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Part 5 of trapper Jack and the legend of the ogopogo |
Back at the RV, tired from lack of sleep and the exciting day, they took turns showering to wash away the days grime, and climbed into their bunks. “Goodnight” said Nina, as she turned out the lights, and within minutes everyone was asleep. “Good Morning!, rise and shine” said Cole as he and Kenzie came through the RV door at 7:00 am. “ “Oh no! Is it morning already?” moaned Maddie. “Yes, and you'll be happy to know Cole and I already picked up the dive equipment, I know how much you love your beauty sleep, so we let you sleep in. Get up and get dressed we gotta get going.” said Kenzie. “Daylights burning,” added Cole. “What does that even mean?” asked Maddie “It means get ya tuckus out of the bunk and let's get out on the water” Jack interrupted. “Oh hush you!” Maddie said in reply. Despite Maddie's protestations soon they were all dressed, and out on the water. Which is when Jack realized there was only Scuba equipment for two. “Hey! Why only two diving suits?” “Well, you have to be certified to dive and only Maddie and I are certified” explained Cole. Jackson's face got all scrunched up and it looked for a minute like he was going to cry. “Jack, I know you really want to go underwater, but your job is really important I need you to watch the sonar, and keep a sharp lookout for anything big headed our way. I don't want to end up eaten. Maddie's and my safety depends on it.” he said to appease Jack, who sniffling was then able to regain his composure”If something is coming our way I need you to tug on our line three times. Then we'll know we need to skedaddle outta there and get back to the boat.” Jackson now pacified and meltdown averted. Cole and Maddie squirmed into their wetsuits, and got their gear on, while Kenzie expertly guided the boat to the cliff face. Cole and Maddie dropped of the edge into the cool clear water. Jack and Kenzie watched them until they could no longer see them with their eyes, then watched their blips on the sonar, wondering what Cole and Maddie were seeing right now. Cole adjusted his mask, and shone his light around him until he got his bearing then pointed toward the base of the cliff. Maddie nodded and followed Cole kicking hard to keep up with him. When they reached the base of the cliff. Cole motioned for Maddie to search along the right side, while he searched from the left. Kenzie and Jack were watching the sonar display, when Jack heard the hum of an outboard engine. “We got company” he said. “Boat eight o'clock” pointing behind him. “I wonder what they're out here for?” “I don't know but maybe we could ask their friends. Two more 6,and 9” Jack responded as two more boats came into view. “Do you think we should call them back?” “Let's see what they do first.” Kenzie decided. Maddie found a break in the wall and looked closer to investigate. Then she saw it wasn't a break at all but an opening that went back further than her light could show. This could be something she thought and she waved her arms frantically until she caught Cole's attention and motioned him to come over. The three boats maneuvered till they had Kenzie and Jack boxed in. “Ut oh” Kenzie said “This doesn't look good. I wonder what they want?” As she said that, a tall red-haired lady in her late 20's \stood up and put a megaphone to her lips and chanted. Ogo-pogo, ogo-pogo, ogo-pogo...” While other protesters held up signs, “Beware of Mother Nature”, “Down with nature's devastators.” “These must be the protesters Mr Allen talked about. They seem harmless enough.” Just as Kenzie said that one of the protesters leaned over and cut Cole's dive line. |