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by Orian
Rated: E · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #2328594
Norman was asked to rescue a town from a evil empire.

Siting cross-legged next to a giant glowing, and flickering wall That is called a ley line. Is a boy-faced pretty boy of a man. With insect-looking body armor. The black armor is a contrast to his sky-blue eyes and long pale blonde hair. That flutters in the wind.

At the man's feet are at least eight scrolls of rolled-up paper, along with one in his hand. There is also a large light blue sphere over his head that has a tendril connected to this man. The energy sphere spell.

Looking down the left, and right of the long flickering blue wall are other men, and women dressed the same way. The difference is they are wearing their masks that look insect-like.

Every one of them has either scrolls of paper or has lots of trinkets around them. Many of those trinkets are weapons. Some of those trinkets are no larger than a decoration pin, or a glass bottle top.

A teenage girl also with long blonde hair and sky blue eyes wearing armor like that of the of the people but in a different design Comes into view as she approaches the blonde man.

"Captain Norman Grey I have a mission for you. She says in a high-pitched voice. We need you to rescue some potential recruits from the village of Cor. The Coalition State of Missouri has set its sights on this village."

"As they try to prove their value to Chi-Town. Now with this being Missouri. They should come in with a soft takeover. Unlike Chi-Town, or Free Qubec. Who kill first then ask questions later."

"Your job is to bring back the D-bees, and magic users. Then if you can bring the rest of the village as well. That will be a bonus."

"We are too short on personnel to provide you with much help. Outside of a few guards for escorting the villagers. You will have four rookie controllers and a crew for a Behemoth explorer robot."

"If you rescue more than the eighty the maximum the explorer can fit. I will fully expect you to figure out how to deal with that problem."

The man looks up. "You are struggling with your humanity. Being a Lord Magus, and an officer. You could have just said that you expect me to divide the refugees in such a way, to be sure that every group has proper protection."

She stomps her foot, folds her arms under her young perky chest, and frowns. "I do not need you to be belittling me. Don't forget that I outrank you. Even if you are older, and far more powerful than I am."

"I am a Lord Magus. You are a Battle Magus. Your job is being on the field of battle. My job is to be directing our forces. I have chosen you for this long-range mission. Because I know you can do it. With causing the least amount of civilian casualties. Can you, and will you do this mission?"

"Of course. I see at least when you are talking to me your real self still shows through. Even though you are currently a supernatural Lord Magus. That normally has the emotions of a robot."

"That is becau.... Never mind that. When you are done refilling the magic scrolls, and talismans please come to my office, where I will give you more details."

Four hours later he gets up, and heads to the commander's office in the fortress they are guarding. The fortress is like that of a medieval castle town.

The outermost part of the fort is a thirty-foot wall. Then behind that is the town, or more like that of a village. At the center of the village is a castle. There is likely 80-90 buildings protected by the walls.

Some buildings are for cooking, others are for tanning and leather working. Still others are forges and repair garages. Then there are around fifty tiny homes. Last and most important for a fort are the largest buildings, the barracks, and the castle.

Grey is going to meet his commanding officer who is also his younger 1st cousin, and wife even though she looks so young. On his way there he passes the automaton parking lot. Where two massive automatons stand. That dwarfs the others by about six feet. The two are the Grey family's personal Battle Lord automatons. They are the only ones here who can talk.

His automaton greets him as it sees Grey approaching. A few of the automatons at this fort were made by Grey himself. Such as his cousin Battle Lord who is parked by his automaton. Then her twin sisters as well. That is out this evening on a patrol. As she is out protecting the four local fade towns near the fort.

Grey greets both his own and his cousin's automatons. Sadly those are the only two that are there that have a way to talk, or even think. The rest are just the simple earth thunders and fire Demon automatons. No more than semi-intelligent golems.

I may be a battle Magus now. Thirty years back I was still a high Magus. The second highest ranked mortal High Magus. The guy that was first passed away, and I changed my occupation.

As can be expected it also caused me to lose my military rank forcing me to become a raw recruit again. I built my rank back up to what my old rank was.

Grey made his way through the castle to his cousin's office. He stops at her door and knocks. As he waits for a reply.

His cousin looks 13 but is 55. She went through her transformation well still being a kid. The advantage of her training is that she becomes a minor supernatural creature. That includes aging at a greatly reduced rate. The downside is she looks and sounds like she is still a young teen. No one who sees her takes her seriously.

"Come in!" She shouted from within.

Grey opened the door to stand before her, at attention. After he closed the door behind himself.

"My dear husband I do not like that you talk back to me when we are out in the field. Even if it is to correct me."

"I am sorry if you are disappointed in me. I just want you to remember who you are. It is common for Lord Magi to become almost robotic-like. In their personalities. I can't have you like that for our future children."

"For now all my attention is on running this fortification. That we built together. When we are home with our future children I will let you correct me. Not when in public."

"Now then I have through my dad learned of the village of Cor. That is one of the few good things he can do. Even though it is located in the old state of Missouri. The locals have a new west feel about them."

"You will come across cowboys, spurs, chaps. The whole nine. I suggest you get fitted in the kind of clothes you need for this job. Thankfully we have a few leather workers who know what you need."

"The most important thing for this job outside your survival of course. Is our fellow D-bees, and magic users. I know you have a soft spot for psionic users for we are both psionic users. With me being a minor psionic, and you being a major one."

"The Coalition State of Missouri is not likely to kill minor human psionic users. Heck Chi-Town uses psi stalkers in large numbers. So it is likely that the coalition forces will have one with them. Even if only on loan."

"If you can finish this job with no casualties among the common people. I will put in for a promotion for you to major. That way you will have a half-decent rank for when we start our family. But I want you to understand. I want you to finish your battle magus days within a few years. Then become a Lord Magus."

Grey was going to say something but she put her finger to his lips. "I will not argue about this, I want to have a husband for more than a few centuries."

"Remember we have to rebuild the Grey clan that was erased from our home world during the elf/dwarf war. Outside of Dad, you, and my siblings we are a dead clan."

"Your dad has had so many children that one would say the clan is large in numbers."

"We both know that dad is a man whore. He is more into his fetishes than building the clan. Still, for us siblings, it is still a blessing if we can take a former prince as a husband."

"I am no prince. Remember like yourself, and your siblings I was born in this world."

"Yes, but my aunt conceived you in Palladium. You may have your mother's maiden name but you were still a prince."

My mom died the day I was born. Shortly after giving birth to me in this world. So I never knew her as a person. My family escaped from the great war. Between the Elves, and Dwarves.

The dwarves started to use demon summoning in desperation to win the war. My family came to a world that was even more dangerous than the one they left.

Here random rifts open up when two or more ley lines intersect. Spilling who knows what, and from where. My uncle who was transported with my mom barely survived.

If my mom did not protect me after she gave birth to me I would have been dead as well. Expecting a woman to fight after she gives birth is insane. That she did so, willingly is even more so.

Most of all when you contrast that with the women of this world before the arrival of the rifts, and ley lines. Where they were more than happy to kill their babies even after birth. To give your life to protect one here is a radical idea. At least for women of the past.

Anyways when it comes to me, and my uncle. We were saved by a human mage. He tried but failed to revive my mom. She was already gone. He did heal my uncle though. Who was only a teen at the time? Too young to fight the dwarves. He is also the father of these girls.

"Are you not angry with your father's requirements I ask my young wife?"

"Not at all. Your mom was a major psionic user, and a priestess of light magic. Much like you are. Well, you are a magus instead of a priestess. Yet it still counts. So of course, Dad would want you to have wives who are also the same thing."

"You and your mom are going to be the new standard for the clan of Grey. As your wife, I am happy about it."

"That is why only me and my twin sister count for your wives out of all of Dad's many children. Dad even gave his other daughters to other elves that were mages, who had psionic potential."

"Heck, even your friend Garidon has two of my sisters as his wives. We are still waiting to see if an elf from that world can breed with our world's elves."

"You mean Jungle Elves. I have to say our friendship is odd. for back then, I was a High Magus. So I spent countless hours around Technology."

He on the other hand has to be around nature. If he spends too much time around vehicles, robots, firearms, and other modern things he loses his connection to nature. Then he can lose his powers.

That is why he spent most of his time in the wilderness. He is a one-man army. So I am not worried about him. The last time I saw him was twenty years ago at his wedding. He took his wives and left on one of his many Journeys. Being both a biomancer and druid. He has more than enough power to protect your sisters.

"Now when it comes to my mission when is the deadline."

"Our intel says a mark 3 APC is set to arrive in four weeks. That will mean you will have to leave soon. You should be able to get your outfit in a few days. Then a horse."

"A horse? Can't I just use phantom mount?"

"No, There is a chance that a Psi-stalker is hanging around the village. You will have to be using transferal to hide your mana. Being an elf it will be easy enough to fool the humans. That you are just a psionic healer human."

"It was wise that you trained yourself in revolvers like you did. I will have a pair of them prepared for you. Maybe two pairs depending on what our techno wizards have and can do."

Samadi Blueleaf (Norman Grey)came into the sleepy village on his bionic horse. In the former state of Missouri, near the ruins of Paris. Knowing well this village will be in chaos soon.

Samadi learned that the coalition state of Missouri claims ownership of the whole former American state. Yet only controlling a small portion of it, is slowly expanding.

Even though they are the largest faction in the old state of Missouri. They do not honestly control it. In this post-apocalypse world. They are expanding their claims, and killing hundreds of people. The village of Cor is the first mostly human-populated village they are targeting.

Unlike most of the thousands of factions, and towns in America. The Coalition states can build giant machines and super-powerful weapons. Including lasers, missiles, railguns, power armor, and giant robots.

A little village like this would be wiped off the map within an hour. My goal here is to help people escape with their lives. Most of all the non-humans.

The people who have a touch of magic potential, and those who have psionics. Will be part of the second wave. For they can at least hide among their fellow humans. For a few weeks at first.

Unlike Chi-Town of the north. Missouri does have a protocol of not glassing a town of humans. They at least pretend to be pro-human. If I get the fellow dimensional beings out. The town will be spared. At least initially. D-bee means dimensional beings, basically alien life forms.

According to my intel. This town will be hit in a week. The coalition states do not have a good track record of sparring people's lives. I have already seen them glass three other villages. Just like this one. On my way down here. Of course that was in the north because of Chi-Town.

I have spent the last forty-five years trying to clean up the mess the coalition left in the old magic kingdoms. Of the former Federation of Magic. Where I was born, and raised. The coalition states are now expanding. Though slowly mostly Chi Town in the old state of Illinois.

I am an elven mage and a major psychic. My psychic powers are all healing-based. It was likely because of the environment I grew up in, and thanks to my mother's healing gifts.

Unlike the fantasy of Earth. We elves are tall and slender, not short, and slender. What the fantasies do get right is our personalities and beauty. At least most of us.

Being raised in this world where dragons and gods walk the earth that would humble anyone who is sane. Sadly my uncle was not humbled. He was born in a different world so I guess he gets a pass.

I grew up in a town that is now a small city. Once again with dragons and gods. They even taught me. The dragon helped me with psionics, and one of the gods was my teacher In magic who helped to raise me.

It is easy to get by in human settlements as an elf. As long as you hide your ears. Or claim to be a mutant. Yes, this world has rampant mutations. Some humans even became lizard-like. After the rifts arrived.

Ok, enough about me. I am not as proud as my uncle, thank the gods. I am coming close to the village stables. With an inn right by it.

Now this village, even though it is east of the new west. It has an old-west feel to it. That is why I came here on a horse. Wearing a long duster, and a cowboy hat. I even have a pair of six-shooters, hidden. The revolver on my hip has a fake cylinder.

Though motor vehicles do exist in many cities. Horses are still more common than vehicles. Bionic horses are less so. Yet she is still a living horse. She is just much stronger, faster, and tougher than a normal horse. Aren't cha Lady white?

Yes, that is her name. Lady white is a white horse with black spots. I rarely use her in battle because she is my horse. I can use her against the coalition as long as they use energy weapons. She will not live long against rail guns and missiles though.

Animal populations skyrocketed, well human populations plummeted. The demons, and monsters that came through the rifts had little use for animals.

It is like a wolf trying to survive by eating grass. Sure at first every living thing was slaughtered. Yet the animals were soon left alone. As the monsters hunted each other, as real food.

We enter the stable, and I call over the stable boy who is not a native earthling. He is clearly an alien like me. His race is called cactus people. They look like walking, talking cactuses. They are plant life forms that are as gentle as can be. I must save this family. Thankfully they are the ones who run this stable, and Inn. Even if they do not own it.

I learned this after talking for a few minutes with the young lad. It seems his mom is running the inn. His dad is helping to round up the local cows, as a cowboy.

His people are also natural users of psionics. That is how they talk. When I came in he was rather scared of me because he was able to see that I was a major psionic user.

I am currently hiding my magic and level of power. Otherwise, he would have been running for the hills. Normally only creatures like dragons are both mages and major psionic users.

I follow the kid to the Inn where I can get a room from his mother. I take off my hat and duck my head to enter the cheap inn. I held my hat against my chest as I greeted the little lady. Proudly revealing my ears. In this disguise my hair is black. I am also wearing some concealing cream to darken my complexion. To make it look like I spent lots of hours in the hot sun. The Grey family is normally very pale.

She smiles at me. Seeing that I am a psionic D-bee like herself. Her powers are more advanced than her sons as can be expected. I am sure that she can read that I am not only happy to meet her but that I am also a psionic healer. Something every town wants. Healers are always wanted.

We talk in my head. Then she mentioned she had three rooms open. Currently, There is someone else here as well. Someone I will likely meet at breakfast in the morning.

The cactus people do not eat meat, but she does make stews for breakfast that have some meat chunks for guests. She was proud to show off her freezer. That has some wrapped-up meat that she will cut up into small chunks for us in the morning.

After a friendly conversation. We agreed to 20 credits a night. Then an extra 50 a night for my horse. That includes her feed and protection. She gave me a large discount. Mostly because I am a healer. After that, I left to look around the village.

I wanted to get a good look at the village to help prepare for the coalition invasion. Most of all if they come before I am ready.

Unlike my fellow Magi, I am in this village alone. The lords put me in charge of softening Missouri's expansion. That means rescuing the D-bees, and mages. Then if I am able also save the psionic users.

I have already mentioned my plans which are slightly different than theirs. As long as I have the same outcome it should not matter.

Personally, Like I said before our goal is to save lives, not all-out war. Even we are still recovering from the destruction of the original federation of magic. That happened forty-three years ago during the great Tech/magic war. When we were defeated by the coalition states.

I am currently 98 years old. The year is 58 P.A. according to the coalition states time frame. The P.A. means Post Apocalypse.

Now I did learn that the reason for the cowboy old west feel around town is because half the population migrated here from the West. After their last village was destroyed by a monster. Included this family running the inn, and stables.

The reason they were hired for the job is simple. They speak through telepathy into the minds of others. They can in a way speak every language. In a world of thousands of races who do not know the commonly spoken language that Is a huge advantage.

Migrating to escape disasters is sadly common. Most of all for those who do not have a strong central government. Like the coalition states. Or us city-states of magic that survived the destruction of the federation of magic.

After getting a good look around town I came back to the inn. Where I met the little lady's husband. I greeted him with a firm handshake. Healed his scratches, and marks from bulls who are far harder to keep in control than the female cows.

Then I told him the reason I came to town was to warn him. About the Coalition's plans to invade this town. So that his family and the other D-bees must get out of town.

I then showed him, and his wife a recording I have of the coalition's actions to D-bee's. For the Coalition are for humans, and humans alone the rest of us would be killed if we were not prepared.

They were concerned for themselves of course, but also for their fellow villagers. I told them I plan on staying in the village till we know if the coalition is doing a hard takeover or a soft takeover.

If it is soft. I would leave with them to escort them to a safe place. If it is a hard takeover. I would stay back to kill the coalition soldier's first wave. To give the people a chance to escape. I will not abandon them for I have seen firsthand the kind of people the Coalition States are.

They agreed to my suggestion of gathering the D-bees of the village. We are to meet in the village's largest Barn for two nights. To talk this over.

Because D-bees are the outsiders of this world they often form into tight groups as they watch out for each other. The advantage of running into cactus people is they can spread the word in secret unless someone can read their mind.

Such a person would not be part of the coalition. So I am not worried about it.

I asked that only fellow D-bees be invited. Even though the mages would be targeted they can hide among the coalition for years if need be. But D-bees can't. Unless you look human like I do.

The little lady told me she would have her friend call for Bell. He is the one who rescued the migrating people. From the last town. Even though that town was still destroyed.

I told her that would be wise if he had that much power. The coalition has grown larger in population over the last 35 years. Not in tech other than the enforcer robot. Their troops are still armed with the C-10 rifle, C-1 rocket launchers, grenades, and medium-plated armor. That has many weak points. Their armor is a breastplate and a field helmet.

My skill with firearms is high enough that I could shoot off their heads with no problem. (Note: This is before the dead boy armor). I have an 80% chance to quickdraw and hit a head-sized target at 500 feet.

With the conversation over. I smile, then mention my second reason for being here out loud. "That I am a traveling healer looking to make a few credits helping people. I can't bring you back to life, or regrow your limbs." I did this In case of spies. What I can do is help you against disease, infections, deep cuts, and bullet holes. Stop your bleeding till you have a proper cover so you don't bleed out."

"As you can see I healed your cuts. I will do the same around town for a fair price." Our conversation is interrupted by the little lady placing a plate in front of me with bread, and veggies.

"I can not wait for your homemade stew for breakfast. You have such a wonderful wife that even I am smitten." I say with a smile. They both know I am just playing a role. Other wise husband would have had a reason for his hidden gun. As he should. You should always protect your family and honor. I would do the same if someone made a pass at my wives. Unless I was playing a role.

With my meal done I head into my room. Then draw out the circle of travel ritual spell. This spell lets me for a small price travel back to the meeting spot where my troops are waiting for me. Next, I take out a magic scroll to use. It can turn the magic circle on.

Because I transfered my mana to a beast I can't cast magic. So I have to use this magic scroll. Any person can use a magic scroll. Provided they can read the language it is written in.

To make it even more difficult to read my scrolls I have them penned in three languages none of the languages are common in North America.

The languages I use are Dragonese, dwarven, and Demon. For me right now they are all written in demon. It is the least likely language for a human to know.

I can also return to the village of Cor. In case I am kicked out. Every town has an authority figure that sacrifices their D-bees to stay in power. When the Coalition arrives.

Always their life is first, 2nd is their power and authority. The third is their family. I have seen this in every town, village, and city-state.

This is the advantage of having gods for our leaders. They train us themselves as if we were their children. I consider Leizak D'zir my master as my father as well. In the city of Dweomer where I was raised.

For them, we the people of the city are first. That is why they are not aggressive. It is the main reason we stayed out of the great war of 12 P.A. Only a few of our members were involved mostly on the federation side.

Most of our involvement was in protecting the villages, and towns of the magic zone from all-out destruction from the madmen of the coalition states. Till we forced them to leave by our combined efforts with the constant influxes from rifts of demons, and monsters. They did keep control of the former city of Chicago.

We battled those demons, and monsters too, but mostly used them to soften up the coalition forces. By redirecting them to the coalition. Or herding them if you will.

Otherwise, the war would still be going on today. But they would have lost half its population as a side effect. That's only if they kept their magic squads.

Now that they removed their mages their chance of doing what they did in 12 P.A. is almost impossible. Unless they greatly increase their numbers or their tech.

Now that I have finished my ritual magic spell. I will just work on replenishing my magic items like my techno wizard revolvers, and other magic items.

I have a pair of TW-Six-Gun Revolver's. As well as a modified C-10 laser rifle, and a prop revolver. Two magically modified dusters. One of them has two-dimensional pockets. That I use to hide my real revolvers in.

Thankfully the Coalition States armor has no face or neck protection. They also have open legs and arms. So that way called shots are enough for them. Plus it means more salvage.

Salvage is something I love. I use the plates from their armor to help make our infantry armor. That is combined with the hides of monsters.

I am still a High Magus, in my heart. That means a love for technology and magic. I am a little bit of a battle junkie as well. That is why I can use two pistols at the same time like an old west gunslinger.

The next day I took Lady White for a galup. After an hour of letting her loose, we return to the village. I had a white flag on a pole connected to her saddle that had a large red cross on it. Even now hundreds of years later the Red Cross still stands for doctors and medical services.

It did not take long for a small group of people to gather around me. Including the mayor. Who demanded to know who I was, and what I was doing here.

I smiled at him using my high beauty to help charm the locals, and him. "Greeting everyone. My name is Samadi. I am a traveling doctor. Hoping to make a few credits in town before I go to the next town."

"Why would a doctor have side arms?"

"What a dumb question, Mr mayor. Do you think monsters and robbers would leave me be, just because I am a doctor? I can confirm for you that they would not. Instead, I would be targeted even more. Most of all by bandits. Who would want my equipment."

"You need not worry sir. I have no interest in hurting your fine people. I am just a healer. I will help out anyone for a few credits."

"So be it." The mayor said. "I will allow you to set up a tent in the town center. Just be wise, and realize I will be watching you. We do not like strangers."

"Thank you, kind sir. I am sorry for insulting your question. It just seemed so silly considering the world we live in."

"I understand, but I will ask you to have your weapons removed. Take them to the Sheriff's office. But leaving your rifle holstered and going inside with a monster gun may cause some problems. They will be returned to you when you leave town."

"Understood sir. Why don't you point me to your Sheriff? Then I will hand them over to him."

"He is down the road on the left about a quarter mile down."

"Thanks. Ok, everyone, I will turn my weapons in then head to the town center."

I find the sheriff's office, enter it, and announce myself.

"Hello, sirs. My name is Samadi I am a traveling doctor. I was informed that I had to hand my weapons over in town. I have here a revolver. That is my weapon."

"Can you please tag it and store it for me? I don't want to leave town in a week, or two unarmed. I would not survive till I got to the next town."

"Sure thing doc, can you write?"

"Yes sir. I can write in many languages, and speak them as well. It is required for my work."

"Good to know. Please come over here well I tag your firearm. Next, I want you to strip."


"We have to check for other weapons of course."

"We can't have someone using a monster-slaying weapon in town. Most of all one that could destroy a whole building."

Samidi does as he is told. As he was strip-searched. Thankfully it was away from the windows, and door in case anyone else would come in and see it.

We then went outside as the deputy checked my horse. Where I had a C-10 Laser Rifle. He took that as well. I see your horse has a side saddle holster With a laser rifle. "Why did you not bring that in with you doc!?"

"I did not want you to think I was trying to stick you up besides the mayor made it clear he did not want it to be unholstered. Besides it is not like I was hiding it. My revolver is for people, my C-10 is for monsters."

"I see, I understand just make sure to make things more clear next time."

"Thank you, deputy, may I go now, I promised the locals I would be back as soon as I could. Many people in town seem to need a doctor."

"Sure, I have your rife, and 2 spare e-clips. Plus your revolver. I will let you hold onto your pistol ammo. We only have so much space in our storage lockers."

"Thank you, again deputy. Samadi Blueleaf then gets back on his horse. To go back to the center of town. Where he started to get to work."

Later in the afternoon, he met his fellow traveler. Who was sitting in the lobby reading a Whykin newspaper? This village of Cor is roughly halfway between the coalition state of Missouri, and the city-state of Whykin.

So it is no surprise that things can be found here from both city-states. The other guest is a bald man in his 50s from the look of it. He looks up and smiles seeing me arrive.

He then folds his paper gets up and approaches me. (Greetings Doc. I hope you don't mind me calling you that. I have heard that you are a traveling doctor. I meant to meet you for breakfast but you left before I was awake.)

"Yes sir. My name is Samadi Blueleaf."

"Blueleaf is a strange family name."

"Yeah, my dad is a human from a different world. In his world, it was not that rare to see leaves with blue in them. Those leaves had healing properties."

"My father's family were healers even centuries back in his old world."

"Really!? Fascinating."

"My name is Carbon Stirling. I am a traveling salesman from Whykin. You know Whykin is a great city-state that is always open to talented humans."

"I see, personally I prefer the small-town feel. Besides people in places like this are normally without many chances to see a medical practitioner. So healing people for a small reward in credits has become an occupation for me."

"Do the locals even have enough credits though?"

"Not always, sometimes I take trade goods as well, things I could later trade for credits."

"That reminds me, Carbon Stirling. I hope you do not mind. But when we were shaking hands I noticed that you seem to have some kind of medical problem. If you want I can give you a check-up to learn what it is."

"No need, Mr. Blueleaf I know what it is. I was poisoned a few years back and some of the chemicals are still in my system causing me the shakes every once in a while.

"If you would permit me I might be able to help clean up your blood, and organs to stop that from happening in the future."

"Thank you very much for the offer, but I have had the medical staff in Whykin for years trying to help me. Sadly they could not fully cure it. Even with a replacement kidney. It was some kind of heavy metal compound poison that damages organs."

"Why don't I come by your room in an hour or so? Just to see if I can help you."

"No, you don't have to."

"Sir you would not have been out here waiting in the lobby if you did not want to take a chance. I don't mind helping you. If I can."

After a short break, Samadi went over to Stirling's room and knocked on the door.

Stirling answered for Samadi to enter.

"Good evening Mr. Stirling please remove your shirt and Lie on your back."

Carbon Stirling did as he was asked. He flopped back, and forth a few times lying on his sides and face not just back.

Then as the last light of the setting sun came through the window. Samadi got up and walked to the door. Without a word.

Carbon did not even notice he was sleeping soundly for the first time in years.

When Carbon woke up the next day to thank Samadi. He was told That Samadi was already gone. He left for work first thing in the morning. Carbon learned this from the stable boy.

Talking to cactus people is still disturbing for him. For they do not talk. Unlike most D-bees. Those who seem to be more human-like, these guys are truly out of this world.

Carbon woke up feeling like a million bucks. He does not know what the doctor did. All he knows is that it worked. He has to thank Samadi and provide a proper reward.

He was going to grab his horse. When he thought to test himself instead. So like a foolish youth, he ran out of the stables to get to the town center.

Only to quickly run out of breath. The heavy metals may have been removed from his body, but he is still in his 50s. Of course, he can't run the whole way. Most of all when he has been lacking proper maintenance of his muscle mass. After being poisoned.

He walks the rest of the way to find Samadi's horse, but no Samadi. So Carbon decided to wait for Samadi.

Person after person came up to him asking for medical attention. It frankly got annoying. To tell them that he was just waiting for Doc to return. At one point he was screaming at the people coming for Samadi. He was so frustrated.

A woman came by to get the crowd of people's attention to let them know that the doctor would be busy for a while he was with a woman who was having a difficult childbirth. So the people all went back home. Even Carbon went back to the inn.

Well on his way he was thinking about what a great guy this Samadi was. Here he is saving the lives of so many. Not only did he save my own life He is now saving the life of a baby in delivery, and possibly the mother. I could not even imagine how hard that would be.

"That was hell!"

The D-bee mother's baby kicked her mother's artery during the birth. Grey had to help her finish her birth well keeping bleeding clogged. Until he had a chance to heal the artery.

Normally newborns do not have any claws, horns, or other things that could damage the mother during birth. This race does though. Even if it is rare, for that race. What's worse is it was the mother's first birth. So she was more panicked than she needed to be. That made things more difficult.

I had to help her deliver her child, as well as keep the blood from flowing freely. That took so much concentration. I would have normally used deaden pain as well, but I could not keep so many powers going well helping in the Child's birth.

After everything was done I was done myself. I was so drained of both psionic energy and general energy. I fell right to sleep just ten minutes after I was done.

When I woke up it was because of the baby's father along with cactus man. Who is the husband of the little lady who runs the inn who came to get me?

It was time to meet them in the biggest barn in the village. I was able to walk I was just still very tired. They seemed to be concerned, I told them that I was just very tired.

I made sure to let them know that I would still do my job though. They half dragged me, half carried me to where the barn was. Then sat me on a newly baled haystack. In the middle of the crowd of people. As can be expected none of them are humans.

I reach into my duster pocket and then pull out a tablet-like device to play for them showing the recordings I made on my way here from three other villages. Including in the videos of the coalition soldiers. With their old-style enforcers.

Standing around, and checking for survivors. When someone was found alive they were shot, crushed to death by the butt of the C-10s, or underfoot by the troop's feet.

"This will happen here if the coalition comes across any of you here. They have no remorse or morals for non-humans. Honestly, even if you were human you could expect poor treatment, but at least you would live."

"I was sent here to rescue you all from this possible future. There is spare room in a military fort for refugees. Their commander is the one who sent me here as a request."

"The only downside is it is in the magic zone. The area that was once part of the federation of magic. I know how much of a bad reputation the Magic Zone has. Most of all because of the federation of magic these last sixty years."

"Still the fortification can stand up to all the monsters that come from the rifts. They even send a few guards who will act as your escort. Men in 14ft tall golems that are stronger, and tougher than even the 30ft tall enforcer."

"These golems could even take on two enforcers at the same time. Even more so against the coalition's soldiers."

One of the women raises her hand and then stands up. "Ummm doc. Why don't they just kill the invaders." Others nod along with her words and make it sound like they agree. The woman looks like a mix of a human and a cat.

"Sure they could but that first group is the most likely group of soldiers that will not glass the village. In Chi-Town, and Free Quebec. They are slaughtering every village they come across that has D-bees."

"Even if there are humans there as well. They are just saying the humans were mages. They have not targeted any city-states yet or federations of towns. It is only a matter of time. My friends have a Behemoth Explorer robot to transport. For you and your families to travel in."

"That way you will all have great protection. I plan on staying here to see if the Coalition will behave. If not then I will have them removed. Before their reinforcements arrive."

"The reinforcements part is the main reason I don't want to destroy them first. The coalition will start with a mark 3 APC then if there is resistance they will call for a full company of backup troops."

"That is 2-3 APCs, 2-3 enforcer robots, hover cycles. Even my friends can't take out that much force without the help of the fort that they live at."

"Can the fort defeat that kind of force? A male d-bee asked."

"With ease, The coalition would need 10 companies not just a single company. That is something they would never risk. Most of all it means taking losses on the way there. From the rifts dropping fresh demons, and monsters."

"Then how will we survive." the first woman spoke up again.

"Simple, speed. An army always travels slowly. That is why armies always prefer small focused battles. Huge troop movements are always easy to see and slow down. The coalition knows this well from their war with the federation."

"We have around three days before they arrive unless they come early."

This time it was a quick-flex alien who spoke up. "How large are these forces? How many troops will they send?"

"I take you want a breakdown of their forces. I can do that for you. Their smallest force is a squad. A squad would have a sergeant, a corporal, and six light troops armed with C-10 laser rifles.

"A platoon is three to four squads. that is what they will likely send as the initial forces. If they have trouble they would request reinforcements. Those reinforcements would be two more platoons, and maybe an armored platoon. An armored platoon is three enforcers. Those four platoons make a company."

"A platoon is led by a military specialist. Called a Lieutenant. The company is led by a Captain. Who is also a military specialist? Most of the time. It is rare for a common soldier to rise in the ranks higher than a sergeant, but it does happen."

"Those are the guys you don't want to fight. They are always hard-core experienced soldiers. That led their soldiers instead of directing their troops. They are not the soft officers that sit back and let their troops do all the work."

"During the war in 12 P.A. The coalition had no choice but to promote many of its sergeants. Those sergeants then led the coalition to victory."

"The soft elites always become the officers when times are easy. Then when times are hard the real soldiers take their place to lead the way to victory. This is always the case in human history."

"I have to get back to the inn. So I can rest up for tomorrow. I will give you all two days to decide what you are going to do. Those that want to leave can join me five miles north of the village."

The next morning I woke up and left early again. Well doing my daily grind a woman with a very sexy walk came up to me. She then started to question me. Well chewing on one of her fingernails trying to charm me.

If I was not a faithful man to my wives and if I was a human I may have taken her up on her suggestions. Her other hand was searching my chest and abs getting an idea of what I had to offer in the sack.

Yet I let her know that I had no interest in her. Then went on to help other people. Well, the local ladies made sure to keep her away from me.

That evening The little lady's husband grabbed me again for another meeting in the same barn. Where we did the same thing again.

"STOP! Not one of you move! Why are you all here in this barn? Seeing so many townspeople gathered like this makes it look like some kind of uprising."

"I see you have the doc with you all. Is the outsider trying to cause a rebellion? I am the law in this here town of Cor. I will not have such gatherings in my town. I want all of you to go home after my deputies learn who all of you are, and where you all live."

"I know some of you of course but I will learn all of your names. The fourteen deputies then start collecting on who was all here."

"I don't know what lies you are feeding our citizens doc. I don't like it. You can get on your horse, and leave town. Or I can put a laser through your head. The choice is yours."

"Deputies after you have everyone's names and house numbers. Bring the lists to my desk. Then let the people go back home. I am going to keep an eye on this rabble-rouser."

"You had to keep pushing me didn't you doc? I reckon I should put a bullet in you here, and now. Instead, I will see you out of this town without your guns back. That C-10 of yours is a nice rifle that has a great scope. I will enjoy keeping it."

I don't know what he is talking about. I have only seen this guy once, and that was when I was talking to his deputy about my revolver.

The sheriff guides Blueleaf back to the stable. To watch him get his horse, and leave. He then follows Samadi out for a few miles before turning around.

Grey continues for a few miles before he stops. He then cancels his Transferal spell. His mana comes back with a rapid rush. Then gets off his horse to send two messages.

The first is to the escort team to let them know that phase two has started. Then the second to his wife, and commander. To let her know that the sheriff threatened to shoot him in cold blood, and stole his weapons, and then he collected a list of all the D-bees. Likely for the coalition. The rest of what he said is a private matter between husband and wife.

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