Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2328563-Black-Eyes
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Horror/Scary · #2328563
A horror stroy from my old collection

Have you ever heard the saying, the eyes are the window to the soul? But what happens if you have no soul? What do you see? Do you see nothing? Or do you see something worse? If you look into my eyes you'll see. If you look into my eyes you don't see what you normally see a glint of Hope in the person's eyes, , you see something much darker. Most people say that your inner demon can look through your eyes and if you look close enough you can see someone else's inner demon. People say the demons hide in someone's eyes. So does that mean if you look into someone's eyes and they have no soul, you just see their inner demons? One problem with that. What if your demons don't hide in your eyes? I will always be wondering this question. One can't look into their own eyes the way others see them. You see your eyes as you see just normal eyes, nothing special. You can look into someone's eyes, and can just tell everything about them. Not everyone can see it though. I wish I couldn't. It all started when I was in high school. I was finishing the semester.
I just ended the year and was really excited for summer break one of the teachers came up to me and said “I know it's weird to hear this but there's someone after you. I don't know who I just noticed. Just be careful I don't want you getting hurt.”

Then he just left and I was speechless. I didn't know what to say .He was never really the kind of teacher to just say stuff like that. It kind of took me off guard. If he was right and I definitely had a problem. And if I didn't fix that problem soon I could die. I always wondered what would happen if I just vanished without a trace. I know some people come looking for me but someone will be relieved. My parents cared a lot about me but other than that I didn't really have many friends. As I walked outside I noticed someone following me. I lived in the city so it wasn't that big of a deal. I pulled out my phone just in case. no point in being careless. The man broke into a run when he was next to me.

He said “You know someone like you shouldn't be out here alone.”

I just smiled and said “Don't worry I'll be fine.”

I looked the man in the eyes. I froze. This man didn’t have any eyes, just black marbles set in his eyes.

He smiled and said “You notice now. I didn't think anyone would. Most people just look at me and think I'm a normal man with normal eyes. You see the marbles, pitch-black like an inky sea of Darkness. Don’t you Alex?”

I said, “ How do you know my name?”

He just laughed and said “That is none of your concern right now.”

He grabbed my arm and said “Come on now, you don’t want to keep him waiting now do we?”

I followed him not knowing what to do. It must have been the man my teacher was talking about? I didn't have time to think I just needed to get out of here. The man stopped at an old house on the water. There it stood all the lights on but each one with two black dots blacking out the light. It has been abandoned for 50 years. I thought to myself, I'm dead. The man pulled me inside. The second I was inside the building an overwhelming sensation of fear and anger washed over me. I saw Shadows moving and I heard voices.

The man said “By the look on your face I can tell you see them too. The voices I presume?”

I just stared at him with a blank expression, what could I even say in a situation? I'm not sure if I made the right choice but I just told him that I saw and heard the voices.

He said “Good , that means you're like us.” I said, “What are you talking about? There's only one of you.”

He smiled and said “Oh I forgot to introduce you to my friends.”

Two people came out of the shadows and I froze in horror. They have the same black marble eyes as this man. If you've ever seen the movie Coraline you know how terrifying this must have been. There's looked like button eyes but worse cuz I knew they weren't a choice. I knew that if you were like us you would already have those eyes, but you can't see it for yourself. The worst part about that is you don't know you're like that until you see in the abandoned train station being turned into a shadow watcher. Being a shadow watcher might sound like fun, but trust me it's not. After nearly 50 years of being a Shadow Watcher it gets tiring. Tonight I have to go bring someone else. I want to go, poor people will be dragged into this mess along with me after you become a shadow watcher you don't age.

Kind of nice but also terrifying as you watch those around you age get old and then die. Living forever seems like a dream for most people. Trust me I would give a thousand years of my life to just get out of this nightmare, this terrifying mortifying nightmare. Everyday the voices get louder in the shadows more prominent. Everyday I hear more screams and more cries. Everyday the Shadows take on a different form even more human or monsterous is beyond me. I'm a 16 year old girl. I really hope if you're reading this you cannot see the black eyes, the black eyes staring at you. If you can, I'll tell you that you shouldn't just follow the man with the black eyes; you have to run whatever you do, whatever he says. Please don't make the same mistake I did. I can't really say much cuz I made a stupid mistake but I can do is warn you about my mistake so you can learn from me. you may think oh you're one of them you might want us to follow your instructions so they can trick us. No, I really just don't want anyone else a part of this. It's bad enough when you hear the voices watching other people suffer because they are even worse than you. That just brings the nightmare even more to life than it already was. If I ever had a nightmare you know it starts off bad but if you try to change it for the better it only gets worse if the black-eyed man finds you please just try to get away from him don't try to fight him I seen countless times how that ends.

All I know is that the Shadows only creep closer , the voices will only get louder, and there's no way to escape it after you enter the building. Even if you just go into the building on your own time, you are trapped even if you don't have black eyes like me. I would do anything to just have my normal life back, but sadly that's not how life works. I have to just do what I can and make sure the voices don't know if you want anybody else. take my advice while you can don't trust anyone with black eyes. But not black eyes a black marbles for eyes. I really hope you take me seriously about this. This is no laughing matter. not that all that is said and done you should know should have listened to your gut instinct. If you were thinking I want to trap you you're right but if you've read this far you should know it's already too late they found you. Right the voices to get louder Shadows closer, but the one thing is it's soothing after a while the screams and cries even the laughter a child you get used to becomes a part of who you are. Once you get dragged into the old abandoned Railroad Station Be careful I don't have eyes on the back of my head I'm glad I don't. Sometimes you just need to walk blindly in order to see the truth. take my advice on that now with all that out of the way this is where I take my leave. Maybe I'll see you soon, maybe a year might be 2, maybe 5. It could be today. It could be tomorrow, next week, or next month. I can tell you that right now, worry about the present, don't worry about the future or the past, just try to stay safe now cuz there's nothing you can do to change your inevitable fate.
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