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by Orian
Rated: E · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #2328710
Cor was saved, now to the mystery Fort Grey
After two hours Carbon is called up by the rest of his company to say they are almost there. Too late to join the battle. But in time to take over the defense of the village well the rest of Carbon's troops focused on cleaning up and dealing with the wounded.

When Samadi returned to the village he could see the smoke, and smell the burning wreckage. He also noticed in the distance the coming of the rest of Carbon's troops.

So he met up with Carbon, and the gunslingers to talk about the salvage and then to prepare to leave the village with the D-Bees. Both the APCs had their missiles replaced.

Then Samadi and Carbon agreed to split the enforcer sale. Because Samadi placed the beacon on the enforcer. Then carbon lost three men and five wounded. Samadi agreed to come back in two months to get his share of the sale.

When the meeting ended. Carbon went to the other end of the village. Then used a loudspeaker. To speak to the villagers.

"Villagers of Cor! I am Carbon Stirling The leader of Sterling's Strings. I am taking over this village. I will help you repair your village. I will be bringing in over a hundred troops. To protect the village. As well as to use it as a base for my operations."

"The coalition has fleed, you are safe now. Two houses were destroyed, and a few others were damaged. As the coalition randomly fired their missiles. I have lost a few of my people as well. I ask that you honor them as they are buried tomorrow for they gave their lives to defend you."

"Cor's original human villagers will stay here. The Visitors who came from the west, will be leaving the village to go to the magic zone with Samadi, and Bell. Those visitors will be leaving soon. Do not try to stop them, nor try to steal from them. As it is they can only take a few things with them."

"You can't see it from here, but I have two Northern Gun robots, and six Northern Gun power armors guarding the village along with a hundred infantry. Yes, I have more troops than you have people. That will change soon. We will soon gain an extra three hundred villagers. From around Whykin. Because this village is in a safer spot than the village down south. That is close to many ley lines."

Samadi agreed to come back in two months, and he will at that time help to defend your village again. Well, most of my forces will act as an escorting force for the three hundred new residents. In case the coalition starts more problems.

A few hours later the APCs , and four horse-pulled wagons were full of people, and some of their stuff that they could carry along with the salvage. As they prepare to leave the village. Some of the people were still saying goodbye to their friends.

"Are you sure you did not want to say bye to your son longer, Sissy? I know you love it when you have me for a customer." The man beside her on her bed was saying. He is the village sheriff. Who is high on the smell of his farts.

"No, he will be fine. He is a psi stalker just like his grandparents even if he does not know it yet. Being around Bell, and Samadi is what he needs. There is nothing good in this one whore town for a son who will be going through puberty within a year or two. Most of all when the whore is his mom."

"What are you talking about his grandparents are psi stalkers. You don't even know who his father is. Plus you are a human that is why you have black hair. Psi stalkers are always bald even the female ones."

" I am glad that everyone accepted me. Even though I am not a pure human. I am a mutated human. Heck even a mutated psi stalker. A psi stalker like my parents and siblings. The problem is I was born much weaker than my family. Also with a strong fear of monsters like a human. For that reason, I was abandoned. At the age of eight."

"I likewise know who William's dad is. There is only one man that I would permit to fully paint my womb. " He is the man who took care of me from the ages of eight through fourteen. He likewise taught me how to be a whore, and make a living at it."

The sheriff responds. "That makes no sense every man in the village has painted your womb That you only had one child is strange."

" No Sheriff, like I said I am a psi stalker I can kill the seed of any man that cums inside me. Likewise, I can protect the seed of a man I want to have children with. No man in this village is worthy of fathering a psi stalker."

"All the men of the village including you are just food. Most men do not notice that I scratch them during the act then drain some of their life energy. Of course, it does not hurt you in any way. When I do it. "

During the act, she scratches the person she is with, to drain their life force. She then heals their scratch after draining them. The draining takes about two seconds. Because of how little life force non-mages have. She can also destroy the male seed that is put in her. So that she can't get pregnant, as well as destroy any possible diseases she might catch. She even heals any micro tears she may receive during the act. To increase the number of customers she can have a day.

" What are you saying, if that is true then you are not a true human, and have been deceiving us all? I might have to arrest you?"

Don't pretend to be tough now, well naked on my bed waiting for the action. I already know all the evils you and the mayor have done in this village. I likewise know that you were working hand and hand with the coalition. That you were their informer.

"Without your gun, you are just a common coward of a man. The only man in the village I feared was the mayor. Bell had already killed him. What a waste of life energy. You are no threat to me. Even though I am a defective psi stalker I am more than able to kill any man in this village. The only reason I played possum was to protect my husband's son."

"Now he is free. So I can now take out part of the village trash. Good bye wicked sheriff." She says as she drives her knife through the soft part of skin under the jaw into his brain. Killing the man.

Oh, the high of a kill is so good. Far better than the high of draining men during sex. I guess I should now pretend to be a victim who defended herself. I can then expose all the crimes the Sheriff did to our new mayor/overlord Carbon Sterling.

We followed the path they took to get here. This allowed us to travel at 30 miles an hour. They had to travel at half that speed because of all the trees they had to remove on our way. In some cases, it was only ten miles an hour.

With the return speed so fast, the civilians were happy to know we were fast enough to outrun many monsters. The few monsters we did run into were no threat to our gunslinger defenders who crushed all monsters with ease.

After three days of travel, we got to a LeyLine where a large barge was waiting for us to get on. The barge had ten soldiers on it, as guards. To help relieve our concern Samadi was the first one on the Barge.

A third of our villager population went on the barge along with the wagons. Well the rest waited here. It seems the Fort is near this ley line, or at least on the ley line. As we traveled along the ley line we changed ley lines at least three times. I am so confused about where we are. No sane person keeps track of a ley lines. Most of all when it is known that they move.

I do not know if they are changing course on purpose to confuse us or if I am just bad at this. Sadly I fear it is both. It is going to be very hard to contact Pappa. Because of all these ley lines. Ley lines disrupt electronics, most of all electronic communications. Most war machines use laser communication during battles. Because of how bad radio comms are to use. Unless you are at least a mile away from a Ley line.

Oh great another turn, I am so lost. I wish I stayed with Pappa. Well, I was mussing a tall handsome man with long ears who smiled at me as he approached. His smile reminded me of Samadi. That just made me angry. As I turned to him to tell him off he surprised me.

"How did you get so far north? Your people should be around the islands of South America."

That made me stop as if my brain stopped working he knows what I am. He knows where my people are from. How is that possible? No one in Whykin has ever seen my people before. So how can this random soldier know anything about me? I then decided to be nice and learn everything I could. Even if it is not fully true, I am sure that even Pappa would understand.

"You said I should be in some islands of South America. Whereabouts?"

"One of the islands, South of both Columbia and Bahia has a Felinoids trading post on it. My people permitted your people to make a village there. We often trade with them, along with the mentioned nations. That is the farthest south we dare to travel. We send expeditions roughly every three months."

"Sounds good, how do I get on these expeditions?"

" Parge captains are always looking for more people to travel it. Even when using these barges to travel the ley lines there are many dangers. "

"Like what?"

"Well if we travel inland we run into armies of undead, and demons, mostly vampires. If we go to far out to sea we are attacked by sea monsters. So we normally travel along the coast."

"You don't travel along the ley lines then?"

"No, not always. Besides my family also has a village near your villages. I am a jungle elf. There are thousands of jungle elves down south, and two hundred in the magic zone. Many of us up here have relations with Fort Grey. Our leader even wed two members of the Grey family."

"Then what do you trade with them?"

" I don't know everything that is traded. I know magic weapons are traded to these factions along with other things. Then we buy tech weapons from Columbia. Because their machines are easier to convert to magic."

"Northern Gun and Coalition in the north are harder to convert for some reason to techno-wizardry. I don't understand it. Machines are not something my people use. For us they are abominations, but the magic ones we can deal with. Up to a point."

"Why is that? I do not understand."

"My people use life and nature magic. What people call Biomancy. Machines are dead, cold, and lifeless like the undead." The soldiers of the fort often use biomancy armor and weapons. Such as our bows, and melee weapons. All the guns and vibro knives are tech-based, so we don't make those.

"Interesting it is hard to believe there is such a robust trade network. How long do these travels take."

"Hmm, around a month there, and back. Including travel, loading, unloading, and sale time. "

"Does it pay well?"

"Of course, merchant marines are always wanted." Many of the magic zone communities, and city-states are involved up here in the north for the trade.

"Is the city-state of Palladium involved in this?"

"The what?" I have never heard of it. It is possible, there are so many factions here it is hard to know who all survived the war of 12P.A. Now these factions are mostly independent, but work together for big operations, or against threats."

Hmm, this is harder than I thought if not even the barge crews know of the city-state of Palladium. I will have to continue to ask around about it.

"Then who provides most of the trade items from the magic zone."

"Oh, that is easy. You will learn of them eventually they are the largest trading faction in the magic zone called Dwemur, Fort Grey, and Stormspire. Dwemur is the largest and oldest of the three great traders. "Our leader was Garidon. Who helped create the trade network from to Dwemur, Maga Island. The main island of us Jungle elves. Past all the vampires of Central America. No other faction in the magic zone has the resources for such a voyage." (Note: Dwemur is a front created by Dweomer. For outside trade.)

"What about the Fort Grey where we are going? Are they not that strong"

"Not even close. Sure they could do it one way. Possibly yearly. Not every season. Like we do, you would need thousands of people and dozens of defenders. Fort Grey only has around three hundred civilians, and around another thousand that it protects. In the five fade towns around it."

"Give them another forty, or fifty years if they keep growing like they are then maybe. Not even close now. Besides their main job is to prevent the Coalition from exploring the magic zone."

"Something that a single fort would struggle with. Still, they do always have a large amount of things to trade. Far more than they should. Last time they had a full barge for them alone. You see how big our barges are. "
"Yet you do not know what they trade."

"Well, I do know they make these." The elf went over to a box that contained bullets. The bullets were 9mm. Except the brass was holding a wooden bullet instead of a steel or lead bullet.

"Why would someone do something so stupid, the wood would splinter, shatter, and burn up. Making it useless outside close range. "

"Not these they are made of ironwood. This is magic wood that is stronger than steel. These bullets are great against vampires, not as good as our bows, but for nonmagic people. These wooden bullets are great."

"The normal merchant marines sware by them. So every one of these guys has a gun that uses them. So much so that all barges are required to carry boxes of these bullets. Because Fort Grey produces massive amounts of ironwood." Roughly half of all iron wood on sale in the magic zone is prduced by Fort Grey.

"Is Fort Grey at odds with oter factions in the magic zone?"

"Nope, They get along just fine. Other then the minor skirmish with some demons and necromancers. Fort Grey is one of the main trading locations for all of the Magic Zone. With the nations, I mentioned before. Even though the magic zone is huge"

After spending five more hours around the crew Sasha saw that the barge came to a stop at a large cleared-out area. This is where they were set to get off. Where two APC-sized vehicles were waiting for them. Everyone grabbed their stuff to get inside the APCs. This must be the ironwood she heard so much about. She decided to test it with her hidden vibro knife.

When she learned they were right, the wood was harder than even her heavy huntsman combat armor. That is even tougher than the coalition armor. Of course, it is also more balky, and cumbersome. So she decided to let her fellow villagers know that this wood was super tough far more than the armor that the Sheriff used to wear.

One of the APC guards said that she was right he then grabbed his pistol and shot a hole in a random tree. He then shot the APC, and nothing seemed to have happened to the wooden panel. Many of the people examined the scorch mark to see almost no damage. Making them feel safer. They were allowed an hour's break before they left. So they can have a chance to stretch and do other things.

The barge they rode to get here left back the way it came from. She learned they were going to pick up the next group of people. Traveling the Ley lines is the most common way for people in the magic zone to travel. So only in areas outside the magic zone do they need to clear-cut forests, or near the areas that the troops patrol. For example, Fort Grey patrols this area.

How can this happen? Not only did we run into a worm wraith that took out two enforcers. Including Lorra Prescotti who was the first enforcer to be targeted. We have to deal with an entrenched missile-armed mercenary force. How can a village of around a hundred and fifty possibly hire such a unit?

If we did not run we would have been destroyed. The only good news is my last enforcer rained their medium missiles down on the defenders in return. Buying us needed time to escape.

We returned to our forward operating base. Where we wait for word from the command. Our base radio is not strong enough to reach the command itself. So we moved our base to the border of the five-town federation.

I just hope they do not notice us so we can have some peace of mind. I am in no shape to deal with another war, just yet. Even though these guys are on our list of targets. That they were not destroyed in 12 P.A. because most of our war was based around the city of Chicago.

Not the magic zone as a whole. A war with the whole magic zone would be a disaster on a legendary level even though the five-town federation is not in the magic zone. It was part of the federation of magic even if they are pure human. Outside there servant class, of monsters, and demons.

Let's just do everything we can to stay off their radar for now. Outside of being on their border. For that is not something I can help. Unless we go far around it to get in contact with New Chillicothe. That is the capital of CS Missouri.

The APC ride was smooth enough for an area with no roads. The most annoying thing is that there were no windows to see out of. So her being lost is fully guaranteed now. For all she knows she could be in South America like that elf mentioned. With travel security like this, there is no wonder no one outside the magic zone ever heard of Fort Grey, Palladium, Dwemur, Fort Grey, and Stormspire. The Federation of Magic truly is a mystery.

When we arrived we saw that we were in a walled town. Where random people walked around. Most of whom seemed to be human or human-like. Much like that jungle elf she talked to. If not for their use of magic she might have liked it here but because of the magic, she is leary. She is a head hunter herself so part of her body is a machine just like Pappa.

A girl wearing black insect-like armor with long blonde hair arrived in front of us to welcome us to Fort Grey. She seems to have been the commander. The troops around her were in love with her. She is idolized by the local soldiers. She looks around twelve in human years. Yet she is said to be 58. It is said that she was born on the day of the meeting between the federation, and coalition on year one of the P.A. calander.

"Greetings everyone I am Colonel Terinica Grey. I control this fort, and will not humor any troublemakers. Troublemakers weaken our defenses. By distracting our defense forces. We can't keep you safe if we are distracted."

" I am the one who hired the gunslinger Samadi Blueleaf to rescue you all. The Coalition States are an enemy to us of the magic zone. For they kill everyone who is not a normal human. As you can see if you look around we welcome all races. "

She then sighs clearly bored from talking to us, as if it is a distraction from her normal job. This combined with her mono-tone voice makes it annoying for us to hear her too. This woman is truly without any emotions. I see the people around me feeling the same.

That was when another woman who looked like the Colonel's older sister came before us. Unlike her younger boring sister, she was bright, cheerful, and full of energy. We were all drawn to her even if we did not want to be. Who is this person?

That was when the Colonel waved her hand dismissing us, and walked off as the new woman's smile captivated us all. She then started to talk her voice was like that of an angel singing to the heavens. What is going on am I gay?

" I am so glad to meet you all. I will be handling your move into this village. Please come to me with all of your concerns. We have already made an area for your settlement in our walled town. I figured you would want to be together as a community at first before you become more integrated with Fort Grey."

"Please forgive my older sister for her rudeness. Sadly her transformation has made her a bit less human. It is the price she had to pay for her power. My big sister is by far the most powerful member of Fort Grey. For that reason, she is completely focused on protecting it and everyone inside. So please forgive her."

"We have an outline of your community ready. Including temporary huts. Now these huts are not strong enough to stand up to something like a missile. They are strong enough to withstand the weather, and will not leak. Still they will last at least a decade until you find a new home with the locals."

A man raises his hand one of the few human men who was from Cor in this group. Instead of being a guest from the west.

"Yes please ask your question"

"Will you be my wife!?" He says with full confidence as if she would melt in his arms.

"No, I am a married woman. My husband is currently away at the moment."

The villagers start to laugh at him. Here was one of the elite of Cor being humbled. He left to find a wife worthy of himself.
"I think you are making a mistake miss. Do you not know who I am."

"No, I do not nor do you know my name yet. For I have not introduced myself yet. For that I am sorry. I was so concerned with trying to fix my sister caused problem that I did not even say my name. I am so sorry everyone. I am High Magi Captain Caterina Grey."

"The younger twin sister to the Elite Colonel Terinica Grey. As you can likely tell I really love my big, little sis. Oh my, I should stop rambling. I will take you all to the new construction site."

The young man from before interrupted her to say that he was Calvan Baggers. The wealthiest man from Cor. He then told her that with him she would be a wealthy woman. Then no one else in this filthy place is worthy of her more than him. Most of all not some local reject?"

"Huh, Who said I was not? You do know this fort is named after my family right? My wealth is greater than your whole village. I do not know why you humans always want to have dick-measuring contests."

"You know I am a woman so I do not have a dick. I am an elf of the noble Grey family. A family of thousands of years of nobility. You human men are nothing compared to us."
Samadi hurriedly walked up to her and put his hand over her mouth and pulled her away. "Calm down wife! Go back to your charming self, I will deal with him. He might be a spy he is part machine. My psychic diagnosis has shown this. Do you understand? If yes, then shake your head yes."

She does as she is told. So Samadi lets her go. "Why don't you lead the people to the huts Caterina? I will take our young romantic with me. Sasha I want you to come with me as well I will need you to protect him. "

"What? Why I was not the one making passes at married women? That is something you do?"

"That Is why I want you to come as well. I don't have the little lady here with me. She would already be part of the group that the humans are going to join."

"Fine, I will! You better start to use her name. I know that you know her American name. Do you hear me Samadi? I guess I do need to keep an eye on you. Just remember I still have this laser pistol. "

"Good, I am counting on it. Besides I need you to protect him. "

" You two are going to live with me. My hut has a spare room upstairs that you can use."

"Wait you want us to share a bedroom?"

"You are different races. Besides I have two hammacks up there. "

"You don't trust me or him alone with women now you can protect them from us. You can also protect him from the locals, and he can protect you from me."

"We are different races too, so don't think I will be your kitten, or cat in heat."

"Good, good. I am glad to hear it. My place is not large, but you will be allowed to roam in it freely."

"I even have an ancient computer, and many books you could read."

"As you can see as we are walking in this enclosed village. All our manufacturing is near the walls, well the civilian homes circle the center of the village. Our roads are large enough to allow military vehicles to pass. For this reason, we require that civilians only use small vehicles. "

"Do you mean things like motorcycles?" The man asked.

"You could use a motorcycle or even a horse, but we prefer bicycles. Our jobs are on the inner wall not far from the village. So you would only have to travel two to four miles. The only jobs that are at the center of the village are military, and bureaucrats."

"The bureaucrats work at the castle. The troops live in the barracks when not with their families."

"Why is the military at the center instead of the walls," Sasha asks.

"I am glad you asked. If attacked we can get to any point in the village within five minutes. We do have some troops on the wall itself but only as lookouts."

" I don't see any of your golems, or robots. Don't tell me the only thing you have here is infantry." The man says.

"You saw our APCs pick you up, As for our robots they are on patrol. We are protecting many towns not just this military settlement."

"Our infantry does internal patrols when not on the walls or break. This greatly increases our security."

"Oh here we are this is my hovel. As you can see it is a two-story house. Upstairs is just a single bedroom. Downstairs has the living room library, and desk personal computer. To the left is the kitchen, and to the right is the internal outhouse. Then the ladder going to the upstairs bedroom is on the other side of the door we just came in."

Where is your room then Sasha asked?

"My room is past the kitchen. I request that you stay out of there. You two can carry your stuff upstairs, and prepare your room."

"Oh, your boots. Please take them off at the door here. We want to avoid spreading dirt through the house, or anything else you may step on when outside. We do have some horses in town."

"I am going to head to my room for now let me know if you need anything."

"Calvan Baggers What were you thinking" she whispered in a hiss.

"What else could I do? I have to get out of here by being problematic which gets me out of here. Besides these guys seem to be nearly as poor as the villagers where we came from."

"Are you dumb? There is a massive difference between this fort and the village. Not only does the fort have trained troops they are in a walled fortress. Even without the robots, you would need multiple companies to take this place."

"Did you not notice that their APCs rode the same as the coalition APC that Bell stole? The chances are high that they are also Coalition APCs that were given the special wood armor to replace the tech-based composite plating."

"Are you trying to tell me that they would have done the same thing to the robots to make them look like trees? That is just dumb. You are the dumb one, cat lady."

"Fine, you sit here and sulk. I am going to look around."

After spending an hour looking around downstairs she learns that the hut has the same basic tech level as the village. With only simple contraptions for convenience.

In the kitchen, there was a large drum used to catch rainwater. The cupboards have wooden dishes. Except for one that has some limited pots and pans. In truth, it is just two pots and 1 pan. This makes it clear that he is single.

Wait, why does that matter to me? I know, it is to understand this guy so that Pappa can get a good list of this guy's antics. So that he can understand how the guy thinks. Yes, that is it.

What is in this white cubberd? It is full of medical stuff. Bandages, a needle some thread, cleaning alcohol, and other such things. This could be useful when dealing with these two guys.

Let us check the computer. Oh wow, this is very old and simple. It does not even have any jacks. The monitor is even one of those giant ones that are balky and heavy. At least the keyboard tower and monitor are all built into the same machine. Meaning I only have to turn on one thing.

wow, it takes so long to turn on. I sit there for almost half a minute waiting for the loading to be done. Until a sky blue screen pops up saying Windows 3 shows up. Then a black screen with wording. There is also a blinking little cursor to the left of the screen. How do you use this thing?

I do not remember seeing anything like this in computer class. This must be as old in tech as the rain-catching barrel. That is kind of a letdown. Maybe Calvan Baggers could understand this he was raised in a village where they had very limited tech.

Sasha got Calvan Baggers to come down the ladder and look at the computer. After he saw it he started to laugh. What is this the Stone Age? How can someone use such a contraption? I bet it does not even have a hard drive much less any graphics.

"The files on this thing are related to the library. That is only five by five feet in size. The purpose of the library file on here is to help you find a book. then over here in this file, it says games. Even though there are no games."

"What about these floppy things in this drawer? It looks like they can slide into this slot."

"You are right let's give it a try. Ahh, bingo what have we here? Oregon Trail? What is that? This is the dumbest game I have ever tried. I am ready to smash this Stone Age computer."

"Don't you dare unless you want to be dead? Remember we are in the house of a gunslinger who can kill troops by the dozens at a time. All by himself he could have killed our whole village much like Slinger Bell could have. Never cross a Gun Slinger."

After stopping him from destroying Samadi's living room computer Sasha layed down on the only other piece of furniture in the living room. A long wooden bench. That had a small couch pillow. She soon fell asleep on it.

When she woke up she saw that Samadi was about to leave. He was at the door not far from her. When he saw her wake up he smiled and said that he would be going out to get some more food. Then he should be back in about two hours.

She just accepted his words and got comfortable again. To fall back to sleep. When she next woke up she saw that Calvan Baggers was sneaking into the kitchen. Well listening she heard him pop the lock on Samadi's bedroom door.

Thinking it might be worth it to have a look as well she decided to get up and see. The bedroom was small with a normal bed and a nightstand. On the nightstand was his tablet-like device, that he used in the village.
On the walls instead of pictures were weapons. On one wall were the Coalition C-10 laser rifle, C-8 laser pistol, and C-20 tripod support gun without the tripod. On the other wall were the Northern weapons, and vibro weapons. Vibro saber, and knife. As well as the NG-33 pistol, and lastly the NG-L5 laser rifle. All the weapons are held up by long screws in the walls.

When looking at where I just came in from I see over the doorway a medieval-style sword. A two-handed sword. When examining the weapons none of them have energy clips. I do not even see any energy clips or E-clips if you will at all.

Calvan Baggers is completely focused on the computer device. For some reason, I got a bad feeling so I left the bedroom and went upstairs. To take a nap in my hammock before Samadi came back.

What's wrong? High Magi Captain Caterina Grey asks as she is under the covers in the nude with Samadi Blueleaf(Norman Grey).
"It looks like they broke into the bedroom. I am going to check the fed." He gets up and walks over to his wife's personal computer. The man Calvan Baggers is in there going through my tablet. Then I noticed that Shasha walked in and then went to my guns to examine them. When she was done she left the room. She did not steal or go through my files. So she passed the test. As for Calvan Baggers, he is a spy from somewhere.

"Do you think he suspects a trap?" Caterina asks.

"No, I bet he is copying every file thinking he can use it to target us. We can fix this problem. For now, let's get back to making a baby. "

"Not yet, I can't be the one who is impregnated first."

"You mean you are going to have your sister possess you?"
"Yes my big sister has to have a child first, but she can't be with you for another 20 years. So I am going to have the child for her will she takes over my body. So I want you to think of her when we restart."

"You still realize that the baby will come from your womb, not hers right."

"That's fine, um I will have to call for someone to deliver food to your place. Because my sister is not going to let you go home tonight. You really triggered her talking about future children. Before you went on this mission."

"Thank the gods she is not here in the flesh then. She is now a supernatural creature so she would likely kill me. Like some kind of black widow."

"Yes, that is possible. So give her lots of experience in my body. So that when the time comes. She will be gentle with you."

"Will the next baby be yours then Caterina?"

"Yes of course. Then when I get old she will have babies for me. That is part of our deal. Being identical twins the mother does not matter to us. Only the father matters."

When I woke up I smelled something great. It seems that Samadi was not able to return tonight because he was needed for something else. The people that came with the food were Bell and William.

They both just recently arrived. Bell sold his APC to Fort Grey. He showed us the van-like vehicle he replaced it with. It even comes with a tripoded C-20 plasma rifle. on the top of it.

"The tripod even has straps to hold the gunner in place and a protective shielding for the gunner. The turret even has electronic movement so it can fire in any direction except straight down. The gunner can even shoot straight up in the air."

"It is the size of a The Mountaineer ATV, but with all wooden paneling. The same kind of paneling they use for their APCs. Instead of four wheels, or three wheels like The Mountaineer ATV. It has six wheels. All the wheels are made of puncture-resistant materials."

"Its top speed is only 60MPH, but getting to that kind of speed would be rare unless on one of the rare roads. It also has magic spells on it. A shield, and energy absorption. Best yet, I also have a full warranty meaning that they will repair it, and recharge it for free. Whenever I bring it back here."

"The scary thing is I saw four more just like it at their military garage. Sure it is not as strong as the APC, and it is smaller too. But it sticks out less and has better space for whatever I want to carry. Right now I have a pair of motorcycles in the back for me and William here."

"How have things been going for you, Sasha? You seem to have a nice place here. You have a better place than most of the people. Show me where the kitchen is so we can eat."

"Why waste our time with your dumb vehicle, I am hungry just give me the food." Calvan Baggers went to take the food and then felt a barrel against his skull.

"No, I do not think so human trash." Bell then hands the bags over to Sasha to have her set up the kitchen table.

"I guess I will be taking the living room for my room well William has the keys to the downstairs bedroom. It was part of his graduation gift. One of the soldiers told us."

"What why would a whores son get the best room well I have to share a room with a fur ball, like her."

"Hey watch it or no food for you. I am forced to be with you to keep you in line. I can only barely protect you from Samadi. Against Bell, I would not have a chance."

"Oh wow, Master Bell come take a look. All these guns, that I can borrow even my duster. hanging over the chair. Wow, I am excited. I can't wait till we go on that adventure with Samadi in two days."

"Calvan Baggers perked up at that word. Adventure! You mean you are going to leave this shitty place. Take me with you, I need to be somewhere more civilized."

"Calm down human trash," Bell responds for William. "All four of us will be going.
Samadi even offered to be our gunner. For neither of us are trained in support weapons."

"Wait all four, am I included then along with Samadi? If so would that not be five." Sasha replies.

"That is right. Samadi wants to get rid of this trash human, and also investigate the five town federation. He thought it would be a good idea for us to go with him to watch his back. This is not a peaceful village you know."

"So what weapon should I keep? Master bell I was told I was allowed to keep one. William's excitement makes the others smile except for Calvan."

"Calvan then makes his own opinion known. Should you have not stayed back in the village where you belonged on your mother's tit."

Faster than he could ever evade the kid struck him across the face with his sidearm. Causing the man to crash to the ground as a pool of blood was building on the floor from his head wound. The man gets up on shaky legs and curses the kid. Only to be kicked in the stomach by the kid. Then dropping back to the ground.

"You are lucky Calvan we were told not to kill you. Otherwise, you would have been dead three times tonight. Sorry for the mess, Sasha. I am going to go to my room."

You know Calvan it is a good thing you are leaving. I am going to have to stay awake for the next two days to make sure you are not killed by the others. Sasha said as she was bandaging his head. From the med kit that is in Samadi's kitchen.

After his head was wound up, he went upstairs to lay in his hammock. Sasha watched him go as she then started to clean up the blood on the floor. Thankfully Samadi had a mop by his ground-based sink. Soaps for this kind of cleaning are rather rare, but she did manage it fairly well. Considering the situation.
By the time she was done the food was cold, So for the crime of being the only woman she ate cold food. Calvan did not eat at all. Then again he did not deserve supper for the way he acted. So she does not feel bad for him. She grew up on the streets. Being an ally kitten teaches hard lessons. That bloated humans need to learn. Bloated in ego, not size is what she meant by that thought. She has known many such humans in Whykin. She also knows many good humans too like her Pappa and Samadi. Along with many of her fellow mercs.

That reminded her of her last conversation with Pappa. It was when he learned that she was the APC pilot for the battle. When he learned that she was still here he made sure to be the gunner for the APC. So that he could chew her out. He lectured her for an hour. Before he gave her a chance to counter.
After she explained that she was the only one working with Samadi that knew how to drive an APC. She also explained the reason why Samadi was able to kill the troops so easily, and why they killed each other. Of course, she did not know anything about the magic scrolls.

Hearing all of this made him smile. He then hugged her and said that he was sorry for being so hard on her. He had no idea that she had already accomplished her mission of getting into Fort Grey by traveling with Samadi directly. He also said how proud of her he was for finding such a loophole to shine in.

That was around the time that the beacon came to life so they unleashed their missiles. Likewise, the other APC did the same thing. After a few moments, the beacon was dead. After the second missile volley. They then saw missiles being returned towards them so they braced for impact. Yet the two volleys from the enforcer missed the APCs. Instead, they went random. One did land behind the trench line. Where there were no coalition bodies to act as a shield. so the shrapnel ripped through many soldiers. Killing three outright, and wounding many others. After that, the battle was over.

Even if he only got one of the robots with a beacon. It was still amazing most of all when he had to get through all of their infantry as well. Pappa was so impressed that he said he would find a way to recruit Samadi. Someone like that is too good to be a free agent. Sasha remembers agreeing with Pappa. We do have to find a way to bring him to Whykin, and Stirlings strings.

The next day she checked on Calvan to see that he seemed to be mostly ok, he would live even though he could use some medical help. Thankfully Samadi returned today with a box full of fresh veggies, and a bag of cut port chops that needed some cooking. He admitted to us that he does not know how to cook. We all laughed then we learned that once again.

Just like with yesterday with the head wound and the bloody flore none of these guys know how to cook. None of these guys have any domestic skills. I gave William a pass for he is 12. I did not give any of the men a pass as I started to heat the food, and prepared to make a brunch stew.

I started to complain that you guys are useless when not killing. As I went on in my complaints Bell ignored me. William was busy talking to himself about the weapons in his/Samadi's room. Well, Samadi was upstairs checking on Calvan. So in the end I cursed them all and no one even noticed. At this rate, I could have been Missy with her singing. Right in front of them and I still doubt they would have noticed.

That was when Samadi with Calvan asked if I had any skill with a needle and thread. That was when I really lost it and chased them out of my kitchen. I made it clear that no one is allowed in the kitchen till I am done cooking.

It was not till later that I realized what I said and it put me in a bad mood. Why would I be calling Samadi's kitchen and house my house? That sounds so stupid. I ended up chasing them out of the whole house instead of just the kitchen.

A few hours they return and Calvan now has a new smaller bandage on his head. His color also returned to his face. When I asked what happened to him. Samadi said he took Calvan to a woman to get some stitches put on Calvan's head. When I heard that I flipped out again and then chased them out of the house again. Telling them to come back in an hour for food.

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