd won't be the only one hurt here. Your congregation and your faith have suffered. Do you want more suffering? I suspect you rode the bike out to the Pioneer to get the car, right? Murder for over jealousy, I guess you had found out about Christy."

"What? NO! Not Christy! I'm glad I took out that scum now!" he growled with that grave voice. "He deserved it for what he did to our mom!"

"Your watch sealed the deal, Reverand Johnny Ackers, RJA, and Laura Ann Ackers."

In the car DJ goes over it "Mother gets raped, has twins. Dies and the twins seek revenge. It appears Tonya took the bicycle and rode it to the motel. She got Johnny's rental and drove out to the Pioneer. Johnny took the bike and rode it to the 4th Avenue gate entrance. Locked it up and ran across the field to be in the press box before Tonya got there with Floyd. Hid under the long tabletop, and jumped out after Floyd stepped in. Then she walks back to the sleepover. He rides his bike out to Pioneer tosses it into the creek and picks up the car."

"Sounds like you nailed it, DJ," Hiram says. "Floyd essentially died because of a rape years ago, that he may have even forgotten about."

"Karma's a bitch" DJ laughed.

"Hiram, let's call it a day, the officers will take them into South Bunker Correctional Facility till trial time." DJ smiles. He knows there is a hot roast just waiting for him.

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