Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2326550-Chapter-45
Rated: E · Chapter · Adult · #2326550
Dark Society
Incessantly, Luis watched as the snow fell, though he didn't allow the cold conditions to dampen his exhilaration. At long last, he'd spoken with Sabrina, and though brief, the conversation went well. Albeit, there were things they still needed to talk about and afterwards straighten out. Thereby, Luis worked to relax, perusing photographs, until Sabrina's call came as promised.

"Hey there." she greeted, encased in a favored Afghan.

"I missed that smile."

Sniggering, Sabrina sheltered her face.

"I bet you did."

"A lot's happened."

Slowly, her eyes lifted.

"I know."

"I assume you know about Karen and Lyndsey?"

"Among other things."

Largely, Luis wasn't surprised, knowing she and Tatum spoke often. Except that Sabrina's expressions and tone of voice indicated more.

"Alex and Karen?"

"Uh-huh," she murmured. "However, isn't that what you wanted?"

Settling, Luis hesitated.

"I'm happy for them, though it's not what matters."

"That doesn't sound like you."

Per usual, Sabrina didn't mean to seem sheltered, but varying faces often revealed an inner angst.

"I can't stop thinking about you."

"Me either."

For the most part, sentiments felt genuine, so Sabrina frequently recalled their final moments together.

"I remember that kiss."

That said, Luis displayed the last picture of them taken together.

"I can't believe you have that."

Inevitably, Luis grinned.

"A reminder, hoping I'd see you again."

Suddenly, Sabrina pouted and recoiled.

"You won't." she admitted. "Because it's better that way."

Out of thin air, Luis remembered Tatum's confession, and aimed to inquire about Jennifer, despite any repercussions.

"Who's Jennifer Brie?"

As expected, Sabrina cringed, knowing Tatum had talked. And yet, she wasn't furious, because now that he knew, they could discuss it.

"Someone I can't explain."


Uncertain, Sabrina cleared her throat.

"I don't know what's going on, but there's something between us." she continued. "Something spiritual."

Luis adjusted and clasped his hands together.

"Sabrina, I need to know."

"If I'm telling the truth?"


Settling, Sabrina again paused.

"The truth is, I don't have an answer."

Time and again, Luis agonized, knowing she'd struggled with inexplicable moods and significant personal transitions. On that ground, he didn't push, believing it'd upset her.

"I left when things got heated," she clarified. "It was me or you, who knows, but you deserve better."

"Are you sure about that?"

"I'm not sure about anything - except how much I care about you." she added. "Secondly, that kiss meant a lot, and I haven't forgotten it."

"Me either," Luis answered. "However, I'm surprised I did it, seeing how I'm not usually that forward."

Sabrina giggled.

"It's all right; I forgive you." she joked. "As to the rest, things are different, and we have to accept it."

Luis smirked, pondering.

"If things could change, would you be receptive to it?"

Sure enough, Sabrina appeared baffled.

"I don't understand."

Eagerly, Luis grinned.

"You will."
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