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Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Fantasy · #2328676
A fantasy story of murder, alliences, lies and betrayal
Chapter 1: Coronation

No one knew who did it. All they knew is that it had been done. With the king dead, his only child, the princess was now the one in control. She was sixteen and smart enough to know that whoever had killed her father was either with her or wanted her dead too. Without knowing anything about the murder she didn’t have any way of knowing who did it or why? Most people would leave a mark or something, but the assassin that had killed the young princess's father had left nothing to identify them. The king had been found dead and the only thing figured out is he had been stabbed and the knife had been left in his heart. It had been a steak knife from the kitchen, so nothing remarkable about the weapon. They must have been wearing gloves as the knife had leather imprints stuck in the grooves of the hilt. Even with all this no one seemed to know who the killer was.

The question that worried everyone was; Were they going to go after the Queen to be? Many well known assassins were quickly ruled out as they all had a mark they would leave no matter how high ranking their targets were. No stories of anyone bragging about having killed the king. You might think that no one would brag about something that would end in their execution, but a few assassins had been caught this way. There was also no one who had received a large sum of gold; this meant one of two things. First one being the more likely, whoever did it worked alone and wasn’t a paid assassin. Second, they hadn’t accepted the money. No one who asks for money turns it down. All people knew about this assassin is they had no ties to anyone and no name or face or even mark.

The future queen was the only heir as the king’s wife had decided to allow her daughter to be queen. She believes the girl would be a better queen than her. Emi is the girl’s mother and is always encouraging her to do her best. The reason she does not wish to be queen is that her marriage with the king was arranged and she didn’t have a say in it. Emi also is afraid that whoever killed her husband would go after her daughter, the only family she had. The king had refused to have guards outside his room at night, claiming no one was bold enough to try. For the most part he was right, breaking into the palace gets most people killed. Somehow someone had gotten in and out of the palace without being seen. That was the thing that kept everyone awake, they knew how to get in without anyone seeing a thing.

Even with the anonymous threat looming over everyone they held the coronation ceremony to crown the princess. As she was getting ready she heard the sound of a floorboard creaking and turned to see a masked figure standing a few feet away from her. She backed away into her vanity table sending glass bottles and hair pins to the floor. One of the shards of glass cut her foot and she held in the scream. Tears of pain were clearly in her eyes despite how hard she was trying to hide the pain. “Princess! It’s almost time for the coronation. What is taking you so long?” “Brystal, don’t come in…” She opened the door and the figure still hadn’t moved their position right in front of the canopy bed. Brystal froze in horror at the mysterious figure so close to the princess. She immediately assumed that this person was the one who had killed the king and was here to kill the princess. The princess grabbed a pin from the table and held it in front of her with shaking hands and tears running down her face, leaving streaks down it.

Her socks were soaked with blood from her leg and the perfume filled the air with a sweet smell. She took another step back and the broken glass clinked into each other. The figure still didn’t move forward and the princess said “Wh-who are you?” her voice cracking with fear. Her eyes looked around, but the only one close enough to do anything was Brystal and she wasn’t a fighter. She slowly moved for the door and the figure walked over to her silently. “I wouldn’t do that if I were in your shoes.” She couldn’t help the small squeak that escaped her throat as she met eyes with the mysterious visitor. “Wha-what do you want?” They leaned over Brystal, towering over her small frame. “I don’t think that concerns you.” She fell back gathering her apron in her hands and she scrambled back. She hit her head on the wall and started hyperventilating.

“It was you wasn't it?” Brystal froze, what was she doing? The remark did what she thought it would. They turned to the princess, “What are you referring to your highness?” The clear mockery in their voice made it very clear why they were here. “Well, are you just going to stare or answer my question?” She gripped the vanity table to keep herself upright and said, stuttering “You, you killed him didn’t you!” Their eyes landed on the cowering princess across the room. “I didn’t, I was quite against the idea in fact. We can’t have a child ruling such a powerful kingdom. Especially one who can’t even defend herself.” He drew a knife and walked carefully up to the princess, “So, what do you want me to tell your mother about your tragic death?” He was pushing her into the vanity table with his body and said “Nothing, alright, your choice.” He raised the blade and started digging into her shoulder when a guard came in and took in the situation. He drew his sword and placed it on the assassin’s neck, “Let her go.” The princess let out a scream as the blade was pulled through her shoulder. “Drop your weapon.” The assassin obliged, dropping the blade.

Brystal stood shaking herself off. She spoke shakily “Captain? captain, thank god you’re here!” Relief flooded her voice and she started shaking. The assassin tried to move away from the Captain’s blade but was stopped by a firm hand placed on their shoulder. “Back away from her.” He guided them with his sword. The princess fell forward clutching her shoulder, tears streaming down her face. Her once light blue dress-as well as her soft brown hair- was now stained red from her shoulder and the skirt had a bit of red from the cut on her leg. She could hardly breathe as she realized how close she was to death. The Captain got them to the middle of the room before pushing them to their knees. “Brystal, please get the princess to a doctor and get more guards please.” Brystal was helping the princess calm down and she helped her stand. “Right away Captain.”

“Now, who sent you to kill the princess?” The assassin stayed quiet as the Captain walked in front of them. “Allow me to rephrase, were you sent by someone?” Again his question was met with silence, this was getting old fast. He crouched down to eye level and grabbed their chin tightly, “Care to answer while I’m being patient with you? Who the fuck sent you?” A slight hesitancy but at least this time there was an answer. “No one sent me.” The shock registered in the Captain's eyes, but he didn’t say anything to confirm that. “There was no reward for you, since you got caught I can tell you something, no reward is worth what’s going to happen to you.” The assassin had no reaction to this statement.

Normally this was when anyone would start begging for forgiveness, saying how they needed the money or weren’t actually going to go through with it; but they didn’t say a word. Azura wasn’t about to break his act for what he knew was a normal reaction to this statement.“Why don’t we see what you look like under this mask.” He pulled the hood back and crow black hair was messily styled to hide under the hood, but it looked like his hair normally fell in short bangs. His eyes were a vibrant green that held a promise of violence. The Captain let go of him. His eyes made it clear he wasn’t from the area or at least had never been seen by a guard. More guards came in “Captain what happened here?” He didn’t turn away from the assassin, “This one tried to kill the princess.” Both guards quickly advanced towards them, not drawing weapons yet. “So he could also be the one who killed the king?”

He looked at the person in front of him and said “Care to answer the question?” “No, I was not the one who killed the king.” He hadn’t moved, and just stayed on his knees, his eyes darting around the room. The Captain said “What is your name?” “I don’t think that is important to you.” He shook his head and pinched the bridge of his nose as he stood up. “Restrain him.” Both guards were quick to grab his arms and one pulled out a pair of shackles and still the assassin had no reaction. He was pulled to his feet and answered the previous question. “Azura.” He stopped walking, “Care to repeat that?” “Azura.” “Well Azura, why were you trying to kill the princess?” Azura met the Captain's eyes, “She’s a kid, not fit to rule a kingdom.” “From the looks of things, you are young yourself.” “Captain, a hired assassin is very different from being king or queen.”

Azura’s cold green eyes met the Captain’s. “If I don’t kill her, someone else will, let’s hope you have a backup plan.” For the first time he struggled against the guards holding him. Even with both having a snake grip one stumbled back a few steps. “Fox are you ok?” Fox placed his hand on his ribs and winced. “Yeah, he’s a strong one, that’s for sure.” Azura had nailed him in the ribs with his elbow. “That really hurt.” He placed one hand on Azura's shoulder and the other below his elbow. Even though he had the strength to escape these guards if he wanted to, Azura knew better than to fight outside of his usual fighting grounds. Even if he got away, he had tried to kill the princess, he would be caught and in more trouble. He was already in over his head.

The palace as far as he had seen was a lighter color than most buildings he had done jobs in. Even so he wore traditional black, this was supposed to be a get in get out assassination. Not sending a message or anything, that’s not how he worked. He killed the target and left, not leaving any defining feature to track him down. The bright stained glass windows that lined the hallways shone the occasional splash of color on his face. The cold marble floor in the hall was different from the light wood paneling in the princesses room. People walked by- some hurrying to their next assignment, others walking in extravagant gowns and suits- clearly getting ready to go to the coronation. Hardly anyone paid attention to the group of three guards leading a stranger down the busy hallway. A few turned their heads, but continued on their way.

“Who was that?” The Princess was still shaking as Brystal helped her to the doctor. They knocked on the door and the doctor opened it. She saw the Princess and gasped at the blood. “My Princess, what happened to you?” Brystal explained as the doctor led them inside to inspect the wound. “So, someone wants you dead?” “Correct.” “This is a deep cut, if you would remove your dress so I can see what I can do about stitchings.” Brystal and the doctor helped her out of her dress and she was thankful for the undergarment she was wearing underneath. She winced as the doctor pushed on the wound. “Ok, it’s a clean cut, but we will need stitches for this.” She walked to a table across the room and threaded a needle after a few tries and dropping one on the floor. “Ok, I’m going to pour some alcohol on the cut and it’s going to sting a lot. I don’t want you to think it won’t. Ready?” She nodded as the doctor grabbed a flask from the table.

The smell was very strong as the drink was poured on a cloth. Tears formed in the princess’ eyes from the stinging. “Sorry.” “It’s fine.” The pain was clear in her voice. The doctor ran the needle through a candle on the wooden table. “Ok ready?” “Yes.” The hot needle pushed through her skin with ease and the thread passed through pulling the skin together. After a few minutes she cut the thread and wrapped it carefully. “I’ll get you a new dress for the coronation ceremony,” said Brystal. She left and came back with a green dress with red details. It had a tight collar to hide the bandage. After they got her into the dress Brystal fixed her make up the best she could and led her to the ceremony.

People were getting worried about what was taking the princess so long. Whispers filled the room about what might have happened. “I don’t think she’s ready.” “Maybe she’s scared to accept such a big responsibility.” “Lady Emi, where is Solara?” The Archbishop said concerned. The door opened and the princess stepped in, silencing the whispers. She walked down the center of the room with grace and no one noticed the pain she was hiding behind a smile. Emi smiled at her daughter and bowed her head. She was doing her best to hide the pain, she didn’t want to ruin this moment. “Princess Solara, we were getting worried, did something happen?” She flashed a smile, “No, I just tore my dress and had to change, that’s all.” “Well, that’s good.” He said quietly to her. “Now!” He said to the entire room. “Princess Solara, do you promise to rule fairly over everyone and protect this kingdom?” “I do.” “Do you promise to do whatever it takes to keep the peace we’ve been thankful for for the past three generations?” Solara hesitated this time before saying“I do.”

“Then I am proud to Crown you Queen of Edria.” Solara bowed as the crown was placed on her head and the scepter passed over both her shoulders. She lifted her head and turned to the audience. “I hope I can live up to your expectations.” Her soft blue eyes scanned over the room and when she landed on her mother her eyes changed slightly. Her mother nodded and said loud enough for the room to hear. “As much as I would love for Solara to stay for the party, there is something very important I need to speak with her about.” Emi led her daughter out of the room and to her room so no one would bother them. “What’s wrong?” She took deep breaths, “Someone broke in.” Her breaths were becoming more sharp as she tried to explain. “Were they a thief?” “No, the-they were an assassin.” Tears formed in her eyes even remembering the event. “Did the guards stop them?” “Yes.” She tried to hold back the tears as she wiped the ones already formed in her eyes. “Then there is nothing to worry about, they'll take it from here.” Even knowing this, those green eyes still scared her. How could someone have so little emotion? “At least they caught the assassin. They’ll learn what they can about them and then tell you about it.”

“There was no emotion in his eyes, no anger, nothing.” Emi went stiff, “What do you mean, everyone has emotion?” She couldn’t hide the concern in her voice. “When he met my eyes. Even when he spoke, it was cold, but not with rage or vengeance.” “Was it the same person who killed your father? Did he tell you?” “He told me that he didn’t want him to die. That he was against the idea.” Emi said “Why don't you go lie down for the day? I’ll talk to the captain about what they found out.” She couldn’t hold back the emotions anymore and her mother wrapped her in a hug, “I’ll protect you, I promise.” Even as she said this, she felt a tinge of guilt, but not enough to change her mind. Solara left to go talk with Brystal and Emi sat down trying to understand what had happened.

This assassin was not the one who killed her husband, but he wasn’t a friend. She couldn’t let her guard down. She changed out of the gown she was wearing for the coronation, into a simple dark blue dress. She walked down the hall which was almost empty, because everyone was at the party except a few people who still had jobs to do. She stopped at a large wooden door with two guards on either side. “Your Highness, what are you doing here?” “I need to speak with Captain Thorn.” “Sorry m’lady, he's busy at the moment.” “It’s important.” They moved to the side when they saw the red hot anger in her otherwise kind eyes. She walked down the stairs and the overwhelming smell of blood and bile filled her nose. It had been a while since she was down here. One guard saw her and said “Lady Emi, what are you doing down here?” “Where is the assassin?” The guard looked at one of the metal doors. “Having a talk with Captain Thorn.”

He was looking anywhere but into her eyes, he didn’t have to be a psychologist to feel the anger that was radiating from her. “Fox and Lani brought him down thirty minutes ago.” She raised her eyebrows, “Fox is new right?” The guard swallowed. “I believe so, he almost got a broken rib from a single blow.” Her eyes landed on the door, “Poor kid, but it’s not broken?” The guard shook his head “Thankfully no.” Fox stepped out of the room that both Emi and the guard were staring at. “Fox, so did you find anything out about the assassin?” He laughed slightly. “Hasn’t said a word since we got down here. Only questions he answered were on the way here.” “Haven’t you been down here for half an hour.” “Yes, Lady Emi. Would you like to know what he did tell us?” She said “I would.”

“Well, he gave us a name. Azura Zanders, but none of us had heard it before.” The name felt vaguely familiar, but she couldn’t put her finger on it. Fox had left the door open and the sound of skin on skin contact echoed out of the room. The Captain had lost his patience with Azura. “Listen to me, if you fucking think what you did was justified in any way, there’s no way in hell it was!” For the first time that she had seen or heard of, his loss of patience was met with silence. The silence was broken by a drop of water hitting the cobble floor with a splash. A kind voice she immediately recognized as Lani said “Captain, would you mind if I tried asking him a few questions?” Lani had a captivating charm about her, everyone noticed it. If she asked you to do something, you would feel compelled to do it. Even Captain Thorn knew she had something about her that made her rise in ranks quickly. Emi walked over to the door and knocked on the open door.

Captain Thorn said “Lady Emi. It’s been a while since I’ve seen you down here.” She smiled, “It has been, so this is the assassin who tried to kill my daughter?” “Yes, don’t worry he didn’t get to hurt her too bad.” “That doesn't change their intention.” Azura sat with his hands tied behind the chair and his head down, hair falling in his face. Captain Thorn said “He doesn’t seem to understand that the more he tells us, the fucking easier this whole thing could be for all of us.” Emii looked at the person in the chair. “He doesn’t look like an assassin.” Unlike most assassins she had seen, Azura didn’t have the normal bulk, but he still looked like he had the strength to kill someone two times his size. Lani said “Don’t tell me you’re tired already. You have not said a word.” Azura looked up at her, “Good, I was worried you were asleep.”

Her bright honey eyes differed from the cold green eyes staring at her from the other side of the room. Her skin was dark oak brown and her hair fell somewhere in between both colors. She fingered her long hair that fell well past her shoulders in a ponytail. “Ok, I seem to have your attention. If it means you’ll answer my questions I can have Thorn leave. I can have Emi join me instead.” Azura held her eyes and turned to The Captain. “Fine.” Lani smiled, “Perfect, I will warn you; I’m not against hurting you.” Captain Thorn stood up and left the room, knowing Lani knew what she was doing. As soon as the door closed Lani said “You have guts, I’ll give you that. I just saved your life. Considering you had no plans of talking did you?” Azura said “I didn’t.” Emi sat down. “What changed your mind?”

“You just remind me of someone I know..” Lani smirked, “Well then, why don’t we start with something easy? Is the silent treatment exclusive to us, or do you keep quiet like this often.” Azura thought carefully for a second. “I keep quiet when the situation calls for it.” “What about that attitude from upstairs?” Emi said “What do you mean?” “He told us that Solara shouldn’t be queen, because she is too young and can’t defend herself.” Emi leaned forward. “Azura, I can understand thinking someone is too young to have such a large responsibility. One thing I don’t agree on, is killing someone for that reason. So what is your real reason for wanting her dead?”

Chapter 2: An Offer

Solara knocked on the door and Brystal answered. “Solara, shouldn’t you be at the party?” “I couldn’t stay, it’s been a long day.” “Well come in.” She led her into the room. “Do you want to talk about it?” “Not really, I just want to forget about it.” She placed her hand on her friend’s. “I wish I could’ve helped more.” “I’m fine, the guards were there.” “I should have at least tried..” “Stop, Brystal! It wasn’t your fault. A lot of things could've gone better, but they didn’t.” Brystal smiled, “ What do you want to talk about?” “Let’s go to the library.” “Ok, that should help.” Both girls walked out and headed to the library. The hallway was covered in vines that no one took down because the librarian loved them. Under the vines the walls were a light stone color.

Its doors were giant with a carving on it that had been there since the castle had been built. No one understood the writing above the drawing, but everyone would agree that it was an old language. They pushed the door open with a bit of force, somehow this was one of the hardest doors to open in the palace. The librarian’s assistant stood behind a wooden desk with many books scattered around. The one he was reading was open to a page with a drawing of a meeting room on it. He looked up and jumped to his feet. “I didn’t expect anyone, especially not you today.” He took his reading glasses off and closed his book. “What can I help you with?” Brystal said “Just a book to take our minds off the day.” “I think I could help you with that.”

He led them through the maze that was the library shelves. The first time the princess came in here she got lost, and a guard had to come find her, she still couldn’t find what she wanted without help. When they got to the section that had the book he wanted to show them Brystal said “Not to be rude, but I forgot your name. I am so sorry.” He grabbed a book from the shelf and said “Oh, no problem, it's Asher.” “Thank you for helping us.” He was of average height around Five and a half feet. His hands were callused from working with the wooden shelves that gave him splinter if he wasn’t careful. His hair matched some of the books in the library with auburn hair neatly tucked behind his ear. The leather bound book was one Solara had read before but still loved. “This might help your problem, or are you looking for something different?” Salara looked at the cover carefully considering. “Actually, I need something in particular.”

Asher smiled, “What is it you are looking for?” “Are there any books about families with green eyes?” He laughed “Why is that My Queen? Find a boy you want to know about?” He smirked and Solara rolled her eyes, “No, just a rumor I heard.” “We do, I can show you.” “Please do.” “You know, if you ever need some advice on how to get a boyfriend, I can help you out.” Solara said “Really, and what would you know about boyfriends? You’re only two years older than me.” He weaved through the shelves before stopping to check a title. “I’ve had a few in my life. One right now in fact.” Brystal, being a bit of a gossip, said “Really? I thought you were just lonely considering how much time you spend here. And books don’t count.” Asher blew off the dusty cover of the book. “No, I have someone.” Solara said “Care to tell us, so we believe you or not?”

He laughed uncomfortably. “Here’s the book you wanted.” Brystal said “Come on, just a name, then we’ll leave you alone.” He grumbled. “I shouldn’t have said anything..” “What was that?” “Nothing, just a name?” Solara said “Yes, then we’ll leave.” “You’re not leaving until you get a name are you?” Solara took the book. “No.” He shook his head, “Ok, you know the Lord who moved here a few months ago?” “Yes. Lord Isolda, if I’m not mistaken.” “Yeah, well he has a son. His name is Caddel.” Solara said “Well, we promised, so see you next time.” They started walking out Brystla a bit behind Soalra and Asher said “I wonder who they’re looking for.” He walked back to his desk, carrying a book under his arm.

“What do you think he was reading?” Brystal asked her friend. “I saw a drawing of a meeting, or something like that.” Solara held the book and they went into Brystal's room. Brystal closed the door, “So, you just want to know who that was? Why don’t you leave that to the guards?” “It could be fun, we don’t even know if he’s in the book.” “I guess you’re right, what’s the worst that could happen.” Solara yawned and Brystal said “You need sleep, we can read in the morning.” “I’m fine, really.” She rubbed her eye. “No, get ready for bed. You can sleep in here, if you want. Just so you don't have to go back to your room tonight.” Solara said “Thank you.” She changed into pajamas and sat down next to Brystal. “So, last question. You think he works alone?” “I don’t know, let’s just sleep on it.” “Yeah, I know it’s not late, but I’m tired.”

Solara fell asleep and Brystal smiled, She really didn’t need to know about this. It would just worry her. She picked up the book and walked to the library. Asher was waiting at his desk looking bored. “Asher.” “Brystal, what are you doing here, shouldn’t you be with Solara?” “Yes, but she’s sleeping and there’s a guard outside my room right now, making sure she’s safe.” “Ok, what do you need?” He saw the book in her hand “Returning it so soon? Why?” She handed him the book. We found what we needed.” “Thank you, but why wouldn’t you just keep it a bit longer, might find a bit more.” Brystal said “Listen, she doesn’t need to know any more.” “Right, sorry. Do you know who it could be just curious?” “No, I don’t, why do you ask?” “You have that look you did when you were a kid.

“When I would ask you about the forest. You always told me.” He cleared his throat dramatically “Some things are best left in the dark.” If I’m not mistaken.” Brystal placed her hand on the table in between the two. “Then you know that what I said back then is still true now.” He stood three inches taller than her and placed a hand on her shoulder. “You never change do you?” Brystal smiled. “No, I don’t.” Something about her was off. Asher saw this, no one else seemed to notice it. It wasn’t at all uncommon for this to occur. One in ten people had this magic about them. Something ever so subtle, that unless you knew what to look for you would never notice. Asher took his hand off her shoulder and said “I know you want to protect her, but you need to let her learn.” “She can learn, just not about this.” She turned away leaving the library.

“Do I need to repeat myself, Azura? What is your real reason for wanting Solara dead?” Azura stared at Emi. “Why does it matter to you?” “Answer the question Zanders.” “She’s immature, her age has nothing to do with it. She grew up knowing nothing about the outside world, and was never taught to defend herself. I’ve seen how bad that can get.” Emi clenched her fists. “So you’re killing her off of what could happen.” “I’m not about to wait for things to get bad before I make my move.” Lani leaned forward. “Azura, I think you can help us with something. Something Captain Thorn said. You were against the idea? That implies there was talk about this.” Azura raised his eyebrows, “Observant are we?” “So it’s true, that means you know who killed him don't you.”

Azura stared at the two women in front of him. “If I do?” “Then we give you a chance. If you agree, we won’t kill you.” “If I don’t know them?” “Then we kill you, no further explanation. Same if you refuse to help.” “What makes you think I’ll sell someone out without something in return.” “You get your life.” “Imprisoned forever? Tortured everyday and starved? I think I’ll take the execution.” Lani was shocked, he didn't fear death. He didn’t care what could happen. Emi said “We won’t imprison you, not your whole life anyways, but if you think trying to betray your word will help you. You aren’t the only one who can go back on a promise.” “What’s the deal?” Lani said “You help us track down the person and arrest them.” “Sorry to be a pessimist, but that won’t work. Anyone you send to arrest them will be killed. Not nicely either.” Lani said “If you think we’ll let you out of here, you’re insane.”

“Your funeral. Would you rather risk me escaping, someone who didn’t put up much of a fight. Or someone who would've killed you without a second thought running around?” Emi said “What if you’re lying to us?” “What would I gain? I already made it clear I don’t care if you kill me.” Lani glared, “What do you want to do? You said they won’t come peacefully.” Azura smiled. “I’m an assassin, I want you to let me do what I do best. Then I’ll agree to your terms.” Lani stood up, “You tried to kill Solara, you really think I’m going to let you go that easy!” Emi smiled, “Calm down Lani. He has a point, we’re going to kill them anyways. We can’t risk more people dying, he’s our best chance.” She sat down face set in a scowl. “I don’t think this is a good idea.”

Emi said “He won’t be unsupervised, trust me on that.” She set her hands on the table. “So Azura, do we have a deal?” Lani fumed. “Lady Emi, I respect you, but I don’t think anyone would be willing to be with someone like him.” “We’ll work out the details later, so do you agree?” “I’ve got nothing to lose.” “One more thing, this isn’t immunity, you will be properly punished for future crimes.” He nodded, “Fair enough, I wasn’t expecting you to.” They walked out of the room and Thorn said “Lady Emi, did you find anything out about him?” Emi said “I want to learn a little bit more, but try not to use violence on him. We have a deal.” “With the one who tried to kill your daughter?” “Yes, he’s going to help us kill the person who killed my husband. “If you think it’s a good idea. What do you want me to learn?” “All we really know is his name and motivation, not really that much.” “Right of course.” “Don’t keep him here all night, at least bring him to a cell at some point.”

Thorn came in and said “Emi told me that I need to learn a bit more about you. Care to cooperate this time?” “What do you want to know?” Thorn sat down, “Where the fuck are you even from?” “Alaric.” “A bit far are we not?” “You could say that.” “How long have you been an assassin?” “Four years.” Thorn sighed. “Didn’t take you long to get cocky. How old are you?” “Nineteen.” No point lying now, he knew unlike before it was now better the more they knew. “How many people have you killed?” “Between one and two hundred in total.” “So you’ve been hired by a lot of different people?” “Yes, some ask for more than one, others just one. Some people I kill in my own time.” Thorn said “Why do you kill?” “Different for each person, I make sure the person has a good reason, or I refuse.”

“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” “Well one time someone told me that their wife had gotten pregnant, it was his fault. So he told me to kill his wife and unborn child. Instead of doing what he was paying me to do I killed him.” Thorn laughed a little, “So you do have morals?” Azura leaned forward slightly, “Well, the man had it coming.” Thorn shook his head, “Did you really want the king to die?” Azura lowered his gaze, “No, but I didn’t personally like him.” He tensed, “I have never met someone like you, you seem to have no problem with killing and may even enjoy it, but you won’t kill for no reason. Fuck me, stuck in a room with a psychopath.” “That’s where you’re wrong, I don’t enjoy killing, I just don’t have a problem with ending someone’s life.”

“That sounded way less messed up in my head.” Thorn said “Have you gone after higher power before?” “Not here, Sola- the princess is the highest power I've gone after.” “Queen.” He was quick to correct. “You seem to have at least used her first name at some point. Do you two have a history?” “I have no history with her or anyone.” “You are something Azura. One thing I have to give your credit for is knowing when you’re defeated.” Azura smiled a little. “What makes you think that?” “In my experience most assassins that are caught, won’t give in. Just keep fighting even when it's clear they won’t win. It’s a fucking pain in the ass, the second I had a sword at your neck you cooperated. I didn’t need to threaten you, get my hands dirty.”

As he said this Azura looked at the Captain and sighed. “Even if I was twice as strong as I am, I know I couldn’t escape even if I tried my damn hardest.. I'm an assassin, not a narcissist.” Thorn said “So you knew if you had killed her in front of me I would make things worse for you. You could’ve just killed her then killed me.” “Like I told you, I won’t kill someone without a reason to.” “You said you’re from Alaric right?” “I did say that.” “How the hell did someone like you end up all the way here, by choice nonetheless?” “You’d be surprised how many hidden passes there are, but it’s not my place to share.” “I think you told me enough. I’m going to untie you, don’t strike me or try to run.” “Why would I?” The captain walked around the table and tried to loosen the knot.

“The hell, Lani really did not want you moving.” He went to the side of Azura, “Relax your hands, no need to have them so stiff.” Azura let his hands which had been balled into fists relax. “Lani has something about her, it's been a while since I’ve seen it.” He finished untying him and grabbed his shoulder, “Stand up, let’s go.” Azura stood up and looked at the door. “Don’t fucking try it.” Azura looked around and Thorn opened the door. “Let’s go, I still don’t trust you not to try to escape. They walked past multiple locked doors before they stopped at the end of the hall. “Solitary Confinement, seems a bit much.” Thorn said “You’re still an assassin and you still tried to kill the queen. I don’t fucking trust you not to kill anyone I put you with.” He opened the door with a key. “So you’re going to stay here, until Lani and Lady Emi decide what to do.”

He shoved Azura into the room, standing in the doorway, but not closing it yet. “If I hear you trying to escape I will shackle you to the wall. Understood?” He motioned to the shackles on the wall, barely long enough to touch the ground. “You keep asking if I understand, like I’m a kid.” The humor was clear in his voice. “Do you want me to do it now?” Azura scowled at the ground. “Didn’t think so. Now, hand over your cloak. I’m no fool, I know assassins never only carry one weapon.” Azura unclipped his cloak and handed it to the Captain. Now he could see the concealed weapons he had. Two, concealed knives on his wrist as well as a few pouches and glass vials on his belt. Under his belt he only had one dagger and you could see a necklace that had been hidden under the cloak.

“Close range I can see. What’s in the pouches?” Azura said, “Something I am sure you don’t want me to have.” Thorn pulled out a knife of his own and stepped towards Azura who was shocked, but didn’t react. “I’m going to take the knives from you, I don’t trust you to hand them to me.” He dropped the cloak and put away the knife. He grabbed the dagger at his belt first. Azura didn’t move to stop him, but when Thorn reached for the knife at his wrist he grabbed his hand. “I wouldn’t touch that if I were you.” His leather gloves gripping the Captain’s wrist tightly. With his other hand he grabbed the knife tossing it onto the cloak and he let go of the Captain and did the same with the other knife.

“What’s in the pouches? And the vials.” “The vials have poison, one had water and the other is a strong alcohol for cleaning cuts.” “The pouches?” “Salt, shards of glass, medical supplies and the last one are just full of little trophies.” “You know I’m not letting you keep any of them.” Azura removed the belt and handed it to the Captain. Even when he had been captured before he never allowed himself to be unarmed for any reason, but for some reason he was handing over things that weren’t even weapons. “You said trophies, Lani really is going to fucking hate you now.” Azura scoffed, “She liked me before?” Thorn grabbed his arm, “Don’t grab me again, or else.” Azura held the humor in his voice, “I don’t think you’ll do anything that bad, you need me. I don’t need you.” “The only thing I fucking need from you is a beating heart and the ability to answer questions. How willing are you to test me?”

Solara woke up and looked around and saw Brystal sitting reading a book. At first she assumed it was the book they had picked up the previous night, but when she looked closer she couldn’t read the title. “Brystal, what are you reading?” She yawned. “Oh nothing, just an old story my mom used to read to me.” She closed the book, putting it on the chair she was sitting on. “What about the book we got from the library?” “Oh, I read through it with the Captain, nothing matched the assassin's face.” Brystal smiled, “Why don’t we get you ready for the day. You have a lot to get done.” She led the queen back into her room that had been cleaned out and Solara said “Did you ever get a name?” “Right, I forgot to ask about his name when I was speaking to the Captain.”

“Oh, it’s alright.” Brystal helped her pick out an outfit and checked on the cut, making sure to redress the wound. The dress she picked out had long sleeves to hide the mark. “What if he escapes and tries again?” The anxiety in her voice was clear and Brystal smiled, “You really think the Captain or Lani would let that happen?” “I supposed not.” Fox knocked on the door. “Come in.” Fox opened the door, “There is a meeting, my Queen, you are required to be there.” Brystal smiled, “I’ll see what I can learn while you're busy.” Fox bowed, “You are also required, I was not told why.” She smiled, “Of course, thank you Fox.” “I’ll show you where the meeting is being held.” Solara stepped out the door, “Lead the way.” They walked in silence before Fox broke it. “I’m sorry, the assassin shouldn’t have even gotten into your quarters.” “No one blames you, I’m alright.”

She smiled, “The good news is he didn’t attack me after the Captain arrived.” He stopped at the door and opened it for the two ladies. “I’ll be waiting for you outside.” As soon as he closed the door behind them all eyes seemed to fall on Solara. Emi stood welcoming her daughter. “I’m glad you're alright after last night, we have an idea about what to do about this.” Lani was standing behind Emi looking very angry. “Please sit down.” After everyone sat down Solara looked around the room and saw Thorn, Lani, her mother, Asher and three faces she didn’t recognize. The oldest of the three stood up from their chair, “My Queen, I’m glad you were able to join us. My name is Lord Isolda.”

Solara didn’t know much about him, only that he lived in Alaric before coming here a few months ago. Why did he need to be here? Thorn saw the confusion on the young Queen's face and said “We learned that the assassin was from Alaric. Lord Isolda is one of the only reliable sources to Alaric at the moment.” She smiled. “Why does Brystal need to be here?” Thorn went silent for a second. “Well, she’s around the same age as the assassin, she also from what Asher told me has the entire library memorized by now. So maybe if we give her the name she might be able to give some back story.” Brystal said “What is their name?” Thorn said “Azura Zanders.” Asher looked at Brystal, his eyes full of shock.

“Only a few rumors, but I’ve heard the name before. I don’t think I know anything you haven’t been told or figured out.” Thorn tensed. “Can you check with us quickly?” Solara was confused about why Brystal would know anything about this. “Right, can you tell me what you already know?” Thorn held Brystal’s eyes, “Why don’t you start us off?” Asher stood up and Thorn glared. “Yes Asher, is there something you’d like to add?” Asher said “I’m sorry, but I must have heard you wrong or something. Zanders?” “Yes. Do you know something we don’t?” He laughed uncomfortably again, “Let’s wait to see what Brystal says she might cover it first. I don’t want to waste your time.” He spoke quickly, like he always did when he was put on the spot. Brystal said “Let’s see what happens first.” “You two better explain this.” “Yeah, yeah we’ll get to that.” He fell back into his chair. “As I was saying, you should start off with what you learned, Captain.”

“What he told me is, that he has killed over a hundred people, he won’t kill for no reason. He also is the kind of assassin to collect trophies.” You could hear Lani grinding her teeth in the corner. “And you think it’s a good idea not only not to kill him, but give him a chance to kill us!” “Lani, enough! I made my decision.” “He collects trophies, that should be more than enough to…” “I agree with you, but he also made it clear to me last night that he wouldn’t throw away a chance to get rid of the other assassin. The one who killed your father. My Queen.” Solara shifted in her seat. “So what he told me is true, he didn’t want them to?”

“He told you this?” “Yes, he told me he was against the idea.” Asher said “For someone who’s a great assassin, the man refuses to lie.” Thorn looked behind him at Asher and Brystal stood silently. Muttering what sounded like a string of curses under her breath. Solara had never heard her friend curse, and rarely saw her lose her temper for that matter. “What do you mean refuses to lie?” “Well, I’m going to presume he didn’t put up much of a fight?” The clear question in his voice. “He didn't, gave us the silent treatment for a while, but after he spoke with Lani and Lady Emi he answered all my questions and didn’t stop me from confiscating his weapons.” Both Brystal and Asher shared a look of split-second surprise.

“Something you two aren’t telling us?” Both went silent and appeared to have stopped breathing. “If you got something to share fucking spit it out!” Brystal said “Well as you might know, I worked for Asher’s family two years ago. We were close and would get reports on assassinations from his father.” Asher nodded to confirm her story. “Whenever he would tell us about Azura he would mention how no matter how violent he would see the guard treat him he would never allow his weapons to be taken. Even if his weapons were taken his belt was always left, because everyone assumed nothing of interest was in there.” Thorn almost laughed. “Really, he handed it over without much of a problem.” “The one thing even if the guard managed to take most of his weapons, the two they never managed to take were two knives at his wrist.”

Chapter 3: The Meeting

Thorn interrupted. “I tried to grab them, but he stopped me, but he still tossed them onto the ground.” “He doesn't ever do things to help other people, not without it helping him in some way.” “I think it would be best to bring him in here, to fucking explain.” “I’m not sure, that’s a good idea, he could attack Solara again.” “My Queen, your choice, do you think bringing him would be a good idea?” Solara thought for a second before looking at Brystal who sat with an expression she didn't have often. Pure anger creeped into her normally calm or happy expression. “I think he’s the only one who knows the full story, since I don’t think we could all go down there at once without raising suspicion about it, he should come up here.”

Thorn sent two guards to bring Azura upstairs and Brystal saw him. “You tried to kill my best friend!” You could hear the spite in her voice. “I did, but as you can see I didn’t do my job very well.” He still held a humor in his voice that Brystal recognised. Thorn stopped the two, before things escalated. “Azura, care to explain, how both Brystal and Asher know you?” His eyes darted around the room, clearly looking for something. “Rumors spread like wildfire.” Brystal stood and walked over to Azura. “You tried to kill my best friend!” “Sit back down. Asher, how did you two know so much?” “Well my dad was captain of the guards in Alaric. Sometimes he would tell us things that happened. Azura was one of the things he would talk about a lot.”

“So, you two were told a bit about him, did you ever meet him in person?” Azura said “No, the first time I met him was yesterday.” Emi said “Solara, I’m sorry. Me and Azura had a talk last night and we agreed to let him help us find and kill the assassin that killed your father.” “You don't mean that! How can you trust him not to try again?” Emi smiled softly. “I know it’s hard for you to trust someone who tried to kill someone so close to you, but he could be our way to stop the person who killed my husband.” “You trust him! How can you…” “I don’t trust him at all. He tried to kill you.” Her voice cracked. “But he also gave us some helpful information about the other assassin.” Lani said “My Lady, again I really don’t think letting him do this is a good idea. From the bruises on both him and the captain shows the two were fighting.”

“Azura and I just had a simple disagreement, things did not escalate more than they needed to.” Azura had a few bruises on his arm and dried blood hidden by his hair. The captain had a bruise on the side of his face and his left arm had a bandage on it. “Well if he wanted to hurt us he would!” “I don’t want to, so there won’t be a problem.” “What if you change your mind and try to kill us?” “I won’t, so that won’t be a problem for you. Let’s say, by some unrealistic circumstance I do change my mind and try to kill you. You’re a guard, if you’re so worried about me killing you, that says more about you than it does about me.” Emi smiled, “Calm down Azura, that won’t happen right? So we won’t have an issue.”

“Of course not, I won’t try to kill any of you. How would that help me?” Emi said “I arranged this meeting to see who would be willing to travel with Azura or rather supervise his actions and make sure he doesn’t go back on his promise.” “I’ll go, I’m the only one there that heard him agree to help us. I also think it’s worth the risk to have the captain come as well. He seems to have already fought him, so might know how to better defend if he does try.” “That’s a good idea Lani. Brystal, why don’t you go too? You know the kingdom right? It would be best to have someone who knows the area other than Azura.” Brystal looked at Emi skeptically. “What about Solara?” “Well Solara is Queen now, she’ll have some very important things to do, it won’t take too long for you to figure this out right?” Lord Isolda smiled, “One assassin caused this much trouble? That seems a bit odd if you ask me.” Emi smiled, “Finally decided to stop pretending to be a statue?” “Yes.” He pushed his spectacles up the bridge of his nose.

“I haven’t been paying much attention to little details, but how did an assassin get into the palace after Samir was killed? Wouldn’t you improve security? What would you have done if he had killed her?” “Dad, that's enough. I’m sure Emi was planning on improving security. No one expected yesterday’s events, we didn’t think someone would try on the day of the coronation.” Azura smiled. “So it was smart to choose yesterday as the day?” “I mean credit is due where credit is due. You do know what you’re doing.” Asher laughed, “This is the weirdest meeting I’ve ever been in.” “Really? I’ve been in some pretty weird meetings myself.” Thorn glared. “Yeah, fucking thought you would be in some weird meetings.” “I don’t think adding more people will help. It might slow them down. Correct me if I’m wrong, but Azura looks like he works alone so the less people the better.”

Azura looked at Caddel, “You’re right, I do work alone. I’ve made it very clear I don’t have any intentions of escaping.” The two guards holding him were holding him tightly but you could see he wasn’t struggling against them. “You know, I prefer having circulation to my hands.” Both guards tightened their grip on his wrist and he sighed, “Fine have it your way.” He dug his nail into the inside of the guard’s wrist and he let go. The other let go to check on them. “How are your nails that sharp!” Lani stood up with Thorn. “What the fuck was that!” Thorn was first to get to Azura and he grabbed his shoulder. “How did you do that.” “Do what? Dig my nail into someone’s wrist?” “You know damn well what I mean.”

He growled, “Listen, I’m going to remove the restraints. Don’t fucking try anything!” He was taller than Azura by a few inches and grabbed the collar of his shirt. “Don’t worry captain, I only did that because I couldn’t feel my hands.” He scoffed a little and the captain let go of his shirt and unlocked the handcuffs and tossed them to one of the guards and was shocked when Azura stayed still. Thorn grabbed his arm and saw the bruises from the guards and blood on one of his nails. Lani stood behind Thorn with her hands balled into fists. She noticed a black writing on his hands and said “What’s that?” She pointed at his hand. “Looks like some shapes, does it mean anything?” Thorn turned his hand over and saw what she pointed out. “How do you know how to use this?” “Oh, you recognize what it is?” He held a challenge in his voice, clearly trying to bait the captain.

“Only people with strong magic can use the runes.” Weak magic was rare enough, you could hardly tell it was there. It was limited to certain things, sometimes you’re unable to differentiate it from pure skill. Strong magic was dangerous, it did require runes but you didn’t need to write a new one every time so many people with strong magic had tattoos so they always had some form of their magic. They didn’t need to be said aloud, only touched to be activated. “Well, I guess I’m just lucky.” “You’re really starting to piss me off.” “I thought I already did that a while ago.” He let go of his hand. “Is the person a hired assassin or do they work for a group?” “Hired, they only work personally, client based isn’t that big for repeat clients. Considering I've worked for a lot of the same people as her, I would assume it’s a new client. No one I’ve met at least seems insane enough to even think about trying to kill the king.” The captain took a mindful step back. “So you know the names of other people's clients. Why don’t you give us some names?”

“Sorry, but I can’t do that. The ones I know I promised to keep their name secret. I don’t even know the bitches real name so I can’t help there. All I know is where to find her and how to kill her.” “So she keeps her name a close guarded, you should’ve taken some notes.” “On how to be a coward? I think I’ll stick with what I’ve been doing.” Emi said “Listen, another thing is, if anyone in the group is killed because of you, our deal will no longer be upheld.” Azura said “I can understand that, but do you mean by me or because of something I did?” Lord Isolda said “I could be mistaken here, but I do believe she means if it is directly your fault they are dead.” “Ah, I was just making sure if they died for other reasons I would not be to blame.”

Solara said “Excuse me, but can I ask a question.” “Yes my Queen?” “If you wanted me dead, why were you so slow to finish the job?” “That’s just how I work.” “Why go through the effort of breaking in to kill to just let me go?” She struggled to keep her voice calm. “I didn’t want to be killed. I’m not in the mood for that right now.” Lani was quick to call his lie. “You made it very clear you didn’t care if we killed you or not. What kind of sick game do you think this is?” “Game? Do I really seem like that kind of person?” Lani stepped in front of the captain. “No way someone doesn’t lie, especially not an assassin.” “Sure I could’ve killed you and then Thorn, but he did nothing to deserve being killed. If I had chosen to kill him and you, I would’ve gotten away, but I didn’t so now we’re here.” “So you’re justifying your actions?”

Azura clenched his fist, “No, I in no way think what I’m doing is righteous. I’m just saying I’m hardly the most morally lacking assassin out there.” Lani scoffed, “Trust me I know.” Azura took a step forward and pushed Lani slightly. “Then you know that if I was half as bad as you assumed I would have killed you a long time ago, and I’m tempted to right now.” Another step forward. The person sitting next to Emi stood up silently and grabbed Azura’s arm. “I’d cut that out, if you don't want a broken bone.” Azura pulled his hand away from the man. “So, are you going to continue what you were saying, or have you decided you value your life?” Lani grabbed his shirt and said “Still think you can kill me?” She pulled him down to eye level with her. “I think it's best we bring him back to the dungeon so we can properly figure this out.” She let go of Azura and grabbed the restraints from the guard. “Don’t worry, remember we need you. I won’t kill you.” She clamped the restraints around his wrist and dragged him out the room. “What was that about?”

Azura said “Not now Lani…” “Why not!” “She’ll kill you, I already lost you once… I can't risk that again.” He looked away. “You know, you are the first person I’ve ever cared about. I kill people for a living, I don’t regret it, but then you come along, I couldn’t kill you. And now I can't seem to let anyone else do it.” She unlocked the restraints and clipped them to her belt. “What do you plan to do about this? She's dangerous, I’m not an assassin, but I know what she’s done. She works for someone, she only kills for money.” “Who’s crazy enough to hire someone to kill the king?” “Really one to talk, aren’t you.” “The point is, she doesn't know about the tunnels.” “She doesn’t?” “No, most people know about the main ones that lead under the cites, but the ones that lead here, I’m one of the only ones, and you can clearly tell when someone has been in them.” “What are you saying?” “I’m saying someone let her in.” “No, that's not possible, the punishment if they got caught…”

“You’d be surprised what people get away with if they have enough power.” “You’re just an assassin, what would you know about using power to get away with anything?” “In common sense, people that have power can do whatever they want, either through exploitation of trust or fear.” “No one has anything to benefit from his death though. Only people that could benefit are other kingdoms, or the princess.” Azura almost laughed, “The princess is too naive to kill anyone let alone her own father. Not to mention kind, at least from what I overheard.” “So what? Who has anything to gain from something so stupidly reckless.” “You do have foreign visitors do you not?” “Yes, we do. You really don’t think one of them would.” “Lord Isolda wouldn’t, but I can bet a few visitors aren’t who they claim.” “We only have five others, not including him.” “Makes my life a bit easier.”

“You can’t be thinking about killing all of them?” “No, not until I know for sure who did it. The assassin isn’t the main problem here, they won’t do anything until told otherwise.” “So we shouldn’t risk leaving?” “Not what I meant Lani, this person is dangerous, they will kill us if given the chance. Think of it as five people are killers until proven otherwise.” “I feel like this is a trap. To ruin our relationships with other kingdoms.” We had been walking and Fox saw us and walked over. “Lani, where are you going? I thought the captain told us to only bring him to the meeting room and back.” He saw that Azura was unrestrained and reached for his blade. Lani walked calmly over to him .

“Calm down, there is nothing to worry about.” “Nothing to worry about? Lani, are you serious? He should be-” “Fox! Calm down, let us explain.” “Lani? Why isn’t he restrained? He could kill you!” She grabbed his arm. “Don’t scream, someone might hear you.” “That’s the point, Captain!” She covered his mouth with her hand. “Mmmh! Mmh.” “Stop screaming and I’ll let go of you.” Fox took a breath through his nose and nodded. Lani let go of him and backed up. “Give me one good reason not to get the captain.” Azura chuckled. “I haven’t even done anything yet.” His hand was still firmly on his knife. “You tried to kill the queen, now you think any of us trust you?” “If I had any interest in hurting you, you really think I would be wasting my time?”

Solara looked nervous as the conversation continued. Thorn said “Someone must know more than they’re letting on. Brystal, what do you know about Azura? Don’t leave anything out.” “Well, for how young he is he has a high kill count. He’s also surprisingly stubborn.” “I noticed.” “His rune magic, it’s dangerous. More than most.” Solara said “Rune magic?” “Right, you know how Lani has a weak magic, her charm? Well rune magic is unfiltered magic. You just need to know the runes and you can do practically anything. It does take energy out of you, so people are sparing with its use.” “We know how it works, how is Azura any different?” “As far as me and Asher were told, he doesn’t lose his energy fast. Small magic makes it feel like you ran a mile without stopping. As you all saw, he did that without any drawbacks. He also isn’t above carving the runes into his arm to use magic.” Asher interrupted. “Right, my father saw first hand. He stabbed into his arm with a broken shard of glass. When he was in prison we only held him for two weeks before he was gone. A few guards noticed tattoos on his arms, though I am sure he had others.” Brystal said “He does, I saw one on his neck.” He doesn’t drain as fast, that’s what makes him dangerous. That combined with his experience and skill.” “Means he could’ve gotten away with this, if he was willing to kill me.”

“That’s what makes him different. He could kill without another thought, but he doesn’t.” Brystal was holding herself high. Solara sighed. “So he’s an assassin who has refused to kill and won’t kill people he doesn't think deserve it.” Brystal sat back down. “So he wouldn’t go after Solara.” “Then what was he doing here?” “The way he acts, he isn’t one to work slowly, but he does something interesting. He gives them a chance. Most people he intends to kill there is a reason. He isn’t a complete monster, Solara he gave you a chance. If he came with a full intent to kill you would not be standing here. He held conversation, he moved slowly. I have heard rumors. He can work fast, one man at a bar had his throat slit in seconds. He didn’t even stop walking as he worked. He started at your shoulder and moved slowly.” “What does this mean?” “It means you aren’t his only focus, he has another target soon. My guess is he wanted you dead before you were queen. Either he;s trying to make someone else in charge or avoid that.” Solara swallowed. “That means that now his motive is gone?” “No, but it does mean that he’s less likely to try again.” Thorn smiled. “So, he has motives that are unrelated to the queen?” “It means he knows who killed the king and knew they didn’t want Solara to die.”

“Captain!” Azura groaned as Fox screamed. “Captain, Azura escape-” Azura covered his mouth. “Mmhh! Mmmmmh.” “Enough. Azura, don’t hurt him.” “I won’t if he stops screaming.” Fox pulled his knife and tried to stab Azura in the side. He dodged and slammed Fox in the ground and grabbed the knife. “You need to be more careful, I’ll let you go if you promise not to scream. I have the knife now, so I would be more inclined to listen to me. Nod if you promise to keep quiet.” Fox nodded and Azura let him go and helped him to his feet. “What do you want?” “Right now, nothing. Not from you.” He started walking and Lani grabbed Fox’s shoulder, “Just follow him.” They followed Azura to the library. Fox kept his eyes on his hand, the one holding the knife. “Why are you helping him?” “Common interest, keep quiet.” “Do you trust him?” “No, Lani doesn't trust me. Not entirely, trust me to help her, sure, trust me not to kill someone in the process, no.” Fox looked at the shelves and Lani pulled him back a step. He had almost walked into Azura who had stopped. “Why did we stop?”

Azura stepped through the book shelf, “Come on, it only hurts for a minute.” Fox stepped through the shelf and bit back a scream. Azura smiled. “You have a splinter. He pulled a shard of wood out of Fox’s arm. “So this is how you got in.” Lani said “Yeah, tunnels like this run all around the city, though there is only one entrance to this one outside of the palace. Azura glared at Lani as they walked. He stopped at a painting and slid it open. The room where the king was killed. “Why are we here?” Azura walked to the window and picked up a glass bird. “That didn’t belong to the king.” “It did not, this would be the only reason I know who did this.” Another guard came in and saw Azura, he quickly moved his knife to Fox’s throat. “I wouldn’t make a move.” The guard looked at Lani. “Lani?” “He had Fox at knife point, there was nothing I could do.” “Right.” “Azura, let him go.” Azura snapped his head towards her. “Oh, using magic are we?” “Let. Him. Go.” The knife moved an inch and Fox rushed to the other side of the room. Lani grabbed his arm, “Now, don’t fight and we won’t have a problem.” He covered her mouth. “Shut up.” Lani swallowed. “Oh, scared are we?” She bit his hand, “Aggh.” “Drop the knife.”

He didn’t respond. She met his eyes, “Don’t make me say it again, drop it.” His hand trembled as the knife clattered to the ground. The guard said “Lani?” “Leave and don’t say a word of this to the captain.” “Yes ma’am.” She scoffed as he left. “Nice acting, the guard was weak minded so he won’t be a problem, but we shouldn’t stick around.” Fox yelled for the guard. Thorn walked in right as Azura approached Fox. “Lani, you helped him?” Lani took the glass bird from Azura. “He found this, a glass bird.” Azura sighed. “So she really did kill him? Lady Emi is something else I tell you..”
© Copyright 2024 Axel R. Lennon (fantasynerd029 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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