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Phinny and his crew were birdwatching when they saw the SuperKitties' SuperKitty Copter. |
Pupstruction Crew and SuperKitties: 🎶It's Pupstruction and SuperKitties time! Awoo, Meow, Awoo!🎶 Phinny: 🎶Gear up, crank it up, and Su-Purr Charge up!🎶 Pupstruction Crew and SuperKitties: 🎶SuperKitties and Pupstruction team up!🎶 Phinny: 🎶Let's go!🎶 Bitsy: 🎶We're speedy...🎶 Ginny: 🎶We climb...🎶 Sparks: 🎶We fly...🎶 Buddy: 🎶We're strong...🎶 Pupstruction Crew: 🎶We build...🎶 Pupstruction Crew and SuperKitties: 🎶Our crew will get it done! Here we come!🎶 Pupstruction Crew: 🎶Awoo, we're the Pupstruction Crew!🎶 SuperKitties: 🎶Meow, and we're SuperKitties!🎶 Pupstruction Crew and SuperKitties: 🎶With our tools and superpowers, we build and save the day when we work as a team!🎶 Pupstruction Crew: 🎶Pupstruction!🎶 SuperKitties: 🎶And SuperKitties!🎶 (The episode starts in Petsburg) Pupstruction Crew and SuperKitties: "The SuperKitties Meet The Crew". (At City Hall, the Pupstruction Crew finished painting the walls for Mayor Gilmore) Phinny: What do you think of your new walls, Mayor Gilmore? Mayor Gilmore: (Looks at the painted walls, then gasps) I Rub-A-Dub-Love it! Thanks for painting my walls, Pupstruction! Phinny: All of our days, ma'am! (to the other pups) What a fine job we did, crew! Tank: Yeah, Mayor Gilmore sure loves her new walls! Luna: I can't wait till our next job! Roxy: Hmm, I wonder what we could build next. Got any ideas? Phinny: Maybe we could build something big! Tank: Or maybe something fun! Luna: Or something silly! (Phinny, Roxy and Tank were confused) Luna: What? We could build something silly. Pupstruction Crew: (Laughing) (Meanwhile, in Kittydale, Zsa-Zsa is flying away with a bottle of perfume) Zsa-Zsa: (Laughs in evilness) Those SuperKitties will never catch me! The perfume is mine, all mine! (Suddenly, the SuperKitties come after Zsa-Zsa in their SuperKitty Copter) Ginny: Stop right there, Zsa-Zsa! Zsa-Zsa: Huh?! Amazing Singer: 🎶Zsa-Zsa!🎶 Zsa-Zsa: SuperKitties, why are you chasing me in your helicopter?! Ginny: We've come to get that perfume back! Bitsy: Yeah, that perfume doesn't belong to you! Zsa-Zsa: Not today, SuperKitties! The perfume is mine, and I'm gonna steal all the perfume in Kittydale! (Laughs in evilness, then flies away) Bitsy: (Gasps) She's getting away! Buddy: We've got to catch her! Ginny: Come on Sparks, follow that bird! Sparks: You got it! (The SuperKitties fly their SuperKitty Copter extra fast after Zsa-Zsa) (They fly over the park and through the city, but just as the SuperKitties are about to catch Zsa-Zsa...) Zsa-Zsa: (Gasps) SQUAD!!!!!!! (Zsa-Zsa's budgies come) Zsa-Zsa: Find a spray to stop those SuperKitties! Budgies: (Squawking) (The budgies fly down to Zsa-Zsa's rooftop, get Zsa-Zsa's Party Birdie Bag, take out a bottle of Cannon Spray, and fly back up to Zsa-Zsa) Zsa-Zsa: Cannon Spray, it's perfect! With one spritz of my Cannon Spray, the SuperKitties will fly very far away and they'll never ever be able to catch me! Squad, spray those SuperKitties! Budgies: (Squawking) (The budgies fly towards the SuperKitty Copter and try to spray it with the Cannon Spray) Ginny: (Gasps) Look out! (Sparks tries to steer the SuperKitty Copter around the clouds of Cannon Spray, but one of the clouds hits the copter and blasts it up in the sky so far!) SuperKitties: WHOA!!!!!!! Ginny: Hang on, SuperKitties! Zsa-Zsa: It worked! Good work, squad! Budgies: (Squawking) Zsa-Zsa: Now those SuperKitties will never ever catch me! (Laughs in evilness) Come on squad, let's go steal all the perfume in Kittydale! Budgies: (Squawking) (Zsa-Zsa and her budgies set off to steal all the perfume in Kittydale) (Meanwhile, the SuperKitty Copter flies out of Kittydale and down to Petsburg, where it crash lands in the city and breaks!) (When the SuperKitty Copter was broken, the ears, eye windows, legs and tail propeller broke off, and the copter got holes in it!) Sparks: Meowzers, that was a hard landing! (to the other SuperKitties) Everyone okay? Bitsy: I'm okay! Buddy: Me too! Ginny: Me three! Bitsy: But what about Zsa-Zsa? Buddy: Yeah, she's gonna steal all the perfume in Kittydale! Ginny: Don't worry, we'll stop her. She's got to be somewhere in Kittydale. Come on SuperKitties, let's go look for Zsa-Zsa! (The SuperKitties get out of the copter to look for Zsa-Zsa, but Bitsy sees that they aren't in Kittydale anymore!) Bitsy: Hey, this doesn't look like Kittydale. Buddy: Yeah, (Sees all the pets and buildings made of pet stuff in Petsburg) all I see are cats, and dogs, and buildings made of pet stuff?! Ginny: Sparks, where are we? Sparks: Hmm... (Looks around Petsburg) I'm not sure. Buddy: But if this isn't Kittydale, where are we? (Back at City Hall, the Pupstruction crew, Mayor Gilmore and Lloyd heard the loud crashing noise.) Phinny: Hey guys, did you hear something? Roxy: Yeah, it sounded like something crash landed in Petsburg! Luna: What could it be? Tank: I don't know, but it sounds like it came from the city! Phinny: Come on, let's go see. Mayor Gilmore: And we're coming too! (to Lloyd) Come on Lloyd! (The pups, Mayor Gilmore and Lloyd hop into their vehicles and head to the city to find out what the crashing sound was.) (Just then, the whole crowd in Petsburg sees the SuperKitties and their SuperKitty Copter) Petsburg Citizens: (all talking at once) Phinny: Huh? What's going on? Luna: Yeah, what's everyone in Petsburg doing here?! Roxy: It sounds like they came to find out what made that crashing noise too! (The pups, Mayor Gilmore and Lloyd come into the crowd, then they see the SuperKitties and their SuperKitty Copter!) Luna: Look, it's a group of cats wearing superhero costumes! Tank: Aww! Those are cute costumes! Buddy: We're not just any cats, and these aren't costumes. Bitsy: Yeah, we're actually superheroes. Ginny: That's right! (Everyone was surprised, including the Pup crew, Mayor Gilmore and Lloyd.) Ginny: We're the SuperKitties! Amazing Singer: 🎶SuperKitties!🎶 Pupstruction Crew, Mayor Gilmore, Lloyd and Petsburg Citizens: SuperKitties?! Ginny: Yeah. I'm Ginny, the leader of the SuperKitties. Sparks: I'm Sparks, and this is my brother, Buddy. Buddy: I'm Buddy! Bitsy: And I'm Bitsy, the smallest member of the SuperKitties. Tank: (Whispers to Roxy) I've never seen real superheroes before! Roxy: (Whispers to Tank) Yeah, I've always wanted to see a real superhero up close! Luna: (Whispers to Roxy and Tank) Me too! (The Pupstruction crew, Mayor Gilmore, and Lloyd come closer to the SuperKitties) Mayor Gilmore: Hello, SuperKitties. Welcome to Petsburg. SuperKitties: Petsburg?! Sparks: So that's where we are. Buddy: Wait, you mean this city with cats and dogs and buildings made of pet stuff? Mayor Gilmore: Yep. Buddy: Thanks, Mrs... uh... Fishy Lady. Mayor Gilmore: Call me Mayor Gilmore. I'm the mayor of Petsburg. Buddy: Oops, sorry Mayor Gilmore. Mayor Gilmore: So what brings you to Petsburg? Ginny: Well, we were chasing after a villainous cockatoo named Zsa-Zsa... Bitsy: But just as we were about to catch her, she and her budgies blasted us away! Buddy: And we crash landed here! Phinny: Wait a second, that sounded like the loud crashing noise we heard! Roxy: So, it was you that made that noise? Bitsy: (Giggles) Yep, it sure was! Tank: Uh, excuse me SuperKitties, we've never seen real superheroes before! Roxy: And we've always wanted to see real superheroes up close! Phinny: So, are you the superheroes of Petsburg? Ginny: Nope. We're actually the superheroes of Kittydale. Bitsy: Kittydale is our home. Sparks: Yeah, and whenever the people of Kittydale need our help, we stop super sneaky villains with our superpowers! Tank: What kinds of superpowers? Ginny: We'll show you. My paws have super claws to help me climb and poke things. Watch! (Puts out her paws...) Paws out, (and her super claws pop out) claws out! (Ginny uses her claws to climb up a tree) Roxy: Wow, look at her go! Tank: She's a really great climber! Ginny: Thanks! (She jumps back down) Sparks: I'm super intelligent, and I can invent things. (Whistles) (The SuperKitty Kit shows up) Sparks: This is my SuperKitty Kit! Pupstruction Crew: SuperKitty Kit? Sparks: Yeah. It helps me invent some special gadgets, like this. (He shows a video of how he made the SuperKitty Copter) Sparks: And look what else it can do! (Then, he hops on the kit and stars to do some special flying tricks) Luna: Wow! Tank: Pawsome! Phinny: So cool! Sparks: (Laughs) Thanks! (Sparks flies back down) Luna: (to Buddy) What's your power, Buddy? Buddy: My power is this, Furball Blitz! (Turns himself into a ball and rolls around the Pupstruction crew) Luna: Furball Blitz? Sparks: Yeah, Buddy uses his Furball Blitz to bounce and roll extra fast! Bitsy: And he has super strength to lift things! Buddy: (Stops rolling and turns back into a SuperKitty) Yep, I sure do! Ginny: Buddy, show 'em how you lift! (Buddy shows the Pupstruction Crew his muscles and lifts up Tank) Tank: Whoa, you're super strong, Buddy! Buddy: (Giggles) Thanks! (Puts Tank back down) Bitsy: And of course, my superpower is running extra fast with my Bitsy Boots, like this! Bitsy Boots, blast off! (Bitsy runs around the pups extra fast and the pups get dizzy) Pupstruction Crew: Whoa! Luna: (Shakes her head) Bitsy is really, really fast! Roxy: Yeah, I wouldn't run that fast! Tank: Wow, SuperKitties! Your superpowers are Pawsome! Luna: Super Pawsome! SuperKitties: Thanks! Phinny: Well, nice to meet you SuperKitties. My name is Phinny. Roxy: I'm Roxy. Tank: I'm Tank. Luna: And I'm Luna! Pupstruction Crew: We're Pupstruction! Amazing Singer: 🎶Pupstruction!🎶 SuperKitties: Pupstruction? Roxy: Yeah. We're construction pups. Tank: We build a lot of things in Petsburg, even homes for pets! Luna: And we use our building to help everyone in Petsburg! Ginny: Just like we use our superpowers to help everyone in Kittydale! Phinny: Hey, do you wanna see our Pup Truck? Bitsy: Pup Truck? Phinny: Yeah, each of us has a truck to help us with our building! Bitsy: I'd love to see that! Buddy: But, where is your Pup Truck? Phinny: Oh, (points to the Pup Truck) it's right there! Come on pups, let's show the SuperKitties our trucks! (The Pupstruction crew runs to the Pup Truck, hopped in and turn it back into four trucks) Phinny: This is my crane. I can use it to grab and lift things. Watch. (Phinny uses his crane to grab and lift some wood) Tank: This is my dump truck. I can use it to load things. (Phinny puts the wood on Tank's dump truck) Roxy: This is my Pawsome wrecking ball and front loader truck! I can use it to break things! Watch! (Roxy uses her wrecking ball to smash rocks) Luna: And this is Scoopy, my excavator! It can use it to dig holes! Watch! (Luna uses Scoopy to dig the dirt and make holes) Phinny: And together, we can form the Pup Truck! (The four trucks combine to form the Pup Truck) SuperKitties: Wow! Bitsy: We've never seen dogs do construction before! Phinny: And we've never seen superhero kitties before! Pupstruction Crew and SuperKitties: (Laughing) Ginny: Well, we'd better get back to Kittydale and stop Zsa-Zsa! Come on SuperKitties! (But when the SuperKitties run back to their SuperKitty Copter, Bitsy notices that it's broken!) Bitsy: (Gasps) Oh, no! The SuperKitty Copter, it's broken! Ginny: It must have gotten busted when we crash landed in Petsburg! Sparks: Don't worry, I'll get my tools, and we'll fix it in no time! (Sparks runs into the SuperKitty Copter and looks for his tools, but he doesn't have them!) (After he gets out of the copter) Sparks: Uh-oh, I can't find the tools! Buddy: Oh, no! Ginny: Without those tools, we can't fix the copter! Bitsy: What are we going to do? Buddy: We could ask Pupstruction? Ginny: Good idea, Buddy. Come on. (The SuperKitties run back to the Pupstruction crew.) Ginny: Pupstruction! Phinny: Hi again, SuperKitties. What's wrong? Ginny: Our SuperKitty Copter is broken, and we don't have our tools to fix it! Bitsy: Do you have any tools, and can you help us fix the copter? Phinny: Of course. We have some tools right here! (The pups hold up their tools) Phinny: I have a wrench! Luna: I have a shovel! Tank: I have a concrete trowel! Roxy: And I have a hammer! Buddy: (Looks at Roxy's glitter hammer, then gasps) Whoa Roxy, your hammer is so sparkly! I love sparkly things! Roxy: (Laughs) Thanks, Buddy. I love sparkly things, too. Phinny: We can fix your SuperKitty Copter in no time! Mayor Gilmore: That's right. Nothing is too difficult for the best builders. SuperKitties: Thanks Pupstruction! (Just then, Bobby Boots overheard and was jealously mad) Bobby Boots: That's not fair! We're the best builders! Sniff: We are. I mean yeah. Luna: Oh, hi Bobby. Mayor Gilmore: SuperKitties, I would like to introduce you to Bobby Boots, Sniff and Scratch. They're the Lickety Split Crew. Bobby: That's right! We're the best builders here. We can help. Roxy: I don't know. Bobby Boots: What?! Mayor Gilmore: Roxy's right. Bobby Boots: But why not? Tank: Like she said before, "Everytime you build something, it goes wrong." Roxy: Yeah Bobby, you always ruin our build. Bobby: I sure do! Phinny: But Pupstruction never gives up! Ginny: And neither do SuperKitties! (Bobby gets even madder) Tank: The SuperKitties are the superheroes of Kittydale, and they showed us their superpowers! Luna: And their powers are super Pawsome! Phinny: And we're gonna help them fix their SuperKitty Copter so they can get back home and stop Zsa-Zsa the villainous cockatoo! Bitsy: Yeah, we've gotta stop Zsa-Zsa and save all the perfume in Kittydale! (Bobby gets the maddest ever) Buddy: I wonder what she's doing with all the perfume. (Back in Kittydale, Zsa-Zsa and her budgies are making a plan with all the perfume they have) Zsa-Zsa: This is the most beautiful perfume we have! (Zsa-Zsa looks at the perfume and smells it) Zsa-Zsa: (Gasps) I've got an idea! With this perfume, we can make a special perfume that will make everyone in Kittydale fall asleep, and then the whole town will be ours! Zsa-Zsa and Budgies: (Laughing in evilness) (Back in Petsburg, the Pupstruction Crew and the SuperKitties are getting ready to fix the SuperKitty Copter) Phinny: Okay everyone, let's take this broken copter to Pup HQ! SuperKitties: Pup HQ? Phinny: Yeah, Pupstruction Headquarters. Roxy: It's our headquarters. Tank: You SuperKitties can stay with us in our headquarters while we fix your helicopter. Bitsy: Really? Phinny: Of course. Buddy: Thanks, pups. (Looks at the broken SuperKitty Copter) Hmm, but, how are we gonna get the broken SuperKitty Copter to Pup HQ? Phinny: Hmm... (Gasps) I know! We can use the Pup Truck to carry all the parts of the copter to Pup HQ! Luna: That's a Pawsome idea, Phinny! Phinny: Let's crank it up! Luna, let's put the parts into Tank and Roxy's trucks! Luna: I dig it! (Phinny and Luna use their trucks to grab the parts of the broken SuperKitty Copter and load them into Tank and Roxy's trucks.) Tank and Roxy: All set! Phinny: Ginny, you can come with me in my crane. Ginny: Thanks, Phinny. Phinny: Sparks, you'll go with Roxy in her truck. Sparks: Okay. Phinny: Buddy, you'll go with Tank in his dump truck. Buddy: Great! Phinny: And Bitsy, you can go with Luna in Scoopy. Bitsy: Whoa! Thank you. (The SuperKitties hop on in each assigned truck) Ginny: We're all set Phinny! Phinny: Alright. Let's go! (The Pup crew and the SuperKitties drive to Pup HQ with the parts of the broken SuperKitty Copter) Mayor Gilmore: Good luck fixing the SuperKitties' SuperKitty Copter, Pupstruction! (Bobby is really mad) Scratch: Wow boss, that's so nice of Pupstruction to help the SuperKitties fix their SuperKitty Copter. Sniff: Yeah. They really are heroes, too. Bobby Boots: Well, we're the ones who are gonna be heroes. And I know just how we're gonna be heroes. Scratch: By helping them fix the copter? Bobby Boots: No, by destroying it, and then rebuilding it, and then the SuperKitties will see that we're heroes. Meow! (Laughs) (The pups and the SuperKitties arrive at Pup HQ) Phinny: Welcome to Pupstruction Headquarters! Buddy: Whoa, so this is your headquarters?! Phinny: Yep. This is where we live and build things. Roxy: Before we fix your helicopter, how about we show you around Pup HQ? Bitsy: Ooh, I wonder what your headquarters is like! Luna: Then follow us! (They go inside Pup HQ) SuperKitties: Wow! Buddy: This place is amazing! Bitsy: Yeah! It looks bigger than our SuperKitty Cavern. Luna: SuperKitty Cavern? Ginny: Yeah, the SuperKitty Cavern is our underground headquarters in Kittydale. (Just then, Maya, Harry and Bailey show up) Sparks: Who are they? Phinny: Oh, this is my family. Harry: Hey pups. What's up? Phinny: Mom, Dad, Bailey, these are the SuperKitties. Maya and Harry: SuperKitties?! Ginny: Yeah. I'm Ginny, the leader of the SuperKitties. Sparks: I'm Sparks. Buddy: I'm Buddy. Bitsy: And I'm Bitsy, the smallest member of the SuperKitties. Ginny: We're the superheroes from Kittydale. Our SuperKitty Copter is broken, but the Pupstruction Crew is gonna help us fix it. Maya: Well, nice to meet you, SuperKitties! I'm Maya, the boss of Pup HQ. Harry: I'm Harry. Bailey: Bark, bark! (Licks Phinny) Phinny: (Laughs) And this is my little sister, Bailey. Bailey: Hello. Ginny: (Laughs) Nice to meet all of you too. (Bailey wags her tail in emotion) Buddy: The pups are showing us around Pup HQ before fixing the SuperKitty Copter. |