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/\ An odd & confusing story of mystery and friendship. [ Creative Writing Assignment. ] |
Janice and I are walking down the pathway of the park, it’s late evening. Sunset time, but not dark. It’s just dark enough that the street lamps are on, but the sun is gleaming down a golden ray onto the orange and red leaves that we walk on. I was totally unprepared for the weather, truthfully. While Janice’s clothes were less than sightly, they were at least ideal. Mangy black hair in a falling out bun, red and dirty yellow striped scarf, and a perfect, blue stained, carpet looking coat with black cheetah print buttons to go along with it. It was way too big on her, could be The Rock’s size. Or Tony’s. He’s a beefy dude. My mind continues to trail away, looking at her disheveled appearance.. she’s ugly, and old, to anybody who doesn’t know her.. but at least witted in attire. Meanwhile, I decided some thin black pants, a belt and a white muscle shirt was appropriate, with nothing but a black leather jacket that makes you colder more than anything. It’s slung over my shoulder, I’m not even wearing it. The feeling of the inside of it just irked me in a way I can’t explain, it didn’t feel right at the moment. Janice looked annoyed, she was always annoyed. Each breath she took, I could see it from the cold air; that was till she buried her nose and below into the musty scarf she had on. “..Janice?” My voice cracked, I hadn’t meant for it too. It was hoarse, I’ve been sick the last few days. “What, Lee.” She said it in more of a statement than a question, her voice was even rougher than mine. We’ve both been sick. She’s not happy with me, it was my fault. “You okay?” … “Yeah. Stop asking.” Her snappy tone was always like that, however when she was genuinely upset, it was easy to tell. Her voice would get scratchy when she was mad, and I knew that was my time to lay off. For about five minutes. “I know you’re mad at me, and I'm genuinely sorry. I don’t know why I did it.. Okay? Please don’t shut me out forever, Jan.” “If you apologize one more time, I will cut your tongue off.” Janice always had the tendency to close herself off.. And I always made the mistake of letting her. … We continue to walk through the park. My car broke down a few days ago, so we’ve been walking everywhere and are now heading back to the motel. Even if it’s after Janice’s shift, since her friend owns it she lives in it. Janice was kind enough to let me live in it too, but I'm not sure if it’s for long.. I think I hurt her. Once we arrive back at the motel room, we can both see the door has been unlocked. “I swear to god I locked the door.” “Clearly not, idiot! If my Benny Price album is gone, you’ll go right with it.” She was yelling, storming into the room without second thought.. Idiot. I quickly ran in to find Janice holding a cooking skillet, and a 6’3 man with puffed out lighter brown hair.. Tony? “Tony.. what are you doing man? You can’t break into our apartment unannounced!” I yelled. I don’t really know why.. I wasn’t that angry, I think I am just angry since Janice is. I need her to know I’m on her side, always. “Yeah, why the hell do you think you gotta’ right break in here like that? I should call the cops right now. You son of a---” I quickly interrupted her, no reason for profanity. “Son of a cow.” I said it more pleadingly than I meant to. “She means- you can’t come in whenever you please, Tony.. why are you here anyways.” “I’ll tell ya’ when she puts the damn skillet down!” He seems scared, especially when the cops part came up. But, I would also be scared if Janice was yelling at me.. let alone with a whole pan raised up above her, ready to be chucked at anyone. “Janice,” my voice is soft, so as to not upset her anymore.. Her eyes are wide, and her brows are furrowed. Her chest (of what I can see through the scarf,) is rising up and down a little too much for my liking. I know she doesn’t really trust Tony that much. “Cmon.. put the pan down. You know Tony! He’s fine.” There’s a few moments of silence, and she’s staring at me like I’m crazy; though she usually is. However after a bit of that awkward silence, I can see her arm slowly start to move down in sync with her slowing breathing. She doesn’t gently set it down, she more or less, tosses it to the side, onto the dirty and stained carpet. It made a ‘tang’ sound, before letting itself rest. The motel room isn’t a part of the actual floors, it’s a much larger hotel looking one. Upon entering, you can see the large vast of a living room, a run down victorian style room. The walls are a dark, purple-maroon, the curtains dirty and tan. They were probably white at some point. The tv is small and old, one of the box ones that you were scared of crushing you as a kid. The floor was an old wood, a dark brown. It had those weird dark circles and oval splotches on it. The coffee table had glass in the middle, the wood brown; however the glass in the center was shattered, almost like a bullet. Besides this was dirty, black and gray marble tile. There was some weird yellow stain that I asked what if was once, and Janice told me I don’t wanna know. The counters are some gross color I can’t even explain, but it’s home and one we can (sort of) afford. “Okay, okay. I just wanted to know if you guys could.. keep a secret.” Tony sounds different, this isn’t his joking tone. He’s serious “Yeah of co--” Janice interrupts me. “That depends.. what’s the ‘secret?’” “Can’t say that. You are fully in, or fully out.” “Hell no. Spill it, Stark.” Janice always calls Tony Tony Stark because of the names. Also because Tony Stark is hot and Tony is just Tony. “You either go full in, or full. Out. Pick one woman.” I can already feel Janice’s face heating up. “We're in, Tony.. what’s wrong man? You okay?” I ask, and Janice looks incredibly unhappy at me. “Are you kidding, Bentley? Are you STUPID? We barely know this guy and you just--” I try to interrupt, but she snaps. “NO. Shut the hell up. I’m sick of your games, and you are interrupting me ALL the time. You can help him, I want no part of it. Now get out of my house!” And of course, Tony can only make things worse. “..technically it’s not a house-” “OUT.” She screams, and I can already tell she’s woken a few of the residents staying in the rooms nearby, but I’ve already hurt her once and I don’t think I’m in a position to argue, so I walk out with Tony, grabbing him by the wrist. I put the stupid leather jacket I decided to wear in the cold weather around me now, and look over and up at the man. “So, Tony.” I coughed in between, shoving my hands into my pockets. “What’s this secret you are acting so off about?” “I can’t tell you. Not in public, at least. Just follow me, okay man?” I know I shouldn’t trust him, but something is telling me to somehow. Despite this, I've only known him for a few weeks. So of course, I nod and follow. We walk for what feels like hours, but I check my watch. It’s only been 35 minutes of walking. Janice would’ve told me to suck it up. “Alright, ladies first.” Tony points to a door, and I shoot him a glare with my nose snubbed at his puny little jokes. It’s a door to an old, very old warehouse. I feel no skepticism, so I open the door to be greeted with this putrid smell, something that’s almost rotting. “Looks like cleaning services haven’t been here yet, ey’?” I can’t help but laugh at my own joke, Tony isn’t amused. He turns on the lights- which is barely any, and grabs my hand and begins to drag me. “Shut up and just follow.” And so I do. We have now been walking for two minutes, and to a smaller room. My heart is suddenly racing? I don’t think I can take this much longer. Something is telling me to get out. As I turn to go, Tony puts a hand on my chest and shoves me backwards into the small room, and I fall straight onto my back. I open my mouth to yell, but immediately pause halfway through when I feel slobber on my cheek, and something steps on me.. the lights come up, dogs? Like, nine dogs? “Surprise!” Tony chants, a happy smile on his face. “I stole nine dogs!” |