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by Orian
Rated: E · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #2328697
The 3rd attack on Cor

"Hero Bell!" The crowd cheered. At least the humans that came to the village of Cor four years ago. As they moved in on him. Guys arm up and prepare to defend yourselves. I have armor and weapons in the back.

"Sorry for being late the old owners of this APC tried to kill me, and destroyed my motorcycle. By the way, where is the whore, and her son? My aprentice William. All I see here are guys. Also where the hell are my fellow D-Bees? I also want to talk to the healer called... Oh, what is his face?"

"Hello, I am his face. The name is Samadi, I do not know anything about the whore, and her son. I do know about the D-Bees. I convinced them to leave town with my friends as escorts. Because this town was working with the Coalition to remove them of their lives."

"After you load up on people. We can use your APC to catch up with them."

"You are telling me that shitty mage mayor was going to sacrifice my fellow D-Bees."

"No, no I was not. That is not true. The mayor panics. You should shoot him, he is the kidnapper. He is the one who took your friends away."

"I see you are a slinger too, Samadi. Is this your work?"

"Yes, that is right. I had no help. The people, most of all the Mayor, Sheriff, and deputies were working with the coalition."

The crowd starts to reject Samadi's words.

"All the humans in town loved to see the D-Bees vanish. They Loved the coalition until today. When the coalition treated them as if they were alien D-Bees. They were all walking around how great it was that the D-Bees were gone."

"Don't listen to him! Shoot him, shoot him!" The mayor keeps screaming.

"If I find out you are lying I will have your head. You know that right?"

"Sure, how about I provide you some video evidence." Samadi pulls out his tablet-like video device and then plays it. In the recording, a large number of humans are joking that the coalition must be eraseing the D-Bee problem, and how happy they were about it. Five different videos played all showing the same basic thing.

"I do not know any of the humans in the videos. So it must be original members of the village," said Bell. "Hey Tommy, gather everyone from the old town, and bring them to the APC."

"Sure thing, Bell. Let us go, George, we got both Bell and Samadi."

"You damn scum, why did you have to come back, and ruin my town?"

The Mayor then starts to cast a spell when his head explodes like a watermelon. The one who shot his head off was Bell.

"I never liked the guy anyway." Bell twirls his revolver a few times before he holsters it.

"I still do not trust you Samadi. So when everyone gathers I will take their, words over yours, you understand dont'ya? I may take your head off as well."

"Sure, if you like. Well, we are on the road I can get you in contact with your friends. We should not chat for too long. The reinforcements will be coming. When they do they will kill everyone."

"It is true, most of these people are trash. Yet I still can't watch them all be killed by the coalition. I have seen more than enough villages glassed by them as they claim they had survived a battle. When every time it was a massacre. So I plan on helping everyone escape, not just your old town friends."

"Do what you want. I don't care..."

"Master Bell!!!" A kid yells as he runs up. "I am so glad you are here."

"Hey kid," Bell responds. "This slinger here do I need to take his head off?"

"Hell no, he saved our lives. He protected me, and mom. Then saved everyone else. His skill was almost as good as yours."

Really. Sounds like we need to test him, another time though. Where are the D-Bees?"

"I do not know. Only a few of the adults seemed to care that they vanished. You know me, when I am not training I am cleaning the barns. But it is true that my D-Bee friends vanished."

"Ok, Samadi looks like you live another day."

"Much obliged, Slinger Bell." Samadi then turns around. "All of you men take the laser rifles From the APC the ones on the ground have no ammo. You are going to have to defend yourselves until we can get everyone out."

"Like I told Bell, I plan to stay and help you defend your town. Be thankful that the enforcers are slow. The coalition to get here fast will likely use motorbikes. Maybe even jeeps."

"Also make sure all the women and children are far from the first set of houses. Their lasers can shoot right through the walls. Still, the cover does provide some protection. Mostly concealment. Don't bother with the armor for it would take too long to get it equipped."

"Sweet, Jesus! One of the men yelled I can hear many motorbikes."

Then hurry, and get in position. These guys are not going to be distracted for easy kills like the other guys I battled.

The kid William grabs two laser pistols out of the APC. "I will fight too." He proclaims.

Both slingers smile at the boy. Then Samadi takes off his duster and gives it to the kid.

"Wear this it has magic spells on it for protecting you. You don't think I was immune to their lasers because I am pretty do you?"

"What about you then?"

"Lady white!" He called into the air, and then the sound of galloping quickly sounded as a white bionic horse raced to him.

He grabbed into his side satchel and pulled an extra duster. That has the same spells on it except for the special pockets.

"As you can see I have one too, and a ride as well to match their speed. What about you Bell?"

"I am fine, they can't hurt me. I am the slinger Bell. No one is faster, or better."

After Grey put his duster on. He sealed the duster on the kid. Then he activated two of its big buttons. Those are the size of glass bottle caps. Two spells winked into existence the spells are Invulnerability and Armor of Ithan. He then got on his horse.

"Everyone We are with you so be strong and defend your loved ones and family. Then we can all leave this town for greener pastures away from the evil coalition." Samadi tries to inspire the locals but his Mental Affinity is so low that no one is inspired at all.

Bell just laughed, hearing the so-called pretty boy speak.

Samadi feeling a little defeated Just gets on his horse and then rides adjacent to the motorbikes once they are in range. As the firefight starts.

I can't use my scrolls like I did last time, but thankfully we have enough guns to make up for it. My disharmonized scroll really messed up that prison unit of coalition soldiers. If the soldiers had been normal it would have only been half as effective. Still, I am trying to keep my magic limited, outside of my equipment. That even psionic users can activate.

So many lasers coming for me from their C-10 rifles. If I had my rifle I would have done the same. Yet like a fool, I left it in the sheriff's police station. Oh well, we are immune to energy. Combined with my heavy training as a battle magus I can shoot from a moving horse, or vehicle without having massive penalties, they on the other hand do not have that kind of training. Most of all shooting a rifle one-handed.

They would have to stop to hit anyone. At the same time if they stop they are dead, and they know that. So our casualties should be rather light.

As I was aiming for my first kill Lady white stepped into a minor ditch causing her to veer. My first shot went wild. I still got lucky and hit a guy in the leg. Causing him to veer off and then crash his bike. Their armor only protects their torso.

Even with that, their armor is also light which means it has 2/3rds the normal defence. of the popular northern gun huntsman armor. Even my duster has better protection without the magic than coalition armor. Not by much though.

I start to take the heads off the motorcycle riders. Bell, was doing the same behind me. The townspeople can't even hit though. There are somewhere around twenty riders.

As we take down around eight of them. A rider comes for me. Instead of just shooting on the run.

Much to my surprise he then jumped off his bike and tackled me off my horse. We slammed into the ground hard. The rest of their unit sped by us as we rolled around in a melee.

"I smell it on you. Magic, and psionics. Your life is mine."

"No thanks," I head butt the phy-stalker in the nose busting his nose and making him fall off me. With me having the strength of a bodybuilder. The damage he took was far more than normal. Having all that extra damage placed on his face. I am surprised he stayed awake. I figured for sure he would have been Knocked out.

I then helped him up as I pulled him to my forehead. I aimed my forehead a his nose, at the same time. Then repeated it, and again. I head-butted him till he was no longer resisting. I then got my gun back to finish him.

Lady white came back to me well I was busy. So I got back on her and headed to town. As the battle was almost done. By the time I made it back, it was over. I counted 12 missing heads. Likely from me, and Bell. The other seven died from other wounds. The rest of the coalition must have fled.

Yup, these local guys are useless. Anyways let's get everyone out of here. They could have at least tried to hit. They were still using lasers against guys who were charging.

I use my long-range communication device to call the Behemoth Explorer to wait. Sadly they were out of range. So I decided to talk with Bell. About using the radio in his APC, and letting him talk with his friends right afterward.

Thankfully I doubt there will be any more attacks. The speed of robots is far too slow. For them to get here today. Tomorrow I expect two platoons. An infantry platoon, and the robots. As well as the survivors of the bike attack guys.

I met back up with Bell as he was laughing at me for being lawn-darted like some rookie. I have to admit I was not expecting that. I should have been. I was warned about a possible psi stalker. I have to learn to fight without magic. With the coalition starting to be active again, I have to be ready. Samadi Blueleaf can't retire just yet.

I then mention to him about the radio. We were about to do so when Carbon Stirling ran up to us asking us to wait.

"Hey guys I have not been completely honest. You know my name But I am a mercenary commander. Part of my unit is just ten miles away. I already told them to come in. The rest of my company will be here tomorrow morning. We are here secretly to observe if the coalition is being scum or heroic. I want you guys to stick around until my full unit arrives. You can keep the weapons as payment for your effort.

Who is this guy Samadi? Looks like some wanna be a big human. Maybe I should take his head off.

Wait, wait bell. This can work. I will inform my friends to wait. So you can still have a chance to reach them with your radio. Then together we can form a united line of defense. If Carbon's forces are strong enough to deal with a platoon or two. We can use our APCs as backline fire platforms. Then we can split the salvage. But understand Carbon everything that the enemy has lost up to this point is our share so far. For you have done nothing to earn any.

That is fair, Samadi. Go ahead, and use the radio to contact your allies, mine will be here by the time you are done. I will go meet them.

You have a deal, Carbon Stirling. Samadi shakes Carbon's hand. Well, Bell crosses his arms over his chest and taps his foot. Someone who does not like to wait.

Bell and Samadi then head into the APC to do their side of the operation. Well, Carbon walks to the part of town where his unit will come from.

Now that the 2nd battle is over the people are going back home, and preparing themselves for light travel. As in only enough to carry on their backs. They do not know of the deal between Samadi, and Carbon.

Carbon meets up with the four mountaineers and two wastelander motorcycles. of his 3rd platoon. He explains the plan to its sergeants. The overall commander of the unit is Carbon himself. They then pull their vehicles to the front of the town to act as a defensive wall. As the troops leave the mountaineers right beside Bell's APC.

His troops then occupy the four closest buildings on the main road heading to the Coalition state of Missouri. That is where they stow their stuff well they wait for combat.

The people that live in those houses run in fear. The troops just ignored them. They have no interest in befriending the locals. At least not when they are in an active battle zone.

The Federation of Magic unit with the D-Bees turned around on Samadi's orders. Just to be within radio range between the APC and the Behemoth explorer robot. Bell had a long conversation with his old friends over the CB on the radio.

Sadly none of them are well trained in radio scrabbling. Their information got out on the open airways. It soon became public knowledge of the actions of the Coalition States. Even though the military tried to keep everything hush-hush.

Lieutenant Lorra Prescotti Heard the radio chatter. Learning about the two battles that the unit she was part of had. Taking place in the village of Cor. They had already given up their rights of self-rule. To her unit.

She was sent by Chi-Town to be the mechanized support for a criminal unit of light infantry. They are fighting to earn their freedom. She was against this of course. Yet she had to accept this role.

For that reason, she kept her four enforcers away from the criminal units as much as possible. Two members of her team are women for goodness sake. She knows that she is protected because her husband is a Colonel. No one is going to try anything with her. Still, she was given this role by General Murphy of Chi-Town.

Penal units are common most of all for Missouri which lacks the resources for military gear. Their main duty is as the bread basket of the coalition. It is Chi-Town, Iron Heart, and Free Quebec that are the true members of the coalition. They are the ones with the populations and war machines. (No lone star yet)

During the conversation she was hearing she ordered that it be recorded. So they could send it up the ladder. The recording is both visual and auditory. The actions that happened go against the Coalition code of ethics.
After hearing everything she ordered her enforcers to go to Cor. She will find out what is going on directly. Either her captain is a criminal. Or the village rebelled. Either way, someone will pay.

Meanwhile, not too far from Cor, the remaining bikers come across Lieutenant Murphy. Who is the highest-ranked person in the unit? Now that the captain is dead. He died in the first firefight.

The six bikers reported to Lieutenant Murphy about what happened. They then fell in line to follow his biker unit bringing Murphy up to thirty bikers. Plus his jeep. There was no way he would drive himself. He is a grandson of a general.

He had just got off the CB with Lieutenant Lorra Prescotti. Who has stayed far from the action today? Much to his annoyance. If she was here like she should have been then he would not have lost so many troops.

He is fine with the captain dying that just means that he received a field promotion. That is the biggest advantage of being in a war zone. Officers gain promotions much faster. That was why his grandfather put him in this unit. Knowing the chances of the captain dying were high.

When Prescotti catches up to his unit he will send her in first tomorrow then have his troops mop up the leftovers. With a huge victory under his belt, his promotion to captain is all but guaranteed.

Still to think that there is a pair of enemies who are skilled enough to behead many of my troops. On top of all the civilians who joined the two sharpshooters. Even with that what can they do against four Enforcers?

This village will be glassed just like the others. That my grandfather directed to be destroyed. Then when I get the fresh wave of new recruits to the penal unit 17. I will start to target the small nations in Missouri.

The federation of five will be my first target. They are a federation of five towns. With a combined population between 8-12 thousand. They used to be members of the Federation of Magic but quit during the Great War. Because they did not want war.

A large number of the coalition's former mages went there. So we should make sure to remove them before they have a chance to build up. Besides they are even closer in distance to us than the village of Cor.

They are so close to Cot that they have almost absorbed it. but they were stopped by outside forces. Being a mage nation that seeks to expand is not permitted. Most of all near the weakest coalition state.

That evening The villagers of Cor all moved to the edge of town. Away from the village entrance. Where the coalition will likely strike from.

Now that a real army showed up to help them. The locals no longer need to fight. So they stayed with their families. Where the last quarter of homes were occupied by all the villages. That way they can keep themselves away from the battle.

Likewise, Sterling's Strings planned on moving their forces a half mile ahead of the village. To further reduce the destruction of the village. The reason they are still staying so close is because there is a chance that the coalition might attack from a different direction.

For that reason staying close to the village helps them respond to a different front. Most of all if they attack from behind where the villagers are. Carbon's forces will set themselves up for war at 5 A.M. Until then they will rest in the first four houses.

Samadi, Bell, and Carbon had a meeting that evening. About what they will do. It was quickly decided that Bell would be working with the Strings in the defense of the village.

Samadi offered to scout out the enemy's forces. For his stealth skills are well beyond that of a normal military men. Carbon agreed.

He then suggested to have the locals dig some trenches. In front of the town. To help reduce the chances of shots hitting the locals. It would also act as a minor barrier for his troops.

Samadi this time agreed with Carbon's plan. Considering the locals would be more effective at this job than even the soldiers. Then they could return to the rear houses for protection along with the women and children.

Samadi then suggests that his APC stay near the middle of the village until we know were the enemy will attack from in this way it can quickly cover the villagers incase of trouble.

"That is a wise move. With the trenches being built, and with a backup force to protect the civilians. My forces can be focused on the war front. But I still expect the APC to assist us if we are being overrun." Carbon adds.

Samadi responds, yes that is fine. I can promise they can do that. We can even offer some artillery strikes from my APC. With their short-range missiles, and mini missiles. We just need a laser targeter on the location. We could likely do the same with Bell's APC if he is willing. "Do you mind, Bell?" Samadi asks the gunslinger.

"None, just make sure to reimburse me for the loss of missles."

"What do you think Carbon? Do you have a way to replace the missiles outside of the salvage?" Samadi asked.

"We could but it would take some time. Bell would you mind waiting a few months if needed? If we take heavy casualties. It would take time. So For that very reason, we will offer the majority of the missiles to Bell. Then we will use the rest for your APC Samadi."

Samadi asked Bell if this would work for him.

Bell agreed. So Samadi also agreed.

Carbon then smiled. "Good, good. What all are you going to do on your scouting mission Samadi."

"I will deal with their own scouts. Because they will likewise be able to do arty strikes on us. I will also locate their firing locations. Such as robots, vehicles, and other missile platforms."

"I Will then mark them with a homing beacon that can be used by our short-range missiles. We only have three of them. That is already set up for the short-range missiles."

"With my APC that would mean two short-range missiles per beacon. Assuming there are three enforcers. As you know missiles are little more than rockets so they can be directed with laser finders or homing beacons."

"Samadi if you do not mind me asking. Why did you mention a laser targeter when you already had homing beacons?"

"As a backup method. That is the reason. Besides it can be used with the APC's missiles. With Bell's permission, I will set up the frequency of the APC's missiles. With both the beacons and the laser finder if we have one."

"Your friends have a rather interesting weapon, Samadi," Carbon said.

"Yes, they do. The colonel has a lot of resources for war. Yet she is willing to support people who are in trouble."

"By the way Bell, did you mind if I modded your missiles to respond to our beacons."

"I do not mind, as long as they have better accuracy."

"They will. As long as you use my beacons."

"Fine, fine go ahead and do it. I would rather use missiles on robots than guns." Bell said in an annoyed tone. By the way, when will we be done? I want to check on Williams's progress as my student."

"I don't think that will be a problem Bell," said Carbon.

Samadi Then added. "Have fun with the kid, he did well in the last battle."

Bell then left the APC where they were holding the meeting. He then walked down the road to go to where the locals were. Looking for his apprentice.

As he got the quarter of the homes where the people were. He asked around to locate William. It was not that hard for he heard the singing of the on-her back whore. Even though that woman has been active in her profession for 13 years she has only ever been pregnant once. It sounds like she stayed in her own home. Instead of moving.

She has had plenty of diseases as can be expected. Some believe that the reason she has only ever had one child is because of how many diseases she had. Over the years. As the only whore in the village she is called (the bed singer) For no one is as loud.

No matter who, she is always loud. She will only serve a human male. It became a ritual of passage for the last four years for sixteen-year-old guys to have their first time with her.

It is believed that every human male in the village has had her services. Even though no villager has ever got a disease from her. Somehow. Even though other women who played around got diseases from the local players. It is just another mystery of the lying down singer.

Because of the kind of person she is, and her occupation. William her son is so used to it that he ignores his mother's voice and the sound of the bed being close to breaking. For the women has many customers a day. She is the wealthiest woman in the village who did not inherit their wealth.

As Bell got closer to the house, he noticed the sound of an air gun and the ping sound from the BBs hitting a metal can. As William is practicing his quickdraw, and firing. A few seconds go by then another draw to fire, followed by another ping.

"You getting better kid," Bell said after watching his student do it five more times. "The biggest problem with your practice firearm is that it is a semi-auto pistol instead of a six-shooter."

"But for a quick draw practice gun, it works. Now let's check your hand-to-hand combat." After a half hour the kid was breathing hard well on the ground spread out from his training.

"Once you catch your breath I want us to go to the old beat-up car to see if you know your way around it."

"This is your situation you're stuck in a rainstorm storm and your windshield wipers stopped working, But you need them to see where you are going what do you check to see if it is an electric problem."

"For your next situation get in the driver's seat, and show me how you drive this dead car."

"good so far. Let's say you drive through a city and they do not allow firearms how will you hide your pistol? When they force you out of the car."

Next, you are at a tavern and the locals in it are looking to mean to deal with. How do you sneak past them without catching a knife in your back?

"Let's say you had a shootout, and your rival dropped this gun I want you to examine it and tell me what you think of its quality." Bell then hands the kid a warn-down revolver.

Remember I want to know if it looks good enough to function, and, or worth selling.

William holds the gun in his hands, and carefully examines the details of the outside of the gun first then opens the breach to see if the cylinder spins. As well as checking every chamber to make sure no damage could cause a jam, or make a bullet case become stuck in the chamber.

The kid then checks the actions of the empty gun to make sure that the cylinder does a full proper rotation. He never dry fires. Instead, he eases the hammer down on the back of the revolver every time.

"This gun seems to function correctly I would need to have the proper sized bullets to fully check it."

"Can you tell what calibur this little revolver uses William?"

"Hmm, 9mm is not for revolvers. By its size it would be a 38 special, 40, or 357 calibur I think. The chambers are way too big for a 25cal., and too small for a 45 colt, or 45 acp."

"You are right so far. Now narrow it down between those three. It is a rare revolver that shoots a 40mm. Outside black powder revolvers. But this little snubnose revolver is made of steel, not iron. So it would be using smokeless powder."

"The 357, and 38 fit in the same guns. The difference is the pressure produced when the primers are hit. To be on the safe side I would only use 38 special rounds."

"You pass kid. Starting today I will no longer call you my apprentice but a true gunslinger. As my gift to you, you can keep this revolver, and one of the CS bikes, rifles, as well as those pistols you used in the last battle. "

"By the way, this snub nose is a 357 magnum. As you know you can also use 38 specials here as well. I received this from my teacher, and he received it from his own master. Now you are the fourth generation."

"The sun is setting maybe we should get you back home. After we stop by my APC we can get you your graduation equipment. Maybe we can get Samadi to give you one of his dusters. As a graduation gift from him. Being a fellow slinger I feel he would be willing to do it."

"That would be great. I never felt any of the laser rifle hits on me when we killed the coalition soldiers."

"Yeah, that duster is something all right. Honestly though even without it. You were far more valuable than all those useless humans that we had as so-called allies. By yourself, you could almost take the village alone."

"I can't believe the village allowed the sheriff, and deputies to live. After they did the bidding of the coalition. I would have hung them all at least. But I have to remember these useless cowards don't have our Western code of ethics."

"Much like the coalition states. No honor, no loyalty just out for themselves. I hope things will be different when we get to Fort Grey."

"You are going to go there with us Master Bell?"

"Of course. It is my duty. To look after you all when there is a threat. I may not be a good guy, but I still have my code. If things don't work out at this fort. We can start a new village back west where the decent folk live."

"Yo, Samadi are you still in my APC?" Bell calls as they close in on the vehicles at the front of the village.

"Yeah, I am still modifying the electric signal of your missiles with my beacons. I still need at least a half hour, what do you need MR. Bell?

"My student graduated as a slinger. As a fellow slinger, I would like you to provide him with one of your dusters."

"With that, Samadi goes quiet. A few moments later he comes to the door of the APC. Then steps outside. He smiles at the kid and gives him a manly handshake. Congratulations William. To be a gunslinger at your age is beyond belief. But I was there during your first gunfight. I think your master Bell might be right from what I have seen."

"How about we make a deal? You join Master Bell in this fight. I will once again let you use one of my dusters. Then when we get to Fort Grey I have a custom duster made for you. Instead of my huge dusters that do not fit a kid. Does that sound like a deal for you?"

"It will be my gift for your graduation?"

"Yes, a gift you earned."

"Sounds good, I can't wait."

"Glade to hear it, You should get some sleep. We have a big fight tomorrow. Speaking of the fight I can hear the sound of my APC arriving. If you would excuse me." Samadi runs off to meet the APC pilot.

Once he gets in range he waves them down to then gets inside to talk to the driver. It is none other than Sasha. She was the only person who knew how to drive APCs. She likewise was willing to help. So Samadi filled her in on the plans.

She then lays down the questions. "How are the APCs going to defeat the robots? These things are meant to support, and transport infantry. Not to be on the front lines. Do they not also outrange us through Samadi? Yes, we have short-range missiles but they have medium-range missiles?"
"You are right. That is why I am going to be scouting to remove their scouts and locate their robots. Then I will be marking their robot with our missle beacon. I will be marking only one robot, maybe two. With the beacon. Then I will retreat from the battle."

"So then you guys will deal with the last one not alone though. We have a two-mark 3 APCs. Between you two we will be able to out-gun the enforcer. We also have a platoon of experienced mercs who are going to act as the baseline of defense. You are the fire support unit.
"If Carbon's words are true. He has a full company on its way here set to arrive in the early morning. They would have the firepower to destroy the remains of the 17th Penal Company. I just want you to remember That I will be leaving the fight after I mark the last enforcer. So there is no fear of hitting me with your missiles."
After finishing his talk Samadi met back up with Carbon he told him that his APC was ready to serve. It just needed an extra crewman for the gunner. Because he would be scouting.
Samadi then went back to finishing his work on Bell's APC. Then retrieved his rifle, and revolver from the sheriff's station before heading to the Inn. Where he also took everything out of the hidden room he made with temporal magic.

He then had Sasha help him load it all up in his APC. Along with the weapons from the dead CS soldiers that he killed. When he was gathering the weapons he noticed Bell, and they came to an even split for the rifles, and motorbikes from the second battle. They both agreed to load them all up in the same APC. For when the battle ends. They also both agreed that the locals do not deserve the spoils.

Because of the number of bikes. They can't carry them all in one APC. So they decided that they would take a wagon as well. For leaving them out here would mean they would be in the way, during the battle. After they were finished cleaning up after the battle. Including striping the coalition troops of all valuables. Then gathering all the dead bodies into a pile to use as extra cover for the trenches.

The bodies would be put into the trenches for a mass burial. The trenches are six feet deep so they are deep enough to not worry about the bodies becoming undead. It was rather late when everything was done. So Samadi took Lady white back to the stables where he met with William again. Who made sure his horse was brushed, and fed. Well, he went back to his room to sleep.

Because of everything that happened no one tried to stop him. No one is doing business in this village other than Williams's mother. Who has 3-4 customers a day. Thankfully she is far enough away to not hear so that Samadi can get some sleep.

I caught up with Lieutenant Murphy Who was waiting for me. I brought my four enforcers to his base camp. I then had a private conversation with him over everything I heard.

He confirmed that he heard the same thing. When I told him my concerns about it he brushed it off. As if I was worrying about nothing. He said that the captain did not do a good job controlling his men.

Then as the highest-ranked field commander, he was taking over command of this operation. Even though we have the same rank. I let him continue.

"I have learned from the second platoon that there was a small group of highly skilled gunmen. Who is killing our troops? One of them was even using a horse. Even a few locals helped them, but the locals were no problem. Because they don't even know how to use weapons, Plus they were forced to fight by the gunman."

"The three gunmen are the problem. Not only were they immune to laser fire they also had a high chance to shoot our heads off. For this reason, we should use your enforcers to crush these three gunmen. With them gone taking over the village will be easy."

"We of course will punish the locals for working with the criminals. But with the village now being D-bee free other than one of the gunmen. Who is a D-Bee, called Bell? We should be able to prevent the town from being destroyed. In the crossfire. For you know how we are human first."

"It seems that the reason the 1st platoon acted the way they did is because some Guy named Samadi pulled all the D-Bees out of the village. When the troops had a blood lust."

"Having a blood lust is no surprise for a criminal unit. For that reason, all of those troops have a bomb in their head. The captain should have just executed them with his remote. I do not know why he did not. All of our law-abiding officers have such remotes including you. Do You not?"

"I do, but it was hard to get. I would rather just keep myself and my communication experts away from such men. That is why we were planted to the east of our base of operations. In case a monster or demon came from the magic zone, Lorra responded."

"I mean who would need an enforcer robot? For a village that has already surrendered. Much less four of them. Lieutenant Lorra Prescotti continued."

"I understand your resentment with your placement, most of all when you have a female employee. But, like I said you have a remote. You can just kill any that try to be fresh with your girl, or you."

"I would personally not want her to be involved at all. I would rather us be covering Chicago. Even though there is a high chance of battle. She feels the same, as me."

"Regardless of how you feel Lorra, you are in my unit so you must follow my lead!"

"Your unit? You do realize we are the same rank. Sure our overall commander is your grandfather. That does not give you rank over me, Lieutenant Murphy. We are both 2nd Lieutenants. What we need to do is contact high command about this problem. Instead of seeing this as an opportunity to raise your station."

"We are nowhere near New Chillicothe how will we reach High command? Be reasonable, Lieutenant Prescotti."

After some time arguing they got a call from the spy in the village of Cor. That a merc unit came in to provide security, and to defend the village from them. This merc unit is known to work with Whykin. Sterling's Strings is the name of the unit. Some forty men with lasers and armor are making a trench. Ahead of the village.

"It looks like you would agree with my plan now Lorra. There is no way Motorbikes can go over a trench. Not even my jeep. You on the other hand, and your enforcers. Will have no problem getting over the trench. We don't have the forces to split our troops most of all when the enemy has numbers that are a match for our own."

His alarm wakes him at 5 am. He gets up and dressed then wakes up lady white to prepare for their next adventure. As he is riding down this one street village he sees the mercs are getting ready as well. For them, they are heading to the trenches.

Lady white jumps over the trenches with ease as they continue forward from where they expect the coalition to arrive.

Samady does not use any spells well keeping himself alert for coalition scouts. He kept up searching for an hour until he increased the distance he was traveling.

At first, he was checking one mile ahead of the town. Then two miles from the trench. Strangely he did not find any coalition. Do they not think they need scouts?

Captain, I am not finding any scouts out here. Samadi says, in his walkie-talkie. It is possible they do not believe they need any. I am going to go ahead and look for their robots.

Captain Carbon was put in charge of the defensive operation. Neither Samadie nor Bell had a problem with it. Besides most of the troops are Carbon's anyway. The only exceptions were himself, Bell, and William.

After going ten miles out Samadi heard the sounds of a group of marching robots. He hid himself, and Lady white. Well, he waited for them to get closer. As they came into visual range he also noticed that the Motorcycles were in formation behind the robots.

Such a strange formation. The robots should have been the backup. Instead, they are being used as forward tanks. Even though the rest of the unit are criminals.

He decided to send this to Carbon through the radio with a radio scrambler. Unlike when Bell was using the CB to talk to his fellow D-Bees. Samadi does know how to use a radio scrambler. After they received his message they sent a confirmation.

He activated invisibility(simple) for both himself and his mount. Then he rode out to get in front of the robots. To prepare his magic scroll. He sees four enforcers, and he only has two Magic scrolls of void. I guess this means that he will only be able to take out two of them.

As soon as he gets in range he takes out the lead enforcer. It vanishes from sight. Samadi then prepares his second scroll. As the enforcers stop to figure out what happened. Even the motorcycles behind them stop. I can just imagine the panic they are feeling. This is my chance to run up and tag one of the robots with the beacon. Then I will use the last scroll well running away.

I did manage to get the beacon on the 2nd enforcer. The problem happened soon afterward. The downside of invisibility (simple). I was noticed when the robot pilots changed to heat vision.

They then started to shoot at me with their lasers. The problem is the robots are so large, and I am so small even with my horse. They can't target me well. Most of all when I am moving fast, and right near their legs.

The motorcycles started to move in hoping to catch me or force me from my horse. So I increased my speed and then went to the max range of the spell on the scroll. Hoping to catch the last enforcer in the spell.

I did manage to get the spell off and made another robot vanish. I then activated a talisman of winged flight on Lady white as we went into the air far from the enforcers. At the same time I used one on myself it is the spell called armor bizarre. It makes it look like I am covered in slimy worms. It gives me a large amount of protection. It also makes me look like a worm wraith. Causing most people to feel fear.

I then cancel my invisibility (simple). As I loudly cackle well flying around. Freaking out the troops below. I then fly off high into the sky. So I am not in range of their lasers. Their rail guns, and missiles all face forward so I am not concerned about those. They can't get an angle of fire on me.

I then continue flying away from them. In the direction they came from. To make it seem like I was a wondering demon they came across. Well high in the sky I noticed the explosions from the missiles. As the current lead enforcer was being peppered by short-range missiles. Forcing the coalition to look to the town. Instead of at me. As the volley kept coming.

The lead enforcer fell forward. The last enforcer started to return fire. From its missiles, I do not know what it is shooting though. Unless the APCs moved forward.

"RETREAT!" Lieutenant Murphy screams in his comms. "All forces let's get out of here. That damn spy did not say anything about them having missile launchers." All the motorbikes and the jeep turned around to escape.

The last enforcer before following his allies. Unleashed a second volley of missiles at the village. That flew over the trench lines. Smashing many of the homes, and the properties in general. The missiles just landed randomly. One of the missiles landed near the trench and killed three of Carbon's troops. Then wounded another five. Other than the missile strikes on both sides. There was no fighting in the village.

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