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A young woman wakes up somewhere unfamiliar and finds herself at a masked strangers mercy. |
Mid 2000, during early October. Time of day, mid to late afternoon. On a hardwood floor laid a naked young woman, her dark brown hair was neatly tied into a ponytail. And her B cup breast were pressed against the ground. While her surprisingly plump rump was lifted slightly into the air, its lightly tan color matching the rest of her body. In her slumber, she tossed about. Almost like she was having a rough dream or maybe an outright nightmare. The trashing in her sleep flipped her over. Causing her legs to open a bit, and her soft soles to lay flat against the floor. A neatly trimmed bush sat above a pair of slightly loose pink lips, not exactly well worn. But not exactly inexperienced either. One of her hands moved up. Then fell against her somewhat flat stomach. "Agh." she grunted, her eyes slowly opening. With a few blinks, she slowly rose to rest on her side. Her vision was blurry, paired with a strange floaty feeling that was running through her head. Carefully and slowly, she scanned the room around her. It was a dimly lit living room, bits of furniture dotting along the layout of its floor. One of the closest pieces to her was a coffee table, slowly she took hold of its leg. Using it like an anchor while she moved to her knees. Carefully, the young lady sat up. A slight chill sent through her by the coldness of the hard wood floor. "Ahh!" slipped past her lips. Now a little more awake, it occurred to her. Wherever she was, was highly unfamiliar. Her eyes again scanned the room, this time more alert. Looking around, she paused. "Wait a minute." her gaze turned inwards to herself, staring low then slowly coming up. "Why the hel am I butt ass naked?!" The floaty feeling was fading, in its place was arriving a clear clarity. Slowly she stood up and using her arms; she covered her exposed body. Standing in place, she called out. "Is anyone there? Any body? Listen If we did some weird stuff I get it, but at least had the decency to-" A voice cut her off. "Morning sleepy head. You've been out quite a few hours, I was starting to think I was gonna have to bury your body. Glad to see you aren't dead." What started as a feeling of relief, quickly shifted back to anxiety. "Listen, you signed the waiver. So don't get lippy, keep your mouth shut and your ears open." the voice was just as frigid as the floor her soft soles were standing on. It carried a tone of annoyance, or indifference. "I can see you for the record. Don't bother trying to cover your tits, pussy, whatever. Your fat ass has unconscious and naked for hours already anyways." Feeling defeated, she lowered her hands. Allowing her lightly tanned and slender frame to be fully seen. "Thats better. Now, take a seat on the sofa. If you have any questions, go ahead. Ask them now. Last, and only chance. Fat ass." Very much dejected. She took a seat. "For starters, what waiver are you talking about? And where in the world am I? Where are you?" a few seconds passed before the voice responded. "I'll explain this really slow for you fat ass. You saw my flyer on a light post or something I dunno, don't really care either. But it was an offer, two hundred bucks for going through some trials." There was a vague memory of meeting with a masked woman, but she struggled to remember it clearly. "Did you drug me or something?!" she jolted upright, her feet stomping hard. In response the voice sighed deeply. "No you dumb ass, I shared a glass of wine with your dumb ass and you passed out. Saved me the trouble of blind folding you at least. Didn't save me from having to load your fat ass into my car though." She blushed deeply, and turned her gaze downwards, while fidgeting slightly in embarrassment. For a minute or two, there was silence before she spoke in a timid tone. "...sorry. But that doesn't tell me where I am, or where you are. Even if I did sign up for this, isn't it like. Against the law to withhold important information?" the young woman tried to speak with a bit more confidence. Slightly less annoyed, the voice replied. "You my dear dumb ass are in an abandoned building I bought at a steal, by the way. Its really cute you're worried about laws here. And to answer your other question, I'm in the same building. Just a different room." Still a bit confused, she nodded. "Any other questions?" For a few seconds, she tapped her heel against the hard wood floor. Suddenly the tapping stopped and she asked plainly. "Whats your name?" Silence followed, causing the young woman to grow worried, nervously she started to look around. Ears keen to hear any hint of the mysterious voice. "Sophia. My name is Sophia. Also I really hope you don't think sharing names is gonna make me stop calling you fat ass, that ship sailed when I had to pull your panties off." Red slid across her cheeks. Despite Sophia's clear indifference, the young still felt a need to share her name. "My name is Cathy by the way." A soft, yet unnerving giggle filled her ears. "Okay Cathy, I mean fat ass. I think its time to get your trials under way. Stand up, and get your ass in gear. I'll explain as we go, I promise this won't be too complicated. Well, you may surprise me." Cathy grunted, and climbed to her feet. She still wasn't really sure what these 'trials' would entail. However, the young woman figured it was a bit late to back down. Once again, Sophia spoke. "Head to your right, be mindful of the coffee table. I don't want you getting indirect bruises, I'd rather give them to you personally." there was an unmistakable smugness to her voice, which made the woman feel a bit uneasy. For the next few minutes, she carefully made her way to the door. Stopping every few steps to enjoy the layout. "Hey Sophia? I like the decor you got, it makes this place feel kinda cozy. Do you ever host parties or anything here? Or just these trials?" She thought it over a moment, a gentle humming sound dancing through the quiet. "No, I can't say I have. And thank you, I like your body. Its very sexy, and your skin felt very soft." her comments made Cathy fidget a little. "Tha- thanks. I go to the gym once a week, and try to use lotion every day." during their causal talk, she had reached the door without notice. It contrasted the rest of the room, a bright red door with two words written across it in bronze paint. "First trial." For a second, her nerves got the better of her. And Cathy felt a need to turn tail and run. Before she could even try, Sophia spoke. "Whats the matter fat ass, afraid? If you wanna back out I won't stop you, but you looked so brave. It was kind of adorable, your head held high." every compliment said felt like it was hiding an insult. Despite her nerves, she took a deep breath and slowly opened the door. A soft bell ringing as it slipped away from its border. Cathy stuck by its frame, peaking cautiously forward. Much to her surprise, the room looked quite normal, even pleasant if she could be so bold. A large leather recliner sat in its center, next to a nightstand or similarly sized table. Atop which sat a lamp, and a bottle of lube. Carefully she stepped in, the door automatically shutting behind her. Now in the room proper, she decided to take a look around. On the wall to the left of the chair and its table, was a medium sized TV. When she approached to investigate it, the screen sparked to life. A strangely familiar sight greeted her, it was a woman with shoulder length black hair, that hung over a pearlescent dragon mask. The masked woman stepped away from the camera, bringing her fully body into frame. She was slightly chubby, sporting a muffin top with a sizeable pair of D or double D cup breast. Most of her body was covered by a thin black layer of fur, despite this, she had a noticeable bush resting above her lower reaches. It was well groomed; to the point it was trimmed in the shape of a puzzle piece. The figure on the screen didn't speak, instead choosing to playfully dance about. Cathy gazed at her, unsure what to say. In a way, she felt almost mesmerized by the sight. Suddenly the figure shifted her eyes, meeting the young woman's gaze straight on. "Enjoying the show fatass?" Sophia asked, her mouth moving away from her dragon mask as she spoke. Cathy gasped in surprise, a memory appearing clear at the forefront of her mind. "I remember now! When I was heading home from work I saw a flyer, I went to the address, met you and." Cathy trailed off, the sight on the screen taking her attention. Sophia leaned closer to the camera, her chest more in view. Playfully she rubbed one of her nipples, bringing it to the tip of her snout and giving it a small lick. Cathy blushed at the sight, as an odd feeling came over her, she felt what could only be described as arousal. "Is this it? I thought it was gonna a little more extra or extreme, not just watching you play with yourself." Even though she sounded dismissive. The young woman did enjoy the display, Sophia pressed her breast together. Inviting Cathy to do the same. Given the difference in size between them, her display was a bit lacking by comparison. "I'll admit fat ass, you've definitely been one of the cuter subjects I've put through this. But. Enough playing around, its time to put you through your paces." Cathy nodded, her body feeling hot and quite excited. "Somehow I knew you were just playing with me." she said in a breathy tone. Sophia replied with an uncomfortable laugh, "Maybe you are smarter then I gave you credit for. No matter. I'm sure you noticed the chair and more importantly, if you don't wanna hurt yourself anyway. The bottle of lube." She turned around, then took hold of the bottle. Running her hands along it for a moment, the flexible rubber bottle felt very soft to the touch. "I'm gonna give you something better to play with then that bottle." following close behind her words, came a mechanical spring like sound. Slowly she turned her attention back to the chair, and was struck by the sight of a large rubber member with a pair of half balls at its base. Resting atop a mechanic arm, that reached out of the chair. "Go ahead fat ass, lube it up. I'll be controlling the speed. Along with a few other factors. After you've lubed it, I'm sure you can figure how to put it in." Carefully, she poured lube along the tip and shaft. Grasping it gently. Cathy felt her body heating up, a deep warmth rose up from below. Growing in intensity as hands greedily ran along its length and girth. Sophia watched her with a smug stare. Feeling satisfied, Cathy set down the bottle of lube and turned to face the TV. "Look I know how to put it in, but uh. There a specific angle you had in mind?" in reply to the question, the dragon masked woman laughed. "Aren't you just such a little people pleaser. I can move the chair should I desire a better look, or did you mean position? Because I promise, its more than durable enough to hold you. Fat ass or not." Shyly, she turned back to the chair. The warm feeling was still there, rasing up from her lower reaches to her chest. Slowly Cathy approached it. Then carefully, she climbed just above the dildo atop its mechanism. It felt so close, and that feeling made her whole body shake with excitement. The arm moved, gently sliding it between her thighs, past her bright pink lips. It's lubricant coating made it feel so cold. While making it's entrance much more pleasant. There was noticeable rhythm to its movement, slow, steady. Cathy laid against the back rest of the chair, pressing her chest against it while wrapping her arms around it. Soft moans slipping free of her mouth. "Oooh, mmm." she stretched out her legs, relaxing her body as much as she could. Allowing the machine to slide deeper with each movement. "There we go, hows it feel fat ass? I spent at least a month working on that chair alone. Maybe if you get through this, I'll let you see the prototypes." "Mhhhmmmm." was all Cathy felt like mustering, Sophia reached down to a small controller. Speeding up the arms trusting motion. Which caused the young woman to jolt up a bit, her arms wrapping tighter around the chair in surprise. "How do you like that? Too much? Or maybe you want it to go faster. Don't be afraid to speak your mind, I just adore when my subjects offer input." Cathy turned her head to regard Sophia, her chin resting against the peak of the back rest. "So-Sophia yo-yoooou" the feeling of its length reaching deeper with thrust felt so forceful, but so good. "Ooo, got something you wanna say fat ass?" the young woman could see her eyes light up, even the tone she spoke with carried a hint of excitement. "Bittttcch, you damn bitch Sophia!" Cathy gathered herself long enough to speak in a defiant way; she expected the masked woman to be angry or bothered. Instead, her eyes were practically glowing. "Oh yeaaaah. That's right, talk back to me. C'mon, beg to be let free or beg for more!" she didn't know what to say at first, between the pleasure between her legs. And the genuine shock of Sophia's excitement. Cathy found herself at a loss for words, instead she chose to pull one arm free and lift her middle finger. In response, the masked woman leaned close to the camera. "Hope you know, if you make through the trial. I'm gonna shove that finger up your fat ass." as she spoke, Sophia did a fingering motion with her right middle finger. In an attempt to mock her subject. At the sight, Cathy smiled warmly. "I can't waaaait." she said, her body almost bouncing because of the mechanical arm's continued thrusting. More moans freely escaped her mouth, while her round ass jiggled. "You know Sophia, mmmm. I hope your fingers can match this thiiiiingg, oh god I have gotta buy this or rent it off you." Sophia shrugged, trying to hide the hint of a small smile. "No offense fat ass, but you couldn't even afford one of the prototypes." while taunting her, Sophia turned a knob on the controller. Spinning the chair. "Heeeey, what is your bitch assss dooiinng!" Cathy shouted as the TV was pulled away from her sight. All she could see was a plain wall. But she could still clearly hear the masked woman, and despite her best efforts to hide it, Sophia was enjoying herself along with her subject. "Mmm, look at that plump rump jiggle. I wonder how good you'd be without my mechanical aid fat ass?" the arm had gotten deep enough that its balls slapped against her lower reaches. "Shiiiittt, Sophia! At least let me, loooook, you in the eye!" the young woman tried to keep herself composed long enough to finish a full sentence, but the feeling of her lips being spread so deeply made focusing on speech difficult. "Fine. Whiney bitch, but you better keep making those sweet sounds. Because if you're cumming, so am I." When the TV returned to view, she was greeted with a front row seat to the masked woman mounted on a toy of her own, her mask slightly moved aside. "Whats with that look? You can't seriously be surprised I'm pleasuring myself." seeing even a little bit of her face exposed, left the young woman stunned. "No I kinda expected that, but I didn't expect you to be so pretty under that mask." she replied, her words carried on the current of soft moaning. Sophia brought a hand to the exposed half of her face, then she pulled her mask back into place. Trying to cover her slight embarrassment, she tried to tease her subject. "I'm trying to match your speed. So don't cum too quickly now, try to control yourself." Cathy flashed her a smile, "Mhm, I won't. Pretty pi-" With a scornful stare, she ramped up the machines speed. Shaking the young woman's frame. "What was that fat ass?" Sophia said as the mechanical arm returned to a much less drastic speed. For a few seconds, Cathy had to breath deep. "Okaaaay, okay. Sorry, I'll be good. Please don't do that again." an annoyed grunt paired with a still very upset stare was all the young woman got in reply at first. Trying to make up for her misstep, Cathy began to moan a bit more energetically and shook her hips. Swaying her ass side to side, while the dildo continued to ravage her. "Ohh it feels so good in my wet pussy, I can't get enough of this machine!" she moved with its thrusting motions, causing more deep moans to pour forth. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed Sophia shifting around. "Mmm, that's right. Shake that booty, ride that toy. I can't over state how much I adore cooperation from my subjects." From what little she could see, it appeared that Sophia was genuinely smiling under her mask. Granted, it was hard to focus on her face. When the masked woman's double Ds were so busy bouncing around. Along side the sight of enjoyment, she made no effort to hide her sounds of pleasure. Deep, heavy moans reverberated from the TV's speaker. "Trying to, mmmm. Match your ass is pretty hard. I must, mmff. Admit." Sophia lifted both of her breast upwards to her mouth, just to lick her nipples. Cathy was amazed at the sight, given the size difference between the two. It was difficult to imagine carrying so much extra weight, or even breathing with such large mounds stacked atop her chest. "What fat ass? Feeling envious? Tell you what, since you've been such a good subject so far. I promise that if you make it through, I'll let you play with my girls for as long as your heart desires." her bountiful mounds shook as she spoke. A sight that, even if she didn't want to admit it. Did cause Cathy some delight in her lower reaches. "Sounds good to me, I bet they're- Mmmf." the machine thrusted with a twisting motion, forcing her to lose the steadiness she had mustered. "What was that subject?" the masked woman said, her tone baring a faint hint of smugness. "It seemed like you had something you wanted to say. Or were you just going to moan some sweet sounds for me?" Her head was turned to fully meet the masked woman's gaze, "Yeah, I was. Glad to know you're enjoying them so much, yours have been pretty nice too." Sophia let out a deep heavy moan, the sound of which reached through the speaker right to her subject's ears. Despite only being noise, she swore there was a sensation of warm air on the back of her neck. "Feel like I'm, like I'm... Imagining stuff." Cathy tried to speak, but for some reason her mind felt foggy. The warmth that had been steadily moving from her loins through her body, grew to feel like an all consuming flame. "Thats it. Give in, I can see it in your eyes, in the movement of your hips. Let your lust flow from below, soak that chair and toy in your passion." even though her mind was a blurry haze, she was able to focus on Sophia's voice. Cathy tightly grabbed the chair, her legs wrapped around themselves. And she, in a lustful frenzy. Moved into every thrust of the machine. At the sight, the masked let out many heavy breathy sounds of delight. Every one of which seemed to push her subject further into the state of frenzy, wet sounds echoed all around in that small room. Each followed close behind by a string of curse words, half spoken words, sometimes even names. The young woman had her eyes shut tight, having little need of her sight during this frenzy of feeling. While Cathy was in the middle of her booty shaking, hip bouncing and head tossing. Sophia was doing her best to match her, trying desperately to keep with the sheer stamina of the young woman. But she found it quite a struggle. "Aaa, aaaafffu-" she bellowed out, her chest filling with air like a balloon before releasing it in a shout that stunned Sophia. Close behind, came a torrent. Finally, they had both reached their climax. For a few minutes, neither of them spoke. Instead breathing deep, their lungs ragged from the depth of their exhaling. After around two ish minutes of this, Sophia stood up. Dismounting her toy. "Trial one, successful. My, my. You are, goodness fat ass. I'll give credit where its due, that is some impressive stamina. Really surprised me." for the first time since she woke, Cathy heard a genuine compliment. "Wow. I didn't know it was possible for you to say nice things while also meaning it." the young woman said in a somewhat snarky tone. In reply, Sophia placed her hand against her mask. "Yes, yes. Enjoy your praise, you've earned it. Just watch that your head doesn't swell to match that ass of yours." unsurprisingly, the masked woman was as genuine with her reprimands. "Also don't worry about cleaning up. Just get that plump rump in gear and get going. The door out should appear shortly." as her sentence ended. The wall that the TV was resting against started to move, before coming forward. Revealing the border of a hidden passage just behind it. Cathy slowly approached it; gently pulling the now open hidden door a bit inward. Allowing her more room to comfortably slip by. Once on the other side, she found herself in a dimly lit hallway. It was recently cleared, the air having a faint scent of vanilla. Which did ease the slight nervousness that was creeping up on her. In fact, it almost made her feel comfortable. Cathy then started to walk. Unlike the first room she found herself in, this hallway had carpet. It was a welcome change, given how walking along the hard wood of that first room felt akin to bare foot stepping on ice or snow. There wasn't much to see this time around, no paintings, wallpaper or anything of the sort. No, these walls were barren of decor or ornaments of any kind. For some reason, it did make her feel a bit sad. "Hey Sophia? I dunno if you can hear me, if you'll even care now that I think about it." she mumbled to herself, "Maybe you could try adding paintings here or something?" All she got in reply, was silence. It felt strange being alone with her thoughts, with herself. Cathy sped up her walking, trying to get to the next room posthase. And be rid of the uncomfortable silence that was settling in on her. At the far end of that long embty hall, she saw a sight that filled her with joy. A bright blue door. Two words were written across its center in silver paint. "Second trial." "Oh thank goodness!" Cathy said to herself, a wide smile across her lips. Without a second thought, she rushed to reach the door and pull it outward. Only to learn, it opened inward. With a slight embarrassed blush filling her cheeks, Cathy pushed the door open. And walked straight into the second trial, her anxiety from before being overtaken by her fear of being stuck alone in that hallway for another second. "Sophia!" the young woman shouted, then. "please answer." she said under her breath. "What fat ass? Don't you have an indoor voice?" Cathy fidgeted a bit, her hands running along her forearms near her shoulders. "Yeah uh, sorry. I was just-" the masked woman cut her off. "Feeling lonely huh? Don't worry about it too much fat ass, I figured you for the clingy type, but its okay. Your masked mistress is here. Do you have anything to say?" Instead of speaking, the young woman started to shake her ass. Pointing it in various directions, unsure of where she was being seen from. "Mmm. At least you know how to give a good apology, even gave me a bunch of different angles. I hope you can endure this trial; because It'd be a real disappointment if you gave up at this point. Don't forget fat ass. That promise is still on the table." As she heard the word table, there came a loud slapping sound. "Oh, oh my goodness." that warmth started up again, not nearly as intense as last time. However it was still very noticeable. "For now though, you my fat ass subject, have a trial to do. If you'll please turn your attention forward to the far wall, I'm sure you can see the unlocked stocks." A pair of metal stocks were partly molded into the wall, not quite wielded. Yet they weren't really part of it fully. "Sophia is this what I think it is?" Cathy sounded a bit apprehensive. "I'll still do it, but. I can't really say I expected anything feet related I guess?" In reply, the masked woman teased her. "You were okay with the sex machine chair, but letting your feet be played with makes you feel uncomfortable? I must say, your limits are a bit odd." Sophia sounded surprised, her tone lacking the teasing or mockery. "I never said that, I just wanted to know if this was a feet thing or not. I've actually been a bit. Interested in trying it, wanna know why people like feet so much I guess." Cathy said as she nervously walked over to the wall. Carefully, the young woman brought her ass to the ground and her feet to the holes. For a few seconds she hesitated, before just shoving both feet into their respective hole. Then the stocks slowly lowered, locking her ankles in place with a click. "Thats it? I thought they were gonna grow hands out the sides or something, but they just lock my feet behind a wall? Are you messing with me or somet-" there came a wet feeling against her right sole, shortly after there was one on the left. Cathy giggled. "He-heeeheehe- hey!" she shouted. Unsure of what was happening on the other side of the wall. But the wet sensation against her feet continued. It felt strange, yet very lovely at the same time. "Maybe I have, aaahh. Sensitive feet or somethiiiingg!" she thought aloud. Struggling to speak without being interrupted by the feeling or her own sudden giggles. Seeing no other option, she decided to lay back. Allowing whatever was touching her soles to continue without protest. "This is definitely a new feeling, but I kinda... Hehehe." While laying flat on her back, she caught sight of a screen on the wall opposite her. "Hi Sophiaaaa." the young woman tried to say, still finding it difficult to speak through stimulation. At the mention of her, the masked woman did appear on the screen. "I see someone's enjoying herself." she spoke with a familiar tone of smugness and dominance. Seeing her appear on the screen so suddenly did catch Cathy a little off guard. "Hooow? Did you just wait for meee, to mention yooou?" the young woman did little to hide her enjoyment of the moist sensations against her soles. She could just barely see a smirk peaking out from beneath the pearlescent dragon mask. "Oh of course, I didn't want my subject starting to panic all because I didn't feel like speaking. So I thought I'd grace you with my visage." the mask shook a little bit as she chuckled. "Heeeey, Sophia!" she managed to say, just as the strange wetness against her soles touched a very sensitive spot. Causing her to bounce in place. "Whys this one hidden behind a wall anywaaaay?" In reply to the question, the masked woman gazed at her with a confused look in her eyes. "What do you mean this one? Theres two." Sophia said in a matter of fact sort of way. "Okay whateveeerrr why hide these machines behind a waaalll, are they too ugly for your oh so wonderful sight or something?" Cathy tried to mock her. "Fat ass are you trying to mess with me? The only machine here is the stocks. But if you're trying to ask what's been licking your feet, that's another pair of subjects." For a few seconds, she froze up. Stunned at learning there were other subjects, however she was even more surprised those same subjects had been dragging their tongues across the bottoms of her feet. "Is, is that right..." Cathy spoke shakily, starting to second guess her ability to keep going. "Whats with that look fat ass? If you're worried they're gonna try to hurt you or something, don't be. I might be a bitch, but I make sure my subjects behave." For the first time, Sophia sounded serious. Or at least, it didn't sound like she was trying to mock or tease. The masked woman continued. "But if you are getting cold or I guess wet feet, I'll let you go." Cathy gave the suggestion a few seconds of thought, before replying. "I think. I'll keep going, but only because I trust you Sophia." the young woman spoke with a hint of nervousness in her voice. "I'm glad you've learned to trust me. Waiver or no, I don't like my subjects getting hurt without my involvement. Oh, and I hope you don't mind if they use your feet." Suddenly the wetness stopped, in its place came a feeling of something with a firm structure that felt soft to the touch. Then another much like it, but a little different. "I guess thats their dicks, uh. Should I try talking to them? I've never really done foot dirty talk before." she explained to Sophia. Who merely stood there, staring at her a bit taken aback. "Fat ass, you are. You are something else, I wish every subject was as playful as you. Go ahead, talk dirty to them. I'm sure they'll appreciate whatever you've got to say. Might even enhance your experience." Unsure of how to start, the young woman moved her toes around. Doing what she could to stimulate their length, despite not being able to see them. It was more than possible to feel their reactions. Slight twitches, or a sudden motion of something sliding against her soles. "Thats it, um. Put your fat cock right against my toes, they feel nice don't they? I'm sure they feel so soft against your girths." her tone lacked the confidence of an experienced mistress. Yet the pair beyond that wall seemed to enjoy how gently she spoke. At least, thats what she was thinking. From the sensations that tingled against bare soles with such enthusiasm. Small jolts, up and down. Eagerly their members moved, from base to tip. Across the young woman's soles. It tickled slightly, forcing a giggle or two out. And much to her surprise, that warmth returned. Along side it, a queer feeling. A feeling that Cathy decided to embrace. "Ooo, you really like my feet don't you guys? I think I felt every inch of you two in those last few strokes. Bring your tips to my toes." Doing the best she could muster, given her very limited experience. Cathy wrapped her toes around their tips gently, very carefully rubbing all five across and around them. Through the wall, she could hear muffled moans. Which caused that warmth to grow more intense once again. While the feeling that was following beyond also grew more noticeable. "Thats it boys, rub your shafts against my soles. Mmm, I can tell you've been waiting for this, every time I talk your dicks twitch. From the base to tip, I'm able to feel every inch. Sorry I'm not experienced enough to double foot your members by the by." Sophia watched and listened, for some reason the display filled her with a sense of pride. "Listen to you, talking like you're a proper dom. If I could, I'd let you see their faces. They keep twisting, while their bodies shake. I think you've earned a pair of fans." Cathy blushed deeply at learning how much excitement she'd inspired in the two beyond the wall. However, the revelation also made that warmth spread through her once more. "Are you boys really enjoying my feet this much? Maybe if you ask really nicely, Sophia will let you have a second round with me later." Her gaze swifted to the screen, meeting the masked woman's eyes straight on. In reply Sophia shook her head, "Who knows, maybe I'll decide to be nice if they give me a good enough show." with that bit of motivation tossed to them, the hidden pair began to move their hips. Dragging their girth and length hard against those silky soft soles, much to the surprise of Cathy. Who gasped, giggled and let out a few moans. "Sl-slow down guys!" but her words seem to fall on deaf ears, their dicks continuing to rub themselves against every inch. Trying to regain a bit of control, she grasped their tips when she felt an opportunity. "Now settle do-" instead of slowing down, they instead started to thrust against her toes. Their cocks still slapping against the bottoms of her feet while they did. Sophia could see both sides clear as day, and it was clear she was enjoying the display. "C'mon fat ass. Work those feet, bring your boys to heel. Unless all that talk about giving them a round two was just that. Talk." for some reason, her teasing words lit a fire beneath Cathy. Using what little movement she could, the young woman pulled their twin shafts. Even manging to pin them between the top of her feet, and that wall. "Now you two are gonna listen! If you wanna be taken care of properly, heres what i expect. First, put those dicks back as they were when I let go." without a hint of hesitation, they returned to their original positions. "Thats better. I understand getting, excited." as those words slipped past shaky lips, her toes curled around their tips. "However you gotta behave. Understand me?" continuing to tease, soft toes and soles moved against stiff twitching shafts. From the corner of her vision, she could see the masked watching with a more intense stare. Trying to be a bit playful, she leaned back, placing her hands flat to support herself, while laying her tongue hang out. In response, Sophia started to giggle that uncomfortable giggle again. "No matter what, you always try to be cute don't cha'?" Cathy simply shrugged. Before her attention returned to the pair that were locked tightly in the young woman's embrace. A feeling they both more than satisfying; they continued to twitch against those soft soles and rub against them. Their tips stroked by gentle toes. "Easy, easy. This is my first time, so I'm not. Really sure what to do when you two cum, but I think I should say. You will release on my feet, if Sophia tells me any went elsewhere." suddenly, the grip of those gentle toes became tight. The warmth and feeling became so intense, it felt as if s spirit had taken over her. Yet deep down, Cathy knew this warmth, this strange feeling. They were all hers, no one else's. Seeing little point to fight against it, she embraced it. "I'll make sure to embty you two of every last drop you've got when we have round two, you understand me?" they shook and twitched eagerly in her clutches, obviously just as over taken as she was. Silently Sophia watched all three of her subjects, a strange smile sliding so causally cross her lips. Instead of saying anything the masked woman choose to let them enjoy their shared lust. Doing the best she could manage, given the shackles holding her in place. Cathy moved her feet at a slightly tilted angle, stroking around their tips. While the unseen pair dragged their length up and down. "Thats it boys, you're getting close. I can feel it in every thrust of your hips, every single little twitch or jolt. They've been saying more than words ever could." her words were spoken in a soft manner that oozed a sweetness like verbal honey. Gradually, they started to slow. And her grip became looser, as it was clear what was coming. Them. Warm stickyness coated the length of her sensitive soles and toes, with it came a feeling of wetness on her finger tips and beneath her ass. Then there was a click; the pressure around her ankles was gone as the stocks returned to their default position, slowly she turned to regard Sophia. "Good job fat ass, thats another trial down, only one left. I'll be waiting for you just ahead, that is if you decide to take a left." Slowly, carefully. She slipped out of the holes in the wall. Curiously, Cathy looked over her feet. They were covered in sticky white warmth. Taking a moment, her view darted around. Thinking no one else was around or watching, the young woman gave her soles a lick. Curious how it would feel, how would it taste. It was sweet, with a hint of saltyness. For a minute two, Cathy sat there cleaning herself up. Once she was satisfied, she slowly stood up. And made started walking to the door, taking one last look around the room, it struck her how different each room had been. From a large living room like space, to something little more then a storage closet, to this wide empty space. Even the paths between them were different, in a way, she felt impressed. Sophia had created an oddly unique journey. Once she had finished gathering her thoughts, she turned the knob and pulled the door open. Beyond laid a much more welcoming sight, it was a room akin to the one she woke in. It was well furnished, but unlike that first room, the lights were bright and vibrant. From where she stood, she could see a good chunk of the room, fine chairs, sofas. Tables, nightstands. But what caught her attention the most, was a pair of wooden signs on the far end of the room. They pointed left and right respectively. The left was written in gold, "Last trial ." while the right was written in a more plan white. "Exit." Carefully she strided past the various bits of furniture, and stood beneath those two signs. For a few minutes she pondered, on the right was a short hallway leading to a door without writing. While on the left was a door with the word, "Workshop." written in golden paint across its center. Finally, her mind was made up. Cathy headed left through the door, and found herself in a room straight out of film. All kinds of half finished mechanisms crowded the floor and tables. On one of the walls was an engineering degree. "Well look at that, you didn't pussy out on me. I'll be honest. I expected you to book it for the exit and not look back." from behind her came a very familiar voice. Slowly looking over her shoulder, the young woman was met by a sight that was just as familiar. Standing only a few inches away, bedecked in a pearlescent dragon mask and red robe that was tied shut by a sash around her waist. Was none other than Sophia. There was something else she noticed, the masked woman's scent was sweet, and very floral. "H-hi Sophia." her voice was shaky, her legs trembled. While the masked woman was relaxed, even a bit confused. "Hey fat ass, whats with the trembling? You get a hold of one of the vibraters or something?" for some reason the young woman had trouble replying. They'd met face to face before now, but that was before they'd spent time together laid bare for each to see. "N-no, I'm just a little nervous I guess. I'm not really sure what I was expecting." finally, her thoughts untangled themselves enough to speak clearly. In reply, the robed figure before her reached up. Removing her pearlescent dragon mask by its dark purple horns. Revealing a somewhat, normal face. Without her mask, the hair around her face hung down, partly covering the area around her eyes. The pig woman signed, "What fat ass? Surprised? Stunned by my beauty? Listen. You've completed your trials, and I'm a lady of my word. So c'mere, we're gonna have fun together. After we finish, I'll drive you home." For what felt the first time in hours, Sophia spoke in a casual manner. It was akin to speaking with a friend about how your day went. Cathy felt her shoulders lower, the trembling subsided. She felt. Calm. "Oh, okay that sounds nice. Thank you Sophia." the young woman spoke softly; her eyes slowly looked over the figure stood before her. "I see someones still hungry. Go ahead, take off my robe and play with my girls. A promise is a promise after all. Also don't be afraid to get a little rough, goddess knows I've roughed you up a little." Carefully, the young woman took hold of the bright red sash that was neatly tied into a bow. As gentle as a butterflys wing beat, she undid it, then the figure moved. Outstretching both of her arms, allowing the matching robe to fall to the ground with a soft foamt. For a few seconds, Cathy looked her up and down again. Even though she'd seen Sophia laid bare on camera, seeing her up close felt so different. As her eyes journeyed over the curves of the pig woman's body. That warmth began. Sophia held her by the chin, looking into her eyes with a knowing gaze. Then she leaned in, taking her by surprise by placing a sudden kiss against shy lips. "I know that look, you are real excited aren't you? C'mon then. Put your soft hands wherever you want." the pig woman stood a few inches taller than her. Those almost shining eyes stared down with a gentle gaze. Delicately soft lips ran over pink nipples that stood stiff upwards from their areola, while hands struggled to grasp the mounds they rested on. Sophia gasped, soft moans slipping out over her lips. Between them, came gently spoken words. "Thats it, use your tongue too fat ass. Let your envy fuel you, I know how much you want tits like this." hearing those teasing words, the young woman lifted both breast with her forearms to her mouth. Then started to alternate licking left to right then back again. "Mmm, there you go..." the pig woman said beneath heavy breathy moans, while still petting her subject. This continued for a good few minutes, until Sophia grabbed the back of Cathy's head. "Why don't we do this somewhere more comfortable fat ass?" for a few seconds, the young woman watched her walk away. Enjoying the sight of her equally plump rump as it swayed side to side. "Hey fat ass, you sure you're okay to continue? Like I told you, I'm a bitch. But I'm not gonna let you keep going if you're gonna-" before Sophia would finish, she'd been grabbed by the waist. "I'm fine!" her subject replied. A familiar giggle filled the air. "I'm taking your word for it. But even so." hands gently wrapped each side of the subjects face. "The safe word is peach. If you start getting over whelmed, thats all you gotta say." With a small nod she replied. Sophia then lifted her over the shoulder, and gave her ass a firm smack that made Cathy bellow in surprise. "Wow you are strong!" The pig woman huffed, "Of course. Who do you think moves the mechanisms into place? Also I told you, I loaded you into my car." with in a few steps, she found herself laying on a mattress, it was on a clearly modified bed frame that had small tables attached to the sides. For a few moments, her head laid back on it, aiming her eyes upward to the wall. At a glance, she noticed something out of the ordinary. A pair of holes that looked like they were put there with a purpose in mind. "I see you've already noticed, remember that round two you talked about fat ass?" as those words reached her ears, two grithy and lengthy members come forth. "Ding ding." Cathy looked at them, then switched her attention to Sophia, who wore a smug smirk. "So one for you, one for me or are you gonna go to town on me while I go to town on them?" in reply, the pig woman shrugged. "Up to you fat ass." seeing her now indifferent expression made the young women giggle. "Then come on jumbo tits!" she said with a playful sass to her, before sitting up; taking hold of the pair and stroking them from base to tip. In response Sophia placed one of them between her breast. "Guess I should use my jumbo tits then, huh fat ass?" her eyes were fixed on Cathy as she spoke. "Yeah! Work those tits girl!" using her free hand the young woman pushed Sophia's left breast. "Mmm. You know Cathy. I really have enjoyed your cooperation." She paused, staring in disbelief. "Just call me fat ass, feels wrong hearing you say my actual name." in response, Sophia smacked her ass. "Mmmm, how long were you waiting to do that huh?" while teasing the pig woman, her hands ran along the members length. Soft moans reached through wall, making Cathy giggle. On the other hand, Sophia gently smothered the tip of the cock between her breast. Starting to rub it between their tight grip. "Allow me to show you how I treat my male subjects when they behave." There was purpose to each movement, it was mesmerizing to behold. The way her arms would let go, before suddenly slamming her meaty mounds back together. Causing the unseen in their grasp to gasp deeply. Seeing it caused the warmth to spread like it had before, quickly filling out her whole frame. "I'm gonna show you what I can do when I'm not limited to my feet!" slowly, she dragged her tongue along the shaft. It twitched in reply, as that pink muscle glided across every inch. A soft hand following after, for a minute or two she stared down Sophia, eyes gazing long into each. While teasingly smacking its girth against her cheek. Before resuming licking and stroking. Forcing many deep, heavy moans from the mouth of the members master. Feeling a sense of challenge in the long unbroken eye contact, the pig woman started to move her breast faster, while wrapping her long dark red tongue around its tip. Pulling it past moist gentle lips with ease. "Mmmfmmff." muffled sounds slipped past out over her soft lips. Sophia continued to suck that soft sensitive tip, her breast becoming tighter around the members length, stroking it with increasing haste. All the while, her eyes were fixed on Cathy. Meeting her eyes. In response, the young woman slowly slid the cock she'd been stroking and licking into her lips embrace, sliding it deep past her tongue. "Mmmffmffu." from behind the mostly blank wall, bassy deep moans echoed. The unseen pairs members shook, twitched and expressed their delight in a more physical manner they were otherwise unable to do. For a few seconds, Sophia allowed his tip to be free of her mouths soft moist embrace. Before smothering it in the grasp of her pillow like double Ds. An uncomfortable smirk ran across the pig woman's mouth. "Thats it subject, I can feel your desire to release. But I won't allow you to." without hesitation, she stopped. Leaving the dick free of her breast, shaking in an aggressive manner. In a flash, her attention was focused solely on Cathy. Her expression now missing that uncomfortable smirk. Sophia then began to speak with a hint of dominance in every word "I do hope you've been paying attention fat ass, when taking care of subjects like this or yourself. Its important to remind them who's in control." Her finger tips ran along its length slowly in a stroking motion. Causing the cock to shiver nervously. After which she softly placed a kiss against it. "Hmm, missing something. Fat ass keep him hard, but don't let him cum yet. He hasn't earned it." in a somewhat playful manner she rolled off the mattress. With a small thud she landed flat on her feet, after which the pig woman started to rummage through one of the bedside tables. While Sophia was fabbing about, Cathy reached over to grasp the other member. Stroking it lightly, doing all she could to tease without allowing release. At the same time, she continued to pleasure the dick that was deep in her throat. Sucking, licking, simply enjoying it. Causing both unseen to release more heavy grunts. "Found it! Hey fat ass did you wanna borrow my lipstick or is leaving marks not your thing?" Sophia asked; holding up a small golden lipstick container, a curved cone of dark blue standing at its peak. Cathy blinked, a bit staggered by how causal the pig woman was. "Answer quickly, before the dick in your mouth fills your throat with gratitude." carefully, she removed the thick member from her mouth. Giving it a soft kiss against the tip, before turning to regard Sophia. "I guess so, bit surprised you'd ask now though." Once again, she shrugged. "Its a been busy day for me, so I'm a bit forgetful. But at least I'm getting to enjoy myself. Which makes it all worth it, wouldn't you agree?" Sophia spoke more lightly, maybe relaxed would be a better way for it. Either way, it eased Cathy's nerves. In a soft spoken manner, Cathy replied. "Pass me that lipstick jumbo tits." after applying it to herself, she tossed it to the young woman. With a few gentle hand strokes, pink was masked a dark shade of blue. In a teasing way, she kissed that same spot on the member. This time leaving a very noticeable mark. "How do you like that?" following those words came a string of kisses, dotting every inch of the stiff member. Each mark was met with an intense shake, or whimper. Sophia grasped the unseen she'd be treating, intensely smooching its tip before slipping it past her lips with ease. Sliding the thick cock deep into her throat, causing the subject to whimper in a very similar manner to his fellow unseen. Cathy watched Sophia, she could see the member bulge against her throat's inner walls. Yet the pig woman kept sucking it, unphased by length or girth. It was a sight to behold. She then turned to the cock she'd been playing with, once again peppering it with kisses. Causing more whimpers to slip out, much to her delight. "You can cum whenever you wanna honey, I'm sure you've got a few loads to give." slowly, the dick was slipped back into her mouth. Side by side, they aggressively sucked the pairs members. Sophia's expression looked almost joyful, while Cathy's was more a bit more unsteady by compression. She could feel it bulging in her throat. Noticing her begin to struggle, Sophia reached over and gave Cathy's ass a firm smack. A jolt ran through the young woman's frame while her plump rump jiggled. Muffled moans managing to slip free of those tightly wrapped lips. Each movement of Cathy's tongue, or thrust of her head. Sent shivers down the spine of the unseen. Until finally, he released. A wet slop like sound filled her ears. While a torrent flooded into the young woman's throat, it was a sweet yet slightly salty taste. No more than a few seconds later, did Cathy notice Sophia's expression shift to a wide eyed look of surprise. The bulge in her throat seeming to shake violently for a handful of seconds, before coming to a stand still. Carefully, the pig woman removed the cock from inside her throat. "Mmmmm. Well done subject, I hope you enjoyed that bit of foreplay, as for you." she said, turning to regard Cathy with a small grin. "Did you want to keep going or would you like some peaches?" the young woman took a few seconds to reply, needing to release the unseen from her throats grasp. With a noticeable wet pop, it was set free. After freeing the member, Cathy replied with a smile. "No, I'd prefer to let this big fella enjoy my fat ass, if that's okay with you Sophia." the pig woman leaned over, kissing her subject deeply. "Fine by me." while speaking, she leaned over the mattress and grabbed a dark purple bottle from one of the tables. "I'll lube your fat ass up, you on the other hand, may lube up my pussy. Don't get handsy, if you want some one on one time, I can always invite you back." her words carried a seductive air about them, that made Cathy deeply blush. "Thanks hun. Now c'mon! I'm ready to fill my ass with that big meaty dick!" Cathy spoke with a familiar hunger or demand to her tone. Which did make Sophia giggle, whilst also arousing her somewhat. "My goodness. Aren't you excited. Bring your fat ass over here." with a bit of wiggling, she did as instructed. Bringing her rear to bare. "Now spread your fat cheeks for me." Gently, she grasped her rear, pulling her round cheeks apart allowing Sophia easy access to one of the most vulnerable parts of her body. Carefully using two fingers, she spread a thick layer of lubricant around the hole. "Aahh, its so coooollld..." Cathy said, legs shaking a bit because of the chilly touch against her most sensitive regions. "Oh I know fat ass, I bet you're excited to return the favor aren't you?" Sophia replied in a familiarly playful way, while her fingers slid a inch or two in. Causing the young woman to yelp, "Sophia you bitch! I can't finger you, but you've free regin to slip in me?!" the only reply was a soft giggle. "I'm not fingering you, just making sure you're well lubricated. Big difference." The young woman grumbled; legs shaking slightly more than before. With a soft pop, she felt those two fingers slip free of her. "There, that wasn't that bad now was it?" the smugness in Sophia's voice was palpable. But now, it was Cathy's turn and the pig woman was very aware of this. Eagerly presenting her lower lips to the young woman with a smile, even blowing a teasing kiss. "C'mon then, don't keep me waiting." with a squeeze, Cathy spread the dark purple lubricant over three fingers. A bit more aggressively than Sophia, Cathy began to rub her middle finger inwards, while the outer two ran along the sides of the puffy pink lips. "Mmmmm, thats it fat ass. Lube every inch, get nice an-" suddenly the young woman leaned in, deeply kissing her mistress before pulling away. "I'm working it, you jumbo tit'ed bitch." she spoke with a hint of annoyance, under cut by an ever present excitement. Greedly, she rubbed deep. Slipping a few inches deeper then Sophia had, despite this. The pig woman didn't bother to stop her, or really say much besides a few grunts of pleasure. After a few minutes, Cathy was satisfied. Pulling away her hand, she leaned back in to kiss her mistress again. "Mmm." in response, the pig woman grabbed her by the back of her head, passionately smooching; it practically dragged the air from her lungs. After their moment of passion, Sophia pushed her subject to the wall. "Now get to working that ass, we've kept our toys waiting long enough." with a deep nod of agreement, Cathy replied. After which she lifted her rear, gently sliding the soft member between her ready cheeks with a playful smirk. For a few seconds the young woman bounced it between her round hills. "You feel that hun? Bet its making you just as excited as I am." eagerly it twitched in reply, along with a grunt. Sophia took hold of the other member, forcefully dotting it in kisses that left a string of marks all along its length, each smooch was hard and pulled at his skin. "Do you enjoy that subject? I hope you do, because I want you stiff as stone. Soft cocks make for loathsome play things, as I'm sure you can imagine." in reply, he whimpered while his length shook. Her legs laid against the wall, putting his dick right between soft thighs. Allowing his length to lay atop her outer lips. Sophia grinded him into her soft sensitive flesh with a smile. It was easy for her to feel his heart racing. There was a hungry look in her eyes, "Do you feel that subject?" she asked in a low murmur. A steady hand ran atop it's shaft, holding it against those puffy soft lips. Every throb, twitch, she felt them with great clarity. "Oh my, all my subjects have been so cooperative today, and so very excited." Taking a hold of his shaft, Sophia slid the harding members tip between the pink lips. Feeling his member penetrate her caused the unseen to bellow a deep moan. "Thats it subject, make those beautiful sounds for me. I'm going to enjoy you, every inch, every drop. I expect you to do the same." greedily, she took over more its length into her. Thrusting it deep; making the unseen almost howl. "Mmmff, i do just adore cooperation, don't you my dear subjects? Doesn't it feel good when you don't fight?" each word was spoken with an air of lust. Cathy nodded in agreement, while the tip of the member between her cheeks was welcomed into her. At first, she tightly grasped mattress. "Ooh thats a big diccck!" Eargerly, the young woman started to shake and thrust her hips. Helping the member to go deeper. Each shake, each thrust. Sent a jolt of pleasure through her frame. Sophia was doing much the same, positively stuffing the unseen's length into her with hip movements that shook the mattress. Between the two of them, it felt like they were enduring an earthquake. Even though it'd had been modified, the beds frame shook, and creaked. As the two woman rode along those thick, girthy members. Sophia looked over to Cathy, who's eyes were filled a stare of lustful enjoyment. In her hazy state, the young woman looked back. Flashing a smile. "Mmmmm. Thats it fat ass, put your name sake to work. And you subject, how are you enjoying my... Mmy kindness?" Sophia said with a smirk, her hips continuing to bounce on the stiff meaty member. In reply, the unseen moaned deeply, his member twitching heavily as his length was pulled deeper into the embrace of her puffy lower reaches. "Maaaaan look at you go! Shake those big tits around, gimme a shhoooow." Cathy spoke between moans, her ass shaking with each slam against the base of the unseen's cock. Teasingly, the pig woman placed her hands over her nipples. Shaking the two mounds like a pair of large snow globes, much to her subjects delight. Wet slapping sounds mixed with the four different moans, sometimes whimpers broke through the howling like sounds of lustful joy. "Maaaaan, this is greaaaaat! Haha." Cathy said, her body shaking every few seconds. "Isn't it though faaaat aaaassss mmmm... How should I reward these two for their cooperation?" Sophia said while looking at Cathy. For a few minutes, the young woman thought it over. "If they've got any energy left, we should switch places! After they cum I mean, I'm not getting left high and dry. Not after everything I've done to this unseen bastard." she spoke with a hint of annoyance to her tone. "Hmm. Sounds like a good idea to me. For now though, lets see how much they have for us." suddenly the pig woman started to slam her hips, throwing the weight of her chubby frame into movement. Which in turn. Deeply shook the unseen. Each movement forced out a heavy grunt, or whimper. Sometimes a deep moan, in reply to every one of the sounds Sophia smiled deeply. "Thats right subject, I told you I was going to enjoy every inch. And drop of you." Doing her best to keep up, Cathy started to slam just as aggressively. Every thrust causing her round ass to jiggle like jello struck by a spoon. Reaching over, Sophia took a hold of her left cheek. Giving the young woman a smirk as she did. "Heh, still very hands on aren't you." for a few seconds, Cathy put extra energy into shaking plump rump. Letting the shaft of the dick be swept up in their motions. Every second of jiggling made it's length shake. Letting its enjoyment be known clearly. "Oh my! Seems someone else likes my big butt shaking too. Don't shy now hun, flood my guts like you did my throat!" her voice boomed with excitement. The words made the unseen shake even more, his moans becoming long drawn out sounds that sounded heavenly to the pair of women's ears. Feeling a bit outdone, Sophia spoke to her unseen with a soft seductive tone. "Thats it, release into my embrace. You've earned it for being such a good subject." the words hung in the air for a moment, followed by a shared moan. All four released in some way. Cathy felt a stream follow into her rear, while Sophia felt one pour into her lower reaches. There was a wet sloppy sound at the head of both. Carefully, the pair removed those thick heavy members from themselves. Allowing both unseen a moment of much needed rest. After around ten minutes, paired with a session of stretching. Sophia took Cathy's position, while Cathy took hers. Softly the young woman spoke, "Hey hun. Hope you enjoy my fat ass as much as your friend did." At the same time, Sophia pressed her body against the wall, allowing the other unseen to slide his member between her inner thighs. "Do you feel that subject? Right now you're only a few inches away from my flower shall we say." Cathy looked over, seeing the pig woman licking her lips with a hungry stare. "Mmmf, I think that's my green light." she said to herself as she moved her round rear into position. Carefully sliding the impressive cock between her cheeks. It throbbed, and twitched eagerly. "Mmmmm..." soft whimpers slipped free, as its tip slipped past the valleys into her. "Thats it Subject, allow yourself to be welcomed into my embrace, I'm sure you'll find me just as, if not more enjoyable." Sophia spoke softly, as his thick girth was pushed past her outer lips. The pair began to shake their hips again, this time however. They didn't wait to pick up speed, instead deciding to use their full force and speed from the start. Both unseen whimpered at first, their cocks both a bit overwhelmed. In a teasing manner the pig woman spoke. "Aww, listen to them fat ass. Poor toys sound like they're already ready to brust. Sorry to say my dear subjects, but we aren't slowing down. That goes for you as well." Sophia said while looking to regard Cathy. In response the young woman smirked, "Oh don't worry, I'm too excited to slow down now!" she said while slamming her ass against the base of his diThe pair continued in their lust filled frenzy, hips shaking, pounding. Causing all four to roar in a chorus of moaning, howling, even the occasional whimper. Sophia looked over at Cathy, giving her a genuine smile. In return, the young woman smiled back. They weren't friends before this, but in their shared sexual enjoyment. It felt like they'd created a foundation for something like it. Without speech, they reached out to each other. Cathy reached to grasp the pig woman's breast, jiggling it one time while sticking out her tongue. And Sophia, reached over to smack the young woman's ass. Making it jiggle just as intensely as her tit. For their part, the unseen both thrusted. Unleashing a sizable stream of passion into the women. "Yessss!" they both cried out, releasing a flood of their own that left their partners rather moist below along with the sheets of the mattress. Finally, they all laid, or stood. Chests all rasing, and falling hard as they struggled to inhale. Exhausted from their sexual session. The first of the two women to properly collect herself was Sophia, who climbed from the bed. Leaving Cathy to lay a bit longer, before her mistress returned with a familiar looking pile of clothes. "C'mon." she said under ragged breath, "Time to get dressed, I'm gonna drive you home. Just as I. Promised." slowly, Cathy lifted herself from the mattress. Then she embraced Sophia in a hug. "Thank... Thank you Sophia. I had, I had a great time." even after her extra rest, the young woman was exhausted. With a smirk Sophia replied. "You're welcome." |