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by Orian
Rated: 13+ · Novel · Fantasy · #2328131
The Sheriff kicked Samadi out of the village unarmed, in a world of monsters.
The following Morning The church bell was ringing. To tell everyone to come to the town center. Over a hundred residents came to the town center.

The Mayor Asks that everyone be quite well he explains the problem. "I have learned that the imposter healer was driven out last night. For trying to lead an insurection. That our sheriff, and his deputies learned of this. That they did this is a blessing, to us all."

"I know that many of you beleive that he was a real doctor. I had contacted my informants, and learned from them that there is no evidence of there ever being a Samadi Blueleaf."

"We beleive that he is part of some federation of magic group looking for slaves, and tried to take over the village. We must be vigilant, to remove such imposters."

"The Sheriff had a list of all the people that were part of this conspiracy, but the list was stolen from the police station. Along with all of our police weapons, and armor."

"The only locker not raided was the one that has Samadi's laser rifle, and fake revolver. In fact both of his guns are fake. For his rifle will not even take a energy clip."

"Sheriff, I open the floor to you."

"Thank you, Mayor."

"What we do know about the people who were involved in the inserection is they were all D-bees. I know for a fact that the cactus family were there, and that women across the road in the rocking chair."

"Deputies, arrest them!"

When a pair of deputies went to arrest the female brawler who just gave birth last night her husband went crazy, and beat both human men to bloody palps. With a group of other deputies also all human had to work as a group to drag him down to arrest him as well.

At the same time the cactus family was on the ground with there arms tied behind there backs. Even there son who is the stable boy.

The other D-Bees seeing this happen rushed to protect there fellows. Leading to a massive brawl.

It makes it even worse when you figure that most of the D-Bees that were there know for a fact that neither the female brawler that just gave birth last night, or the cactus peoples son were involved.

To add to the problem is most of the D-Bees were refugees. who migrated here from the west. When Bell saved them. For them to be targeted by the authorities of there new home for the crime of talking to a healer is to much for many of them.

The brawl grew as nearly every man, and alien D-Bee were fighting. The mayor has had enough and started to cast his magic. A group of large thunder cracks was released that made the people stop.

"Enough All of you. What is wrong with you Sheriff? Are you alright in the head. Even I know that Brawler Jims wife just had a difficult child birth last night. Then the cactus people don't have a mean bone in there bodies. Plus I know for a fact that there son was in the stables when this meeting happened because I was talking to him."

"From the looks of it, you are just trying to cause a civil war. Everyone calm down. No more of this fighting. I want everyone to calm down. Well I finish this mornings speach."

"In two days the coalition states will be sending a diplomat. I want you all on your best behavior. No more fighting. If they like us they will invite us to join them that means more protection for us, and real doctors. Unlike that Samadi fool from the federation magic."

"I will release everyone guilty of meeting him. As well as everyones actions this morning. But, no more. I mean it. I want us to look like a propper civilived town."

He then claps his hands. "I want everyone to go home to your normal daily lives. Sheriff you are going to stay right here. So I cn keep you on a leash."

After the morning meeting ended. The cat beast women who asked Samadi some questions the night before. She made her way to the inn. Then to Carbon Stirlings room. Where she politly knocked on his door. She put her face against the edge of the door, and frame. Then said in a low calm voice to focus the sound. "Cap. Stirling, it is me, Sasha."

"Come in. Tell me what is going on."

"We were right, This is a play by CS Misouri. It seems to be that the doctor is from remnants of the federation of magic. Even though he is not a mage."

"Because the sheriff, and a few of his deputies are working with Misouri. They targeted the weak D-Bees. The mayor had to use magic to make them stop. I was almost dragged into a riot as the humans, and D-bees were fighting it out."

"What happened last night then?"

"Last night most of us D-Bees met up with Samadi. In the largest barn in the village. He showed some videos of what the coalition is doing to private villages."

"I am not a video specialist, but it looked real. He then explained what would happen if the D-bees stayed in the village. He even explained the coalitions formations. By breaking them down to squads. All the way up to companies. As if he knows there formations from experience."

"Oh, one more thing. It seems he broke in, and stole all the weapons, and armor from the police station. So the Sheriff has no way to back up his authority. So they targeted the weak D-Bees. The Mayor just confirmed that coalition will be comming in two days."

"Wait, you are telling me after being chased out, with no weapons. He was able to return, and disarm all there forces. I do not even think you can do that, and you are the best scout/thief in Stirlings strings."

"I am impressed as well. I am a little leary of the idea of going to some fortification base in the magic zone."

"Huh? Explain."

"Well he offered to escort all of D-Bees to a military base that his friends control. He says that he has a behemoth for everyone and there families. That we can use to ride in. Along with magic protection with four golems that are stronger then enforcers. So strong that they could each defeat two enforcers."

"I asked him then why don't you use that force to kill the coalition. He said they could. But the problem would be the reinforcements. The reinforcments would be the rest of the company that means two or three more infantry, and a mechinized company of three enforcers. That is too much for his team to defeat."

"Id say. It sounds like he is selling a dream on how strong his allies are. What do you think? You are good at reading into people."

"Ummm. Well he was rally beat down from that difficult child birth. He was so tired. That I was not able to truely read him. But from what I was able to pick up. I think he is being truthful. At least I think."

"Do you know where his forces are?"

"Oh yeah. When it comes to the golems, and the behemoth that is all true. They were clearly military. I am not sure of the golems takeing a enforcer. Most of all when they are only half the height. I could see them taking a power armor."

"The behemoth was modified, and upgraded. It might even be able to take on a enforcer it's self. Even though it is a civilion exploring robot."


"Yeah, I want to find out if we can buy one like it. It would make travel so much nicer."

"We will see. What the situation is now?"

"We are waiting for the coalition to arrive in two days. This is so exciting. We will be able to have front row seats to a battle between, the federation, and the coalition. Just like in 12 P.A. Of course it is at a much smaller scale. Yet still better then watching replays in the theater. The coalition has enforcers now, and the the Enforcers, C-14 heavy rifle. Along with there tripod plasma rifles too. So it will be a little differnt."

"You are really loveing this arn't cha?"

"You bet. I cant wait, look at how happy my tail is. Whykin is going to love this intel. Thank you so much Pappa stirling for this mission. She excitedly reaches in and hugs her commander. We should call in the rest of the company too to watch the show."

"Not yet. Our forces will not be able to hide themselves. We still don't know who we should be fighting if we do fight."

"I do. I think the coalition is in the wrong. I know in Whykin us D-bees are seem as second class citizens to many humans. But we are still allowed to live, and find happiness."

"We will see in two days if the coalition are as evil as everyone says. I am also excited my little kiten. I want to see this Samadi in action."

"Oh that reminds me, Pappa."


"Samadi said he would stay in the village. To make sure that the coalition did a soft take over. If they arn't he promised to kill them all."

"Wait, you mean a squad, not a full platoon?"

"Nope, he meant a full platoon."

"Can a man realy do that. The last time I heard that being possible is the war of 12 P.A. This might be more interesting then I would have ever thought."

"Yup. I think he is useing a disguise as well. Trying to hide who he really is. It is hard to keep it up when working for hours trying to save a women, and a baby in child birth."

"Pappa, I know for a fact that he really beleives in saving the D-Bees."

"Oh Pappa! You are not shaking. How come?" She says as she tilts her head in a cute way.

He smiles as he scraches her under the chin. "Doc Samadi healed me. Two nights ago. My cute little kitten." She then dives in, and hugs her Pappa again.

He laughs, as he holds her tight. "Now listen up Sasha. I want you to figure out where Samadi's alies are from. Where this fort is."

"But, I would miss the action. I want to see him fight."

"I know. I will record it. Remember, I have a hidden camera. I will give you a copy of course."

"But Pappa, it is better in live action."

"I know sweety, I am sorry, but this is for Whykin. That is why it has to be done. You are the only one in Stirlings Strings who could do this mission. Who knows you may find a nice cat there, and find a husband."

"Na, don't need one. I have Pappa."

"Don't you want me to be a grandpa?"

"Ummm, I don't know."

"Why Not?"

"It is hard to decide, Pappa."

Chapter 2 Part 2

Samadi manages to steal all the weapons, and armor from the armory, along with the list of everyone who meet with him. He left his guns because he know they would not work for common people. Because all his weapons, and machines have the Tempral wizard spell Attune object on them. So that they do not function as anything other then a club. When it comes to the revolver it has a fake cylinder. Otherwise it is a perfectly normal s.d.c. revolver.

Samadi hiden all the weapons in his room at the inn. He used another temepral wizard spell there. It is called dimenional envelop. It is a spell that creats a closet sized room. Where he piled everything up in. It is rather full to tell the truth.

That night Sasha, and many of the D-Bees met up with Samadi At the location he told them about. With the Sheriff, and his deputies being unarmed they do not dare leave the village. SoThey never knew how close the federation forces were to the village.

Sasha ended up being the spokesperson for the group. They were all alowed to enter the Behemoth, and even get a good look at it. The guards with there golems, and the crew of the behemoth were all kind to them. Half of them were even Fellow D-Bees. Putting this group at ease.

When Sasha asked Samadi if he did really take all there weapons. He just smiled, but did not say a word. With How sly he was being. Sasha was thinking of her Pappa. This Doc is more then he seems.

She then mentioned that she is trained in combat. That she would be willing to fight, to protect her home.

He just lifts his eye brows then says "all right. Do you want me to test you? Chose someone to face in a friendly duel. Your choices are hand to hand, or laser rifle. The reasons are because of how close we are to the village. So we have to keep the sound low."

"Ok, I want to face you. In both laser pistol, and melee."

"Oh, Hungry arn't you?"

"O.K. I will bite." She then notices all the gaurds backing away. Like they are scared. She thinks to her self she is not frightening is she? Full of herself she charges at Grey. Then blinks. The next thing she knows she is on her back.

Huh? She looks around. Then takes Samadis hand as he helps her up. But his pull was so srong that she was almost launched.

"Whaaa, That was fun! Again."

This time she pulled her right leg to her chest then extended it to go for a power kick. The problem was that it was caught. Before she even fully extended her leg. Worse yet he caught her foot causing her some ballance issues.

She thought if that is how you want to play. She will just knock off the smirk from his face. of course with my other foot. She jumped off her free foot then brought it up to conect to the mans face.

At least that was the plan but her dirrection was suddenly changed. She went from turning left to flipping backword. As she was flipped instead. Landing on her face, and chest. At least her right leg hit the ground first to soften the blow. Still how did this happen. Is this guy just toying with me?

Starting to get angry her tail starts to thrash around. She gets up bending her knees holding her hands in a scratching pose. She then hisses. Her emotions start to take over.

She then charges past his left trying to get around him. Only to be tripped. Then falling face first for sure this time, and even slidding to a stop.

She come up spitting the leaves from her mouth, and wiping the leaves and dirt from her body.

He looks at her in a half mocking look. As he said, "are we done yet? You are not at the level to compete with me. You are on there level, though. Those green troops."

"Oh yeah, let me show you what I can do with a laser pistol."

"I don't think it is needed." He then in a split second drew his side arm, and shot four leaves off the trees. "Like I said you are not at my level."

She then gave up, and fell back on her butt. This guy is amazing. No wonder the guards all backed up. Here I am trained almost from birth, yet I was a rag doll. I really do not know what to think. What I do know is that I have to watch this guy fight for real. Can he really kill thirty men by himself?

Some of the locals came up to check on me. I smiled, and said I was fine. I was not lying. It is a little annoying. Yet I don't really mind. I hate it when I get confusing emotions. How can I be fine, and annoyed at the same time.

Normally I would talk to Pappa about such emotions, but I can't leave. We are made to stay here for our safty. I really do not understand. My tail is going crazy with my confusion.

So I just decided to yell at him. "Why is it I feel fine, and annoyed at the same time?"

He chuckles then gives me a smile. "It is simmple."

I really hate this cocky guy. That smile, and face make me so frustrated. "Fine why is it then?"

"You feel annoyed because I beat you with ease. The reason you feel fine with it is because you feel safe. Knowing that I will protect you. It really is simple."

I look around at everyone else they are all shaking there heads up, and down confirming his words. I just sit there in the leaves, and sigh.

I then hold my hand up for some reason. That was when he lifts me up, and gently held me close well tickling my ears with his words. Asking softly if I have any damage. I feel so flustered that I push him away. Then walk off to the behemoth. Where the other villagers are waiting.

What is wrong with me? I keep looking at my hand as if I can still feel his touch. From when he effortlessly lifted me up. Am I really that Light? I did not think I was. Sure I am lean like a cat, but I also have a lot of muscle because of Pappa's training. Sasha goes into seclusion to think on things. Nothing makes sense.

"I am going to be going. Remember, everyone stay here we have more then enough food, and water for you all. For your travel this is your current home. I have not had the honor meeting your hero Bell. Yet he should be here as well in a few days. If he is as strong as the little lady said he is. I might just recruit him for this operation."

The brawler who beat up two of the deputies counters by saying Bell does not work for free.

"Thats fine, I have plenty of credits."

The brawler, looks almost surprised then just says, "oh."

"I will be back in a day, or two. I have to make sure the rest can get out."

Then he walks off. In the brawlers eyes he almost sees Bell. The great Yeno slinger.

The Brawlers wife starts a conversation with one of the crew members of the behemoth robot.

"Are we really going to be fine going to the magic zone?"

"It is no problem at all. I can't say it is safe. Per say. At least outside the walls of the fort. We have enough of these guys who pilot there automations. Then even magic enhanced robots for us non mages to use."

"You mean that you are not a mage?"

"Nope, they are though? thirty eight years ago The fort that we are going to was build. By a clan of Elves Called Grey. They are from some city state called Palladium."

"Even these guys are from that city. Even though they almost never talk about it. Nor are any of them elves."

"Any ways. When the elves arrived they built this massive fort with magic. Then killed all the wondering demons, and monsters around the fort. Once fortified they offered protection to many fade towns in the area. That is where we came from. Our fort protects our four fade towns, plus the village in our own walls."

"Everyone at the fort who is not a soldier. Works as leather making, carpentry, welding, forging, auto repair. And things like that things to support the troops gear."

"Almost all the troops in the fort are locals from the fade towns. They train us to fight, and give us a chance to serve them in protecting our towns. Unlike normal organizations the leaders of the fort are the most powerful."

"The Grey elves, and these guys are called Magi. Every one of them are able to control there golems that they call Automations. The bigger ones can even talk."

"The golems can talk?"

"Yup, only the ones that Grey clan uses though. Colonel Terinica Grey, and her twin sister Captain Caterina Grey. They are the ones that use them."

"Most of us fade towners are support infantry. Or robot pilots like us two."

"What are fade towns?"

There are likely a hundred or so fade towns in the magic zone maybe more. They range from 200-1500 people mostly. The reason we are called fade towns is because our towns vanish roughly every 2-4 weeks. This ends up being a good thing because when it happens everyone is safe. We can't be harmed. Any that try. Will shoot trough us well there weapons are no more dangerus to us then the suns rays. From my knowledge fade towns are unique to the magic zone.

"I don't really like the way that sounds."

"Trust me it is fine. for us it is just a minor inconvenience. We are not hurt by it at all. From my knowledge the fort had yet to fade. So as long as you stay in the fort you should be fine."

This time a qiuck-flex asked a question. "How many troops do you have?"

"I can't answer that, nor can I say how many robots, and automations we have, sorry. It is for security reasons. You will get an idea when you arive."

"Is there enough room for us?" This time the brawlers wife asked.

"I think so, but even if there is not. It does not take much for them to expand the fort. Those High Magi are really great builders. Captain Caterina Grey always leads the construction projects. Well her twin sister commands the whole fort."

"Not even the two dragons dare make her mad any more."

"Dragons!?" The quick flex repeats in excitment

"Yeah, they were problems when they first came by being so young. One day one of them went to far in there pranks. So Colonel Terinica Grey beat him down her self."

"I never could have immagined a huge dragon being beat down by a little teenaged elf till the day I saw it. It's breath weapon did nothing. She then beat the full sized dragon with her own hands, and feet no weapons. Right in front of everyone. I will never forget the sound of dragons bones snapping. That was just how hard her strikes were"

"Everyone in the fort learned to fear the dragon slayer that day. That is what we call her."

"Having been beaten down so bad. That dragon became a hardcore follower of our colonel. So much so. That when ever she wants to travel. He offers his back to her. So he can be treated like a horse."

"Just think. If our commander can defeat a huge dragon when it is at it's full size. What can't she beat even if she looks like a kid."

"A kid!?" The quick flex repeats again.

"Yeah She is so tiny, and yet the strongest, and most powerful person at the fort. The most cute as well of course. Some say she is already someones wife, but I can't see that she looks way to young. Plus she is the kind of girl that would not let any man control her. Unless he is stronger then her. And no one is stronger then our Colonel."

"I know her so called twin sister Captain Caterina Grey. Has a husband. All I know about him is that he often does long range missions alone. Never in groups. I heard that he has the Grey pale blonde hair, and sky blue eyes. Of the elite Grey family, But that is just a rumor. I have not seen any of the elves with blonde hair. Other then the twin sisters."

Chapter 2 Part 3

The robot pilots story telling got the attention of the other D-Bees. As they were hanging on his every word. Even a few muffled chuckles could be heard from the controllers. Most of all for there home city of Palladium, and the rumors of Lord Prince Grey himself who had just walked off. Back in Dweomer he is massive star. Most of all in the elven quarter of the small city.

The truth is that a platoon sized force of elves from Dweomer Build a forward operations post far from Dweomer. In Southern Indiana. The fort was built on the bones of Jasper.

Those thirty elves lead at the time by Prince Norman Grey. Some thirty eight years ago. Had vary little support from Dweomer, and the lords of magic. Honestly almost none. The main purpose of this forword operations field fort was to act as a safe guard against future Chi-Town aggression. Against the residents of the magic zone.

They could not defeat Chi-Town themselves clearly. Yet they can misdirect the Coalition forces that enter the magic zone. This is something Dweomer specializes in. Originally there was one Lord magus, who is Terinica Grey. Eight High magi. Includded were Prince Norman Grey, and Caterina Grey. Then five controllers who had fire demons. The rest being Battle magi, and other mage classes. All thirty of them were magic classes. This is how Fort Grey was started.

The four controllers who were snickering made sure to leave the range of the robots crews hearing. As they went to patrol for the refuggies. To make sure they stay safe. Well the robot crew keeps them entertained. The magi continued to joke aroundwell they got in earth thunders. After hearing the mix of lies, and truth is just too funny for these guys. Who have only been at the fort for two years.

The fort is far to close to the Coalition for the locals to know the truth of who is here sponser is. Incase someone is captured. That is also the reason that other then the automations. Fort Grey does not use any of Dweomers magic weapons, and equipment. Instead everything seems to be made of wood. The vehicles, robots, and body armor.

When Dweomer decided to send a second platoon to reinforce the first platoon that created the fort. This reinforcement platoon was lead By Lord Magus Butters. With eight controllers with earth thunders, and sixteen battle magi.

All who recently graduated. Other then Lord magus Butters who was in the same class as Terinica Grey. Well In the magi acadamy. All other forces are locals, who know nothing of Dweomer. Just like the three lords of magic wanted. They did not want info to leak to the outside world.

After I returned to the village I made contact with the little lady. I asked her to come with me. I figured that if she could see everyone at the behemoth. She could convince the others. In the village to come as well.

When I return so quickly the controllers seemed confused. I told them that this little lady has a way to read people. She can confirm for all the other D-Bees. That we are there friends. By reading all of us, and the D-Bees we are currently protecting. I want this group to leave before the coalition arrive.

"We can't be talking to a mind reader."

"She is not really a mind reader. She can't dig in your memory. Her power allows her to project her thoughts into your mind."

"Not a chance. Keep that mind crap from me, and my squad. We do not concent to that. Don't even try to force us too. we will leave if you try."

"Fine. We will not add you controllers to list she talks to. Your only job is escorting any ways. The robot pilots are the ones who will be living with the civilions."

"I am sorry little lady. The same way many people fear magic, others fear psionics. Let us continue."

"I don't mind Samadi. I am more then happy to do this for my fellow villagers."

We enter the behemoth together.

The people quickly gather around her. As she greets everyone. We spend three hours having her talk to everyone confirming everyone is well. Along with talking to the robot pilots.

The only one who was not willing to be interviewed was Sasha. Instead she was raving mad that the little lady was allowed to come here then go back. When she wanted to as well.

Sasha was also mad to hear that I was calling her little lady when it is not her name. I had to explain that when I first met her that was what I called her. She found it charming so kept the phrase for her.

"Charming, you know she is a married women?"

"Yes, that is why I am stying at her side to protect her. I better go with you as well. You can't be trusted with a mans wife."

"Honestly what could you do to stop me even if I was such a person?"

"I would stop you that is all there is too it. I am not going to tell you how I do it. Clearly that would be dumb."

"What do you think litle lady can she be trusted?"

"She has much confussion in her emotions, Her mind is wild. Even though she is still fairly new to the village she has already made herself a support piller amoung us."

"Is that a yes or no, your answer seems to be mixed."

"It means yes, besides she can help convince people. She is honest to the core. That her emotions are running wild is because of the the new experiences to do with you, and your

"Fine. I will escort you both to the towns edge. Then I will work on entering myself. He then takes out his laser pistol that he got from the towns armory. Hands it too Sasha."

Now you have a way to stop me from harming the little lady."

I hear the little lady laugh in my head. Well Sasha seeths.

"You know, I really do not like you."

Samadi just shrugs his shoulders, then says "So".

With that Sasha turns, and starts to walk to the village. With Samadi, and the little lady following behind her.

The little lady interupts his thoughts, "you really are the reason for her emotions. Strange you are clearly differnt races."

Samadi just looks at the little lady with a questioning expression.

"I see you are confused as well, truely how charming you are. I am so glade I have a husband."

"What does that mean?"

She continues to the town refusing to answer him.

They then make there way to town. Then Samadi leaves.

When it is just the ladies. The Little lady asks Sasha a leading question. "Is ths the first time you have felt such emotions?"

"How do you know, It confuses the hell out of me."

"You poor maiden. Is there not a male of your own kind?"

"What are you talking about. You sound like pappa. You want me to find a tomcat as well to make kittens."

"I would love it, actually. It would be a much safer road for you. Someone Like Samadi is only going to cause huge problems. He does not even know what he is doing to you. How he is effecting your emotions."

"Huh? Nevermind we need to get our fellow D-Bees out of this town before the coalition burn it down. To kill us. At least I am the only one in town who is armed now."

With thev rogue doc gone the Next two days passes fairly easily in the village of Cor. Almost as if the last two days never happened.

The only big differnce is half the D-Bee population is gone. Including the brawler, and his wife. who just gave birth. The Sheriff was under heavy watch by many of the D-Bees. So he does not seem to be the reason. Many wisper that the deputies are responsible.

All the evidence shows that the family left. There is no evidence of forced entrance, or a struggle. Now with the brawlers they are tough enough to survive in the wilds. But not with a fresh baby.

The sheriff, and his deputies are on high alert for the rogue medical doctor. Even if all they can use as weapons are knives, and clubs.

The Sheriff was going to pass a law to have everyone disarm themselves of these things so he can have the power of force. Till the mayor literally knocked sense into him.

With a spell called agony. Once again this useless man was trying to cause trouble. The Mayor thinks to himself. This happened in private when the sheriff was talking to the mayor in the mayors home away from the crouds.

"You really are a stupid man, are you not. The mayor says to the man on his floor. Are you trying to destroy my village with your out of control behavior. The only reason I backed you to be sheriff is because you are my wifes brother."

"I think the D-Bees are right, and that you need to be replaced. I will find someone else to replace you. Maybe someone among them. To bring law back to the village. As of now I am taking your badge."

"I will call for a new sheriff once the coalition leave our village."

Well the girls were convincing the D-Bees to leave Samadi was spying on the people of the village trying to gauge where they were on the situation with the D-Bees. He also confirmed his suspicions that the autorities were working with the coalition.

He found that the Sheriff talked to the coalition officers daily. That it was under there authority that he make an excuse to find where all the D-Bees are.

The mayor is the only one in autoity that does not hate the D-Bees in the village. Yet he also supports the coaliton because he was born in Chi-Town. Even though he was thrown out for being a magic user sometime after the war of 12 P.A.

Where the Sheriff is motivated by money. This mayor is more concerned with being back in the coalition fold as a mayor of a village. The life of the D-Bees be damned. Unlike the Sheriff his concern is his reputaion.

I have also learned that Mr. Carbon Stirling, and the mayors wife are in a secret relationship. One that has lasted for many years. For instance all, but one of her five children are Carbons kids. That is the reason he is staying at the inn that the mayors wife owns.

Chapter 2 Part 4

The next day around noon a black APC rolls down the road heading to the town center. In front of the podium that the mayor, or sheriff use to make there announcements. Right by where Samadi used to sell his services.

A man in a nice suit exits the vehicle. Followed by men armed with C-10 laser rifles who all form into a pair of rows. For the guy in the suit to walk between on his way to meet the mayor.

The people that were there to greet the man was the mayor, his wife, and a few locals of high standings. There was no ex-sheriff in sight. This made the locals feel strange. Some of them were glade because the guy was clearly stupid. Others did not like that they have no one to defend them if there was trouble.

There was much fanfare from both sides makeing it look like there was going to be a peaceful take over. This put the locals at ease. Also they now had extra free open homes with thirty D-Bees gone. So there was enough homes for the coalition soldiers. Without haveing to take over peoples private homes.

The coalition troops after the event was over split up into squads. Then patroled the village. They also brought a lot of new business making the local store owners vary happy. With the of fresh credits.

Most of the people were thanking god for this great opportunity. Everything seems to be going great. except that more D-Bees are starting to go missing. Every night a new D-Bee house is empty. Sometimes two. Otherwise everything is great.

To reduce the threat level of the coalition unit. I decided to do to them what I did to the sheriff, and deputees. With one minor exception. There is no way I am able to carry over fourty guns.

What I can carry away are the e-clips. So I broke into the homes that they are staying in every night stealing more, and more e-clips, and grenades. This causes contempt, and envy between the men of this penal unit.

Part of my goal was to get them fighting. So that if I am forced to fight this unit. They would have no cordination or teamwork in general. Then that selfish mentality would be expanded. When I target them with my scroll of disharmonize. So every night when most of them are sleeping I strip many of them of there e-clips, and grenades. Only the spare ones at first.

That way they will blame the guys I don't stripe. This works completly. causeing lots tension between the troops. I then stared to replace the full e-clips with drained ones, that only have one shot left Others fully drained. So that when they are forced to fight they have no ammo.

Chapter 2 Part 5

Things like this continue for a few days. Until everything changes. I was enjoying my breakfast at the inn. In the dinning area behind the lobby. Talking to the Mayors wife who owns the Inn, and stable. She took over running the inn because even the cactus people vanished. When the front doors were slammed open. A group of six armed men came in, and put me, and the mayors wife on the ground.

Then pulled us up by are arms that were sealed with cuffs. We were then dragged to the town center where I see many other humans also tied, and beaten. Like we were. Everyone here is a human.

there is no D-Bees in town it seems. Sasha already told me what Samadi was up to. It seems that all of the D-Bees left the village already. They are on there way to the fortification in the magic zone.

The coalition is looking everywhere for them. This round up of humans was just a way to round up everyone at once. I look up and see the mayor has also received the same treatment. No, his was even worse. For he is a mage. This old man was in the war on the coalitions side defending Chi-Town. Now it is the Coalition that is beating him down. As they plan to kill him.

"Where are they Mayor. You better anwser the question. Or We will string you, and your family up. As we slowly skin you alive."

"What! That was a torture the demons of the federation of magic did. Have you become so evil as well?"

"I will have you know Mr. Mayor this is a criminal convict unit. That was why they were chosen for this mission because we knew that you had alien D-Bees. We also knew that you are a mage who was chassed out of Chi-Town."

"For being a magic user your punishment is death. If you give up the others we will spare your wife, and kids. We do not mind wasting everyone in this town if it is needed. Our goal was to erase the D-Bees, and mages from Missouri. Not bring them into the coalition."

"What is that noise. Find out what is going on over there! Why is squad five not back yet. Hey, I gave you guys a order go investigate!"

Gun shots start to go off as one by one the coalition troops start to fall. They then start to fight back, but they are in such a mess that half the time are shoting each other. They likewise do not follow orders, or calls for help.

They instead shoot each other for getting in there way of shooting the tall human who is casually killing them all. The coalitions way of fighting seems almost comical. The cordination they had just a few days ago was gone. These guys were truly acting like inmates fighting over the last steak.

Four of them were killed by there own so called allies. Carbon watched in horror on how aweful the coalition fight was. What the hell is happening. Instead of twenty on one. It was a full on melee of everyone vs everyone. If this is how they fight then the Coalition State of Missouri is a mockery of everything it means to be a military organization. Every single one of them even charged into melee combat useing there rifles as clubs for some god forsaken reason.

Samadi was able to just walk in, and start to kill them all, with his pistols. Hell even I can do that. What a complete waste. If CS Missouri was not part of the coalition we could have rolled them over in a day. This is a massacre.

Chapter 2 Part 6

I was born in the 45 P.A. To a tavern whore. I was lucky that mom did not have me killed well she continued her job. She does not know who my dad is. It was just one of her many cutomers.

After our old town was destroyed, when I was eight. eighty of us survivers migratted to the town of Cor. Far to the east of where we used to live.

The one who saved our lives was a bug like D-bee called Bell. He is a gun slinger who can even shoot from his fingers. Not just from his many guns. He killed The huge monster that destroyed our town.

He was our guardian for this migration. Along with a team of cyber-knights who arrived too late to save the town. Still working together they managed to protect our traveling vehicles.

As can be expected we traveled fairly slowly for some of us like me, with mom were with a horse drawn cart. For that reason we were split into two teams. The fast team those who owned motor vehicles then there was the rest of us who shared animal pulled carts, and wagons.

Mom, and I rode in a wagon with a cactus family. People who talk in your head instead of out loud. Like normal people. Still they were fun to be around.

Many of there children became my life long friends. In the village of Cor. After we arrived. We stayed close over the years.

We have been in Cor for 4 years now. I became vary close with our hero Bell as well. I even became his aprentice. For I was the only one who was fast enough with a gun. Out of all the kids in our new town.

Even still other then us who migrated here. Everyone else had no interest in six shooters. They all wanted things like the latest Northern Gun lasers. Or Even the Coalition Guns. We often played as kids being CS soldiers over throwing the tyranical Federation of magic.

To be hero's who save the lives of over a 100,000 people. To us it was true Justice. At least that was what I beleived all those years. As the Towns mayor told us of his heroism during that War in 12 P.A.

Then as a surprise one day the Coalition came to our town of Cor. In there black armor, and laser rifles. They were so cordinated. The disipline it was exceptional. The way they Marched, and stayed in synce with there every movement.

Our mayor welcomed the Coalition's representative, commander guy. Then started to negotiate our surrender. So that we could join the coalition.

The first few days everything seemed fine. There was rumors of coalition raids in the night of the town, but there was no evidence that us children could see. We figured it was just the adults being worry warts.

Even mom was happy about them comming to town. She was always happy to go to work when she left in the afternoon. So I thought nothing of it.

That all changed by the sixth day. When the coalition soldiers changed overnight to tyrants like the federation of magic was.

Every person in town was rounded up, and brought to the center of town. Even the sheriff, and deputies were working with them.

I remember the guy that mom was with dragging her out of our home with force. I was so mad, that I kicked him in the balls. The strength behind my blow dropped him. He stumbled back. I took that moment to grab mom, and make a run for it. To escape from the criminals.

For as long as I can remember I have always been far stronger then a normal human. In this case it proved to be helpful. For more then helping around town, and cleaning the barns, and stables.

As we ran, we saw other towns folk being forced out of there homes, and brought to the town center. Many of the villagers were beaten there cloths torn, as the evil men had fun dragging the helpless people around.

We came across the saddle tramp healer who was forced out of town. I saw him run past us then as he dispatched a pair of soldiers who started chase after us. like it was nothing. With a pair of thrown knives that lodged in there throats.

Then a differnt soldier saw him, and fired there laser rifle. The bolt never hit. So the soldier kept pulling the trigger. Till he charged the healer with his weapon like a club. Yelling the whole way.

The healer blocked the strike then got around his target to snap there neck.

He then turned back to us. "Go to the Inn. Room three you will be safe there. I will be busy killing the CS scum. He then turned back to the town center."

Pulled some paper from his pocket and started saying some nonsense. Before switching to a pair of revolvers. Just like my combat master Bell he was useing a pair of six shooters. Slaughtering the CS soldiers one at a time. Shocking not just us, who were stunned watching him. But the whole town.

He had at least 20 shots. Even though he was useing six shooters. I vowed then in that moment that following this man,and master Bell as a slinger was the right move.

After five minutes everything was quite. Then there was a loud cheer. As the villagers realized they have been saved. Mom told me to go to the Inn well she made sure everything was safe.

I Secretly followed behind mom to see for myself. As I saw my mom fling herself at the doctor, and wrap her legs around him kissing him.

The women in the crowd were angry, and tore my mom from him as they berated her, for her actions. Many other women tried to do the same thing. Trying to win his favor.

This lead to a whole new round of women fighting, and pulling each others hair, bitting, and scraching at each others faces. There was my mom in the middle of this girl fight being the one who started it.

Many of the women went to the inn where they knew the gun slinger was staying. Includding my own mom. She seemed to have completly forgot about me. Or else she thinks I am already there. I do not know what the answer is. Or at least I do not want to know.

Because I am sure she did forget about me. When women see a rare jewel. That becomes the center of there hearts attention. Just like how happy mom was when the coalition came to town. Giving her a large amount of credits.

Chapter 2 Part 7

The mayor gets up, and frees himself from his shackels then started to free the larger, and stronger men as well. before he started to uncuff the other men. The women were not cuffed because they are no threat.

He even uncuffed me. The village guest. before he uncuffed the rest of his local men. I know he was useing a spell to do it. After we were back up the local women swormed Samadi as they were almost throwing themselves at our hero. Sure his actions were heroic, but these guys would have killed each other.

I still recorded everything for Sasha. and am still recording when I am drawn to some women wearing a see through nighty with no under garments run up to Samadi then wrap herself around with her legs and arms. She then grinds on him, and kisses him on the mouth.

The other women then pull her off him as they start fighting. with there nails going for each others eyes, hair pulling, and even some punches. I have heard the old wisdom that women always wait at the finish line, for the winners. It is the first time in my long life to see it happen.

I am both filled with envy, and disgust watching them. I was going to turn my recording off when I saw a APC comming. It is a coalition apc, It must be the reinforcements.

I quickly shout that there is more comming. Lookdown the road. Everyone scatters as they run for cover. Includding me. My laser finger is useless against a APC.

The APC comes to a screeching halt, just thirty feet from Samadi. The front door opens and out comes a white colored D-Bee. "I am sorry for being late. These ass holes tried to kill me, and destroyed my motorcycle."

"So I in turn killed them all, and took there APC for payment. Oh, I see you killed the same kind of people I did. I got ten bodies in the back, can you help me get them out of there. I don't want my new wheels to stink of human garbage."

What the hell is going on. Are the coalition really this pathetic. Not only Samadi. But even this unknown D-Bee is able to kill them. Even out numbered ten to one. This makes no sense. We have to find out what is going on.

Carbon then activates his communication device. "Bring the full company to Cor. The coalition did as we expected."

"Roger sir, we will be there tomorrow morning. Do you need a unit now sir?"

"No, the coalition fell like cards. It was the most pathetic fight I have ever seen. I am still recording so I will show you guys everything."

"Yes sir. We of team C will stay on standby until they catch up to us."

"That is fine. You guys can stay where you are. Your still ten miles away right?"

"Yes sir."

"Ok, Stirling out."

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