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Rated: E · Short Story · Writing · #2328686
A newborn baby is found and taken to the hospital. A little long but I'd like opinions.
The emergency room nurse had just sat down with a fresh cup of coffee. The ER had been quiet for a whole ten minutes and the other nurses had cleaned up the last disaster about three minutes ago. The night’s air was cool and smelly of the past rain. Thank heavens the storm headed north to the next state and all should be quiet for at least an hour or two.
Cars slowly drove by. Two people, lovers walked hand and hand across the street. Anora, smiled at the first time she could relax in a couple of days. For a Friday evening, the night was just what she needed.
Then the radio came alive. “Central Hospital, we have an emergency coming in.”
Since Anora was the closest she picked up the microphone to respond. “MESA 455, what is the emergency?”
“A newborn baby has been found and turned over to us by a homeless person at Cherry Street. “
“MESA 455 what are the vitals?’
“It is a Caucasian girl who still has the umbilical attached. She was turning blue when she was handed over to us, but seems to be a little bit better since we wrapped her with a blanket. The temp is about 95 degrees but is climbing since she has been wrapped with one of our blankets. And now, atta girl, she is trying to cry.”
“MESA 455 our rooms are empty and we will have doctors and staff ready to give that sweet baby the best care of her life. Bring her in immediately.”
Now Anora felt the adrenalin shooting into her blood. Her muscles began to get ready for action. And her brain flashed into action, thinking of the necessary items, medicines and staff members who could help her keep her word. “You’re darn right, this girl is going to get the best care in the whole city!”
She clicked on the intercom. “Code blue for an abandoned infant.”
She did not need to repeat because she already heard the doctors and nurses running down the hall. A code blue cart was being pushed by the orderly. Doctors were shouting instructions to everyone, pulling their stethoscope out of their pockets.. The head nurse, Margaret yelled, “Where is the suction syringe? This oxygen is low, get more out of supplies. Flora, I want the best blanket and infant bed you can find, NOW!”
The head doctor, Bryan Maxwell was buttoning up his coat. He was in the doorway to the emergency room.”I think I hear the ambulance. Hurry folks. Every second is important to this baby. We will see that she has the rest of her life to grow up when she leaves here.”
The ambulance hurried into the parking lot. It made a circle and backed up to the door. The paramedic jumped out of the open door in the back with a small bundle in his arms. His eyes were on the precious life he carried in his arms. “She stopped crying about a minute ago. She is not even moving much. I told the driver to hurry.” He looked as if he was going to cry.
A doctor rushed up to take the baby and hurry from the cool air to the warm emergency room that would be her first home away from the garbage dumpster she was found in.
Sitting inside the back of the ambulance, was the man who heard the cries and saved her life by rescuing her. Jordan Stills Young would be declared a hero for saving this baby. He forgot that he was looking for food and just wanted to learn about the littlest baby he had ever seen. He smelled like he had not had a bath in weeks, but the people did not care. He just probably saved her life.
“I couldn’t just leave her there. She might die.” He mumbled.
“Sir, you are her guardian angel. Come inside and get warmed up.”
“I just wanted to eat but I heard her cry. She looked at me and stopped crying. I did not hurt her. She is a baby.”
He was choked up. “No one should hurt or leave a baby with the trash.” Tears started coming out of his blue eyes.. He walked slowly inside and stood out of the way of moving people. He tried to close his coat but a nurse stopped in front of him. “Sir are you a relative? Did you see who put her in the trash bin?”
“No. It is late and I just wanted to find some food. “
The nurse pointed to a door that said “WAITING ROOM.” If you will go into that room, I’ll get you a sandwich and drink. There might be someone come to you to ask questions,” The nurse had soft brown eyes, “Will you please wait a little while. We can also tell you how your little friend is doing.”
He looked as if he was thinking that question over. All around people were moving and the noises confused him.
“I ain’t got no where to go. I guess I’ll wait for the sandwich and drink. But please let me know about …about…Autumn. I want to name her after my mother. My mother is gone but …”
“Alright sir. That is a lovely name. I’ll tell the head nurse. “ She pointed to the door again. “Go in that room and I’ll try to be no more than 5 minutes. Ok?”
He shook his head and walked slowly to the waiting room. And as he walked away he hear the most beautiful sound, the baby was crying again. So he muttered, “Praise God, she is alive.”

Chapter 2
Jordan was nicknamed JoJo and usually responded quickly to that.
“Jordan, here’s your sandwich and drink. Can I ask you a few questions?”
“My friends call me JoJo. You can do that also. “ He started unwrapping the sandwich and put the wrapper on a table beside his chair.
“Okay JoJo. I hope that this chicken salad sandwich is okay.”
JoJo smiled and smelled the sandwich. “Ma’am when you are homeless and have no money, anything is okay. My mother said ,’Beggars can’t be choosers.’ And she was right.” Then he took a large bite so he could stop the gurgling of his stomach.
“My mother said the same thing.” She pulled some chips from her pocket.
“When did you first hear the baby crying?” She pulled out a small notepad to write her answers down.
“I ain’t got no watch ma’am. Someone stole it about a month ago.” He showed his arms to let her see.
“Will you give us a guess? Estimate?” She asked as she sat down.
“Well the 10:30 bus Metro had just passed by my place, and.”
She interrupted, “Oh yes, I need to know where your place is so I can tell the officers where to look.”
“I didn’t hurt the baby! “ JoJo looked shocked and thought that he might go to jail.
“Oh no sir.” She put her hand on his arm to show her honesty. “Anything you tell us could be a clue to where the mother went. She might be someone who lived nearby your place. And she might still need medical help.”
“I see. That makes sense. Excuse me. Can I eat more of my sandwich? It tasted good.”
“Of course. Do you want to finish the sandwich and then answer more questions?”
“Well I don’t have much more to tell, cause I was tired and getting ready to get my blanket out to go to sleep.” He took a bite and then followed it with a drink of the soda he had. “Ahh! I love sodas.” The he smacked his lips.
There was a noise at the door and another nurse walked in. “I want to speak to the man who found the baby.”
“This is JoJo Young. He has told me the approximate time and place where Autumn was found.”
“What! Who said that he could name that baby.”
“It was his mother’s name and is better than Jane Doe.” The first nurse stood up.
They both walked out to the hallway. The first nursed turned around and said “I’ll be back. Just relax and I’ll let you know about Autumn.
JoJo smiled and nodded his head. He finished his sandwich.

There were two doctors and four nurses in the emergency room looking at the now resting baby that they agreed to call Autumn.
The nearest nurse had a chart that she was recording the vital information about Autumn. Everyone agreed that the baby was fortunate that a friend of the man phoned 9 11 to get the ball rolling of the rescue. The friend had been in a quick food place and charged his phone. He was lucky to have found a five dollar bill and wanted some fresh good food.
The baby was underweight so some thought that it was a premie. It has a light brown color to the small amount of hair on its head. The heartbeat sounded a little weak. The blood type was O. And it had a fair grasp reflex.
Then the time came for the birth certificate. The baby did not like that but all came out well.
The head nurse announced that there was one bottle of formula milk warm and read for the baby’s first official meal. The oldest doctor stepped in and announced that he wanted to have the honors since his daughter had just had her first baby. He never had been so happy for the couple who had been waiting for a long time to get pregnant. The transfer of baby Autumn to Dr. Longfellow was smooth and the baby sucking on the bottle’s nipple began immediately. The group said a lovely “Ah, isn’t that nice,” after the first slurp.
In a couple of minutes, a police car pulled up and a lady and man officer got out of the car. They walked slowly through the doors of the emergency room and looked around for someone in charge.
“I am Officer Foster and this is my partner officer Cromwell.” They nodded their heads. “We have heard about an abandoned baby on our radio. So where do we go?”
Fiora, a fourth year nursing student, walked over to the officers and introduced herself. She looked young for her age but was one of the best students in her class.
“The baby is being looked over and her vitals recorded.” she responded. “You cannot look at her now.” she paused as other nurses were going into the emergency room. “Miss Duncan, we have a job to do. And we are going to get questions answered.”
“I understand but in this hospital, the patient is a baby who needs a doctor, not a policeman.” The officer opened his mouth to respond as the head nurse in the emergency room walked up.
Thank you Nurse Duncan. Please go to the supply room to check on incubators. We might need it tonight. And I will add that if this child needs an incubator, she is going nowhere.”
The two police officers looked at each other and took in a long breath. Officer Foster checked his notepad. “I hear that you brought the citizen who found this baby.”
“Yes. He needed food and went into the waiting room.” replied Anora.
“He was asked to wait here because we knew he might be able to supply more information.”
“Then we can talk to him?” asked Officer Cromwell.
“Of course. He is called JoJo and is tired and cold.”
“Do you have a last name?” Asked the first officer
“One of the nurses who gave him the food talked a little bit before you came. “ she looked for the nurse. “But I do not see her now. She might be busy with registration of the infant.”
“I need a name, ma’am.” he said louder
“I said that he should be in the waiting room. He was worried about the baby as we all are.”
“Of course.” said Officer Cromwell.
The two policemen walked slowly to the door of the waiting room and slowly opened the door. They looked around and walked in.
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