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Rated: E · Article · Religious · #2326643
Meditation and prayer at the Western Wall to connect deeply with its divine energy.

Dear friends,

In this world, there is a place that serves as its spiritual center.

This place is located in Jerusalem and is the Western Wall of the Temple, Kotel HaMa'aravi (Heb.).

When visiting such a sacred place as the Western Wall (Kotel HaMa'aravi), it is important to attune yourself to a deep spiritual connection. Meditation and prayer will help open your heart and mind to the Divine energy of this place.

Around 15 years ago, with God's Help, I composed the meditation and prayer presented here, which you are welcome to use if you wish.

Chaim Tal, PhD

Meditation at the Western Wall

  1. Preparation: Before approaching the Wall, find a quiet place nearby. Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths in and out. Focus on your breathing.

  2. Attuning to the Space: Imagine a powerful energy emanating from the Western Wall. Feel this energy begin to permeate your body, starting from the top of your head to the tips of your fingers.

  3. Connecting with the Universe:

    • Silently repeat: "I am open to the energy of the universe. I am ready to receive whatever it has prepared for me."

    • Visualize the light of the Divine descending upon you, filling you with peace and confidence.

  4. Meditation on the Care of the Universe: Imagine the universe taking on all your worries and concerns. Repeat to yourself: "I trust the universe. It cares for me, guides me, and protects me."

  5. Conclusion: Feel gratitude for the opportunity to be in such a place. Stay in this state for a few moments, feeling peace and unity with the universe.

Prayer at the Western Wall

"Ribono Shel Olam, Elohai Shaddai, El Chai, standing before this holy Wall, I open my heart and soul before You.

I ask You to fill me with Your strength and light, grant me wisdom and understanding.

I entrust my worries to You and ask that You guide me on the path of truth and righteousness.

May the universe be on my side, caring for me and protecting me at every step.



You can read Tehillim 121 or Tehillim 91, which are traditionally recited for protection and support.

These prayers and meditations will help you attune to the spiritual realm and feel a part of the grand design that watches over you.

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