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Good and Evil are always at war, but what happens when someone comes between them? |
Chapter 17 The morning was peaceful. Tanod wasn’t awake nor was the food here. I sat up and looked up at the ceiling. My arm still hurts but not as much as yesterday. The chains truly did help with the healing process, although they did not aid any comfort. It truly began to sink in that this will be the last place I shall live. Dying at sixteen after months as an animal in a cage, looking down upon the sea below. I sat at the hole in the wall and let the breeze tickle my face and push back my nasty, messy hair. My eyes closed and imagined life if I wasn’t taken and if I still lived with my false parents. I would be happy and content. I would be married to Charles and could see Azriel every harvest season. But no, I would not be happy. I am not happy here, but in the arms of Charles, it would be fake. G would be gone to some other town, my parents would still be forever weighing on my mind. That is no life to live, yet neither is this. The world looked different knowing what I know now. It seemed darker, more sinister. People I thought were Good are not and people I thought were bad are the opposite. The world is so much more confusing than it ever was. The world around me is cruel and unjust It changed so much. I must have changed too. Tanod sat up abruptly, breathing heavily. “Are you okay?” I asked with concern in my voice. He brushed it off,“Yeah,Yeah. I’m fine. Just a bad dream that’s all. But it gave me an idea on how to escape this prison. It’s a bit extreme though.” He explained “It’s not like I have anything to live for.” I muttered, moving closer to him. “As I am sure you know, the ocean will start to over flood with the rains. In about a month that will happen. They will do a meeting here just as the lower parts of the island are covered in water. We will get on the rafters and wait for the guards to get us for the meeting. Once they enter the room we will jump down and attack them to steal any keys that they might have and unchain ourselves. We will grab a board from the roof and use it as a raft. We then will jump out the window and row ourselves to land. I know a safe place we can go. I understand it is a risk and has many problems but it’s the only thing I got .” I thought to myself for a moment,”I’m in. You’re right it is risky but hey we have nothing to lose. I’m sure they won’t kill either of us. Well, most defiantly not me.” He looked down at the ground,”I hope this works. Honestly, I’ve always felt constant regret and anger about this whole situation. Just like how you said yesterday about believing you are a monster, I believe I killed Gana. I wish I could have given you the life you deserve as a Princess and soon Queen. Maybe I shouldn’t have sat there or taken her up on that offer.” He looked up at me,” I understand you probably don’t understand what I’m talking about.” “Then why don’t you make me understand.” I offered. “What?” “I won’t understand until you tell me. We have how many days until this plan takes effect, we can use one of them to tell me about why the world is the way it is, how Gana died, and basically your side of this affair.” Tanod looked past me and to the window. He was clearly thinking about whether he would take me up on my offer. He sighed,”What the hell. You’re in for a lot of drama Carl.” Chapter 18 To start I must take you back several hundred years. Elira had been without a proper ruler for sometime. Fifty years prior the royal family had been killed in the war of Witchdom and Elira. Dark and light were at each other’s throats more than ever and it was manheim. But two men emerged. They were Areweds, powers of light magic ran through one’s blood while the other had Evle magic. And surprisingly, they were friends. It was certainly an unheard friendship at the time. The friends were Arewed of Good, Madson Plade and Arewed of Evle, Gordo Jona. Plade believed his country needed a Good and Evle ruler, he thought that was his and his friend’s job. But Gordo was a logical man. He respected his friend and believed both religions should have a say in what happens in their country. But he also knew that Madson and other Goods led with their hearts while he and his people led with their heads. He knew that if Madson were to be a King that he would not be able to make hard choices. Gordo believed he and he alone should rule. Madson decided to suggest his idea to join together to his friend, but Gordo rejected. He was secretly at-least his army to take over at that time. Once Plade found out he was outraged, a betrayal is never a Good thing. Since neither would compromise it became a fight for the crown. The county has split apart. The war went on for two years before both men decided the only way to end this was to kill the other. They both asked a master Yemmion welder with an unknown name to make a sword to kill an Arewed. Back then no weapon existed. The blacksmith worked for both men and did research to find a metal that could kill an Arewed. He found a special metal in his research called copper vlode. It had killed high beings before but it would disappear after it did. But he was up for the challenge to make it have unlimited use. So he took the metal and for one and a half years worked to make two swords. He found a way to take out the copper, no one knows how but he did. The sword for Madson was coated in gold with white suns on the handle. Gordos sword was dipped in silver, black stars were on the handle. Both blades had writing on the blade. For the Evle, in accent Eliran, J kan hal, wipl zoa qutei. Meaning By my hand, lightness shall perish. The Good one read, J kan hal, carl zoa qutei. By my hand, darkness shall perish. Well sorry to spoil the ending but the swords worked. They plan to use the sword of Good to kill you. Anyway this battle would end after six dreadful years in a grueling battle later called “The Battle of the Last Bloodshed”. The two Areweds met in the midst of the battle. With their vlode swords and magic they fought. But Gordo made a terrible mistake, he cast a spell that drained his energy and broke his shield. Without the proper protection, Plade slid his sword into Gordos uncovered side. The Arewed of Evle fell. Madson, realizing what he had done, fell down to his friend’s fallen body to comfort him in his last moments. Both drenched with blood, tears and sweat. Madson, although wishing for the sword, did not truly want it to end like this. Madson promised to treat the Evle with respect and honor him. Gordo Jona closed his eyes and his body turned to ash. The ash flew through the sky and up behind the clouds. All the soldiers of darkness dropped to one knee to respect their fallen soldier and King when they saw what happened. They dropped their weapons to show surrender. Gordo had no children and since the magic only passed through children there was no one to take up the dark flame. If you slay a person with vlode, whether copper or not, that has a side touching the victim and the user half of the power is transferred. Hence why a Seian killing an Arewed makes the Seian an Arewed. But this situation was different. The magic didn’t go to him but instead it split in half. The magic went to random people blessing them with the power of a half Arewed. Those two people became Seians. After that battle the new King called a meeting. In that meeting they decided on many things that would shape the way our country would function. They decided on the village trade system, the money, the guards, and the rules with Evles. Originally they gave us many rights but we were not able to be in high government and biased against us was not illegal. Because of this we rebelled a few times causing the government to change the laws. Punishments would be harsher, trials became unjust, and we were even more hated. But we were allowed our beliefs.These rules differed over time and we switched languages but Elira stayed about the same. Now I think it is time for me to tell you where I come into this. It is close to seven hundred years later and the Plade family are still on the throne. One cold winter night people heard crying on the steps of the Evle u Huse. That means the house of Evle. This place is a place of worship, schooling, and living for all of those who follow the path of Evle. A few people walk out the doors to see a baby abandoned on the steps. It was me, silver eyes and all with no sign of a previous name or home. I later found the people who left me but that is for another story. The Huse kept me and raised me. They gave me the name Tanod Demarken. Tanod, meaning silver and Huse meaning lost one. I learned much there and miss those years. It was so much easier as a kid. But anyway let’s fast forward about 14 years. I was about to turn fifteen and one crisp fall day I decided to go outside for lunch. My friend Badare, a shapeshifter. Her hand outstretched with a periwinkle potion. “We don’t want anyone to see your eyes” She said as I chugged the potion. “No we don’t” I responded, my eyes turned to a sweet grass green. It’s not that I wasn’t allowed to be out, but it was easier if I wasn’t. I pushed open the heavy doors and walked into the Madson town court. The huge castle, Eliras Grace, loomed over the town square. I took my usual spot on the rim of the well. I had been sitting here since ten and severely doubted I was going to fall in. I brought out the sandwich I made and began to eat my lunch. Gana was entertaining a group of townsfolk. I despised her then. I was trained to. Being lost in this hate, I wasn’t ready for when a ball from a nearby game hit me in the head. I lost my balance and fell into the well. As I fell with no air I saw my life flash before me. I swore I was going to die. I was told later that the princess saw me fall. She immediately ran over to help like the Good Arewed she was raised to be. She took off her tiara and outer layers of dress so nothing but her corset and under-layers was left. Then she dived in. The last thing I saw before I closed my eyes was her silhouette diving into the water. She swam and grabbed my passed out body, pulling it up to the surface. She and a few people helped me and her to get out. They laid me on the ground. The princess pushed hard on my chest a few times. I coughed and opened my eyes. The princess’s hands were on my chest and her knees bent down near mine. I was startled and now panic King because she was on top of me. I had to play it cool though so I would not give it away that I was an Evle Seian. Her gold eyes were shining like the tiara next us. She giggled and put a piece of her wet white hair behind her ear, “Well this is awkward.” She said, “Oh, what’s awkward? That you Arewed princess of Good on top of me in your underwear? Oh this is just a normal Wednesday.” I joked nervously. This made her giggle again. She stood up and put her hand out. “I am Gana.” I took her hand and stood up.”Tanod.” “I noticed your lunch is ruined. Would you like to get some with me?” She asked I thought about this for a moment. I didn’t want to go with her but it would be weird if I said no. Who would reject the Princess? “Uhh, Sure.” I replied “I know a great place.” I nodded, although this was weird I figured not to argue. I have to sigh at my young stupidity and her innocent Goodness. She picked up her garments and walked to a restaurant. The people that saw us all whispered to each other. I had always been anxious about what others thought of me and this experience was no different. In fact, it was worse. Once we arrived at the restaurant we took a seat at a table and set her things on the ground. We were dripping and a sight to see. I noticed the waiters trying to decide which one should go over to serve us. I looked nervous and started shifting my weight like I was going to leave. Gana noticed this and asked,”Are you okay?” “I-I’m just kinda embarrassed and out of my comfort zone. Believe it or not I have never been to lunch with a stranger who saved me from drowning.” She touched my hand and I looked at her. She was beautiful. I realized another feeling I had, love. I didn’t want to come to terms with that though. “If you don’t want to be here you can leave.” She said I don’t know what happened next in my mind but I was overwhelmed by her, “I’m really hungry and this place smells Good so I’ll stay.” I laughed “That’s great.” We really hit it off during that lunch. After that we set up a time to meet again, and again, and again. I pretended to be a normal person and eventually forgot about how she was my opposite. I would always have a potion in my coat to get rid of the cover on my eyes for when it was the right time to tell her. I never used it though. I stayed like this until two weeks after my sixteenth birthday when she confronted me. “Tanod, I might be the only one but I want to be more than friends. I love you.” She told me. I began to panic. I did love her but with this secret I couldn’t go on. “Come with me.” I pulled her into a grove of trees. “Tanod, is everything okay?” She asked “No, I have something to tell you.” I opened the vial and downed the liquid. I blinked a few times and then she gasped. “I love you too, Gana but I am the Seian of Evle. I am sorry I tricked you. I hope you find someone in the future who will make you happy.” She put her hand to my face,”I don’t care,Tanod. I still want you.” “Where enemies though. With the laws your family put in place and your hatred for my people, how do you still want me?” “Love has no boundaries. I don’t care about the laws some stupid old people put in place. You should be treated like a human. In fact, you should be treated as more.” I was stunned. How was she accepting this? The quickest reaction I had was to kiss her. And just like that we were a couple. She came over to the Huse u Evle a few times. In disguise of course. I never went to the castle though because of the fact I probably would be arrested if I was found out. Well that was until one day in late spring. “I want you to be there for my Argesn” She told me one day. Argesn means coronation in ancient Eliran and is the term for when one gets their powers. “Really? What about your parents?” “What about them?” “They want to destroy me and my people. How will they allow me to stand on a stage and be with you?” “I got it already figured out. In a week you will come to the castle. You’ll cover up any marks that would give away your true identity and get to know them. Kinda like how you charmed me” “Fine, but you are the one responsible for letting me out of prison.” She laughed,”If it comes to that, sure.” If only she could do that now, right? Anyway, so in a week I drank the potion and got ready with my nicest, not Evle, clothes to meet the King and Queen. My stomach was in my throat and my fear had reached its limit. I met Gana outside the castle. “Ready?” She asked “No, but I love you so here we go.” We walked into the castle together. The castle, decorated in gold and white, was more elaborate and elegant then I’d ever imagined. The Arewed King of Good and Queen came down one of the biggest sets of stairs I’ve ever seen. The King was dressed in fine gold and white clothes, his white hair tied in a ponytail with a huge gold crown on his head. His gold eyes looked down at me. The Queen was dressed in a royal green with accents of gold. Her brown hair was in a bun with a gold tiara. Gana noticed my hand shaking and she held it to hide my fear. The King and Queen stood right in front of me. I bowed to them trying not to stumble. “It is a pleasure to be in your presence.” I said, even though I despised what they stood for. “And we are pleased to meet the man our daughter is always talking about,” the King replied. Gana blushed a little. “It’s Good to know I don’t have to introduce myself too much.” I kissed her cheek Her parents smiled and that’s when I knew I seemed Good to them. “Come, we have some food in the lounge.” The Queen ushered. As we walked Gana whispered in my ear,”They seem to like you.” “Now.” I answered. We were taken through a variety of hallways and doors before coming into the lounge. The walls were covered in stained glass to depict each village in their Goods. The furniture was a mixture of things from around the country. On the table were a variety of finger foods, bakery items, and tea. “We decided to go simple today.” The King told me I did not realize how much I was staring until they started loo King at me. “Thank you. There was no need to do this.” I said trying to seem cultured again. “Sit down, let’s get to know each other.” The King said. We spent the time drinking, eating, and talking. Although I did not completely agree with him, he seemed like a Good guy. Get it? Good guy? Oh whatever. But the question I was scared of hit me, “Why is your name Tanod?” The Queen asked “You are right, May. Why does your name mean silver? I associate that with something Evil.” King Adigast added. I took a deep breath. Gana never asked me this so I never had to lie about my name. But thankfully I thought to this point and I had a lie in my pocket. “My parents are from Ipia. They moved when my mother was two months pregnant with me. They were not as familiar with Ancient Eliran words so they chose a name that they liked the sound of. They did not figure out what my name meant until I was older.” The King looked skeptical at first but then smiled,”I always said that Gana would never fall for an Eliran!” Inside I sighed a sigh of relief. Soon it was time for me to leave. The King stopped me just before I left the highly decorated castle, “I like you, Tanod. You are a smart and fine young man. If you want to marry my daughter then by all means go ahead.” “Thank you sir. I don’t know when or if it will come to that but I do hope so. Your blessing means a lot to me.” I replied I bowed then walked out the castle with Gana. “How much of a chance do I have for your parents liking me next week?” I inquired She thought for a moment then answered,”I would say pretty high.” We kissed and then I went home.I was hoping that his opinion on me would not change when my eyes turned gray. Next week the country was buzzing. The Arewed Princess of Good was becoming a full Arewed and being signed into the Good religion. I got dressed in my nicest black shirt and pants with a high quality gray cape. I also had black and silver sign of Evle pin to connect the two ends of the cape. I spent forty minutes of my hour trying to get my hair right. I would be the first Evle person in a while to be a part of a royal event so I had to appease the royal family and people. That included not loo King bad. On my way out I grabbed the present I got her and put it in a pocket in my cape. When I arrived at the castle I took the back door like I was instructed because the front would be too chaotic. I was a nervous wreck on the inside but I managed to stay calm on the outside. The guards at the door were not too happy to see me. “What is your business here, Evil scrum?” one of them asked “I am Seian of Evle Tanod Demarken, the man Princess Gana is currently with. I was here last week.” I explained “The demon lies! No Evil person has stepped foot on this hallowed ground unless they were in shackles!” The other one screamed “Might want to reevaluate then.” I snarkily replied. The guards did not like this and signaled for the King by knocking on the door. The King came out of the door and saw me. “Leave this ground or get imprisoned, Evil! I don’t know what your plan is but I don’t want to see it in action.” The King yelled only after seeing my eyes. “You don’t recognize me, your majesty? Do my silver eyes blind you that much? I thought you liked me but now you want to put me in prison.” I replied with as much sarcasm as I could. The King’s anger still showed bright, but confusion dotted his face. Gana came running down the stairs in a purple robe. Once Gana arrived at the door her father asked, “Gana, my dear, is this the man that came here last week?” “Yes, father it is.”Gana replied Adigast’s face was bright red with the closest color match being a tomato. All this commotion attracted the Queen. She saw me and greeted me with a hug. “It is Good to see you again, Tanod.” The Good Queen said. I looked at Gana confused and the Queen looked at her husband angrily. “Come, let’s go to my room.” Gana said the moment her mom let go of me. She grabbed my arm and led me up the stairs. I could tell she was trying to get out of this tense situation. Once we got off the stairs she led me down a hall and into her room. The room was huge, had green walls, and a nice assortment of furniture. This was fancier than most of the Evle u Huse. “Why did your mom know who I was when your father didn’t?” I asked my love as I sat on her bed and she sat on her vanity chair, “Well we were talking about you, she said she really liked you and would be honored to have you as son in law. My parents are really moving fast aren’t they? Well I decided to tell her. I wanted to see her face when I did. Her face stayed the same though. She said, and I quote, “That’s great, we need some new ideas. The people your father wishes for you to marry are idiots so I’m glad you found someone that is the perfect fit.” My mom has always liked the idea of Good and Evle coming together. My father on the other hand, well you see his opinions” Gana said. She took off the robe and a beautiful dress was somehow underneath. The dress was puffed out. It was made of expensive gold silk with circles holding up parts to reveal a brighter gold cloth. It was adorned with white suns on the collar, cuffs, and at the bottom. A pearl belt went across her middle. An opal ring decorated her right hand pointer finger. She took some gold high heel shoes out from under her vanity and slipped them on. She wore her shining white hair in a bun with two skinny strips by her ears. She set a gold tiara with an opal in the sun at the top of her head. “Now I just need a necklace.” She said, rummaging around in a jewelry box. The present I bought for her sat in my cloak’s pocket, so I pulled it out. “What about this one?” I asked her, and opened the box. The necklace was a gold chain with a sunflower pendant. She told me how much she loved sunflowers and I thought it would be a great idea for a birthday. Although I went into debt to my friend from all the money I borrowed from them, which I didn’t pay back and never plan to. It was worth it though, Sixteenth birthdays are the most important for Areweds and Seians. I grinned, “Happy birthday!” She held it up to the sun and let it shine,”It’s so pretty! Can you help me put it on?” “Sure, my love.” I put the necklace around her neck. “I’m surprised you remembered my favorite flower.” Gana said. “I’m surprised you would think I’d forget.” I replied. “Would you like to dance? We need to do it for the party. Let’s practice now.”she asked. I shrugged and put my hands on her waist and her hands went on my shoulders. We began to move in the motion of the dance. The moment, the movement guided my heart. When we danced the world seemed to stop. Suddenly nothing mattered but me and her. Tips and spins are what I used to adorn these swift and graceful movements. Neither of us knew how long this dance was, we just knew that it was wonderful. It all stopped when her dad opened the door. Both me and Gana don’t know how long he was standing there and judging, but when I tipped Gana she said,”Oh! Hi father.” When I looked up and saw his stern face loo King directly at me, I almost dropped her. But I didn’t. Imagine what would have happened if I did though. “Hello, King Adigast.” I bowed so fast I had to stop myself from falling. We just stayed like that for an awkward minute. Gana was the brave soul to break this weird tension, “So what is it you need?” She asked in the nicest way she could. He sighed and walked away “Okay, Tanod, let’s go. I think it is time for my Argesn.” Gana said to me, We walked out of the room and back down the stairs. We went to a door where the Queen, guards, and other random folks were standing. My gray eyes scared all but some. “Oh,Tanod dear, your pin is twisted.” The Queen said to me as she put my pin in its original form. What stood out was she was wearing the symbol of Good on her necklace as she helped to fix the symbol of Evle. I felt the cold hard stare of someone behind me. I turned to see a taller older man. His hair was gray and he looked about six foot four in height. His gold eyes were the thing that made me feel like I should bow again. But I didn’t, remembering we are on the same level. It was the Seian of Good, Danr Pewn. “Tanod Demarken, It is great to meet the other Seian.” I said, putting out my hand for a shake. He looked at it like something he found on the bottom of his shoe. Me not bowing very clearly angered him. But I wasn’t bowing to someone on my level. He got the courage to shake my hand before quickly going to talk to the King. I looked at Gana. She shook her head. “Young man.” The King walked to me.” Drink this and use magic to change your clothing, take off that blasted pin too. It is one thing to be with my daughter, it is another to mess up all this country thrived for. Don’t expose yourself and ruin my reputation.” He handed me a periwinkle potion, a changing potion, and walked back to talk to people. The Queen looked like she was coming to talk to me but the King put his hand in front of her and shook his head. But this would not stop the Good Queen May. The King turned away and May came up again. “Don’t drink it or change yourself in any way. Tanod, we need to make a statement. If one day you were King, we’ll have to like you for the way you are.” She told me. Those words will always stick with me. They made me respect her. The big doors opened and people started walking out a couple or a single at a time. A man introduced these people like the head of the school of Good and Seian of Good. Even your false parents were there. I realized that this was what was going to happen to us. Both Gana and I were scared of what would happen when we were called. “My Seian, what shall I announce to you as?” The announcer asked after the Queen and King walked down the steps “How about Seian Tanod Demarken of Evle.” I replied “What is your relationship with the princess?” He asked “He is my love.” The princess replied. “Okay, you two love birds better get ready. You are going out next.” The man said back. He didn’t care about my religion which was refreshing. I put the potion in my pocket in the robe I wore. Both of our minds were concerned with what will happen in the next few hours. I looked at her,”Everything is going to be fine. I will be here no matter what. Becoming a Seian was the best feeling, I wonder if becoming an Arewed feels any better.” She smiled. “I hope. I’m just gonna be different.” “And I’ll still be here. I love you and that’s not a lie.” We kissed just before the announcer announced us. “Now please welcome the Arewed Princess of Good Gana Plade and her lover, Seian of Evle Tanod Demarken!” Some people when they saw us clapped while others gave us weird looks as we walked down the gold and white quartz steps. The King looked at me with disapproval but I did not care. This is Ganas life and I can be in it if she wants. We got onto the stage they built this morning. People stood around. The group of people that walked through those big doors and were introduced sat on chairs on the stage. The King and Queen sat on thrones of white cloth and gold metal. “Stand here my dear,” The Good Foska said to Gana “And you sit there.” he pointed to a seat. Gana stood right in front him. I moved to the chair next to her sister. I could tell Gana was scared when she looked at me. I smiled at her and all she could do was force one back. “Dear citizens of Elira, today we gathered to celebrate the birthday and what comes with that of Princess Gana. The first step is her becoming an Arewed with her Argesn. In one minute she will go through this tradition of becoming this high being. Remember when the forming stops the energy that is exposed will knock you out. She will wake up in five minutes but for everyone else it will take twenty. See you all after we wake up.” The Good Foska finished saying. He sat down and we waited one long minute before anything happened. A few Grestas had to set barriers around her so the energy released would not destroy any buildings. It would still affect the people though because of all of the power. Then Gana slowly rose up into the air loo King up into the blue sky. A gold ball of energy and magic surrounded her. I knew at that moment she probably felt wonderful and powerful. Then the ball opened and all the energy flew out, blasting everyone back. That was the last thing I saw before I was knocked out. After Gana woke up, she immediately went to wake me. She shook me slightly. She had subtle differences in her appearance. Her eyes golder, her hair whiter. “How do I look?” she asked “If anything more beautiful.” “You’re not lying right?” “No one can lie about your beauty, dear.” She hugged me. “I wonder if my magic works.” She wondered “Let’s see. Make a ball of magic, you learned to do that right?” I asked She nodded and in her hand created a white ball of magic with a gold glow. I created a black ball of magic with a silver shine. She smiled. I loved seeing her smile. “I feel powerful yet weak, is this how you felt?” Gana asked “Yes. It is the feeling of magic. When you are born with it you feel it all your life. But when you receive it like us. You feel it, you feel differently. But don’t worry, it will get normal and I will help.” We kissed. I heard noises from the crowd. I know a lot of them probably hated me. They were waking and seeing me with their beloved princess. The Good Foska put Gana back in her place and I sat back down. “Now it is time for the Arewed princess of Good Gana to get sworn into the religion of Good. Arewed princess Gana Plade of Good, do you promise to follow the way of Good?” He asked. “Yes.” She agreed. “You promise to never draw your mind and magic from the ways of Evil?” “Yes.” “You promise to bring to your religion in the ways others did beforehand?” “Yes.” “You promise to value the people over your own?” “Yes.” “Are you willing to give over the throne or leave the Good religion if you break any of these?” “Yes.” “Then my dear, with the power vested within my soul, you are now a person of Good.” The people of Elira clapped. I did but slightly less. “My people of this fine country. Lastly we must swear in this fine young woman to the permission of the Queen. There is but one question left after the ones before. Current Arewed Princess Gana Plade of Good, do you promise to be ready for the throne at your twenty-first birthday and never betray your country?” She looked at me and looked back.”Yes.” “Now once again with the power invested in my soul, you will be Queen.” The crowd clapped again. Gana walked to me. We put our hands together and walked back up the steps. People from the stage followed behind. “You were great!” I whispered to her “Thanks, I just hope I don’t break any of the rules by being with you.” The King and Queen came over. “Dear! We are so happy for you.” The Queen said as she grasped Gana a hug. The King pushed me out of the way and began talking to his daughter. I didn’t mind, they should congratulate her without me. I hope my parents would have done so to me. “An interesting choice to come here.” A voice said to me, I looked behind me to see a couple. Elanor and Thomas Neara. I didn’t know their names then. I looked at them,”Well why wouldn’t I support the love of my life? And if you are suggesting I leave because of the fact I am ‘Evil’ then please stop.” “It’s unnecessary that you’re here but you could have at least done everyone a favor and changed yourself. You don’t need to show your Evil so loudly.” Thomas rolled his eyes “We don’t care about hiding anymore.”I replied. “Hmm. You just want the country, not Gana. You want to take over the country and form it to your liking.” Thomas accused “I don’t give a damn if I’m on the throne or not. I just want to be with Gana.” The King came over “Tanod,” I hated the way he said my name,” it looks like you meet the Nearas. This is Elanor and Lord Thomas Neara. Thomas is a part of my court.” Thomas and his wife walked away annoyed. The King looked at me.”What did you say to them?” “All we talked about was how I made a bold choice of showing my true colors.” The King backed away, “You did indeed.” Gana pulled me aside, “We have to go to dinner.” “Isn’t it early for dinner?” I asked as she pulled us away. “For a party like this it is never too early for a big meal, particularly dinner.” She guided me up some stairs. “It must take a lot of food to feed everyone that watched.” “No, the dinner is invite only. My family learned that the hard way.” We reached the top of the stairs and walked though more rooms. “My friends will accept you. I’ll introduce you. They remind me of your friends. On that point, do your friends like me?” “Badare didn’t like you.” “You think?” “Everyone else liked you though.” “I just hope my friends are as welcoming as yours. Evles are so kind and accepting, unlike my fellow Goods.” “It’s not all of them, just the leaders.” “I’m gonna change the Kingdom. I promise.” We got to a door and two guards opened it for us. We were at the top of a staircase that led down into a room with tables surrounding a dancing area. Hand in hand we walked down the steps to a huge table with six seats. People clapped for her as we walked by. The Queen and King were somehow already seated at the table with Ganas sister and other members of the court. Most likely they came down the other set of stairs in the room. We took our seats at the table. Gana sat in the middle with the King to her left and I sat to her right next to her sister Sadie. The King stood up and grabbed everyone’s attention before he started his speech, “Sixteen years ago on this day my lovely Gana was born.” Gana started blushing, “She has made us all proud and will continue to do so in the future. She is the best for this country. To Arewed Princess Gana Plade of Good!” The King ended with lifting his glass. Everyone else stood up, including me, and raised a glass and everyone shouted,”To Arewed princess Gana Plade of Good!” Ganas face was as red as her fathers before. . The King nodded to the side and then like someone snapped the food appeared on the table. A chief in the kitchen probably did a teleportation spell. The food consisted of ham, bread, fine wines, potatoes, brussel sprouts, chicken, and rolls. Honestly it was pretty boring for what the royal family usually does. We started taking food and putting it on our plates. Gana began to talk to her parents so I tried to make small talk with her sister,Sadie. “How are you doing, Sadie?” I asked her She was silent. “I promise I won’t bite.” I joked “I don’t trust you. From what I have been told you are an untrustworthy kind, especially with those eyes.” “Don’t believe everything you hear. If you got to know us you would see that we are the same as you.” “You harness your magic and life from anger and lust.” “That is completely false, we have to clear our minds. If we focused on those bad emotions our magic and lives wouldn’t work.” “Like us?” “Yes, almost exactly like Goods.” Sadie asked me a few questions throughout dinner and I answered them. She was a curious girl and what was sad is she had been persuaded I was bad. But from what I’ve seen she went back to fearing us after I “kidnapped and killed her sister.” After dinner and a dessert of vanilla cake, the King made an announcement. “You may still sit at your table but now the dance will begin. The first dance will be between Gana and a person of her choice. After that it will be a free dance.” The way the King said it, it made it sound like he wanted her to choose anyone but me. “May I have this dance?” Gana asked me. I put my hand in hers,”Always.” We walked to the middle of the room. The music started. We began to dance like we did in her room. “How was your talk with your Dad?” I questioned She sighed,”He was asking about you.” “What parts of me?¨ ¨Have you killed anyone, committed treason, the list went on and on.” “What a fine question to ask.” “Yeah. I still love him and wished that he’d like you. Let’s hope we can bring him over to our side.” “Oh no he won’t do that because our side worships murder. The dance ended and we spent the rest of the night occasionally dancing and talking. Gana introduced me to her friends and most of them liked me, which I was thankful for. After the party ended I stayed with Gana as she said Goodbye to people. I walked with her to her room and my final Goodbyes. I was just about to leave the castle when Adigast stopped me. “Tanod. You can’t be with my daughter. I can’t trust you or your kind. I care for my daughter and don’t want her to get hurt. So leave and never come back unless it is too the dungeon. My daughter will be with a more respected person than you.” “A more respected person she hates? If you really cared for your daughter you would let her be with me or one of ‘my kind’ if she wants.” He looked down upon me, “Gana does not know what she wants and needs. I am her father so I will do what is best for her and not let some Evil son of a bitch destroy her.” I could only argue so long with the King before I never saw the sun again. But I loved Gana,”Let me write one letter explaining this to her in my way.” The King was angry but sighed,”Fine but be quick.” King Adigast took me into a study with a desk, there was a paper, quill, ink, and envelope. He closed the door and I sat down at the desk and wrote the letter. My dearest Gana, The world has never been kind to me and now it is inflicting its harm on our relationship. It is a sad thing that this letter was written and given on your birthday, I wish my presence didn’t harm this day’s value to you. Your father has banned me from seeing you again unless it is in your dungeon and I can not have that. You are the only person I could love and will ever love. The shining gold sun in my life. Let’s secretly send letters back and forth until we can work this out. I will see you again, I promise. Until I get your letter. —Tanod I slipped the letter into the envelope and closed the top. Then I casted a spell at-least it so she could only open the letter. I didn’t trust her father not to tamper with it. I opened the door, handed the letter to the King and walked out the castle. Then was when I broke down. That night was one I will never forget. In the few months that followed we sent letters back and forth as promised. I built us a house in the woods where we could live. I also built a passage that leads from a place in the woods to a spot just outside Madison Square to get her out. Once it was ready she walked though it into the forest where I was waiting and proposed to her right then and there. I could not wait anymore. We were married in six months and in another year and four months you were conceived. When you were born, we were surprised to see your hair, back, and eyes. We assumed that you would have been an Arewed of Good. We were still thrilled though. Unfortunately we forgot though that Areweds and Seians could feel when a new one is born. It feels like a pressure in your chest. If we remembered that we would not have had you. I desperately tried to convince your mother to go to the Huse u Evle because I knew the King would try to hunt us down and to find you. But she refused. So we stayed there for three happy months until we heard the door slam down and the King and five soldiers appeared in front of us in our living room. We were just drinking tea and talking peacefully, not doing anything wrong. The group was startled to see you. I think that the King was going to collect an air for the throne but after seeing you, his plans changed. “Gana, hand me the child and come back home with me.” The King demanded “Never.” She screamed, “She is staying with me and I am staying here.” “Then I will just take it.” He yelled “Over my dead body.” I shouted standing up. You began to cry in my arms “So be it.” He threw a bottle that released a gas. This gas weakens the magic of any person that breathed it. As we coughed and you wailed, he shot an arrow of copper vlode. This can kill any age of Arewed and Seian, pure vlode can’t do that. He must have had this arrow to kill me but his plans changed after he laid eyes on your black hair. He shot his arrow at you before I could react. Gana, Gana jumped in front of us and took the arrow to the heart. The world seemed to slow down as she fell. The King and the soldier stood in disbelief as I collapsed next to my love. I screamed through tears, “Look what you’ve done! You could never accept me and let your daughter be and do what she wants! You call me a bad guy? Well looked at what you did! You son of a bitch!” I snapped and teleported him and his guards to a locked cell in the castle. “Dear.” Gana muttered I focused my attention on her. She pointed to you and I put you in her arms. She was bleeding heavily from the wound. She smiled as she cried,”My dearest Carlanna, seeing your face makes this worth it. Tanod, take care of her. She will change this world, I know it. Tanod I love you. And even though our relationship lasted only a few years, it felt like I knew you forever. Please find happiness again.” “Gana I can’t, don’t leave me. I can try to fix your wound. You don’t have to go-” “Neither of us can fix this, you know that. I will see you again. I love you.” “I love you too.” We kissed as she became dust and flew into the sky. I broke down on the floor, having no idea what to do now. I knew the King would continue to pursue you, so I went to the Huse and we began preparations for a war. And soon the War of Gold and Silver began, or in Ancient Elira, Riw u Gana kin Tanod. The war went on for five months. At the end when I thought we were winning, I went home with you with a guard, a very skeptical friend named Liqu. He was a strong and powerful captain. I did not hear him scream. The King came and killed him. He had a husband and just became a father less than a month ago. A guard stunned me and put magic dampening cuffs on my wrist. I tried to fight them but to no avail. I was shoved to my knees and had my hands tied behind my back. The King came into my once peaceful home. His shadow loomed over me. “Why don’t you kill us now?” I asked exhausted, about to break down The King held you in his arms. Not the most ideal time to look at your grandchild for the first time, “She has your eyes. And Gana’s nose.” He marked “And is the heir to your throne.” “She will never sit on my throne.” “So are you going to kill her?” He looked back to me then to you,”I will keep you both alive, for now.” “What does that mean?” He grinned,” You will be locked away until you die. It will be easier to contain one Seian of Evil and not have to worry about tracking down another. She, well now since you killed the only other Arewed of Good I am going to have to save her and her powers. Once she comes of age we will sacrifice her to the greater Good.” “So that’s it? You’re just gonna make her grow up in a cell? What person would condemn an innocent child to such pain? To never have a life to live, that’s horrible.” “She will have a childhood, don’t worry your head off. I have friends that will watch and study her until it is time. A few months prior I will send her your way so you will at least meet her. By that time we should have a new Seian of Good. Poor Danr gets worse every day. On her sixteenth birthday will be her execution day, done by the sword of Good and the new Seian.” I couldn’t fight him. So I asked my final question. “Don’t you at least want to know her name?” I asked defeated He raised an eyebrow,”What is it?” I looked up in his golden eyes,”Carlanna Demarken.” He looked at you " Queen of Darkness. It does have a nice sound, doesn’t it? Too bad she won’t use it nor will she ever fulfill the name given to her. Take him away.” I watched as you were taken away from me, my only family. I was taken on a tour around the county like a spoil of war. The King told them I forced Gana to love me with a spell so I could create an Arewed of Evle. Then he said I killed her in front of him. I was locked up in this tower. Here, after a bit of being nice I befriended Yomata and he gave me updates about you. I have made many attempts to escape and many have tried to help. We need to escape and save our people. They have stuck their necks out for us and we need to repay them in any way we can. If we escape and save you from being killed we will be able to. I have not been there for you and I need to start now. It is my fault this all happened and I need to be the one to help fix it. Chapter 19 I first thought that Tanod talking for hours on end was surprising. With all the trauma something like this would have caused it would be hard. But then I noticed his leg shaking and his fidgeting with his ring. This must have been difficult but then again he was never able to tell anyone this. Talking about this would not solve it but telling another soul could make you feel less alone. “I don’t think it was your fault at all. You didn’t kill her.” I explained “Yeah but if I never went to lunch with her, I never showed my eyes to the King. Things would have been different, You could have been a princess, I could have been with Gana and not a prisoner. And I would have been able to watch you grow up.” “Getting back the dead is an unreal and impossible thing, that’s a fact. But the plan you have no matter how crazy could work. So let’s escape. Personally, I would love to live past my sixteenth birthday.” He looked up at me and nodded. “In order to escape I am going to have to teach you a few things,” He paused, “Wait, do you hear that?” I did hear something. Footsteps. We both stopped talking. Yomata came in carrying two rolls and water. He poured the water in the cups and put the rolls next to the water. “These rolls are extras that my wife made so we decided to give them to you.” He told us “Thank you.” Tanod said “Thanks,” I replied “You’re welcome. Trust me this is better than what I would have had to give you.” He walked out. We began to eat the rolls. The outside was crunchy and the inside was soft. It was the best thing I tasted since Wheaton. He was nicer than I would have thought for someone working at a prison tower. The only other soul in the tower came over and sat next to me. “What about you? How was your life?”He asked “Thomas had little to no patience with me, while Elanor had some, but they both were very strict. They were always suspicious of me, I got kinda annoyed about it after awhile. I had friends. They got me through the day. Azriel, G and Iris. But I only really spent time with G. Azriel worked on a trade ship and Iris was moved after the Troprin government found out G and Iris were together.” “Did you have any tormentors?” He asked I turned my face to the window,”Yes. I was picked on, ridiculed, hurt mentally and physically. Every moment at school I was cautious of my actions. Some days felt like too much to handle. Some days I would have rather-” I stopped. I didn’t want him to hear about what happened mentally. Dad moved past that, “I understand it probably caused some trauma and you would rather forget it but what happened? The day you were taken, that is.” I looked at him. He told me his life story, I think I can give him this. I took a deep breath.”I stayed in my room until six without eating. A ridiculous Troprin tradition. I left with my parents at six to go to the party. They were acting weird. I talked to G for a little bit. He gave me a pep talk that I needed. There was this ridiculous ritual that all the betrothed do. I liked the guy I was paired with a bit. After that, the leader B.C. Lou gave his speech when the King and Queen appeared in their gold carriage. Elanor and Thomas came up to them and two guards came to me pulling me away from the crowd. I tried desperately to break free but it was no use. I was sitting on stage. I will never forget what the King said to me, ‘Pity, such brains and beauty have been wasted on you.’ “They splashed my face with a potion that revealed my true hair and eye color, then branded me. I was thrown in a prison carriage and taken away. There were two men, Rick and Moore. Moore was harsh while Rick was kind and sympathetic. People ridiculed me - hurt me in the few towns we passed though. There-there was this woman in Wheaton, Calista. She gave me food. It was delicious. She told me she was in a situation like me once. I was taken on a ship. I tri-tried to escape but I was caught. The captain tied me to a pole and left me there in the da-dark with rats crawling at my feet. My hair was cut and then I was here. It was horrible. But I’m sure you could agree with that” Tanod looked confused for a moment, “Wait, was this Calista a corn farmer?” He asked “Yeah.” “Ha, she’s back at it!” He was smiling and laughing Confused, I raised my eyebrows.”I don’t understand.” “Calista Sime was a spy for us Evles. And unlike most spies, she was outspoken and led rallies for our cause. She was very famous and elusive. But her actions caught up with her and she was taken in a very similar way as you. After eleven years we were able to free her. I was two at the time. It took years for her to get back to a mentally stable spot. During the war she wanted to make a difference but it was not safe for her to. It is wonderful to know she has found a home and is still helping those of the dark. Carl, you don’t know how happy that makes me.” ,”Yeah, I guess that’s a nice tale.” “You also don’t know how happy it made me to tell you my story and then to hear yours. I know it is hard now but I promise to you we will escape.” I looked at him. There were subtle similarities in his face and mine. I didn’t notice them really until now. We had the same eye shape. Our hands both had longer fingers. I then looked at my knife wound. The cut was not super deep and it looked scabbed over. That was Good, I think. “I’m going to bed.” I yawned Tonad went back across the room, “Okay, sleep well.” He answered I layed down on the hay and looked up at the ceiling for just a moment before I pretended to be asleep. Tanod looked at me then sat near the hole and did the thing he usually did. “My dearest Gana, today was a long day. Carl knows our story. I am happy she does, I think it helped her understand why she is here and why the world is in the mess that it is. I am truly glad I could meet her but I want to get to know her outside of these walls. I am hoping this plan will work. Please I am begging you to listen to me and let it work. Good night my glowing sun.” I stopped looking at him and stared up at the ceiling. The hay barley did anything to support my back. It took me a while to get to sleep. My mind was going through everything that Tanod told me today. But, once my mind tired itself out, I finally drifted off to sleep. Chapter 20 This was the final month and we needed to prepare. The clouds threatened rain with a dreary gray. For Tanod’s plan I need to learn how to get to the roof. “It’s not that hard, the chains will help you not die if you fall.” He explained, putting his foot on the wall. That wasn’t rensuring at all to be honest. They wouldn’t stop me from falling. The ceiling was so high up and the stone floor was so hard. I was never the biggest person for heights and I didn’t feel like climbing to a high ceiling. I noticed him holding on to the stones that popped out of the wall. I summoned up all my courage and began to scale the stone. I put my foot on a brick that was pushed into the wall and my hand on a stone that popped out. Then lifted my other foot up and put it on a stone popping out and put my hand on one that was pushed in. I continued this. When I was halfway up when my hand slipped. I hung on tightly with my other hand but it was no use and fell to the ground. In retrospect It wasn’t that far but then it felt like there was no end. I didn’t black out, I just kinda laid there without moving or having any air. All the breath was knocked out of me. I forced breathing to get air back into my system which proved harder than I thought. Tanod jumped down and sat next to me, “That was quite the fall, are you okay?” He asked After I could breathe again I mumbled, “Everything hurts.” “That makes sense. You just fell how many feet onto your back. Do you want to try again?” I looked up at him,”I just almost died and you want me to do that again?” “Carl, much like fear you can’t let pain influence your decisions.” He held out his hand to me. “Isn’t the point of this to save me from dying?” He laughed,”Fine, I’ll give you a little bit to feel better, then we’ll try again.” I eventually sat up and became ready to climb again. I will not say this time was much easier but I did get up, somehow. Truthfully, I blacked out and was at the top. Tanod was already up there and sitting on a straight post that led to a big pole in the middle, holding up the wood roof. He signaled for me to meet him up there. I sat on it and gently moved myself over, ever so careful not to fall. I was scared as hell though I didn’t care if he said I wouldn’t die, it could still crack my skull or get a concussion. I sat next to him. He pointed to the roof. “We will grab a panel from up there to use as a raft when the time comes. We will also jump from here that day to attack the guards.” I nodded. I was scared of jumping from the rafters and then fighting someone who has trained their whole life for something like this. “You seem scared.” He noted. “Very.” “You can’t-” “Let fear control me. I know. But it’s not something I can just do.Trust me, I have tried and failed.” He sighed,”You need to learn this now to help you in the future. With magic if you let emotions control you it will not work. Starting now is your best bet.” “I understand.” I didn’t understand. How was fear just not supposed to affect you? Sometimes fear and anxiety were the only thing I felt and I still was here. I was a very emotional person and trying to stop those feelings wasn’t something I could ever imagine doing. Climbing down was harder. Trying not to look down but still having to so you can see where you will be next was difficult. Looking down made me even more scared. If I can’t just sit on the roof how will I jump? Tanod also gave me a few pointers on how to fight a guard. I knew the bases but if I were to fight a royal guard I can’t just try my best at throwing a couple punches. “Aim for the groin, head, neck, and chest. Cause them to be distracted so you can inflict more pain.” He described “So basically hit them anywhere that will cause them extreme pain so I hurt them somewhere else?” I asked “You got it.” “How about I fight you to practice?” I suggested “I don’t want to hurt you.” “Or are you saying that you don’t want me to hurt you.” He smiled,”That’s up to your interpretation. Punch the air and show me you form. I’ll judge you that way.” “Fine.” I blew a few punches in the air. He explained to me,”Loosen up. You’re too tight, that will waste your energy. Lower your hands so they don’t cover your eyes. Never let the person you are fighting out of your sight.” I punched the air a few more times until Tanod was satisfied. Every night I heard him talk to Gana. I liked hearing what he thought of me and more about his life. I felt more connected to Tanod that way. I know it was spying and invading his privacy but at the same time he was talking in our shared prison. He can’t blame me for hearing him talk out loud. A few days later when it was just past dinner and we were sitting separately on our own sides when I heard something on the roof. “What’s that?” I asked nervously. I had no trust for anything here. I would hear someone below and would think they would be coming for me or Tanod. While it is reality it would just be a guard talking loudly. “That is the sound of salvation.” He replied and walked swiftly to the hole in the wall.”It is the rain of the flood season.” The rain started abruptly and hard. There were holes in the roof above my head and the rain was coming inside the tower. I scooted away from any part that was wet. “Come on.” Tanod said, walking into the downpour and ushering me in. I looked at him like he was crazy. But then I realized that not getting wet was stupid and petty now, “What the hell.” I sighed and walked into the rain. I felt the rain make my short, messing hair fall to my shoulders. My clothes became stuck to my skin and I was now soaking. But I liked it. I could see the blood and dirt from my body leaving though the water that dripped from me. I put my arms out and my head up, letting the rain embrace me in its own way. I smiled and closed my eyes. The puddles on the ground splashed splashed with each drop, forming a symphony..I felt free. That’s not something you usually hear from a prisoner but it was true. I had been here for a little less than a month and I longed for freedom like this. I could not imagine what these past 15 years would feel like for him. I enjoyed having this connection with my dad. Deep down I had always wanted this but I never really had this. That evening Tanod did his normal talking to Gana thing. I had no idea what to call it. But instead of dipping the hay into his cup he just dipped In a puddle. He spoke about how he was happy for the rain and to escape. He did his signing off thing and went to his bed. I decided I was going to try it tonight. I waited until he was snoring peacefully before walking to the hole and sitting down. The night was quiet beside the sound of the rain. I had a piece of hay that I dipped in a puddle and touched to my forehead, lips, and in between my ribs as I had seen Tanod do countless times. “Uh Hi, Gana. I don’t know exactly how this works, if I am doing this right, or what this is. I am Oli-Carlanna. Your daughter. That’s weird to think. That I am your daughter. And now I have black hair, gray eyes, and am an Arewed of Evil. I mean EvIe. So many things to get used to. Honestly, I never wanted to have magic, let alone Evle magic. It always seemed like a burden and I was raised to hate Evles. I was also taught that Tanod killed you and forced you to have me. I used to think he was a scary and horrible man but now I see that he was a man trying to live a normal life. He just wants to escape and make people see him for him, not his eyes.” I paused and looked to the sky,” I guess I should get to bed. Or would it be hay? Well if you did hear my rambling, Good night.” I pushed the piece of hay through the barrier and watched it fly down to the ground. I sat there with my legs to my chest and let the rain pour down on me. The moon was peeking out from behind some clouds. It was beautiful and calm. I took a deep breath in and layed down in front of the hole. The back pain I had from the fall was still visible even though that was ten days ago. I looked out of the hole to the outside as I fell asleep. The next few days the rain continued. It would occasionally slow down but it never came to a stop. There were many holes in the ceiling that let the rain go to us, even the dry places away from the window. The waters were rising and getting closer to the base of the tower. Usually, around now the beaches in Troprin would be nonexistent. We wouldn’t be allowed to go near them due to flooding. Although me, G and Iris almost always did and when Iris went away we continued without her. We would swim in the lukewarm water under a gray sky. The way the crystal blue waves crashed to the grass under a grim sky with no one else was there was stuff only seen in art. We could talk freely without other people watching us. I miss those days. The day we were to be taken away I was tired. I did not sleep the night before with the fear on my mind. “You will be leaving in about 15 minutes.” Yomata said delivering our “food” Once he left, Tanod and I climbed up the wall to our waiting places. It was harder now that the walls were wet and slippery. I still did not like the height of sitting up there but I needed to get over it and do this. “Remember to swing down and kick the guards. I will get the keys to unlock you and me. You get the board from under your hay. That will be our raft for once we hit the water. There will be fish and seaweed we can eat from the ocean for food.” Tanod explained. “I’m scared Dad, what if we get hurt? What if we get caught? I am not strong enough to fight a guard! Then what do we do after we escape? They will be after us from the moment we go through that wall.” I spewed Tanod paused. It took me a moment to realize why. This was the first time I had called him Dad. After fifteen years we heard me call him dad. He started coming closer to me until he was right next to me and put his arm around me. “You can do this Carl, I believe in you. I understand it is hard and difficult but we can do this. Now let’s get ready to kick some Good guard ass and escape this horrid place.” I couldn’t cry. I wanted to. The terror of escaping and the joy of him actually being a dad I always needed was overwhelming. But I couldn’t now. My heart skipped a beat when I heard the door open. It was time. “Where are they?” One of the guards asked. They walked into the tower. I counted them all and realized there were four of them. They must have been taking us both. My heart felt like it was about to beat out of my chest. I was terrified. This was it. Tanod nodded to me and I nodded back. I took a deep shaky breath and with my chain slack at the pole I jumped off. The moment of weightlessness that followed was liberating. It was like flying. As I swung down I hit one guard in the face knocking him back. I fell onto the ground but quickly stood up. It hurt but I couldn’t let pain control me. I had to listen to my dad. A guard came to me and punched me in the nose. My eyes began to water and I could feel the warm sensation of blood gush onto my mouth. I kicked him on his right side but that made little to no impact. My breath shortened and my chest hurt. I looked around and only saw three guards. I had no idea where the other was. I stepped back and felt the handle of a sword. I picked up the sword and looked at my attacker. Let me get one thing right, I had no idea how to use a sword but with the will to escape pumping in my veins I didn’t back down. I swung the sword around like I had seen some others do. I liked the power that came with it. It felt right. The guard quickly drew his sword and hit mine. I was able to stab his hand causing him to drop his sword. I don’t know how I did it. Then from the corner of my eye I saw the missing guard come in again but this time with a bottle. Dad, who was trying to find keys on the guards he knocked out, looked up with the purest fear I’ve ever seen. “Tanod, how could you forget this!” He muttered. He looked at me and threw me the keys he found. I grabbed them. The guard slammed the bottle on the ground and a smoke was released. Dad who was closest to this passed out immediately. The guard I was fighting grabbed me. “Dad!” I yelled just as the smoke consumed me and after one breath my world turned black. |