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Rated: 13+ · Interview · Educational · #2326058
A list of thoughts, wisdom, and or observations.

It takes time to write a letter. A letter changes time into a gift.

Speak with kindness
---Write with intention
-----Live with adventure
--------Love always
Sharing each equally along the way

The magic of words changes the lives of people we will never know.

Overthinking details often leads to sleeping too little.

I never understood Grandma telling me that time moved faster as she got older. Now that I do, I wish I didn’t …

Before cooking a new recipe, have the delivery pizza number handy. Just incase.

Profound philosophy fits on a bumper sticker.

Expensive words often say the cheapest things.

If you don't share your life, all anyone will know is the dash between a couple of dates.

Try everything once. If it's good, try it again and again.

Walking into a pole or off a curb happens when looking back.

If allowed, imagination is far worse than reality. Things are often not as bad as the dwelling thoughts make them out to be.

Coffee, black ... unless a shot of whiskey is available.

Never turn down a free meal. When able, offer one.

When something isn't working. A well-delivered hit about a 3rd of the way down the right side is both satisfying and effective. "Heeey"

Gossip will tell you what was heard. Logic tells you what to think. Wisdom knows better.

When it's your circus, control your monkeys.

Leverage, use it well ... beware of the backlash when abused.

"Never judge a book by its cover." However, a worn cover means something ...

Unexpected results don't equal failure.

People who use "trust me" often don't know what it means.

Love is a kind of pain.

It's hard being what you're not.

Words live, be careful what you give birth to.

Friends, like gardens, need weeding sometimes.

The best lessons are learned by accident.

Time isn't money. It can't be saved for a rainy day.

"As seen on TV" doesn't explicitly translate "as in real life."

It's all good. Till it's not!

Intelligence isn't how much someone knows, it's the ability to utilize the knowledge possessed.

The line between opposites is often thin and blurred.

A question never asked can never be answered.

A well-placed word or comma can change everything.

If you step in muck, you will have to clean your shoes.

If you stir the pot, be prepared to lick the spoon.

Getting lost can lead to being found.

Life is seemingly ordinary. Yet, unique.

Most likely, grandma or grandpa has been there and/or done that; they can help.

Your happiness is a burden another can't carry.

Eyes can be misdirected. Minds can be deceived. Hearts are just fools.

Want to know someone's real character. Take them for a walk in a dog park.

Trust your gut, it knows its shit.

The destiny for most people is obscurity because it's easy.

Become an expert at one thing. Know many things.

Your greatest enemy can be found in the mirror.

You can turn the electronics off for an hour or so; it's okay, really.

Do what you have to do quickly. Then, you'll have time to thoroughly enjoy what you want to do.

Enjoy moments, create memories, and cherish experiences.

Hold hands … often.

Common ground can't exist if only differences are discussed.

Learn to cook an omelet, an excellent one-dish dinner, and bake something sweet. You will always be able to improve your day or make someone else's better.

It doesn't matter if the cup is half empty or half full. What matters is knowing there is a drink.

Sometimes, ignorance truly is bliss.

Hygiene is more important than personality.

Never lend money to family or friends. If you have it, gift it to them. If it doesn't come back, there will be no hard feelings.

Try to fix things yourself. If you have to call a maintenance specialist anyway, at least you know for sure it is fugged up.

Facts sway less minds than enthusiasm.

A dandelion is a beautiful flower for children. Until they are taught it is a weed.

Bodily functions and noises are funny at any age.

Grandmas and Grandpas teach the best lessons in kitchens and toolboxes.

Aunts and Uncles are the friend's parents can't be.

People feel most flattered when you remember their name.

Beware of what you wish for; it might come true.

Youth and energy will score points. Experience and treachery will win games.

Everyone thinks they're a beast until confronted with the need to do beastly deeds.

Another day? Challenge accepted!

Temptation is often granted.

A problem really isn't the problem. The reaction is the problem.

Respect is a currency that pays dividends.

Always take a light when soul searching.

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