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Zack is celebrating. Rachel is trying hard not to have another outburst. |
Cars lined the drive to the doors of the hotel. The windows glowed softly. The delicate sheer white fabric giving just enough privacy to those inside. Out my window I caught a glimpse of the night sky. Once there were stars glittering every inch but now the only glittering this evening was from the evening wear of Zack’s guests. I got crossed looks as I drove past the line of cars straight to the front. Being the owner has its privileges. I put my car in park and pulled down my mirror. Bright green eyes staired back at me. Perfect. I picked up my clutch as my door was opened by the attendant. I smiled as I got out. I knew all eyes were on me simply for cutting everyone off, but the string of diamonds tracing my bare spine from my neck down to the top of my hips may have helped keep their attention. I turned to look down the line and smiled. My deep golden dress clasped around my neck and molded itself to my curves. Most of my hair was braided and wrapped around my head as my crown. The ends left the curl at my neck. A few braided strands laid over my shoulder. Gems and charms gave my hair just a bit of shine. I handed my keys to the attendant and made my way to the door. My six inch heals clicking with confidence in every step. The thigh high slit gave glimpses of my leg. Jess met me at the door with a wine glass. I could smell the tartness of the pomegranate blood. “You know me too well,” I smiled as I took a sip and enjoyed the flavor as it ran over my tongue. “I like to think I know you perfectly well,” Jess grinned. I giggled and walked into the lobby with her. The room was filled with men and women in their finest. The fairy lights hidden in the sheer fabric draped around the room. Ivy plants decorated every vertical surface it could. Large flower arrangements staring the strelitzia flower were scattered around the lobby then traced the path to the ballroom. Just like my meeting there was a variety of food placed out for the mortals in attendance. This evening my staff ensured that no normal mortal was staying at the hotel. This evening was about freedom, and no one here was hiding. Every smile had fangs or the desire to feel them. The smell of blood sugared the air as lust rolled through the energy of each soul in the room. Power was everywhere but out of curtesy we all kept it pulled in. Only getting close would give you the suggestion of the danger within. The serving staff wore the same outfits as my meeting. Trays were walked around the room with wine glasses filled with warm blood. Each tray had a small label of the flavor. Seeing as this was the appetizer time, they were all fruit flavors. The entertainment staff though were wearing more attractive outfits. Necks and chests exposed and all in a deep burgundy red. These men and women were allowing themselves to be bit with the offer of more at the after party later. Most of the entertainment staff were healers. Their bodies healed at the rate of a vampire but tasted like hunters. They didn’t have to worry about a vampire draining them to death. It was impossible. It took at least seven vampires continuously drinking to have a chance. Male healers were rare, but I had a couple. Most of the males on the entertainment staff were powerful hunters rather than healers. Their strength and skills gave them the confidence to let vampires drink from them. I offered my hotel as a venue free of charge as Zack is my family, but he had to pay for entertainment services. Those were volunteers from my staff. I never require it of them. So, Zack must be paying a pretty penny to have so many. But I suppose he doesn’t throw parties like this often and he wanted to go all out for appearances. He was celebrating his freedom from his punishment, but all the invitations and such read that he was celebrating his four hundredth anniversary of his coven. Which is quite the achievement. Most covens last a hundred maybe two hundred years before falling apart. People often decide to go in different directions, or the leader gets killed and everyone scatters. Zack takes in those new to the area or who have lost their masters. Even those who lost their only children. He takes lonely vampires and gives them a family. Many leave as they find new friends or lovers, but many stay and help those who come in. He’s built an amazing community. That’s why I gave him the title of City Coven Master. He brings everyone together and can settle arguments between covens easily. It helps that he’s got the ability to influence the energy in a room. If he would find someone to help him harness that power more, he could rival anyone in power. But since he won’t talk to his master no one will teach him. It goes against our laws to teach another’s child without their permission. “The whispers so far have been about you. Though they quieted as soon as you walked in the door.” Jess spoke softly to keep our conversation between us. “They worry you’ve stretched yourself too thin.” “Hmm…” I took a sip of my glass and looked around the room. Eyes were glancing my way but quickly darting if I took notice. “My little outburst at the meeting?” “That and the latest pure hunter hasn’t been… brought to heel. Their words. For the last thirty years you haven’t let a pure hunter remain here more than a month. They are whispering that you can’t handle her.” I laughed a bit and rolled my eyes. “Jade is thousands of years away from me not being able to handle her. No, I have more personal interest in her. That’s all. I’m getting closer to get control of her.” “I trust you. I have the staff keeping track of anything they hear. I can send you updates as I get them or just a summary later after all is said and done.” She offered. “The summary will be fine. Of course, if there is anything you feel is more urgent, do let me know.” Jess nodded and stepped back as a tall blond made her way to us. Her hair was braided back from her face and into pinned back curls. Her sapphire blue dress hugged her curves, and a double split kept her movement free. She smiled as she approached with her plate decidedly full of sweets. The woman would eat every bit and never gain an ounce. The joys of being a hunter. “It’s getting harder to see over you with those heals on Rachel. What are they six inches? I can barely manage my kitten heals.” Anne laughed and gave me a warm hug. “Little bit of practice and we could have you in taller heals.” I grinned. “I’m sure James wouldn’t mind you being a little taller than him.” “Oh yes he would.” She smiled and ate one of the small tarts on her plate. “Your hotel never disappoints.” “I’m glad to hear it. How are Zack and James this evening? I expected to see at least one of them down here before the main event starts.” Anne shifted a bit and looked concerned. “They’re in Zacks room. James brought him a gift he found that wondered into the party.” She picked up a sweet but set it back down untasted. “What happened?” I reached over and took her hand. “She’s just a young healer. I remember her from when I was at the organization. She was always trying to prove healers could be hunters.” Anne sniffled and squeezed my hand. “I tried to get her to leave, but James caught her. They went upstairs about thirty minutes ago.” “She’s a healer. They won’t kill her, and she can’t be claimed the normal way. It will be alright.” I tried to reassure her. Anne nodded, took a long deep breath, then smiled and ate one of her tarts. She was upset but she understood her role as James’s claim. She was here for show and that is what she would give them. “We’ll have a girls' time after all this.” I smiled at her, and for a brief moment, I saw the relief in her eyes. “Anne!” A woman called out and waved from a group of claims. “Hey!” Anne waved and made her way to them. As she walked away, I could see her open back and the Viking runes of protection marking her shoulder blade, telling everyone that this pure hunter belonged to James. “Make sure everyone here is on the guest list. Then figure out that healer’s size and get her a fresh set of clothes. Whatever she was wearing when she got here won’t be appropriate for her to leave in.” I spoke softly and finished off my drink. “Yes Master,” Jess answered and disappeared. There were many people here to greet. I may not be the host of the party but as the local City and Area Master I still had to mingle. “Christy, how are you?” I gave her a pleasant smile as I walked to her. There was a young-looking man sitting next to her on a couch. Christy stood and inclined her head before speaking, “Good evening, Rachel. I’m doing well, thank you for asking. I trust you’re well too.” “I am quite well,” no outbursts from me this evening, I finished in my head. I looked over at the young man who was still sitting on the couch. “This is Drew. I spoke with Zack as you suggested and decided to bring him along so Drew could see how Zack’s coven is.” She nudged his foot and motioned for him to stand. “Drew, this is Rachel. Our AREA Master.” She eyed him and he stood quickly and inclined his head. “Good to meet you Drew.” I smiled to help him relax a bit. “Zack is a good man, and his coven members are very welcoming should you choose to join. They all take care of each other. No one is abandoned.” Drew nodded and played with his fingers. He would only keep eye contact for a moment before looking away, “It sounds great.” Christy rolled her eyes a little but smiled, “He’ll find his way as soon as I can get him off the couch.” She chuckled softly and sipped her glass. “I’m sure he’ll do just fine, excuse me,” I smiled and moved from them as I saw Coral. I turned my attention to Coral, whose dress was just as pink as her hair. “Good evening, Coral.” She turned and inclined her head, “Good evening, Rachel. This is quite the gathering Zack has put together.” “Zack has gone all out, and this is just the appetizer. Tell me, how is your city fairing? I saw the report on that business. So, it was hunters running it, then?” “It was. They claim it’s just a business with no ill intent, but I don’t buy it. They did agree to expand their product line to more than rose products and to leave the campus. It’s not a great deal, but it’s a start.” I nodded and sipped my drink. “It is a start. I’ll work on more ways to get the hunters to back off.” “Thank you,” she said as she smiled politely at me. “It’s not like they can afford to be caught either.” “No, they cannot. None of us want to be known to the mortals.” I smirked, “We’d have to learn to play by other rules. And let’s face it, vampires don’t do well with too many rules.” I got a bit more of a genuine smile and laugh from Coral, “No, we don’t.” “Ah, I think our host will make his appearance soon. I see James is coming to join the crowd. Excuse me.” Coral inclined her head as I turned to leave her for James’s company. James could make almost any outfit look good. His white top could have been taken for a pirate’s costume, but it was well tailored to show off all his hard-earned muscles. His open jacket had a bit of fur trimming his broad neck. His hair was braided across the sides tightly and allowed to flow over his shoulders. His beard was full but well cared for. The sides were trimmed enough so it didn’t look like a bush. James was making his way around the room. Seeing me, he grinned and looked me over. I could see his eyes roving over my body. I made a small turn for him to get the whole picture, earning me a soft whistle. I could have every person in this if I wanted to, but it was no secret that James was my preferred entertainment. “Now that is a dress worthy of your curves.” James said as he put his arm around my waist. “So glad you approve. It was all I was worried about,” I rolled my eyes a bit but smiled and fit myself between his arm and chest to walk with him. “Will Zack be joining his party?” I inquired. “Or is he too distracted?” James let out a soft sigh before answering. “Anne told you already.” “She has. Jess is getting the girl some clothes if she hasn’t already been given them.” “The girl came here to kill Zack. She got what she deserved.” “Healers are only a threat if you get too close and they have poison on them. You did check her for poison before leaving him, didn’t you?” I cautioned. “That girl has no where left to hide anything.” I nodded and continued to walk with him as he greeted his guests. Not long after we had finished walking around the room, the sound of voices lowered to a whisper. I turned with James to look towards the front lobby. Coming down the few steps was a young woman. Her brown hair was twisted up and held in place by a clip with ivy hanging off it. She wore a jewel green A-line dress, strapless. Her white skin still held a tenge of pink around all the ivy scars that had been cut into her on her left arm all the way to her shoulder. She walked slowly and with her right arm across her body gently held her left arm. She kept her eyes to the ground. I looked her over as I was confused. Anne said she was a healer, but healers don’t scar. So, I opened my mind to find her sense. How was this girl alive? She was a healer, more vampire than hunter mixed together, but it was so unbalanced. Energy like hers usually ended with a stillborn child. She must be the absolute bare minimum mix to create a healer. The woman wasn’t alone for long. As soon as the room had gotten their look at her Anne was by her side and leading her to the bar. Whispers about how strong Zack must be to manage to mark a healer started. Though there were whispers questioning if she truly was a healer or just a very weak hunter. “Did he have to go so far on her? The whole arm is a bit excessive.” I whispered to James. “Honestly, we didn’t think she’d scar. Zack was messing with her, to scare her a bit. Healers heal. It’s in their name. He was already halfway down the arm when we noticed she wasn’t healing the same as the others. She still heals quickly but, well you can see.” James wasn’t bothered by what Zack had done. Moments later the whispers stopped. This time it was Zack and Sonya. Zack looked good in his formal top. The white buttoned down was opened at the top. He wore an ivy clasp with a small chain between them across the opening of his shirt. His hair was neatly styled so only a few pieces fell artfully in his face. The smile on his face said he was powerful, and he knew it. Sonya though, was something else. The dress code for the party was formal but not quite black tie. Leave it to Sonya though to wear a full ballgown. To her credit it was exquisite. The white dress had chiffon sleeves just off her shoulders. The bodice was a form fitted corset. At her hips the chiffon draped lightly over the first layer of satin. That layer in the front was pulled up to expose a layer of green chiffon and satin. To top it all off, from her bodice all the way around the dress were golden roses and embroidered ivy. Sonya had her hair done in curls and pulled back from her face with small rose clips. Everyone smiled and cheered a bit or raised their glass to Zack as they walked in. Truly, four-hundred years of running his coven is an extraordinary accomplishment. The oldest of his members also know that Zack was now free from his sentence for trying to expose our race to the mortals back in 1666. I smirked and whispered to James, “How long will he keep up the relationship with Sonya now?” James smiled and kissed my cheek before whispering in my ear, “Until he figures out if the freedom is real and what his next move is.” I pouted a little playfully, “Does that mean you’ll leave me?” “Mhmm, we both know I’m just a play toy for you.” “You like it.” James laughed and turned to listen to Zack’s welcome speech. “Welcome! I’d like to thank you all for coming this evening. These last four hundred years have been full of ups and downs. We have gained friends and we have lost, but through it all we have stayed together. We have built a place where all are welcome. Where the lost can be found. Where the lonely find friends. Ane where friends become family.” Zack stood proud and spoke clearly for everyone. “It has been an honor to lead you all and I will continue to do so for as long as you let me. To those of you helping us celebrate know that though you are not a member of my coven you are a member of our community. In times of peace or in times of war we will all stand together to support each other. “For too long we have done things the old way, believing that a Master is the only one allowed to teach their child. It is illegal for someone to teach a vampire they did not turn. Not all Masters know everything to teach. Some Masters turn people for the fun of it and abandon them. Some are killed orphaning their children. Our laws need to change. Most of the Ancient vampires have either died or forsaken the young yet we hold to their way of thinking.” Whispers could be heard. People were starting to wonder if he was right. I cannot say that he is wrong. Most of the oldest of us keep to themselves. It’s kept them alive this long. Many of the gifts and powers have been forgotten or not taught, simply to keep us hidden and safe. But as a leader he can’t bring up a problem like this without a solution. Sonya’s eyes were wide, and her smile was gone. She didn’t know about this. I didn’t know about this. We are the keepers of the law in this area. If we didn’t know about this, then how does he expect to do something about the law? He doesn’t have direct contact with Raloch, the High Master of the Guardians who enforce the laws the world over. I looked over at James and he had a huge grin on his face. “Our people need a change. He’s going to help us get the laws changed. Don’t worry. We won’t try to change the world outside the laws again. We learned our lesson.” I could feel my heart beat a little faster. I took a deep breath to slow it down and put a smile on my face again. “Who is going to help you?” I inquired. “You’ll see.” James answered. I looked at Sonya and she met my eyes. The man was free for no more than twenty-four hours, and he was already back to trying to change the world to his ideals. How was this going to affect us? “Not all Masters have poor intentions for their children, but learning to use the powers we were gifted with the night, should be a right and not something that only a single individual has the power to keep or punish us with. If my Master had taught me or allowed someone else to teach me, I wouldn’t just be a Coven Master. I could have achieved more. I could have protected our friends and family better than I have. But because of his failure and the failure of our laws I have been left to fend for myself. To learn what I can do, on my own. We shouldn’t have to put up with this.” Zack’s lips curled into a smile. “And we won’t for much longer. A man has come to our area recently and I was fortunate that he chose my bar to come into. He is old blood, knowledgeable, and powerful. His power is not only in his own gifts but also in the circle of the High Masters, that is so out of reach for us. He has listened and he agrees. Changes need to be made and he wants to help us make that change. I have invited him here tonight so he can see what we’ve built. So, he will understand how important it is that we make the High Masters listen and change our laws to fit this world and not the world of old. This man is my guest, please treat him as our family. Allow me to introduce to you, Damon.” The crowd cheered as Zack’s influence filled the room with hope and a desire for change. As they cheered Damon walked through the crowd to join Zack. He wore a white long sleeve shirt with an elaborate double-breasted vest of black and gold paisley. The collar stood up just around his neck then the lapel laid flat on his chest. His long white hair fell around him softly. His gold eyes were lit up from all the attention. As he smiled, his power, his influence, his alure rolled off him in gentle waves. No one in the area was left with any doubts that the man was powerful, and everyone wanted to meet him. “Come. I’ll introduce you.” James started to walk, but I let my arm fall away. James turned back to me, confused. “Surly you’re not intimidated by him. He’s a good man. Just your type.” “Don’t you dare, ever say that to me again.” I snapped a bit. “I will have nothing to do with that man.” “What? Why? Rachel,” James turned his attention fully to me. I couldn’t smile. It was everything in me not to growl. The glass in my hand started to crack. James waved a staff member over to take the glass before it shattered. He then took my hand in his and placed the other gently on my cheek. “Rachel, what’s wrong? This isn’t like you at all.” His voice was filled with concern. But I didn’t have time to answer. “Damon, this is Rachel. She’s the City and the Area Master here,” Zack introduced. James turned to my side to give room for Sonya, Zack, and Damon to join us. Zack’s face was full of pride and amusement. Damon reached for my hand, “It’s a pleasure,” he leaned down to kiss my hand. I pulled it away, “It’s not a mutual feeling.” Zack was stunned. His face hardened. “Rachel, he is my guest for the evening.” “Then I shall be returning home.” I turned to see Jess waiting only a few feet back, “Tell Anne to get my car.” “Why does Anne need to get your car,” James’s concern grew more stern. “Because I offered her and that new young claim a girl’s night. As they wouldn’t be joining the main event anyway, I’ll simply take them home with me.” “They are our claims, Rachel. Not yours.” Zack reminded me. “You’re right. Stop me.” I challenged. “You know he’s powerful enough to possibly do just that,” Damon smiled. “But you already know that.” “Zack, at his own admission, is untrained. His power could match my own, but his skills are severely lacking. Same as your skills in listening and obeying. I ordered you to leave my lands and yet here you still are.” “I didn’t want to miss the party. It would have been rude of me. I had already accepted.” Damon kept his irritating smile on his face. “And now I see there is work to do. Work you have been avoiding.” “Save it Damon. You’re nothing but a relic who’s forgotten that he doesn’t have any power left.” “Your car is ready Mistress,” Jess spoke from behind me. “Enjoy your party Zack and try to keep yourself out of trouble. We wouldn’t want to repeat the last three hundred and sixty years, would we?” I gave a half-hearted smile, “Good night gentlemen.” I gave a nod to Sonya, who had a smirk on her face. She wasn’t thrilled with things either but was better at playing along for appearances than I was. I could feel all eyes on me as I walked to the exit. The hundred or so staff bowed their heads as I passed. The whispers began before I had reached the front door. Let them talk. The door was held open for me and my car sat idling for me. I could see Anne and the healer sitting in the back seat. The driver’s door was open and waiting. I got in and without another word, headed home. |