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Rated: E · Novel · Friendship · #2330003
NaNoWriMo Writing Challenge
Characters: 1. Bronzy Nickels 2. Baron Bigwig

Setting the Scene

It takes place in a fantastical world known as Muckety Muck, Wisconsin, near a forest by a lake, in 2024. Everyone knows each other in town. Bronzy is proficient in polka dancing. She has a deep connection to the Earth and its resources. She hugs a tree for mutual support. She prays for the animals and they have a tremendous amount of respect for her. If anyone tried to harm her in any way, the animals would surely protect her. Bronzy has a passion for innovation and sustainability. Her drive is to develop new alloys for electric cars that are both efficient and environmentally friendly. She wants to see the world prosper in various stages. She's always thinking several steps ahead. She is a natural leader and a source of inspiration for others in her community.

Bronzy is working on a groundbreaking project. She is thirty-one years old. She has a creative vision for the future. Inventing an electrical car that would never break down is ideal for everyone; it would repair itself when needed.

Baron Bigwig is a Chinese Industrialist who has incredible talents. He will discover planetary alignments of universal technologies. He is forty-three years old. He is a powerful and influential figure in the small town of Huckingville, Indiana, known as the "Hoosier State" in the mid-western region of the United States. It's surrounded by farmland, reflecting Indiana's agricultural roots. It's located near a river. Attending high school basketball games and county fairs was highly important to him.

Square dancing is fun for Baron. He loves to see the women wearing there square dance dresses. It was to his advantage to do the allemande lefts, since he could turn himself around and meet the women, as their skirts flittered around. They look dainty in their maneuvering abilities. "I love these women", Baron would say. He looked on fleek in his attire. He's a refined and polished gentleman who was looked up to by women, who were elegant stylish, sophisticated, and swanky. Their body image should be flawless (perfect figure, physically fit, and doesn't struggle with communication). If they didn't meet the standards (criteria) for being a woman, there was no place for them in his realm of thinking.

Bronzy has high standards when it comes to polka dancing. The name "Polka" was coined because of the dance's rapid shift from one foot to the other. And, Wow! Her shifting was fast and swift. Her face glowed with anticipation for a better tomorrow. A future filled with desire, hope, faith, and, of course, the perfect gentleman. To her, the perfect gentleman would be well-mannered, devoted, committed, and stout. He would love the qualities of her inventiveness. She would be the luckiest woman in the world, inventing something that would be unimaginable. Her optimism shined in this area. she was genuine; she cared about people and their ambitious nature to finish what has been started. Her heart was phenomenal; she believed in achieving the impossible. Would she meet the man of her dreams? Would she come up with something brilliant enough for people to gawk in amazement? She is capable of achieving what no one has believed was possible. When she starts something, she doesn't give up. Her unstoppable energy gives her that driving force.

How would she find someone who would fit in with her expectations? Would this person even exist? In her mind, the ideal man would soon enter her life. The question was, "Would such a man work well with her, or "Would he end up betraying her?" A betrayal would leave her devasted and heartbroken. If this were to happen, her world would be crushed.

On January 1, 2024, Baron Bigwig noticed that the planet Earth and the planet Jupiter would come into alignment with one another. This meant higher tides, due to the combined gravitational pull of the two planets. Jupiter is a gas giant, so it doesn't have a solid surface to interact directly with Earth. Stronger tidal forces could emerge. Marine life and coastal regions could be impacted. "If Jupiter were close enough, it might interfere with Earth's magnetic field, potentially disrupting satellite communications and navigation systems." Jupiter has a powerful magnetic field. This alignment could be an influence on the Earth's atmosphere, possibly leading to unusual weather patterns or climatic shifts.

The psychological and cultural impacts of such a rare celestial event could significantly affect humanity, inspiring either fear or a sense of unity. The alignment could provide unique opportunities for scientific research, leading to new discoveries about planetary interactions and the nature of our solar system.

Baron had a bright idea. He thought that if he could cool down the temperament of the waters, Earth and Jupiter could come to an agreement saying, "Creating danger for Earth and mankind isn't such a good idea." This would restore peace throughout the land, allowing people to reunite by being friendlier toward one another. " War would no longer be a consideration. The question Baron asked himself was, "How would I be able to pull this off? To bring Earth and Jupiter together, rather than using their powerful forces to wipe mankind off from the Earth."

Bronzy experienced a sudden enlightenment, eager to bring her revolutionary idea to life. She pondered the components needed to invent an electric car that would never break down and could repair itself. "What if I use a copper roof for conductivity, nickel wheels for durability, and soft aluminum for comfortable seats? she mused. "And a touch of Titanium (Ti) on the dashboard would add a sleek, futuristic feel."

Bronzy's mind began to roll around, thinking about entering a polka dance competition. She could relax, and by the swift motion of her feet, new ideas could pop into her head.

Meanwhile, Baron heard about Bronzy being enrolled in the polka dance competition. He thought about introducing himself. His expertise in geometry could inspire different angles to go by, putting his professionalism of square dancing in mind. He could do a allemende left with a four ladies chain across, right on over to Bronzy, doing a do-si-do. He would have to think fast, since her quick shift movement of her feet could land him right smack into her arms. He wouldn't want her mad at him right from the get go. He could think of angling left, angling right, all in the form of the perfect square. They could meet right dab in the center.

Baron would say, "Hey, Bronzy, it's so nice to finally meet you. I heard you would like to invent an electric car that would never break down and always repair itself when it did." Bronzy was intrigued by his charm and good looks. "Well, how do you know who I am?", she said. "I overheard a conversation about you entering the polka dance competition." "I am entering the square dance competition. By the way, can I buy you dinner? We can talk about this idea of yours. We can put our heads together and see what we can come up with." Sounds like a great idea, she said, "We can surely do this." "Then, we have a date", he said.

Bronzy observed Baron sweet talking with all the ladies, and was wondering what she was getting herself into. She figured the ladies would be jealous of him talking to her. Why would he ask me on a date, if he had so many prospects out there waiting for him? After all, he just wants to be leading her on just to break her heart. Her disbelief was apparent. She hung her head low. She was seriously thinking about not showing up. She was humiliated to the point of exhaustion. I don't deserve this

Bronzy didn't show up for her date. She was so disheartened about Baron being the way he was, that she decided "What's the point? He was never serious about wanting to work with her anyhow. When Bronzy became a no-show, Baron began to wonder what had happened. He pondered over this for days. I believed things were going well for us. He was excited about the project they would've worked together on. On a whim, he decided to search for her. First, he went down to where the polka dancers were practicing for the competition. Sure enough, she was there. He approached her and asked why she didn't show up for their date. "You mean you have no idea? she blurted out. He was puzzled by her remark. Remaining cool, he gently asked, "What are you talking about?"

Bronzy stood up for herself and abruptly responded, "I came here and saw you intermingling with a bunch of ladies. It's a wonder you even thought of me. Baron was taken aback. He wanted an explanation.

One month had passed before Baron and Bronzy began to talk. It was during this time when Bronzy came up with a spectacular discovery. She stumbled upon a new element, which she named Nitanium. This discovery was purely accidental, yet the implications were absolutely mind blowing.

Baron Bigwig's mind buzzed with an exhilarating and inconceivable idea. He was thinking about a car that could soar above traffic, when needed, to get out of traffic congestion at will. Titanium, with its symbol Ti, and the atomic number 22, was the perfect element for this ambitious project. Known for its strength and lightweight properties, often utilized in aerospace, medical implants, and various alloys, it seemed almost destined for this innovation. Excitedly, Baron decided to share groundbreaking concept with Bronzy.

At first, Bronzy was reluctant to share her discovery with him. Eventually, she gave in. Baron was intrigued. They decided to work together on this. After some research, Baron found that her invention could calm the waters if Jupiter aligned with Earth. He projected that this alignment would bring the world together in a heartbeat. It would either do that or create a lot of devastation. Having a huge wall of water come down upon the Earth would kill a lot of people.

Nitaniium is a rare, natural element. Its unique properties make it highly resistant to corrosion and capable of withstanding extreme temperatures. It would make it valuable for advanced technology or space exploration.

Baron came up with a superb idea. He decided to add Titanium, Nickel, and Uranium to the mix. Uranium would be the perfect ingredient for its self-repairing capabilities. He happened to think, on the spur of the moment, about elephants. "Elephants never forget," he said, "How about adding peanut oil? This way the car would remember not to break down." The chassis would be a unibody made of iron." Getting back to the car's energy level, the thought of adding orange juice to the ion-battery would give it sunshine during the bleary days. His brain first thought of doing this, when he remembered that adding anything citrusy to an ion-battery could be a dreadful mistake. But then, having a huge container of baking soda on hand, could prevent an accident of devastating effects, like an explosion. He got a huge container for storing nothing other than baking soda. Another thought came to his mind. I could add Ferrouranium, also known as ferro-uranium, to make it more robust and durable. It contains about 35-50% Uranium and 1.5-4.0% carbon. This could create a chassis that can withstand various stresses and strains without deforming. Uranium's presence can significantly lower the melting point of iron, which could be useful in the manufacturing process.

Baron began his method of putting one-fourth cup of orange juice with one-half cup of peanut oil, and one-fourth cup of water. In his crazy and dubious mind, he knew better than to add any citrus or water to an ion-battery. He put this mixture aside, out of sight, out of mind. One day he picked up a bottle of this mixture, not remembering what was in it; it wasn't labeled. He put in this mixture by accident, when he heard some fizzing going on. This was a big worry for him. He immediately grabbed the container of baking soda, ready to quench the sizzling, when a happy sound came out of the engine. It purred like a kitten, regaining an extra amount of energy from the orange juice. The peanut oil wouldn't let it break down. This was a disastrous incident which turned out well.

Baron contributed this to Bronzy's invention of Nitanium. He shared what happened with Bronzy. Bronzy was elated with excitement when she heard about this. "What a relief", they both said at once.

Bronzy went polka dancing to enjoy herself. With fast-stepping moves, she began to put his ideas along with some new ideas of her own. She decided to add a sleekness to her design to her Mugmobile. She thought of the metal silver. It's highly reflective. It has a high electrical and thermal conductivity of any element. Baron and Bronzy had the same idea of adding on gold, since it's highly resistant to corrosion and oxidation.

In the rural part of Muckety Muck, Wisconsin, there is a huge barn underneath a dome, built especially for polka dancing, live bands, and karaoke. There wasn't any alcohol served there. Everyone in this rural community helped each other out when needed. It was all like a close-knit family having fun. All around the barn were warm friendly lights, inviting others to join in their celebrations. Bronzy invited Baron to do some square dancing there. Baron was upbeat about her invitation.

Baron and Bronzy, through their polka and square dancing, had developed new ideas in their heads. They had a blast putting their skills to work.

There was a stranger who showed up at the barn. He was a suspicious looking kind of man. He was known as a spy from a foreign country. Little did they know that their lives were about to change. The stranger's name was Mikail Dolstoyefsky.

Bronzy was infuriated when she couldn't locate the plans for the Mugmobile that her and Baron worked on together. She was perplexed. She tried to backtrack to where she had been. Then it happened. She began to blame Baron for the theft of their project. Baron swore up and down that he didn't do it, but she was totally convinced that he had. Baron suddenly spoke up and said, "You don't think the stranger in town may have taken it." Things went a rhy after that. Bronzy sat in the car waiting for some encouragement. Instead, she got some backlash. The car told her she was incapable of completing her invention. The car was against her; It talked her down.

Bronzy, troubled by what the Mugmobile was doing, decided to go along with Baron's suspicion of Mikail Dolstoyefsky. After doing research, she found out that this person was a spy. She was baffled and stunned by this news. She approached Baron and apologized to him about her accusations toward him. They needed to come up with a plan of action.

An amazing thing happened! The car had a plan of its own. It decided to photograph this man stealing the plans. Bronzy and Baron relaxed in the Mugmobile one fine day. Sure enough, it was none other than Mikail Dolstoyefsky They had the proof they needed,, but how would they get the plans back. Was this spy a Russian? His name certainly indicated that.

Now that the Mugmobile was helping Baron and Bronzy, it told them that their idea of putting the right amount of orange juice and water to the ion-battery gave it the energy it needed to pull it out of its depression. It was able to revive itself to a brighter way of thinking. Who would have ever thought of that? The Mugmobile was happy and purred like a kitten to show how fond it was of them. Baron and Bronzy ended up not being mad at each other.

The plan was underway for determining what country Mikail Dolstoyefsky was from. He had an accent that was hard to determine. Perhaps it had an Hinduism accent. Perhaps he could have been one of our own kind.

Baron Bigwig discoverd a meteor shower display coming from the planet Neptune, which will align itself with the planet Earth. This will become interesting when the planet Saturn interrupts this alignment. If Earth passes through the debris, left by comets or asteroids, the meteor shower could be triggered or enhanced.

Causing it to pass closer to the Earth in a spectacular meteor shower, Neptune and Saturn could influence the trajectory of a comet. Streaks of light illuminated the sky, creating a breathtaking and otherworldly scene. This inspired awe and wonder for Baron. He was entranced.by the beauty of it all. He was thinking of the perfect proposal and wedding for Bronzy. He was always excited to see her.

Meanwhile, Baron decided to do research on what kind of man Dolstoyefsky was. He discovered that he worked hard on coming up with different accents so he wouldn't be recognized. It ended up that he was part Lebanese and part Czechoslovakian. It was a broken accent. This made it difficult to figure out what Mikail was made of.

Mikail tried everything he could to disrupt the lives of Bronzy Nickels and Baron Bigwig. He was in jail for what he did to Bronzy and Baron, but he was soon out on bail. When Bronzy and Baron were aware of this, they became concerned about their safety. Would he attempt to steal the plans for the electric car again? Would they be followed? The uncertainty of this made them feel bombarded with threats against their livelihood.

Baron wondered what Mikail's next step was to be. He didn't want anything to complicate his life. He didn't want Bronzy to mistrust him again. He wanted to get Bronzy to put her head together with him to figure all this out. What it will be, he didn't know.

Baron planned a meeting with Bronzy to put a hiccup into their plans by putting glucosamine into the engine to take away any imperfections or pains the car may be feeling. "This sounds crazy", Baron said, "but it might work for the car. The car hummed a tune merrily, while taking away the pains associated with any malfunctioning operations to the body's structure. No arthritic-like symptoms in this car's body, Baron shouted, with a whole amount of gratitude and praise for achieving such an enormous idea of brain-powered intelligence. He was developing a big-headed ego. This wasn't such a good idea. He needed to become real and down-to-earth. The whole idea was to become a genuine friend to the people, especially, to the one person he wanted so much to impress. This was the woman of his dreams, Bronzy.

Oh, Bronzy! Come on over. You have to hear what my ingenious mind has come up with. What have you come up with now? she spoke. She was curious about what kind of new plan had gotten him so excited. She listened with the eagerness and anticipation of a woman delighted to learn new things. He shared with her his new plan.

Bronzy! My gosh! Your plan is superbly magnificent! How did you come up with this? I would have never thought of it. Let's put this plan into action. We need to get to the bottom of this.

It wasn't long before Mikail Dolstoyefsky would make another attempt at stealing their plans. At this point in time, Bronzy decided on a color for their Mugmobile. The Mugmobile is in the shape of a coffee mug. It would get the attention of the townspeople in this community. The Mugmobile, Bronzy said, would be a light sky-blue color, or a lavendar. She was ecstatic with these colors. She acted like a little girl whose dreams came to life. She hasn't felt as happy as she was on this day. She was a new person, excited and full of life.

The polka and square dance competition was on. This would be interesting! The backstage people decided to do something by putting these two dances together. Would some sort of a rumba be involved? Oh! What possibilities would Baron and Bronzy discover?

Bronzy got on the dance floor and wowed the crowd with her quick movements of the polka dance. Baron also received cat calls and whistles with his square dance moves at the end of the performance. Over the intercom, it was announced that Baron and Bronzy do a new dance called "The Rumba." "The Rumba?" They were both shocked by the announcement. "We've never done that." However, their faces perked with a smile; it was a new experience about to be discoverd. For the Rumba, they were to dance slowly together, showing love and passion. This was definitely a plus for Baron, since he admired Bronzy so much. Baron implied, "The show must go on". There were no practice sessions. They had to come up with something on their own. Now, how were they going to pull this off? Bronzy, exhilarated about learning something new, a new dance, she thought, would be an exciting, adventurous activity. A new dance move would make her emotions go wild, especially "The Rumba."

The time was now. They were close, I mean, very close to one another in this dance. Her eyes welled up in embarrassment. Baron was enjoying the sexy and sensual moves. At the same time, she was shy; she didn't know this man; he was a stranger to her still. They were both on a high about their plan of action. Wisconsin.

Mikail Dolstoyefsky saw the dancing going on. He decided to proceed with his plan about stealing Baron and Bronzy's plans for the electric car. Quite the sleek and sneaky kind of a spy guy. He would have a fake id and a key which could get into any car. The perfect opportunity, he stifled under his breath. He wore an outfit adorned with magical medals of importance. This way he could get by with it. While they were doing "The Rumba", Mikail went to their car and whispered under his breath what harm he could do to them. He was shuffling papers around looking for something he could use to ruin Baron and Bronzy's reputation.

Mikail proceeded to get out of the car when the door slammed shut, and the door locked. The hiccup put into the Mugmobile worked. Mikail was caught by Baron, Bronzy, and the Police Force. They were out of danger, thanks to the Mugmobile. The Mugmobile praised the inventors for putting Glucosamine into its engine. By doing this, a fresh start was beginning to brew in Muckety Muck, Wisconsin. Beaming with the loveliest smiles you've ever seen, came from Baron and Bronzy.
Baron was making plans on how he was going to propose to Bronzy. The perfect moment arrived when their Mugmobile caught the spy Mikail Dolstoyefsky. The stars looked amazing that night. They seemed to speak wise words to Baron about talking to Bronzy. "Let's go to The Barn", he asked her. Put on your favorite dress. Let's make this a date. Are you up for it?" Bronzy was feeling somewhat worried about their Mugmobile and Mikail Dolstoyefsky, the clever spy who wanted to make money for taking over their discovery. Would he get out again? Alluding to her fearfulness, Baron remembered referring to the Bible, where it says many times not to be afraid and God will never leave you nor forsake you. Being somewhat skeptical, it did put her mind at ease. She felt instantly at peace with herself. Without hesitation, she gladly accepted his wedding proposal.

Picking up Bronzy was thrilling to the core. When he saw her, she was so gorgeous; he couldn't take his eyes off of her. Before entering "The Barn", he took her hand, and led her to a place where the view of the river was apparent. The sounds coming from the river were calming. Feelings of peace released her fears. Baron found his way to her heart. He wanted desperately wanted to give her a kiss, but was overjoyed when she planted one right on his lips.

The festivities began. They proceeded to walk to "The Barn." They were dancing for a while when Baron walked up to the microphone. He humbly said, "I have something to say. I met this wonderful woman in your community. She is an inventor. I have known her for a while now. She is very likeable. I would, by all means, want to seek your approval, when I ask her to be my wife." Baffled by all this, Bronzy was silent. She reflected back to the time when she saw him with all the ladies. She was very close to not accepting his invitation, when she saw how remarkable he was in his thinking. She looked around for a minute, and then excitement filled her eyes. She said the magic three-letter word, "Yes." She said it with the sweetest smile on her face. The community and accepted them with open arms. Baron was happy beyong his wildest dreams. Would they be waiting for a while before they get married? They didn't wait. They began to prepare for their wedding plans.


I. Wedding Plans - Day 1

A. Deciding on a Wedding Dress
B. How many People to Invite
C. Decide on a Flower Girl
D. Decide on Boy to walk down Aisle

II. Wedding Plans - Day 2

A. Decide on Maid of Honor
B. Decide on Bridesmaids
C. Decide on Best Man (Remind him not to forget the rings on this special day).

III. Wedding Plans - Day 3

A. Decide Who will Give the Bride Away
B. What Live Band Will Play at Our Wedding?
C. Pick Out Bride and Groom's Favorite Song
D. Bride and Groom Sing to Each Other

IV. Wedding Plans - Day 4

A. Where To Go for Honeymoon
B. How long will they Stay?

Deciding on a Wedding Dress - Day 1

Bronzy, joyful and blissfully confident, she needed to start looking for a wedding gown (or dress). She didn't know where to start. How much could she afford? All these thoughts were going through her mind. She decided to ask Baron about how much she should pay. Using a bit of humor, he said, "Bronzy is looking for a wedding dress, and wondering how much to pay." Without delay, he looked around both ways. Then he said, "and the cost of it, no less." Then he became serious. "You know, the cost doesn't matter This will be your day, I will pay for the dress." Bronzy couldn't believe her eyes. She expected to pay for it. A man willing to pay for my dress, she muttered, and the cost didn't matter. She had to pinch herself. She wanted the best dress, hoping the cost would be just right.

Bronzy shopped online at "Wedding Dress Extravaganza." There were many dresses or gowns to choose from. So far, the perfect one hasn't shown up yet. Then, there was a video playing on the big screen, showing different kinds of wedding dresses. Oh! Wow! It was there, the perfect wedding dress for her. It had a long train, lace going down the arms, low-cut, but not too revealing. It glittered like the stars on that amazing night. It was a gorgeous white wedding dress, pure as the driven snow. The veil came over her eyes, and the tiara sparkled with diamonds. The dress was full (she looked like a princess). Now, what does this dress cost? To her surprise, it was on sale at $300.00 even. This suited her well. "I'll take it." She got offline and squealed with delight.

How Many People to Invite

How many People Shall I Invite? Do I want a big wedding, a small wedding, or a medium-sized one? Without a doubt, she wanted a big wedding. The whole community was invited from her hometown of Muckety Muck, Wisconsin and from his hometown of Huckingville, Indiana. It will take place at "The Barn."

Decide on a Flower Girl

Who should I choose for a Flower Girl? "How about the little girl from "The Barn", known as Rose Petal?" What a perfect name for a Flower Girl! I will ask her. It would make my day if she accepts. Bronzy went down to "The Barn", and there she was, as cute as a button. "Hey, Rose, "How would you like to be a Flower Girl at my wedding?" Beaming with delight, "I always wanted to be a Flower Girl", Rose said. One more item to cross off the list, Bronzy said silently.

Decide on Boy to Walk Down Aisle

"Who should I ask to walk down the aisle with the Flower Girl?" Bronzy remembered a little boy at "The Barn" who would be perfect for that. It would be Benny Stargazer. I will go to "The Barn" and ask him, she said. She headed to "The Barn" to look for him. "Benny", she said, "Would you consider walking down the aisle with Rose Petal at my wedding?" "Sure, I'm in love with that little girl. She is refreshing, like a pretty flower blossoming in the spring", he said. "Then it's settled then", Bronzy said. She was jumping for joy. So far, everything is working out well. My list is all checked off for the day.

Deciding on Maid of Honor - Day 2

Who shall I get to be my Maid of Honor? This is easy. I will get my best friend, Jilliana Bolton. I will give her a phone call.

Ring a Ling. Ring a Ling.

"Hi, Bronzy! What's up?" "I am wondering if you would consider being my Maid of Honor at my Wedding." There was a bit of a conflict there. Jilliana used to dance with Baron and hang out with him. Jilliana responded, "I will have to think about this one for a while." Bronzy wondered why. This brought her curiosity into gear. Jilliana called to inform her that she used to hang around with Baron. He was my partner in dancing. "Oh?", said Bronzy. This twerked back some former memories with her. Jilliana called her back the next day and said, "Of course, I will be your Matron of Honor at your wedding." Bronzy was happy about that. There were some questions that she needed to know about Baron. Her curiosity got the best of her. She needed to approach Baron about this turn of events. Finding the right time to do it was the question.

I will take him out to a quiet little place in the park. Finally, she got him there. Without shhowing fear, she asked him the question, :"I didn't know you dated my best friend. How long has this been going on?" He explained that Jilliana had a huge crush on him, but I wasn't that interested in her. She had a hard time letting go after we dated a few times." "Ikay, this explains why. How are the two of you getting along?" "I love you, Baron said, "The past is the past. I have dated many ladies, but none of them compares with you." "That's assuring", said Bronzy. It was nice knowing that Jilliana was going to be the Maid of Honor.

Decide on Brides Maids

Bronzy made the decision to ask five ladies who sang together at a live performance. They complemented or blended in with the theme of her wedding. Their names were: Jessica Newhouser, Madeline Greensbury, Aretha Strummer, CicilyTownsend, and Miranda Farnsworth. The theme of the wedding was "Flowering Blossoms." Bronzy mustered up the courage to ask the ladies if they would be her Brides Maids at her wedding. In unison, they all agreed with pleasure.

Decide on Best Man (Remind him not to forget the rings on this special day).

Who was the best man going to be? He would have to make a toast to the Bride and Groom. He would need to have a sense of humor. This is important in a large gathering such as this. Baron's closest friend is one he went to school with. His name was Cleaveland Branington. He was charming in every way. He had a good demeanor about him. He made everyone feel welcome and right at home. I will ask him to be the Best Man at our wedding. This would be a godsend if he will be the Best Man at our wedding.

Bronzy asked Baron for Cleaveland's phone number. He gave it to her. She dialed the number.

Ring a Ling, Ring a Ling.

"Hello, this is Cleaveland Branington."

"Hello, this is Bronzy Nickels. Baron Bigwig is my fiancé. We're getting married! Would you be willing to be the Best Man at our wedding?"

"Well, I'll be. Baron Bigwig is getting married! I didn't think I'd see the day. You don't worry about a thing. I will be the Best Man at your wedding."

After Cleaveland and Bronzy hung up the phone, she said, "I am the luckiest girl alive! Everything is going as planned. This is meant to be, I'm sure of that."

Wedding Plans - Day 3

Decide who will Give the Bride Away

Decisions, decisions. Who will Bronzy get to do this job? You see, because of Bronzy and Baron's success, their families didn't want anything to do with them. Jealousy had prevailed. Rather than being proud of them, they acted like they didn't know their own kids. This made Bronzy sad. This was going to be the day they were to get married, and feeling rejected by their families did not make their day complete. They had to make the best of their situation and just go for it, They did the best they could. It took her a little bit of time to figure out who to get.

Suddenly, she had a burst of energy. It finally dawned on her. How about Davy Rocket? He was a well-known comedian, who had a knack for making people laugh. It doesn't hurt to ask him.

Ring a Ling, Ring a Ling.

"Hello, I'm Davy Rocket. What can I do for you?

"Davy Rocket? You are the one I'm trying to get a hold of. My name is Bronzy Nickels, and I am getting married! I heard that you are a well-known comedian. I have a huge favor to ask you. I would love it if you could be the person who will give me away at my wedding.

"Bronzy, my dear, it would be an honor to give you away."

"Wowza! Wooza! You have no idea what this means to me. Thank You, so much."

Bronzy had one more thing to check off from her list. She was on top of the world. She couldn't believe what she had accomplished. This is cool. I am getting excited about walking down the aisle and becoming Mrs. Bronzy Bigwig. It it absolutely brilliant how this all is coming together.

What Live Band Will Play at Our Wedding?

Which live band dow we want to play for our wedding? What kind of music do we want? "Feel good music is what I want. I would like a variety of different kinds of songs. This would be an uplifter for me, and the wedding guests as well", said Bronzy. Let's have a combination of Rock and Roll, Jazz, Jazz, Western, and Contemporary Music. What group could do this? I know, I know, how about "The Music Go-Getters". They are close by, and they can really drow the crowd in. Hurry! I better give them a call.

Ring a Ling, Ring a Ling.

"Hello! The Music Go-Getters are here. We aim to please. What kind of music are you looking for?"

"My name is Bronzy Nickels, and I'm getting married! I am interested in a musical variety, such as Rock and Roll, Jazz Western, and Contemporary Music."

"No problem, lady, we've got it covered. Where would we be playing at, and what date?"

Bronzy replied, "It will be at "The Barn" on Friday, June 27, 2024."

"No problem. You've got a band!"

"Oh! Oh!, Thank You so much. You have made a bride happy", she exclaimed.

Bronzy was able to check off one more item off from her list. She was closer to being done with her planning. The next item on her list is:

Pick Out Bride and Groom's Favorite Songs

One of Bronzy's favorite songs was coming to mind. This song would be "Rock Me Gently." "Still The One" was #2, "Shop Around " #3, "Burning Love" #4, "Mansion Over the Hilltop" #5, "Wings of a Dove" #6, "Young Love" #7, and "Standing on the Promises of God" #8. She needed to ask Baron what his favorite were.

Pick Out Bride and Groom's Favorite Songs

One of Bronzy's favorite songs was coming to mind. This song would be "Rock Me Gently." "Still The One" was #2, "Shop Around" #3, "Burning Love" #4, "Mansion Over the Hilltop" #5, "Wings of a Dove" #6, "Young Love" #7, and "Standing on the Promises of God #8. She needed to ask to Baron what his favorite songs were.

She knew Baron was working on ideas for the perfect wedding. She saw that he was sitting in the Mugmobile singing. "Baron!, that is the loveliest song I ever heard. It's so beautiful. What is the name of the song?"

"It's an original, written by me. It's called, "I Fell in Love the Day I Met You." The following is the lyrics to his song:

"I Fell in Love the Day I Met You"


I fell in love the day I met you.
You were the reason, I didn't feel blue
The sun was shining on my face,
I knew somehow, you were filled with grace.

I prayed that we would find a way,
To make it together in every way.
Truth is what matters, Trust is divine,
You will be mine, I will gather.


Your eyes are blue, your hair is blond,
I'll be true, in the coming of the dawn.
I'll make you happy, wait and see,
I'll sing you a rap song filled with glee.
This is the song for you and me.


This is the first, it's not the last,
Memories of you are bound to last.
I'll care for you, from the hurts of the past,
Forever our love, will continue to grow.

Cherish the good times,
Get rid of the bad,
It will be the best time, you ever had.
Smile today, and always be glad.


Your eyes are blue, your hair is blond,
I'll be true, in the coming of the dawn.
I'll make you happy, wait and see,
I'll sing you a rap song, filled with glee,
This is the song for you and me.

"You were thinking all that about me?" Bronzy said.

"Yes, I have been."

"Why don't you play this at our wedding?"

"I would love to", implied Baron.

"I believe that it's settled then", Bronzy remarked. "I can cross another item off my list. I am so excited!"

Bride and Groom Sing to Each Other

Bronzy was pondering the thought of her and Baron singing together at their wedding. This would be a memorable and heartfelt moment they could remember forever. She was eager to find out if Baron would do this. He could be out in the Mugmobile singing. I'll go out and see. She darted out to the Mugmobile to see if he was in there. Much to her surprise, this was exactly where she saw him.

"I have something important to ask you."

"Go ahead and ask me."

"What would you think about us singing to each other in the wedding?"

"That is such a lovely idea. No question about it. This is very sentimental of you. I was thinking along those lines myself."

"Great, what song shall we sing?"

"Top of the World" by the Carpenter's."

"Fantastic! You are great at what you do. I've always had confidence in you. I knew you could pull it off."

"Thank You for being so throughful and understanding."

"No problem. Anything you want, darling."

One thing more to cross off of my list. I have two more things, and then, I'm officially done. Bronzy jumped for joy!

Wedding Plans - Day 4

Where to Go for Honeymoon

Bronzy would think long and hard on this one. If I could go anywhere, where would I go? I would like to go somewhere to relax and enjoy the view. Perhaps the Mugmobile could tell me. She went to the Mugmobile, and asked it, if it knew of a special place for her and Baron to go for their honeymoon.

"How about a nice view of the water, on the beach, relaxing with a nice, refreshing, non-alcoholic drink. Like a Root Beer Float, or a Blackberry Milkshake. Perhaps a nice dessert like a Banana Split. The perfect place would be in a resort known as "Where Dreams Do Come True Spa Resort?"

"Where is this resort located? It sounds like a lovely place."

"It's on an island, isolated from the busyness of the world. This island is in Pretty Valley, California. This is where the grass is greenest, dreams are possibilities, and adventures are majestically brilliant. It's an escape to a land where privacy is a must. You can be anyone you want to be. Believe you can, believe you will, and believe what you see. By faith, it will come into fruition. The palm trees are a welcoming sight for love."

"It's perfect", Bronzy said.

Another item marked off the list. Bronzy was feeling optimistic about things.

How Long Will They Stay?

Bronzy felt hopeful that a three-month stay would be about right. She wondered if Baron would agree to this, above everything else.

The Mugmobile softened the lights in the car, played some soft music, and played a romantic video, to put Baron and Bronzy into the mood for romance. It put her into the right mood for asking him if a three-month stay would suit him. She asked him with a sweetness to her voice. "Baron", she said softly, "How would a three-month stay at the "Where Dreams Do Come True Spa Resort" sound to you? I would love to go there."

"Bronzy, I would love to go anywhere with you. A three-month stay would be splendid! Where is this place?"

"In Pretty Valley, California it is then."

"Yes. My wedding plan list is complete. I am so blessed. I hope it goes well without a glitch. It will be fine."

It was now time to get back to business. It was regarding the Mugmobile. "How could we dress up our car to go in style? When we leave "The Barn", we want to look rather fashionable", said Bronzy. "Let's let the community know how much we appreciate them. When I throw the wedding bouquet, I want the right woman to catch it. I want her to be proud. I want her to be happy, just like us."

How to Dress Up the Mug Mobile

"You are so thoughtful and caring. I will gladly work on the stylishness of the Mugmobile. It will be fun to work on this project. I'll get to it right away."

"You're my kind of man. We've come a long way to get here. I'm excited to see what you come up with on the car."

"I want it to look sleek and elegant. It will be a sight to behold. It should look very sophisticated in its appearance. I will let the Mug Mobile help me make the right decision."

Baron, determined to speak to the Mug Mobile about coming up with a very stylish design, became somewhat reluctant, suddenly, to ask it. Then, he got his confidence back. "Hey, Muggie." (This was a new nickname he came up with for the Mug Mobile). "I've got something to ask you."

"Go ahead", the Mug Mobile said, "I'm all ears."

"Bronzy and I were talking about you becoming fashionable and stylistic. What kind of a design would suit you?"

"I would dazzle them with a bright new look. I would have baby blue eyes, an elegant, sleek, interior with soft, fuzzy, white kittens decorating the ceiling top. The seats will automatically adjust to what your body temperature needs. The seats will be decorated with different breeds of puppies, making everyone feel loved, and at ease with each other. It would bestow friendly outcomes between people. There won't be any fighting in the car. It would be impossible. The chassis would be sharp looking, sharp enough to be admired by everyone. I am enraptured by all of this."

"The Mug Mobile's idea is stupendous", Baron rejoiced. "I can't wait to inform my Bronzy about this. Where would she be? Bronzy's birthday is March 7, 2024. I will surprise her with the Mug Mobile's idea for its design. She will get a big picture of the Mug Mobile, with her sitting in the driver's seat. What a great idea! he thought to himself. I am going to jump high in the air. I can hardly wait for her to become my wife. This will be the happiest day ever. Our wedding is three months away. Yeah!

Bronzy was dreamily outside waiting for Baron to return. There was a rainbow in the air, then a triple rainbow appeared. It was beautiful! The colors of the rainbow gave her hope. It was a promise of an enduring love, able to conquer anything that was brought before them. She was elated. She was thinking to herself, "How could a ladies man pick me out to be his wife? I was heartbroken when I saw him intermingling with all the ladies. Now, I am blessed with a good and honest man."

Baron noticed the happy smile on her face. "Bronzy! What are you so happy about?"

"I was thinking of you, and how lucky I am."

The Mug Mobile decided to surprise Baron and Bronzy with a nice picturesque view of horses on top of the trunk. This would provide extra power to go up hills when it needed to. Baron would need to come up with something for this to happen, the Mug Mobile determined. What this would be, it did not know. Maybe even Bronzy could come up with an idea that would provide an answer.

Bronzy put on her working clothes. She liked dressing comfortably. A casual style, with a fashionable statement of sorts. This put her in a mood of determination. She reminisced back to the time when Baron and her had to perform "The Rumba." Baron and Bronzy didn't know "The Rumba", but, much to their surprise, they had to do one. Bronzy shimmered with delight just thinking about the hot and steamy moves associated with it. It was a lot of fun. She also recalled how embarrassed she was. Oh, my! she thought. She spent some time reflecting on that day. They were surprised when they were told to do this. They were up for the challenge and pulled it off significantly well. They were well-received by the crowd.

Bronzy came up with something to ask Baron about. It was a brilliant idea for her, she thought. How about some sparkling cider? "Baron! What would you think about putting something refreshing into the tank of the Mug Mobile?"

"Like what?"

"Sparkling Cider."

"How intelligent you are. That is a brilliant decision. Let's try it out."

Baron felt an ambiance about this. He used sparkling cider to pour into the gas tank. Soon after he did this, a remarkable thing transpired before his eyes. The Mug Mobile felt refreshed and eager to take them wherever they wanted to go This was exactly what the Mug Mobile needed. It needed something to keep it cool. Extravagant in all its glory, one could see the smile on their faces, the Mug Mobile included. Happy tunes were coming from their car. Happy days were imminent. The Mug Mobile, trying to come up with some romantic tunes, was deciding on several songs pertaining to "The Rumba." Mission accomplished. It would play them at random. Who knows what kind of songs would be playing

Business with the Mug Mobile was settled. It would be luxurious to take a drive along the river. Flowers were blooming everywhere. Magnificently formed in a beautiful pattern, were birds of different colors, singing peacefully, beckoning everyone to start singing. Harmonious tunes were blazing out about love. Everyone seemed to be in sync with one another. An ambiance, serene and peaceful, was apparent; very real in nature.

Pertaining to a joyous countenance in the crowd, the level of compassion grew. Illuminations of thoughts rendered an equivalency of standard motivations, into helping people achieve what they've always wanted to achieve. Each day forward was getting better and better. A better world was coming into existence. Baron decided to check on our planetary alignment. "Atmospheric adjustments could go in our favor," proclaimed Baron. "I can figure all this out. A floral arrangement on a table could be a simplification of comfort. For starters, beauty could be a transformation of thoughts of grandeur. The lighting could project itself onto the bride and groom. The people would know how much they care for each other. A genuine expression from the heart would show the sincerity of their commitment.

Bronzy's eyes sparkled. In her eyes, true love was evident. It's now two months away from their big day. It is the month of April. April showers began to fall. Birds tweeted rather well. Spring was in the air. Completely fulfilling the hopeful signs of commitment, a bountiful supply of wonderment brought music to everyone's ears. The willingness to share songs was the master key to their dreams.

Embracing the sensationalism of the day, triggered couples to hold hands. It was contagious. The community was getting prepped up about the big event coming up in two months. The excitement was tremendously shown. Popular with the community, they wanted their wedding to go perfectly, without any glitches. If anyone tried to interfere, they had the community to deal with. They came up with a motto which reads as follows:

One is for Baron and Bronzy; it's their wedding day.
Two are for the community sticking together.
Three are for serving others with glee.
Four is for the desire to be free.
Five is for bringing people to life.
Six prepares men to conquer strife, and
Seven makes them ready to seek a wife.

Bronzy Nickels and Baron Bigwig,
Stick together through thick and thin,
This is the best way to enter in.
Watch the way they move together,
Gets them through all kinds of weather.
The things in life will soon transpire,
Getting the things that they desire.
Inventing a car makes their dreams come true;
It's the best thing to happen, for them and you.

Baron and Bronzy were flying high on cloud nine. They were thinking, "What could possibly go wrong?" One thing Bronzy was afraid of. What if one of his lady friends from the past decided to stop the wedding? Would they succeed in doing so? They would be vicious enough to do that. After thinking thoughts like these, she piped up with a stronger boost of confidence, than she's ever felt before. I will stand up for what's rightfully mine. Baron is the man I've always dreamed about. I'm no longer dreaming. This is reality.

Bronzy's life was on a movie projector, she felt. Her favorite memories are coming alive, on screen, and was a complete sell-out. Her life is one of fascination, charm, and beauty. She was beaming like a lightbulb, shining everywhere she went.

It is now the month of May. The wedding is only one month a way. Was she getting nervous? Somewhat. Was she getting the jitters? A little bit. This was to be expected. The dawning of a new era was soon to be approaching. What a marvelous day this would be! She couldn't stop thinking about Baron. "Have I gone mad?" She felt like a kid at heart. She was feeling playful and naughty. She was imagining how her honeymoon would be. "Feeling a bit devious, aren't I?, she laughed. She proceeded to talk to the Mug Mobile. She didn't walk, she ran. The Mug Mobile warmed everything up inside for her. It provided a safe place for her galvanic thoughts. She was enthused up about sharing secretive emotions with the Mug Mobile. Wow! I can safely express my desires here. Am I being too naughty?, she asked. "No, not at all", said the Mug Mobile. Bronzy was a bit embarrassed by having thoughts of this nature. "Bronzy, my dear", said the Mug Mobile, "You shouldn't be embarrassed, you are going to have a brighter future for yourself. Believe that and claim it. You are beautiful in every way."

Bronzy remembered something important. She had to check on the families and guests who were invited to the wedding. Wait! We forgot about the refreshments. We can't forget about that. Get on it girl. What would everyone want? I surely don't want alcohol to be served. I'm sure there would be a brawl if there was.


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