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by Quin
Rated: 13+ · Poetry · Arts · #2328243
movie- inspired poems and select haikus, 2 bonus poems

Hi Cinema Frequenter!
I am delighted that you chose to jump off the deep end and take a journey through some millenium to present day American cinema this way. These poems can be seen as movie- inspired poetry alone, or riddles complete with the movie following. So, read through this small collection and try to guess what movie each poem is inspired by or hints at. As a disclaimer, I have no affiliation with the movies or actors mentioned herein whatsoever. Have fun!

Angie’s Drive-In

To the open drive-in to chill for a bit.
What to my?

A slasher scene?
Cars filed up
Faces aglow in
Macabre glee?
Popcorn “crunch” beneath
my feet?

Such hellions to gasp,
Fill to the brim,

Their thirst for cuts and
Death motors rev up on the screen
to the audience from above?
Greasy- mouths, muscles taut
With twists of apprehension.

Bulged eyes,
buck Incredulous, at
the heroine’s wrong decisions.
Keep Austin weird.
What a flick!

Just divert your eyes.
Left hand descending
Through the window,
into the purse
Of the flighty; unwise.
In the passenger rear,
Cash, credit cards, a cellie,
And essentially their demise.
So you found a hidden gem,
You Quentin punks----
Yet I’ll go home with the prize!

Movie Inspiration: Death Proof (2007), Dir. : Quentin Tarantino.


I am a tawny river incarnate,
A flow of chocolaty bliss,
A decadent mass explosion,
From fist to violent kick.
Don’t mistake these massive tresses,
Or clothes that I adorn.
For I’m a broken woman,
Misused, abused, torn.
My MO, you see, is simple,
“get yours, don’t let ‘em get you.”
We must be our own
creator of rights
that we are due.
This last one’s the payback,
Sealing all of my street cred.
Life will never find me wanting,
It would sooner find me dead.

Film Inspiration: Jackie Brown (1997), Dir.: Quentin Tarantino.


Meanie gaze
O’er double points;
Won’t tread this way
No more.
Relief, I’m finding, peace
Will come through
Snakes and disclosure.

Light my eyes,
and soften my heart
Bosom friendship of the past.
In the flowers we will
Sit and talk,
In the flowers time
Will pass…
Hand to hand, and hand to hand,
In summer’s lurid haze.
We’ll sing of love, of
Friends, of life,
And live for better days.

Inspiration: The Color Purple (1986), Director: Steven Spielberg

Dove Tales

A story locked
within my soul.
A story of both
young and old.
A story we
can borrow, true
That left us melancholy blue.
The days were evasive,
I needed his smile, his
Strength and laugh, his
Grace and wild
Passion and smolder,
Hope in view.
I knew exactly
what I must do,
Not just for love,
but a land
In our midst,
Could not be remedied by
A random kiss.
I consorted with
My true love,
in the name
Of the only
Father above.

Their story,
our story,
Got rolled into one,
And that my children
Is how it was done.

Movie Inspiration: One Night With the King (Christian) 2006, Dir.: Michael O. Sajbel


Around the bend,
At every turn,
A battle fought;
A lesson learned.

Brandishing swords
Of anticipation,
Purpose, pride,
My hands will bear the hero’s scars, a
Bloody brow to end
All wars.
Our only hope,
Sheer, brutish might,
Defense and stratagem,
Will kill the monsters
in our world,
reveal monsters
from within.
Brought by peril to
mercy’s end,
Disharmony rises from friend
To friend.
Who’s the strongest?
Who should we send?
To A forever
darkening world.

The youth will carry us
Through the night.
The youth will make the
Wrong things right.
The youth will slaughter,
Will love, will fight, until
The journey’s end.
In this we make our strong decision,
Acting in proactive Vision,
In unity,
without division,
We’ll make our
World a better place,
We’ll make our
World a better place.
Please make our world
A better place.

Movie Inspiration: The Maze Runner (2014), Director: Wes Ball


Loving one, and then another,
I’ll love her first
and then the Other.
The other’s way is fairer still,
Than the former’s brutish will.

Soft pins and baubles,
Midnight stares,
Have found me in a bliss.

Tender words, scented gloves,
And ruby parted lips.

Hair in tendrils,
faces aglow,
Fatigued in milky flesh.

Love and lust,
honour trust,
All these my biggest test.
Loving one, and then another,
I’ll love a one and leave the other.

My full allegiance marked near dawn,
To eradicate my foolish wrongs.

Inspiration: The Other Boelyn Girl (2008), Dir.: Justin Chadwick.

Life and Death

Two roads diverged:
Life or death.
When I met you it was
Life or death.
For us to continue was life or death.
Our epic lovemaking was
Life and death.
Our departure was
My life, your death.
For years life was death.
Two roads diverged.
As I stroke your face,
Take me to our special place,
Our place of salt and breezy air,
Of pomp, regality,
Vanity Fair.
As evenings fade,
And nights wane by
In swirls of contrast,
waves and dry,
Read it on my epitaph,
“Star-crossed lovers Are one at last.”

Inspiration: Titanic (1997), Dir,: James Cameron


And if I perform
Will it make you stare?
Toss your dollars to my flair?
Or will I receive the “evil glare?”
For it’s already known,
My kind, my ilk, conspiring,
Can’t leave good enough alone.

You sway to my staccato,
Hold your breath to each
Tickle and catch.
But the stillness in this room
Is both freedom and a snatch.

Our experience is different,
at Every note I play.
For you the sound of treble,
To me the howl of chains.
For you an appassionato,
To me the theater masks;
The chill of slave descendants,
From just a slight time past.

A painter once said,
“There’s a hue of green To each flesh tone.”
As I perform it’s green
You see,
But when I’m done
it’s black To bone.

Movie: Greenbook (2018), Dir.: Peter Farrelly.


On the run and in pursuit.
Humble trust and cynical snoot.
Acumen, loyalty, all en route,
Insanely dazzle
Need-filled souls,
Desiring peace and
Merciful truth.

Could life’s cold daggers
bring such recourse,
No boundaries and no
Block angels and knock
On demons’ doors?
Take heed
o cursed deuce.

Universal to all
Is passion mixed,
Tossed in death, in life,
Familial tiffs, heated- soulful
Hard times mixed
Up in truce.
To perplex, to scare,
To tease, to dare,
Compare its rarity,
From bliss to sheer desparity,
Demanding faith and

Tell me friends
what would you do?
If life was death, and death
Was truth?
If passion mixed with
Vengeful flames
Required your
Black soul
Still the same.
Tell me friends
What would you do?
Tell me now,
Of your great view.
What would you
Do friends?
What would you do,
Just what would you do?

Movie Inspiration: Queen and Slim, Dir.: Melina Matsoukas


A man leaves
A man stays.
A man.
A man.
A black hand.
A black hand
Shadows the darkness,
Elusively surviving from
Spell to
Killing white, cancerous,
Disease- filled will.
Honing peace to be tangible,
And keeping hope
and life in deep supply.

Movie Inspiration: Black Panther (2018), Director: Ryan Coogler


If I stay.
If I stay.
It will all be okay,
If I stay.
It will all be okay.
Life’s frailty is like
A grain of salt,
Then aggravated.
It holds the power to
Hold you heady and
Or down on your
Knees suicidal.
There are greener
Pastures I swear.
I’ve had enough of the world’s cold melancholy
And dismal desolation,
Enough of the fear.
But if I stay,
It will all be okay,
Girl face your fears!

Movie Inspiration: the ending of Snowpiercer (2013), Dir.: Bong Joon Ho

The Gods

So let me get this in
My head.
The main- speak flow of
Way and time.
God knows I’m a
Sucker still
for the
Distant and
cloudily defined.

Moisten my hunger
I trust
Your reliable charms.
Bring order into insanity,
Let me rest within your arms.

Oh, but you’re a kidder
Still, elusive to the max.
Yet I refuse at this point In life,
To go falling through
The cracks.

So you’re about to
Be disarmed,
You won’t be disarming me.

It’s what I say,
It’s just like that,
It’s as simple
As 1, 2, 3.

Movie Inspiration: Hidden Figures (2016), Director: Theodore Melfi

The Wraith

Here I am,
All for you.
To save you from
your constant doom,
Of shallow holes,
Of scanty tombs,
Of sleepless nights,
Of cloudy gloom.

I am that wraith to
Come at last,
Hearkening of
A distant past,
It seems on me
the lot was cast,
To do what I must do.
Went through
Snakes of Doubt,
Feather of scythe,
From bout to bout.
Here I am to
Draw you out.
Just take my weary hand.
Find purpose here,
This side of Heaven.
Know your worth,
Know The Land of the Living.
It’s over now,
Look what you’ll be given,
Life is for you too.

Movie Inspiration: Harriet (2019), Director: Kasi Lemmons


Each touch
Setting me On fire.
Your love is
All I know,
Or really
Care to know.
Together, caramel
And mocha desire.
I never thought
I’d crumble and sink so low.
I want to resist
Your ardent fingers
Prod me on.
I wish it could be
But this spell is only brief
days long.
You’ll always get the best of me,
Though in a child-like
I need you, I want you,
We’ll make it
Some way
this wild and
Youthful phase.

Movie Inspiration: Baby Boy (2001), Director: John Singleton


Don’t give me that grave stare, like
Brazen dam to rushing river.
Know you not your circumstance,
Or the way that I must enter?

Tat, tat, tat.
Amazing how life falls
Into place.
But I beseech you,
judge me not
With the look upon your face.

The way of life is natural,
The things that must be true,
So mind you of fault- findings
In whatever you will do!

Fix your thoughtful gazin’,
You need to heed my name.
Do not judge me with
Your eyes,
or you’ll reap the hurricane.

Inspiration: Rosemary looks into the crib in Rosemary’s Baby (1968), Dir: Roman Polanski.




We’ve got the night’s cloak,

and our love to keep us warm!

Do it! Bite me vamp!


Find your whittlin’,

Do your do, all a louding

voice ‘fore time is through.


Chance is to golden,

fear to amiss. Time bestowed,

Bravery to bliss.


The hours. Days consume.

A storybook from page to page,

Apprehension; age.


Muscle body man, so fine,

Butterflies all in my tummy.

Let me wipe your sweat.


Jester a tumbling,

on every stage. Forget all your

worry, troubles, hurts, and pains.


Oh, the look of love!

Bright life is given now to me!

Oh the look of love!


Aloft the high branch,

about the soft leaves I see...



Turtle cheesecake, oh my,

Oh, oh me, my greatest joy,

and my suffering.


An endless pond of

doubt and regrets. Christ shined, and

o the length, the breadth!


Baffled and flummoxed.

What the heck? Ideas askew;

wanton intellect.


We’re exclusive-- you

and me. Our days full of life;



Brown skin one, so full

of grace. Salve your heart, and wipe

your face. Take your place.


Colorful world, white

browns and tans. Varieties

fine from man to man.


Instagram! Facebook!

Media frenzy of days;

just one more posting.


Kisses, embraces,

and much ado to haters,

lovers, and others.


Touch my cheek, graze it.

Let your sweet lips linger too.

Hesitate not, Love.


She shook the world hard,

basses, throbbings, melody.

Powerhouse of song!


Paparazzi with

no shame, here I go, chasing

you around the globe.


Laughs, joy, merriment.

Gesticulations abound.

Christmastime is here.


Depart not your hands.

Abide around my lush hips.

Sweet boy, leave me not.


Feather to face are

your kisses to me, grazing

floating, so gently.


Wit is like a snake,

mesmerizing in nature,

deadly in prospect.


Low song, moan and croon.

Sing my sweet soul home to stay.

Sing my sweet soul home.


Don’t speak of my cares.

‘Lessn surely you know.

‘Betta surely you know.


Patchouli brown dreads,

atop my head, sweet refrains,

Rasta in my brain.


Breeze of change, flutter.

What wisdom have you today?

Go on speak your heart.


They ate the rot of

rotting fruit, so that I would

not have to today.


Brazen, buxom, vibe.

Hit you hard like a Semi.

Apple of your eye.


Dreams collide. One is

crushed. Ideas so contrary.



Health and vigor. Red

and vibrant. Keep life in me,

nurse my cells and bones.


Your smiles big and sly…

Gapped or capped personify:

Southern Hood Charming one.


All is all is all.

Round and complete is what is.

Here or in rising.


Trials are hosts to change.

Tears can clear the sight and thought,

with each lesson brought.


The rays of life break

free from bars.

Day is to break from

gloomy storms.

A smile you’ll find

upon this face.

There’s beauty too,

poise and grace.

Just look, you’ll find

an artist here; holding

every inspirational trait.

Sunny warmth, witticism,

love, a poetess, a saint.

She stalks in beauty doesn’t she?

Shall we compare her to the

moon or fae?

Her mind is a wellspring.

Her virtue, magnanimous.

Just shall we count the ways?

Unraveling the mystery

of me and only me.

This journey has truly been mine.

Given heart to God,

on earthen sod,

looming design to fine design.

Atlanta Respite

Your southern heat and smiles

greet me from yonder to nigh.

Lush green pervades, complete

by the buzz of insects, and the promise

of a great Black restaurant.

The drawl of time contours my days,

as could only be found in

the laze and affection of a tender land.

Ebony faces telling me to relax

my weary limbs.

They seem to say “This here’s home two for you

if need be, this here is home too.”

© Copyright 2024 Quin (quin073179 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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