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by grunic
Rated: E · Fiction · Friendship · #2326722
basically just a story about my oc?? (I wrote this last year wjgwqn)

The Story of Magic
The life of a isolated 15 year old teen, who is in

A world of faes, fairies and more.

A day of hate, Silya Metriz was in a strong argument with her parents. As they argued and argued, soon there was a portal forming in Silya's room, the portal grew larger and larger with a soft purple amidst glowing beautifully against Silya's pale, delicate skin. Soon enough the portal had adjusted and spat out a human-like creature, they had gorgeous, bright wings like a butterfly. The human-like butterfly soon spoke softly, their voice admitting one of the ladies, Huh.. Are you Silya? The human-like butterfly spoke, soon enough Silya nodded softly with a slightly confused expression on her rounded face. The human-like butterfly then continued, Well, I am Natia Pientress! Silya gasped as Natia spoke with a genuine smile on their face, now that Silya has looked at Natia more normally without her hazel eyes squinting, she can see what Natia truly looks like; Long, silky silver hair, pale and refreshed skin and finally gorgeous emerald eyes. Natia smiled genuinely and soon grinned eye to eye creepily, Silya soon got up from her fallen state, her legs quivering. Well.. I see that you and your parents have gotten into a humongous argument huh? Natia asked, obviously already knowing the answer but wants confirmation. Silya sighed and nodded, not wanting to use her voice just in case this was a sudden trap for her family's good wealth. Natia smirked and looked at Silya foolishly, I understand.. Do you want to join the realm of magic with me?.. It's nothing like here. . Natia said calmly, seemingly giving a once in a lifetime offer. Silya considered the offer and once she had made up her mind, Silya nodded softly but confused as well, soon finally speaking in her soft, timid voice ... Yes? Silya finally answered with words, Natia smirked and offered Silya a warm hand to follow her. Silya grabbed Natia's warm hand and followed Natia into the soft purple portal. They go through a long, seemingly endless trail and once they finally reach the end of the trail, Natia's hair grew longer and sudden goat horns grew and a cute fluffy tail as well. Silya's legs shook and quivered as they probably had to walk 82 miles on the trail or more, now that Silya takes a look around with her eyes; The place is beautiful, willow trees with fairy lights hanging and picnics under the largest willow tree which is in the middle of the willows, there was a pond as well with lily pads and white frogs and small itty bitty fairies flying around. As Silya looked, a small fairy had transformed into a human-like creature with beautiful black hair, with a pale composure of their skin, their eyes a beautiful dark brown. Their intelligence can easily be sustained by other people, as Silya looked and witnessed this; the fairy had already appeared in front of Silya. Silya's eyes widened as the young fairy had shown their big doe eyes towards Silya, Silya soon asked for the fairy's name. "Uhm.. Hello? W-..what's your name..?" Silya sounded anxious and timid against asking for the young fairy's name. The young fairy soon replied; their voice was calm but high-pitched, "Vyan Ina! Pleasure to meet you, Silya!", Silya was shocked, her jaw dropped; 'how did this young fairy, that I have never met- know my name!?' Silya was shocked as can be, I mean; who wouldn't? As the young fairy; Vyan had shown her beautiful, big brown doe eyes. She was beautiful, plus the young fairy soon showed her exquisite smile. It evaluated her face and enlarged it, it was pretty but quite .. weird as you can say. Soon, Vyan had waved goodbye and turned back into her fairy form; Silya also waved goodbye and continued to let Natia lead the way to wherever Natia wanted her to be. Silya was known to be obedient as she was always taken advantage of, and used. As Silya and Natia walked and walked through the forest, many fairies stopped them to say hello- them all knowing Silya's name, Silya was worried; how did they know her name? She never has been here nor has she ever introduced herself to anyone out of school or home. Silya looked at Natia, who had a small grin plastered on her face, Silya wondered 'Why is Natia grinning that way?'. Natia soon started laughing hysterically, confusing Silya; Natia soon spoke with her grin becoming larger, "You really.. Really don't remember, do you?" Natia said, her eyes now a beautiful pearl white and the grin was larger on her face then before. Silya nodded confusingly, "What do you mean..?" Silya asked, her voice of a confused little puppy awaiting their owners arrival after long hours. Natia giggled once again, "Don't you remember me? Natia Pientress, from your dreams." Natia then paused, letting it sink into Silya's mind, soon Natia continued when she thought that Silya had thought about it enough, "We're best friends, right? I have helped you with your problems in your dreams, and you've helped me with my problems as well." Silya froze, her eyes widened as she soon remembered the place they were in, it was the place all her dreams took place in! How was she in it though? "How.. am I in this place then?" Silya retorted, Natia froze and then grinned and looked Silya dead in the eyes, "Well, you could be sleeping, or you're the lucky one.. Guess which one!" Natia exclaimed, Silya looked at Natia and then spoke softly "I'm sleeping, aren't I?" Natia just stares at Silya and then answers in a confused tone, "Wow.. Are you always this selfless?.." Silya just nodded, and soon Natia continued, "Well, actually you're the lucky one!!"... A few days go by and it's a stormy night with soft piles of snow, the trees in the forest still the same because of the type of tree it is. Silya has been living in this dreamworld for around four days now, three till a week. Natia has been giving Silya very little attention but when she could she would give Silya a lot of attention; only if she wants to give Silya the attention. Days when Silya would walk around the perimeter of the forest, some good ol' fairies and even one fae had come by to say hi! One of the weirdest but prettiest fairies that came by, was named; 'Ryo'. For some reason, that was the only guy fairy in the forest that Silya had found. Silya had been around the forest over and over again and only met female fairies, now there's a guy! Silya blushes just out of pure embarrassment as she expected there to be only female fairies and not a guy as she has never seen one in this pure fairy forest, this is the only one she's seen in this forest. Silya soon heard Ryo speak calmly with a blatant smile on his lips, "You're Silya, right?" He said with a calm but soft tone. Silya nodded, her head easily tilted at this very moment. Silya soon responded with clear excitement and a tiny bit of embarrassment, "Yes, I am Silya.. And you're Ryo, correct?" Silya had asked, Ryo had smiled and nodded happily. His fluffy brunette hair with blonde bangs really set Silya's eyes aback when she saw them, they were unique and she never really saw people with that type of hair-do; but she thought it was quite pretty. Ryo looked straight at Silya with a glint of mischievous intent, "You wanna go cause just a little trouble?" Silya smiled, "I like the sound of that, what type of trouble though?" Ryo smirked and responded, "Well, of course we can just embarrass someone; like not harmful but calmly, ya know?" Silya jumped, nodded and smiled; "That sounds wonderful, Ryo-sama!" Ryo giggled, "It very much is, Silya-san." Ryo said with a polite grin plastered on his sharp face. As Silya and Ryo ventured deeper into the forest, the sun cast dappled patterns through the canopy above, creating a magical ambiance around them. They passed by glistening streams where water nymphs danced and shimmering meadows where playful pixies flitted about. Each step was filled with wonder and excitement as they plotted their mischief. Ryo led Silya to a clearing where a group of mischievous elves were known to gather. With a sly grin, he whispered his plan to Silya, who couldn't help but giggle at the thought of their harmless prank. Together, they orchestrated a symphony of giggles and whispers, weaving enchantments that would gently tease and amuse their unsuspecting victims. As the elves gathered, unaware of the impending mischief, Silya and Ryo exchanged mischievous glances, their excitement palpable in the air. With a flick of his wrist and a whispered incantation, Ryo conjured a playful illusion that sent the elves into fits of laughter. Silya added her own touch, sprinkling fairy dust that caused the elves' hats to dance atop their heads.The forest echoed with the sound of joyous laughter as Silya and Ryo revealed in the success of their prank. As the sun began to set and the laughter faded into the twilight, they bid farewell to their newfound friends, their hearts lighter and their spirits lifted by the magic of friendship and mischief. As they made their way back through the forest, Silya couldn't help but feel grateful for the unexpected encounter with Ryo and the adventures that lay ahead in their enchanted realm. With a smile on her lips and a twinkle in her eye, she knew that her days would never be dull as long as Ryo was by her side. As they walked through the forest, Silya turned to Ryo with a curious expression. "Ryo, how did you end up being the only guy fairy in this forest?" Ryo chuckled softly, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "It's a long story, Silya. Let's just say I'm a bit of an anomaly in these parts." Intrigued, Silya pressed further. "An anomaly? What do you mean?" "Well," Ryo began, his tone thoughtful, "most fairy communities tend to be predominantly female. But every now and then, a male fairy like myself comes along, much to the surprise of everyone else." Silya nodded, taking in Ryo's explanation. "I see. Well, I'm certainly glad you're here. It's nice to have some variety in the forest." Ryo smiled warmly at Silya's words. "Thank you, Silya. I must say, it's been a pleasant surprise to meet someone as adventurous and fun-loving as yourself." Silya blushed at the compliment, feeling a warmth spread through her chest. "Oh, stop it, Ryo. You're making me blush." Ryo chuckled, a twinkle of mischief in his eyes. "Well, then my work here is done." They continued their stroll through the forest, exchanging stories and laughter along the way. As the moon rose high in the sky, casting a silver glow over the treetops, Silya couldn't help but feel grateful for the unexpected friendship she had found in Ryo. And as they disappeared into the shadows of the night, their laughter echoed through the forest, a testament to the magic of friendship and the joy of shared adventures. As Silya and Ryo made their way deeper into the forest, they suddenly heard a melodious voice singing a hauntingly beautiful tune. Turning around, they saw Natia Pientress emerging from the shadows, her silver hair cascading down her shoulders like a shimmering waterfall. "Silya, darling! What a pleasant surprise to see you here," Natia exclaimed, her emerald eyes sparkling with mischief. Silya grinned at the sight of her dear friend. "Natia, it's always a delight to see you. What brings you to this part of the forest?" Natia winked playfully. "Oh, just a bit of wandering and wonderment, my dear. And who is this charming companion you've brought along?" Silya gestured to Ryo with a smile. "Natia, meet Ryo. He's the newest addition to our forest family." Ryo bowed gracefully, a polite smile gracing his lips. "A pleasure to meet you, Natia. Silya has spoken highly of you." Natia's laughter tinkled like wind chimes in the breeze. "Oh, has she now? Well, it's always a pleasure to make new friends. Especially ones as intriguing as yourself, Ryo." With introductions out of the way, the trio continued their journey through the forest, their laughter mingling with the rustle of leaves and the whisper of the wind. Along the way, they encountered all manner of magical creatures, from mischievous sprites to wise old dryads. As they walked, Natia regaled them with tales of her adventures and encounters with creatures both strange and wondrous. Her stories were like music to Silya's ears, filling her with a sense of wonder and awe. Before long, they arrived at a secluded glade bathed in moonlight, where a magical feast awaited them. The air was filled with the scent of wildflowers and the sound of laughter as they dined beneath the stars. As the night wore on and the fireflies danced around them, Silya couldn't help but feel grateful for the company of her friends. In their presence, she felt alive with the magic of the forest, her heart overflowing with joy and contentment. And as they bid each other farewell and disappeared into the night, Silya knew that she would cherish these memories forever, a testament to the enduring power of friendship and the beauty of the natural world.

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