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Rated: E · Fiction · Food/Cooking · #2325395
Winning Chili Recipe
Winning Chili Recipe

192 words

Sam Adams back in the day won a Chili cookoff at the US Embassy in Seoul, Korea when he worked as a diplomat for the U.S. State Department as a Foreign Service officer. His amazing award-winning chili recipe consisted of:

Ten different beans, ground meat (beef) spam, hot dogs, onions, garlic, and spices, cooked with booze at the end.

He started by pre-soaking the night before, brown beans,Black, Chickpeas, garbanzo, kidney, lentils, navy, red and pinto beans.

then simmering onions, garlic, and butter in pan, before throwing in the bacon bits, the beans, ground beef, ham, hot dogs, and spam, and beans, and water as well into a large pot along with onion, garlic and butter.

then adding spices including:

Basil, bay leaf, chili powder, Thai Sriracha Chili sauce and Korean chili sauce, ginger, kimchi, leaks, oregano, black pepper, paprika, red pepper, sea salt, sage, and turmeric.

Cooking it for hours, adding in left-over cooked rice, grits, rice flour, mashed potatoes, and molasses to thicken it as it cooks. Then adding in Corona beer, red wine, Mount Guy Rum, and Jack Daniels just before finishing it.

Topping it with a little almond milk, grated American cheese, guacamole, and sour cream

include the following bolded
food as a genre

brown beans
ground meat
chili sauce

Use as genre: FOOD
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