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Crayon and his friends fight against Flora and Jessica |
Chapter 4 The Date Meanwhile at the organization headquarters, the boss was talking with his girlfriend, cousin and Easeion about the defeat of Willemease and Maxclever. " I cannot believe this " said the boss. " I had thought that this would not happen " said Easeion. Perhaps those four are better than I thought " " I will fight " said Easeion. " I will make sure that we take over " " No need for that " said Blackina, the girlfriend of the boss. " We will use Flora and Jessica " said Whites, the cousin of the boss. " They are both stronger than Willemease " said the boss. " They will crush those fighters " said Blackina. " They will be finished, it will be great " said Easeion. " Do you know when my siblings are coming ? " " They should be here soon " said Blackina. " Good, we will take over easily with them " said Easeion. " I will enjoy the suffering here from those four hahaha " " They have no chance for survival " Flora and Jessica arrived. " We need you two to get rid of Crayon, Colourea, Artby and Colouruke " said the boss. We shall do just that " they said. " Good " said the boss. " Time for us to go " said Flora. " Yes, we will take so much " said Jessica. The two of them left the area. The boss headed with Blackina upstairs, while Easeion and Whites headed to there respective areas. Meanwhile Crayon and Colourea decided to head out together. " The two of us are heading out " said Crayon. " See you two later " said Colouruke and Artby. They left together. Colouruke and Artby were talking. " All the best for Crayon and Colourea " said Artby. " For sure " said Colouruke. Meanwhile on the way there, one of the members of the organization saw Crayon and Colourea together about to enter this restaurant, he hid and called Easeion. " Easeion, there is Crayon and Colourea together at this restaurant " said the man. " So Crayon is taking Colourea to Colourland Pasta and Pizza " said Easeion. " We will send in lots of reinforcements there " " Understood " said the man. " I want a great homewrecking and I expect to get one " said Easeion. " I expect their night ruined, to see them very sad " " That is the look I want, do not fuck it for us " " We will not disappoint " said the man. " Good " said Easeion. " Crayon must feel hurt, this is a guarantee I must have " " I must experience this " The members around Colourland saw the text sent out and then headed there. Crayon and Colourea entered Colourland Pasta and Pizza and ordered their food. While there were waiting for the food, eight members with the claw logo entered the place. They started roughing people up. " You two " yelled the group. " Not now " said Colourea. " Looks like we have no choice " said Crayon. " How did they find us here " " It does not matter " said a Bear member. " Hahahaha " they said. Crayon punched one guy while Colourea kicked another. One of them grabbed Colourea, but Colourea punched them. The man rushed for Crayon but Crayon kicked them. Colourea punched one man while the man kicked her, the men rushed for Colourea but Colourea punched one of them into each other. The two men were defeated. One of the men rushed for Crayon but was kicked hard. Colourea punched one of the other men defeating him. Crayon then kicked a man while one grabbed Colourea. Colourea slammed him, defeating him. The other four men rushed for Crayon and Colourea, but Crayon and Colourea were able to kick them into each other. The men got up and grabbed Crayon knocking him down. Colourea then punched one of the men, Crayon got up and kicked one of them. The last two men then started to rush for Colourea, but Crayon was able to give them some good punches while Colourea gave them some good kicks allowing them to win the fight. Crayon and Colourea then ate their food after all that fighting. After that, they paid and left. Crayon and Colourea were talking. " I'm glad that we are safe " said Crayon. " Same here " said Colourea. " We had a good meal at least " said Crayon. " That pasta was so good " said Colourea. " Yeah, it really was " said Crayon. " The fighting was not expected but I am glad we beat them " said Colourea. " Let's head back " said Crayon. They headed home and they were talking with Artby and Colouruke. " So how was it ? " asked Colouruke. " We had to fight a lot of people with the claw logo " said Crayon. " At least the food was good, but it was a bit much " said Colourea. " More of them " said Artby. " I knew that Crayon would help and give some good asskickings ". " I wonder who they will send in next " said Crayon. They went to bed, Easeion was not happy about what happened. " I thought that the night would be ruined for Crayon and Colourea " said Easeion. " I really did " " The Bear would have loved it, there is a reason I demanded what I did " " While I am disappointed , I will get what I want " " Crayon, enjoy Colourea while you can hahahahaha " " It will be over " " You won't love Colourea ever again when I get my way " Meanwhile Flora and Jessica had arrived in Colourland at night and were planning to steal stuff for the boss. Flora and Jessica rushed a woman, Flora punched her. Jessica stopped her from escaping. Flora kicked her. Flora and Jessica took a wallet and lipstick. Flora and Jessica launched the Darkness Bomb, defeating a man and taking his stuff. They headed towards this house. Flora and Jessica launched the Darkness Bomb towards a window, allowing enough of it to break to get inside. They surrounded a woman and knocked her out. A man tried to stop them but they used the Shadow Strike technique to stop him. They took wallets, and they found phones, which they stole. They then left the house and then headed back to the headquarters with what they stole. " We stole this stuff and we knocked these people out " said Jessica. " A lot of wallets, gift cards, lipstick, phones, credit cards " said the boss. " Good to see " said Whites. " We will send in more of our members to rob Colourland " said Blackina. " Yes, we must also find about more about those fighters " said Whites. " I know that Crayon is starting to get closer with Colourea due to what Easeion has been telling me " said the boss. " I will need you two to fight those four fighters " said Whites. " We will finish them " said Flora. " Good " said Blackina. " They must stay out of the way " said Whites. " I will make sure that happens " said Jessica. They headed to their areas in the organization hideout. At the bakery Artby, Colouruke and Warbler were there. " The bread here is great " said Artby. " It is so nice of the bakers to love me being in the bakery this way " " Uh, okay " said a baker confused. " My purchases and your baking together is a perfect match " said Artby. " We are helping each other out a lot " " This bread looks tasty " said Warbler. " Yeah, it does " said Colouruke. " It will help me a lot, bread helps me so much " said Artby. " Bread is so important " The three of them left the bakery. Chapter 5 The Organization Revealed Meanwhile at the headquarters, the boss contacted Easeion to let him know that his siblings arrived. " They are here " said Blackin. " Glad to see " said Easeion. " It is something so special, them being around me means a lot " " Time for you head upstairs " said Blackin . Easeion joined them upstairs in the hideout. " Glad to see you two " said Easeion. " It has been a while " said Bill. " So Easeion what has been happening ? asked Tara. " Crayon is in love with Colourea, we have stolen some good stuff " said Easeion. " I will end the romance " said Bill. " Good, that will make taking over Colourland a lot easier " said Easeion. " We will finish Colourea " said Tara. " She will not get in our way " " I remember those times we were killing people together that needed to be destroyed " said Easeion. " It was great " said Bill. " We will do the same again " said Tara. " We must tell Blackin about how we plan to end the romance " said Bill. " It will be simple for us " said Easeion. " When Crayon is suffering from it, we will be laughing our asses off " " That is the type of thing that I want to happen, I don't want him happy " " Yeah, none of us would want that " said Bill. " I will laugh at his sorrow " said Easeion. " The whole organization will do so " said Tara. " He is finished " said Bill. " Hahahaha " said Easeion. " Nothing good for Crayon will happen again " " I will make sure of it " Meanwhile Flora and Jessica were outside were in Colourland. They started attacking people and were stealing their stuff. " These people will fall before us " said Flora. " Exactly " said Jessica. " Those four fighters got lucky against Maxclever and Willemease, it won't happen to us " said Flora. " They will be no more and there will be no threat to the Bear ever again " said Jessica. " The Bear is taking over " said Flora. " Yeah, we are not being stopped " said Jessica. A man was running but Flora kicked him to the ground. The man got up but Flora punched him. They took his stuff. Flora and Jessica then launched the Darkness Bomb technique knocking more people out. Five women with the claw logo showed up and were attacking more people. The women then rushed inside this alleyway where they saw some people and asked them about those four fighters. " Where is Crayon, Colouruke, Colourea and Artby ? " Flora asked. " We don't know " they said. " You'd better not fuck around with us " Jessica said. " If we find out that you are lying to us, you will be hurt. " We are not messing around " said Flora. The five women with the claw logo went back to Flora and Jessica. Flora and Jessica had knocked out some more people and took their stuff. The women went with Flora and Jessica back to the hideout. At the same time five men with the claw logo joined them and they all headed back. Meanwhile Challenger contacted Crayon, Colouruke, Colourea and Artby. " Did you hear about this new attack ?" asked Challenger. " No, what happened ? " asked Crayon. " Lots of women with the claw logo have been attacking people " said Challenger. " Apparently they call themselves " The Bear ". " The Bear ? " asked Colouruke. " So that's why they have that claw logo " " We don't know much else besides that they are attacking and stealing but it is great to know the name " said Challenger. " It is " said Colourea. " We will stand strong, eat tons of bread " said Artby. " Crayon has been giving great asskickings " " Great asskickings ? " asked Challenger. " I'm glad you four are getting stronger " " We have gotten tougher, these villains will fall " said Colouruke. " Anyways I have got to get going so see you four later " said Challenger. " Challenger, I'll give an asskicking " said Artby. " For all of us and bakers " " Well, keep fighting " said Challenger. " Yeah, we will do so " said Crayon. Meanwhile Crayon, Colouruke, Colourea and Artby had ran into six members of The Bear. " You four " they said. The Bear members then noticed them and then rushed them but Crayon used his Air Kick technique while Artby fired the Light Blast which knocked them down. They got up and grabbed Colourea but Colouruke punched the man who did that. The men rushed to punch Artby but Artby used the Light Bomb defeating two of them. The men who were left kicked Crayon. Colourea then used the Light Bomb while Colouruke used the Sea Punch which defeated one more of them. The men then went for Crayon but Crayon and Colouruke punched them while Colourea used the Light Kick. The men then grabbed Artby but Colouruke used the Sea Punch again which defeated all of them. Crayon, Colourea, Colouruke and Artby headed back to their place. Meanwhile at the Bear hideout, the boss was talking with Flora and Jessica. " It is time to fight those four fighters " said Blackin. " They will truly crumble " said Flora. " Indeed " said Jessica. " Good, then we can take over Colourland " said Blackin. " Yes, Colourlandish people will lose everything " said Flora. Blackina entered the room while Flora and Jessica left. " Crayon will be dead " said Blackina. " I would hope so, the other three will be gone as well " said Blackin. " We can truly take over as a couple, and everything will belong to us " said Blackina. " Hahahahahaha " " Exactly " said Blackin. " I love you " said Blackina. " Thanks, I am glad you do " said Blackin. " It means a lot " They went to their special area upstairs in the hideout. Chapter 6 Showdown with Flora and Jessica Flora and Jessica were searching for Crayon, Colourea, Colouruke and Artby. " Where the fuck are they ? " said Flora. " We must find them soon, if they are not dead it will be a problem " said Jessica. Crayon, Colourea, Colouruke and Artby ran into Warbler. " How are things " said Warbler. " We ate bread " said Artby. " It will make us more heroic " " Never heard of bread that does that, I enjoy eating chicken but I have never seen that sort of thing " said Warbler. The bread has made people more heroic, the flour is full of heroism " said Artby. " Heroism ? " asked Crayon. " During the fight with Maxclever and Willemease, the heroism was awakened within us due to the flour " said Artby. " We can talk to the bakers about it " " I think they will know something " " The bakers " said a voice. " Don't be ridiculous ". Flora and Jessica have arrived. " There are five of you here " said Jessica. " I suggest you leave right now, whoever you are " said Flora. " The Bear wants these four out of the way so you will end up being extremely hurt " " The bakers are counting on us " said Artby. " With the bread we ate, we can save Colourland " " No baker will do shit " said Jessica. " Bread helps " said Artby. " Bread can change things in a fight if you eat lots of it like I do " " Bread will do nothing " said Jessica. " You four got lucky against Maxclever and Willemease " said Flora. " It won't happen here " " I am Warbler " said Warbler. " You will fall with the other four " said Flora. " You will not stop us " " You won't last long here " said Jessica. " Warbler will last, baking will help us protect him " said Artby. " Baking will not change the outcome " said Jessica. " Baking does help " said Artby. " Now it is time to fight, it will be your demise " said Flora. " I am ready " said Crayon. " Prepare to fall " said Jessica. " Yes, Crayon's friends will be taken down for sure " said Flora. " Friends of Crayon go inside the bakeries, as a friend I will fight " said Artby. " It matters not " said Flora. Flora then launched the Double Shadow Strike and Jessica used the Double Darkness Blast and aimed it at Artby while Crayon used the Air Kick and Colourea used the Sea Kick but Jessica was able to block the Air Blast but was hit by the Sea Kick. Crayon and Colourea used their Light Bombs while Flora used the Extreme Darkness Blast and Jessica used the Super Darkness Bomb creating a huge explosion. Artby had taken quite a bit of damage and he was near struggling slightly. " This is where the heroism kicks in " said Artby. " There will be none of that " said Flora. " It will make us do some amazing asskickings " said Artby. " Yeah, I think not " said Jessica. " Bakers say it happens " said Artby. " I don't see it " said Flora. " Bakers will not dictate what happens when we fight " " Same here, I think Artby is wrong here " said Jessica. " Let's keep fighting " said Crayon. " Yes " said Jessica. Artby then rushed for Flora with the Light Bomb while Warbler used the Air Bomb. Warbler's attack hit but Flora dodged the Light Bomb. Jessica then rushed for Warbler with the Triple Shadow Strike, succeeding which did a lot of damage. Warbler then got his Air Blast ready which hit Flora while Jessica hit Artby with the Triple Shadow Strike. Crayon and Colouruke punched Flora while Colourea was kicked by Jessica. Artby was starting to seriously struggle, Warbler then aimed a punch at Flora but Jessica was able to block it and kick him. Warbler was starting to slightly struggle. Crayon then aimed the Super Air Blast at Flora while Jessica then punched Warbler, the attacks hit. Warbler was starting to struggle. Jessica then hit Colouruke with the Triple Shadow Strike while Colourea then kicked Flora. Artby then launched the Light Bomb while Colourea launched the same attack at Flora while Flora and Jessica used the Darkness Bomb, creating a huge explosion. Artby could barely get up. " It is over, so much for this heroism you said " said Flora. " I am not done, bakers want me to continue " said Artby. " Bakers will not change what is happening " said Flora. " The Bear will take over Colourland " said Jessica. " Hahahaha " said Flora. " Bakers are very useful " said Artby. " Not here " said Jessica. " Exactly " said Flora. " Baking will help me, I am ready " said Artby. " Let's keep fighting " said Warbler. " You all will go down " said Jessica. Crayon then used his Air Blast to hit Jessica but Flora then hit Colouruke with the Triple Shadow Strike. Colourea fired the Light Bomb at Jessica but she was able to dodge the attack. Warbler then rushed for Flora with the Air Kick while Crayon used his as well, Artby fired the Light Bomb at Jessica. Jessica used the Triple Shadow Strike while Flora used the Super Darkness Bomb. The attacks all hit. Warbler was struggling a lot like Artby, Jessica was starting to mildly struggle. Flora then aimed for kick on Warbler but Colouruke used the Sea Punch to block the attack. Jessica then hit down Colouruke with the Super Darkness Blast. Colourea hit Flora with a kick while she was hit by a punch. Flora then used the Super Darkness Bomb against Warbler, finishing him off. Artby then hit Flora with the Super Light Bomb but Jessica punched him which defeated him as well. " Two of you down, it won't be long now " said Jessica. " It's not close to over yet " said Colouruke. " We will just see about that " said Flora. " We will take down every friend of Crayon " said Jessica. " Time to continue " said Crayon. Colourea then used the Double Light Blast while Jessica and Flora launched their Super Darkness Bombs. The attacks hit, Colourea was starting to slightly struggle. Jessica was starting to struggle. Flora then hit down Colouruke with the Triple Darkness Blast, making him start to slightly struggle. Crayon then fired off the Air Bomb at Flora while Colourea was hit by the Double Darkness Kick making her start to struggle. Flora and Jessica then launched their Double Darkness Blasts at Crayon Colouruke used the Super Sea Punch, Colourea used the Super Light Bomb and Crayon used the Supreme Air Kick. All of this caused a huge explosion, Colourea and Jessica were seriously struggling and could barely move. Colouruke was struggling as well. Colourea and Jessica starting punching each other and eventually Jessica was defeated but Colourea looked like she was about to pass out. " Colourea, no " said Crayon. " Colourea is done " said Flora. " Hahahaha " " You've got this " said Colouruke. " I cannot believe that Jessica has been defeated and both of you are still fighting " said Flora. " The training has paid off " said Crayon. " I am stronger than her " said Flora. " Colourland will still be taken over by The Bear ". " That shit won't be happening " said Crayon. " Me and Colouruke will bring you down. " I don't think so, let's continue this fight now " said Flora. Colourea fell to the ground, Flora went for a punch to have a chance of killing her but Colouruke tripped her. Crayon then used the Air Kick which hit her. Flora was starting to slightly struggle. Flora then used her Triple Shadow Strike and Crayon fired the Super Light Bomb, the attacks hit. Flora then used the Super Darkness Bomb, which then hit Colouruke. Colouruke was seriously struggling while Flora was struggling. Crayon then fired the his Air Bomb while Colouruke fired the Double Sea Punch and Flora used the Super Darkness Blast. Crayon was starting to struggle, Colouruke was defeated and Flora was very near the end. " This cannot be " said Flora. " The Bear will not stand for this " " This is it " said Crayon. " It is over " Crayon launched the Super Air Bomb, while Flora used the Triple Shadow Strike, Flora was defeated. Meanwhile Alice, a member of the Bear arrived at the organization headquarters where she was talking to Whites. " Glad you are here " said Whites. " It is good to be at this place " said Alice. " I do remember it " " Good " said Whites. " If Flora and Jessica do not win their fight, you may be fighting " " That makes sense " said Alice. " I will be ready " " Glad to hear " said Whites. After that, Crayon contacted Challenger. " We have won the fight " said Crayon. " Great to see " said Challenger. " We should head to the hospital " said Crayon. " I wonder what The Bear is going to do now " said Challenger. " They will be sending in some great fighters most likely, we must keep getting stronger " said Crayon. " Good to see " said Challenger. Meanwhile Easeion had learned about the defeat and was talking to his siblings. " I'm pissed " said Easeion. " Crayon should have lost " " This shouldn't be happening " said Bill. " The Bear needs his friends out of the way " said Tara. " They cannot interfere with us " said Bill. "When I fight, Crayon will be defeated and miserable about losing " said Easeion. " It won't be this bullshit that happened " " I will not have Crayon hanging out with his friends no more unless they get out of the way " " It will be no friendships for Crayon if he fails to see that " " Yes, that cannot continue " said Tara. " These fighters must be taken seriously by the Bear " " Yeah, these fighters are better than we thought " said Bill. " It seems so " said Easeion. " Yes, that cannot continue " said Tara. " These fighters must be taken seriously by the Bear " " Yeah, these fighters are better than we thought " said Bill. " My ability is great " " The others will not get in the way when we fight " said Tara. " Of course, Colourland will be taken over and it will be because of our talent " said Easeion. " The Smithsons are unstoppable " said Bill. " Yes, we are a family like no other " said Tara. " Hahahahahahaha " they said in unison. " Crayon and his friends will be finished " said Easeion. " Crayon will never love Colourea again " " The Smithsons will put an end to that " " Yeah, no loving of Colourea anymore by him " said Bill. " Good, I have had enough of that " said Easeion. Blackin was talking to his girlfriend Blackina and his cousin Whites as well. " This is not right " said Whites. " Do we have to use the Smithson family yet ? " asked Blackina. " Not yet " said Blackin. " But my next fighter had better succeed or else we will have do that " " Alice will be able to do that " said Whites. " Yes " said Blackina. " She has some special darkness techniques that will stop Crayon " said Whites. " For our sake, his demise will truly be great " said Blackin. " It really will be " said Whites. " Crayon is a threat to us now, we will succeed in taking him down " said Blackina. " That is for sure " said Blackin. " The three of us will take everything from Colourland " said Whites. " We will make the Bear stay unopposed when that happens " said Blackina. " Yeah, there is no stopping us " said Blackin. " Hahahaha " said Whites. " The Bear really is great " said Blackin. " Yeah, we are an organization that is not like any others " said Blackina. |