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Two siblings reconnect after years apart. Set in the Mini-aturization series |
Photoshop belongs to bobascher over on Deviantart! “Does she really need to come?” “She is your sister, Derek, of course she does!” His mom called to him from across the hall in her own room, folding laundry while some song on the radio played in the background. Derek couldn’t make out what it was, but it sounded religious. Typical choice for her. “Yeah. but mom-” “There will be no ifs, ands, or buts about this, Cassie is as welcome as the rest of the family!” Derek let out a frustrated sigh, falling onto his back on his twin bed. Twin bed still, after all these years, he thought to himself. Why his parents couldn’t spring for a new one was beyond him. Something about “Cassie’s grad school fund”. He was honestly getting sick and tired of hearing about her now. It didn’t help that the two hadn’t seen each other in years now, so to have her being prioritized monetarily was just another stab to his ego. “Is she even going to be at the ceremony?” “Of course!” “But…how will she fit?” * Across town, at that very same time, Daniel was slamming his hands on the steering wheel of his car as he nervously watched the digital clock on his dashboard. “Come on! What the fuck is stopping everyone?!” Traffic had come to a standstill, and from inside the car it was tough to tell just what was the cause. This was day one for his job, and he picked this route because it never got backed up like this. It was the freeway after all, and work would be right off the exit he was halfway to already. Now, he had less than five minutes before his shift would begin. He lowered his window, then peeked out to see why he was being made late. There, at least ten cars ahead, was a giantess. Well, ‘giantess’ was a term relative to Daniel and every other person in New Haven, but it worked well. She was fifty feet tall or so from his perspective, though in reality the girl was no taller than five feet tall, give or take. She was sporting a white tank top with ‘Guns n’ Roses’ splattered on the front, blue jean shorts, and black doc martens. Definitely a younger woman, and she had blonde hair too, which was a bit of a mess thanks to the heavy wind that day. She was focused entirely on her phone, face scrunched in confusion as she seemed to be entirely oblivious to the mass of cars that her feet were keeping in a gridlock. “You’re fucking joking.” Daniel leaned out of his car a bit more and shouted at the top of his lungs. “GET OUT OF THE ROAD YOU OVERGROWN BITCH!” The honking that had been going off suddenly stopped as the noise he made seemed to get her attention. Her eyes shot up, locked onto his, and Daniel felt his blood go cold. Shivers ran down his spine and he hid back inside his car, rolling his window up quickly as if that would keep her away. “Please, please, please, PLEASE!!!!” Daniel had slowly pleaded as the woman stepped off the freeway, took two stops along the side of it, then leaned over and grabbed his entire car effortlessly, fingers on both sides, pressing in on the comparatively weak frame as it slowly dented, windows cracking as his car was simply lifted several stories up. The giantess deposited the car into her now free hand, phone stowed away now, and the thing came to rest forty feet in the air while Daniel screamed bloody murder from inside. The blonde giantess peered through the front window, then smiled. She brushed her blonde hair aside, then spoke to him. “You mad, little guy? Such nasty words for a girl so much younger than you.” “PLEASE! I didn’t-” “Didn’t mean to call me…what was it? An overgrown bitch? Tsk tsk tsk. Road rage is such a bad habit you know. I think you need a time out.” She pinched the handle of his door, then simply tore the entire door off, tossing it aside as she reached in with two fingers, easily grasping the man and yanking him out. She coiled her human sized fingers around his body, trapping his flailing arms as he cried out for mercy. She then set his car down in the ditch next to the freeway and regarded the little man once she had stood back up. “Please! I just got this new job, if you can just let me go, I will never speak to you again! I’ll-” “Hey, shut up! You don’t get to call women whatever you want because they inconvenience you. You’re kind of an asshole, you know? Ever smelled one up close?” “Wh-what…NO! PLEASE!” The giantess didn’t seem to care about his opinion as he was brought to her ass. Her other hand pulled open her shorts and panties, stretching them open as she dropped him in, letting him freely fall until she let he clothes slap back into place, trapping him between smelly, sweaty fabric, and her ass crack, which he was slowly being force into as her tough clothing forced him in as it tried to settle back against her body. His cries became muffled and soon he was entirely trapped, unable to move and barely able to breathe as his captor began walking again. “Alright, Derek. On my way now…” * “Come on, honey! She should be here any second, and she’s taking us to the school!” “SHE is our ride? MOM!” He stormed out of his room, cap and gown in his backpack which he had slung over one shoulder. “You’re joking, right? That is fucking embarrassing!” “Language! And no, I am not joking. It will save us time and gas money too. She’s so careful now, you know. It’s part of her job.” “That’s not my problem with it…” Their conversation stopped once they got outside. There, at the end of their street, Cassie was just turning the corner, and his mom and the giantess saw each other simultaneously. “MOMMY! “Cassie, baby! Come here!” Cassie trotted over, taking only a few booming steps that almost made Derek lose his footing as he watched his giant sister reach down and gently pick up their mother as if she was an action figure. Cassie then hugged her mother against her breasts, just about smothering her, then she lifted her to her face so that their mother could give her a gentle kiss on the cheek before she was returned to the ground next to Derek. “Well, if it isn’t my little brother!” Cassie squatted, attempting to get on his level. It didn’t really work for him, seeing as she was still bigger than the house like this. It only worked to make Derek more pissed at how he felt like she babied him. “You know how I feel about that…” Derek said, forcing his gaze to be at his feet rather than the overbearing presence of his sister. Cassie faked a frown as she saw that Derek was already being a grouch. It was his day though, and she wanted to make things less tense than they had been before. Or at least she was going to try to. She stopped the fake frown and smiled at him, giving him a more sympathetic look. “Sorry. I forgot. Been a while, you know?” Derek looked up at her, taken aback by her kinder tone. She typically liked to jump right into humiliating him, even before he and his mom had become minis. “Uh…yeah. All good, I guess…” He was a little wary at this new attitude she seemed to have. It would be best to act with caution for now, he assumed. Maybe their mom had put her up to it or something, just for his day and all. “Well. We should be getting there, don’t you think? You need to be there half an hour before opening commencements so you can get your seat. Do you know the way, Cass?” “Yep!” She said, tapping the phone that was forming a bulge in her pocket. “Studied it on the way here. Would have been here sooner, but it looks like traffic is light, so the streets should be easy for me to navigate. Should be there in no time at all.” “Very good! Let’s get to it then!” * The ‘ride’ over had been quite pleasant, all things considered. Cassie didn’t manhandle them like toys, and she was slow and cautious with everything around her. Very different from the last time he had been an unwilling captive of her for these rides. She had placed them on her shoulder, and Derek and their mother had tied some of her golden locks around them as a makeshift seat belt in case something happened. They never really needed it though, and Derek just continued to grow more and more confused. The trip was fast, as promised, and it only took five minutes for Cassie to navigate the suburbs and the few busier streets to get to his high school. The football field was decorated for the occasion, and crowds had already formed, getting seated now. “Cass, set him down by the athletics building. That’s where he needs to gather with the other students.” Cassie gently nodded, not wanting to send them off her shoulder with even that slight movement. Her presence, understandably, became the center of attention as just about every person beneath her stared and gawked, some pulling their phones out as if they had never seen someone like her before. She simply rolled her eyes, ignoring the rude onlookers, though that was easier said than done. She typically liked to teach minis a lesson when they did that, but her mom would kill her, even with her being tiny. Best to keep her happy. Derek was let down, and he looked back and smiled in thanks to his sister as she rose back up to her full height as she walked off, probably looking for a spot next to the bleachers where she could sit comfortably. Breathing a sigh of relief, he pulled his outfit from his backpack and threw it on as he jogged over to some of his friends who still were looking at Cassie’s departing form in awe. “Shit, dude, you didn’t tell me your sister would be here!” His friend, Brad, couldn’t keep his mouth shut as he was still in awe of her size. “Close your mouth dude, a bug might fly in.” “Can’t blame him, dude. She’s fucking huge,” his other friend, Cole, chimed in. “Isn’t she, like, a bounty hunter now?” Derek could only roll his eyes at that summarization of her new job. “More like a private investigator for minis. She chases down people who don’t pay their taxes or skip jury duty or whatever.” “Sounds like a bounty hunter to me. Think she’s still into me?” Brad asked, quite hopefully. “God, are you kidding me? She was never into you, dude! You were into her. And no, I doubt she would date a mini.” “You don’t know that! There is always a chance…” Derek let his friend dream and dropped the subject as they began to be funneled towards their own chairs that had been set up on the field, facing the makeshift stage they rolled out for every graduation. * An hour later and caps were tossed into the air, Derek’s included. Applause came from the bleachers all around, but none of the applause matched the giant sized claps coming from Cassie, or the “whoop” she let out that just about deafened some of the crowd that was closest to her. He could only sigh and wave to her. Sure, it was embarrassing, but something strange bubbled up inside of him as she showed such unabashed praise: he felt proud. Before long, he made his way to her after talking with his friend a bit more, and gathered at his feet were his grandparents, uncle, aunt, cousins, and his mom. Hugs were shared, congratulations given, and then they were off again, mother and son on Cassie’s shoulder as they followed the single minivan the rest of the family had traveled in. His grandparents had owned a beach house for the last few years that was in reality the beach to a small lake near New Haven, but unless you were Cassie’s size, you would never really be able to tell the difference. It looked like an ocean front property for minis. For Cassie, of course, it wasn’t much to write home about. The view was nice for what it was. Already, a grill was running that had been left on by his uncle, and it seemed like their timing was good since the meat he had been smoking all day was done. They all settled in at the picnic table and Cassie sat in the sand next to them as they dug in. She got herself an oil barrel full of her own meat while the rest of the family had, well, regular portions of course. Derek couldn’t help but be in awe of how much the girl could pack away. Of course, for her, their portions were truly bite sized, if even that. It was a slap in the face at the reality of his size, and he couldn’t help but lose his happy mood as the party carried on. Cake was passed out, gifts were opened, and then it was just him and Cassie outside as his family went inside to talk about whatever it was they wanted to talk about, and his younger cousins got put to bed. There, he sat and watched the sun setting on what should have been a fantastic day. He had graduated and he was lined up to head to the college of his choice that fall. Still, he had this pit in his stomach that had not gone away. “You okay?” He almost jumped, looking over to see that Cassie had put her phone down and was focused on him now. Oh god. Was she about to fall back on her old ways now? Was this sincerity an act? He really couldn’t tell, but her question seemed to have tapped into the well of depression he had been drowning in, and instead of answering her, he only let out a weak sob as tears fell down his cheeks. “Hey, hey. It’s okay…” Her giant finger caressed his back, slowly and gently stroking it. That really did do wonders for him as he felt a warm calm wash over his body. “You wanna tell me what’s up? Maybe on the other side of the lake?” Derek could only nod in response, and Cassie obliged him as she gently carried him over as she circled it, stopping at the beach on the opposite side. The beach house was simply a distant glimmer now, and the sounds of his family’s conversation were gone. Now, it was the stars above and the utter silence accompanying them. She had sat down, feet dipped into the water, Doc Martens discarded on her side, and he was deposited on her lap. “Thanks. So…been a while, huh? Can I ask…why are you being so nice?” He hated already going right to his suspicion, but he couldn’t help it anymore. This was not the Cassie he knew. Cassie simply shrugged in response and looked at him with a bit of sorrow etched into her face. “I grew out of it. You know?” “I guess. It’s still just…weird for me. I’ve only ever known you to be…well a bit of a bully.” Cassie chuckled, nodding to that. “Guess I was. And…still am to an extent. Sorry if I made your life harder before. That’s a long overdue apology, I bet.” “No shit…” Cassie chuckled again, leaning back a bit as she propped herself up with her arms. “Well, yeah. I’m sorry. I really should have been a better big sister for you, especially after you guys became minis. I think I just…got a power trip, you know? With all minis. I still have it for sure, but for you guys…I just don’t see the point bullying you anymore. I don’t see why I did before either. You never deserved it. You can be a brat sometimes but…I should have been there for you.” Now tears fell down her cheeks, and Derek gave her a pat on her thigh as he leaned back on her like she was, now more comfortable with her. “Hey. I guess that’s in the past now. Why don’t we commit to something new now, huh? Little brother and big sister starting over.” “Really?” Cassie couldn’t hide the smile that was plastered over her face now, or the glow that was in her eyes. “Yeah. I mean…this new you is kinda nice. And…hearing you cheering for me earlier was really nice. I’d love to get that more.” “Well…deal then. But…you gotta let me tease you now and then, kay? That’s still something your big sister is obligated to do.” Derek chuckled, agreeing to those terms. “So. Why were you upset earlier?” Derek had just about forgotten that by now, and he shook his head. “I, uh…I guess I’m just upset with mom. She never really asked me about becoming minis. She just…told me she had something that was good for all of us, then you stormed out, and then she took me and…I dunno, next thing I knew, the process was done and I was in a box with giants carrying me around and then I’m in a new city and a new home and…FUCK!” He slammed his fists against his sister’s thigh and stood up, now pacing as he let his anger out. “I was fucking thirteen, Cassie! I didn’t know. She just assumed what was best for me and she STILL does! She’s overbearing as all hell and I can’t fucking take it! I can’t even cuss without her yelling at me. Fuck…I just want some freedom for once.” He finished his rant, then fell back on his ass, his legs losing their strength as he rested against Cassie’s thigh again. She wiped a tear from her own eye and then rubbed his back again like she had earlier. He soaked it in, letting his anger calm as he cried it out with her. “Hey. You can come live with me if you want. Until college starts. And then on breaks too. I know you might not like how big it all is, but…maybe your problem now is more mom than it is being small. Yeah, it sucks that got forced on you…and honestly I fucking hate that she did that, but…well you need freedom. And I can get accommodations for someone your size and-” “I’ll go.” She stopped, looking down at him as if to confirm he had just accepted like that. “Yes, I will come live with you, Cass. God, that sounds fantastic, honestly.” “For real?” “Yeah. For real. Fuck whatever mom says about it too. I’m 18 now anyways.” Cassie nodded, her smile returning again, this time in a toothy grin. “Fuck yeah. Let’s-” She felt something under her ass, and she clapped a hand to her mouth in shock. “Oh shit.” “What?” “Uh…you know how I said I still have those power trips?” Derek shook his head as he caught her meaning. “Oh god, did you…” She nodded in response, and he sighed as he raised his arms so she could lift him off her. A few seconds later and some guy was stumbling away, trying to run and failing as he was clearly pretty out of it. He wasn’t even shouting at her, he just seemed mortified, convinced that if he even looked back at her she would do something. A moment later they were laughing about the whole thing. Was it a crime? In most cases, yes, but Derek knew that the law never got applied to ‘giants’ when it came to stuff like this. Besides, it sounded like he had it coming anyway. They laughed the whole thing off as the two continued their small talk into the night, catching up and getting excited about living together as siblings for the first time in years. And deep down, Derek was more excited than ever at the fact that he had a big sister he could look up to now. About damn time. |