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Rated: 13+ · Novel · Dark · #2328703
diary entries cobbled together by a historian 200 years after all but one male were killed

waring!-this story contains topics that may offend some viewers

A story about the strength of a mother and the cruelty of the world
Things written in italics are notes added by the historian

diary entries cobbled together by a historian 200 years after all but one male were eradicated by a comet possessed by an ancient god
A Preface-
This story is made up of diary entries cobbled together by a historian 200 years after all but one male were eradicated by a ancient god possessed comet

Chapter One:The Fall Of Man
Dear Reader,
My name is amelia watts
I am the mother to a boy named danny and a daughter named kate
I live in the bottom of oklahoma
6 hours ago the world fell to chaos
When all the men of the earth disappeared
To my knowledge danny is the last remaining
I've decided to keep a journal
I'm going to do everything in my power to ensure he lives a happy safe life

Dear Reader,how did it get to this point?
Well assuming you haven't read the news somehow
Currently we do not know
The theory the world seems to like is that a virus wiped them out overnight,but my husband is gone and my son is not,so I'm certain this theory is incorrect
Another,less pleasant theory states that an ancient god called Exalilog is locked within a comet which recently passed,every time Exalilog passes a curse falls upon the earth
But I haven't seen any actual evidence for this
8 hours ago I would claim to be jewish,now I believe that if there's a god he is human evil
The world is currently batshit and my children are terrified
What can i say when they ask where there father is “he's dead and so is grandpa and half of everyone you love is dead”

Now for what i think is more important,the future
Luckily for us our president is kamala o harris,a female president
She commanded that we keep our morals straight and all go to our local town halls to receive a speech sent to each mayor (or in our case the mayor's secretary).
I transcripted the speech below

“Times have changed,a lot and in an insane way honestly only god knows why this happened
But it's important to remember we are not animals,we will take the place of the men and
Rebuild society without violent ways we will love one another as we love ourselves and we will find out where our companions have gone,a month will be given for every grief during this time nobody is expected to work or go to school after that the economy will rise again and we will prevail!”

I'm just wondering how we’re going to keep the power on,water on,and enforce the law without workers

8 hours ago i would claim to work in a childcare center,now i believe if i have a job it is guardian

I've got the kids in the basement watching films on vhs
Im terrified for what there life will come to be
My son,a victim of countless scientific experiments destined for fame and for rape and for
Pain and for death at the hands of a cruel scientist who took one experiment to far
I don't want to do it but I think i'm going to keep him hidden,at least until he's old enough

I'm going to find a way to the white house,I must ensure my son is safe
It's a long difficult journey but it's worth it,i'm going to have to wait though
Wait until the world is calm and school is back in service then i'll take him

I think the grief period is being called off at the end of the week.
A group of rebellious women called the children of Exalilog came through hunting for any remaining children because according to the myth Exalilog doesn't want to end the human race until it's time for him to awaken,meaning a male must be out there
I started sobbing about how much I missed my poor small son and it was enough to get them to back off,but they didn't believe my neighbor Jenny and smashed her face in before searching her house.I know it's stupid,but I'm considering inviting Jenny to our house
My mother died 5 months ago of natural causes meaning the only family that lives relatively close was my father who died in the fall
I will not be able to raise these kids on my own
What if the government sends out rations and we have to lie about how many kids we have
Then what?
What if a faction takes my son while i'm out getting food

I was right,there calling off the grieving period at the end of the week
Isn't that cruel.

It snowed really hard last night
We were trapped in the house,which was fine because we have a furnace by the tv in the basement but then the power went out and the kids were scared
Im kept awake every night by anxieties of what's going to happen in a day a week or a month
I don't think the world will just overcome this
And am I selfish for hiding my son? And killing off humanity's only hope at a future
I'm going to have to run for groceries when the snow passes

Still just sitting in the dark basement playing board games with my kids
We have some food but its not a lot and it's not good we ate spaghetti sauce for breakfast

I feel slightly guilty for something i did today and i'd like to get it off my chest
I had to leave the house one,to talk with jenny,and two to get food
I kate with me but I locked Danny in the basement.
I just couldn't risk him getting hurt.
I brought a shotgun to Jenny's house and knocked on her door.
I told her about having a son and she didn't believe me
After showing her he was still alive she tried to pursue me to tell
The government and “save humanity”
I explained why I was worried and politely told her if she tried to say anything I'd shoot her in a heartbeat.
I then told her to watch the kids while I got groceries
The store had no workers but there was a pile of cash on the counter meaning we were all playing honor system
I got my stuff and left (Without paying mind you)
Tomorrow the grief period ends and the children are going to go to school,as if everything was normal.Me and Jenny were assigned to work at the childcare center in my neighborhood by the mayor's secretary.

Today was my first day of work
My class was about half as small but we had half as many teachers
So I guess it worked out
I feel awful knowing all these kids lost so many people they love
But there's nothing i can do but teach them
With all people doing jobs finally we got internet connection back
The web was flooded almost entirely with people sharing their thoughts about how things happened,there stories,and the people they missed
There was also a large quantity of people who claimed this was “God's Blessing”
And that men deserved to be gone
These people are the reason im worried for my family's future

The kids were supposed to go to school today but kept danny home
Nows a good time to mention,currently my daughter is 11 and my son is 8
Kate didn't want to go to school and she whined and i didnt want her to go to school so i whined
But jenny told her she had to or we might be suspicious
I think it's insane that the world just picked up where it left off after losing half the population,how does that happen?
My theory as to the disappearance is a little different than the rest of the theories but me and Jenny came to our own conclusion,there's no way this could happen because of humans
But there's no evidence of the Exalilog theory,so we think that some unknown god had done this as an attempt to crumble society without killing any species completely which means that we are in for big trouble if we continue to thrive but more than that,it means there are probably other boys so if i want i can danny hidden and leave this problem with the world.

Christmas is coming up and coming quickly,me and Kennedy (my husband) did all the shopping already but I think I'm going to tuck a couple things away for the future things my husband set aside for them so they can have a piece of him when they're older.

A new trend started emerging today. I'm not sure if it will last but it seems promising.
Some Teens have started dressing up as “falsies” ; they dress like men and intend to take on the role they once had if female on female reproduction ever becomes possible.
This means that if this pops off danny may be able to get a proper education when he's a little bit older if he pretends to just be a falsie,i'm not sure what i would do about his voice though
For now i'm too anxious to stay in the city,especially if we’re right about an angry god
Wanting to end society we need to get as far from society as possible
Jenny and I are going up into the mountains tomorrow and she and the kids are going to build a cabin to hide from the world while I look for resources. I'm thinking we will still continue working and going to school though.

I made a huge mistake today
On my way out of school I saw a girl around 15 hiding behind the school building in what appeared to be a pile of trash
I didn't want to,she looked dangerous,but I did
I asked why she was behind the school in a pile of trash
She apologized and tried to leave but I told her to explain herself
And now she's in my home
Her mother died in childbirth so she had been solely raised by her father
Whose family had abandoned him after he choose not to vote the same way they did
I'd like to reiterate,i really didn't want to do this
But something inside me felt like i had to
I invited her to my home
Up until now i've made her stay upstairs while me,jenny and the kids pack up to move to the mountain
Im considering leaving her in our home with some stuff,but she's just a kid
She's not going to be able to get a job
So il ask jenny about taking her up to the mountains with us
Oh! And her name is Ramona
I've got a lot to think about.

12/22/26 (night)
I talked to jenny and she said it would be cruel to leave ramona in a pile of trash behind the school or at our home alone so we decided we had to take her with us,with her agreement of course
We aren't entirely sure about how to tell her the last surviving male (to our knowledge) is in our care and if she tries to tell anyone I'll shoot her in a heartbeat.

It took much longer than expected but we got everyone up into the mountains,it's almost morning now and we finally found somewhere to build our cabin
Getting to work everyday is going to be a challenge but In a week or two I'm going to have a path cleared to bring a car up to the cabin which should make it much easier.
We kind of just didn't say anything about danny and hoped he could play off as feminine somehow
But the question did come up long after the kids had fallen asleep
I was as straightforward with her as i could be and I told her the truth
Including the part that i would kill her if she tried to say anything
I think she understands and is very passionate about ensuring the safety of him and his sister
More than jenny
Speaking of which
jenny has been acting shifty since I asked her to move in with us im not sure I can trust her

The kids and jenny started work on the cabin today while me and ramona walked around looking for supplies,nobody slept well last night considering we were on a snow covered mountain with one blanket but it was a good blanket and we had 5 people under it so there was a lot of heat to go around
Me and ramona talked while we walked,about the people we loved and the possible reasons why it might have happened
We didn't really find a lot despite looking for close to 8 hours but the kids made good progress
And we have about fourth of a cabin built

Everybody is hungry,we didn't bring enough food and we are going to need to go home first thing in the morning
After sleeping in the snow again last night we were all very tired but managed to get about half the house done

Today we went into town and got supplies clearing a trail on our way down the mountain,we will be able to bring everything up in jenny's truck when its time
Today is also christmas,the kids enjoyed their gifts and complained about not wanting to leave
Me and jenny got scolded for skipping work yesterday but after an explanation we got off the hook
We’re going to take the truck up the mountain tomorrow morning

We were unable to get the truck more than a fourth of the way up the mountain before it got caught in a ditch and we had to carry everything the rest of the way
It's too cold to have the kids work so me,jenny,and ramona got the cabin halfway done on our own ramona and jenny do not get along but they pretend to
Luckily i had to bright idea to bring a tent this time so hopefully we sleep a little bit better tonight

Some hikers helped us finish the cabin this morning and we set up sleeping quarters for everybody
In the afternoon we got the truck up the mountain
And in the night we ate a good warm meal made by jenny and ramona,they seems to be a little nicer to one another for the rest of the night,still not sure i trust either of them though

This is my fault!
Kate got sick,all the cold got to her and she had a fever of 102 last night
Im taking her to town right now and hoping jenny and ramona can get along well enough to keep danny from wandering off into the woods and dying
If danny gets sick il have no way of helping him without revealing the cosmos mistake

I've been in the ER with Kate for two days and she's finally feeling better,she had hypothermia but she's warmed up and okay now i'll be leaving in the afternoon to go back up to the mountain
I was able to make it to work both days as i was already in town but i've been worried since i left about how danny is doing,i shouldn't have left my 8 year old son under the care of a 15 year old girl and a woman i barely trust in a poorly made cabin on top of a mountain in the middle of winter!

12/30/26 (night)
When we arrived back at the cabin I was terrified something had gone wrong
All the lights in the cabin were off and the door was tightly shut
I slammed on it hard and katie started to cry
The door flew open and ramona was pissed at me
The conversation went something like this
Where's danny? Is he okay what happened to the lights
Asleep,now heres a better question,where the fuck were you?
Katie had hypothermia!
You could have drove 40 minutes up the mountain to let us know
Don't tell me what to do
Don't abandon your son in the middle of the woods with two people you hardly know
Wait,i'm sorry i shouldn't have lost my temper
No its my fault
*more fake apologies insured and were fine now

Last night i overheard the kids,they are upset
They miss their father
They don't like jenny either
I feel awful

12/31/26 (night)
Today was productive
Me,jenny,and ramona have started a tradition of sitting by a fire every night
I think we're all finally warming up to each other and i need to give jenny more credit

Chapter Two:The Falsie Queen
The following section of diary entries is a combination of entries from danny and his mother
I have signified this by adding a letter at the end of the date A for amelia or D for danny
During this time danny started going to school under the idea he was a falsie
Jenny is 49 amelia is 46 katie is 15 ramona is 21 and danny is 14
This all occurs in the year 2032

8/12/32 D
Im very anxious
My mom has explained to me (several times now) that I'm different from my classmates and have to hide it or I'll suffer a fate worse than death.Because apparently she thinks i'm going to go into school waving my dick around or something
I'm going to act exactly how i want and id lay money everyone just thinks i'm a really committed falsie

8/12/32 (night) D
Well fuck
I guess having the deepest voice these girls have heard in the last 6 years is a slight
Contradiction with my false identity as a falsie
Me and ramona walked through the woods and smoked some cigarettes she hid for me
I know smoking is bad and will harm me
But Ramonas trying to be kind in her own confused way
And i love ramona enough to pretend i appreciate her force feeding me lung cancer causing

8/13/33 A
Im seriously considering taking danny out of school
I just dont think he can do it,i don't think he can pretend to be something he's not
But me and Jenny haven't done algebra one in the last 24 years and Ramona is a highschool dropout who according to the government died during the fall of man.
Things are changing in my life
I've started to develop an attraction to females
Jenny in particular,but I have chosen to remain chaste
For one i was once religious and still have guilt in these feelings
But for two,i never divorced my husband and it feels wrong to remarry after losing someone so important to me
Katies getting bullied by a bunch of girls,i told her to use violence next time she sees them
But i think that's going to make it worse

8/13/33 (night) D
I gave in a little bit,heightened my voice,tried to walk elegantly
But it was hard,i feel like i'm playing a character all day
And if i stop doing it il get raped
That,and nobody will talk to me
Which mom says is good because it means that nobody will catch on
But i'm lonely,and while im happy to have ramona and katie
It's not good enough,it's not fulfilling
And i've already had to live my whole life with this feeling but now
The notion of friendship is dangling in front of me
And i can't have it

8/14/33 A
Me and jenny went out to the town
Its emptyer every day
Scientists are rushing to find a way for women to reproduce
All the labgrown babys have had to been euthanized
The most recent experiment was leaked to the press recently
The children are deformed
They arent human
They are violent and animalistic
I feel bad for them
I pray the scientists figure this out
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