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Rated: E · Short Story · Fantasy · #2333760
Trolls run amok in a woman's office and she doesn't know how to stop them.
“Caroline! What’s the meaning of this?” my boss, Mr. Evans demanded as he entered my office. He stared at the creatures hopping about.

I had no idea where these things came from. All I was doing was minding my own business. And then they bounced here.

I answered, “Alpine trolls, sir. They came from the mountains and somehow followed me here.”

“Well, get rid of them or else!” Mr. Evans stormed out.

What was the meaning of this? Why were these things following me? And how should I get rid of them?

I whistled with my fingers and the trolls stopped hopping.

It's a good thing I snuck this in my pocket.

I took the packaged treat out of my coat and the trolls went wild. Blueberry cake is an Alpine troll's weakness. I looked it up online when my sister also dealt with a troll invasion at her office. For some reason, these little monsters have a weird attraction to offices.

I lowered the cake to the creatures so they could smell it.

Their excitement rekindled as they jumped high to reach it.

I threw the treat out the window and they bounced away.

“Finally.” I sighed in relief.

Originally published on Medium: https://medium.com/fiction-shorts/what-is-the-meaning-of-this-0880acffbc73
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