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Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Drama · #2323650
Work in progress

Well I survived until lunch time without punching or seriously
hurting someone and trust me I was tested. There is one chick
in this office that drives me absolutely fucking crazy,
Barbara or Barbie as I call her, not to her face of course.
Growing up I always hated the girls that acted like such
fucking prissy bitches, the ones that would talk like a dumb
dizzy girly girl, the ones that you would hear squeal instead
of scream if they were scared. The girl that would be whining
because she broke a fucking nail and acting like she cut her
whole damn hand off. Really it was a fucking nail, bitch just
chew them off like I do, and you won't be needing to whine if
one breaks.
That explains Barbie to a tee, and today I already knew was
going to be a bad managed to not only be bad but was
successful in going above and beyond by making Barbie be extra
whinny and pouty today. Good God did you not grow out of your
cheerleader days, grow up you fucking dumb blonde. God she is
the epitome of the term dumb blonde, I just wonder is she
really that fucking air headed or is it an act for attention.
But oh, she gets the attention from all the guys that are
within ear shot when she whines about something anything with
a dick is there. As they are all almost running over each
other to get to her first to help the damsel in distress.
Give me a fucking break.
I am so grateful for 11:00 to come so that I can escape into
the lunchroom and I will have some peace and quiet and alone
time. Janet can’t take lunch with me today, because I guess
Alexis had some errands to run for the office and isn't here
to cover the front desk. I take this time to eat in peace and
just unwind, I cannot believe how bad my neck and shoulders
are hurting, I am so freaking stressed out it isn't even
funny. Right now, I can guarantee that if I were a rubber
band I would be seconds away from snapping in half. I must
chill out, this is not good, I decide to look at some funny
animal videos on my phone those always can make me happy.
Animals and babies those are the two things in this world that
I love so much.

As I click my phone on, I decided when I got to my desk that I
was going to completely power my phone off. This is something
that I never do, just in the case that my parents would need
to get ahold of me in the event of an emergency, but today I
turn it off. I don't want to know if Warren calls or doesn't,
not while I am sitting at my desk anyway. As it powers up
completely it chimes that I have one new voicemail message and
one unread text message. Well those could be from anyone I
say to myself to divert myself from getting my hopes up, I
know for a fact that no one other than my parents or Warren
would be calling or texting me. The only other people that
would do so are here at work with me right now, so it would be
lame for them to be calling me and texting me.
I decide that I will first check out a couple of these funny
videos before I look to see who the messages are from. I
can't believe how silly our pets can be as I sit there and
have a few hardy chuckles. Ok, I only get a half hour for
lunch I guess now is the time for the truth, see what the
messages have to offer me on this already miserable Friday.
I decide to first check the text message, yes, it is from
Warren I see with a long drawn out sigh. I close my eyes as I
click the message open, God if you have an iota of care for
this girl you will make Warren be gentle and not completely
crush me. I open my eyes and look at my phone. "Hi Sophie,
happy Friday. I got your text and I wanted to let you know I
left you a voicemail. Hope to talk to you soon. W". Ok well
that doesn't tell me much of anything, and why did he feel the
need to message me and tell me he left me a voicemail? That
is a dumb thing I would do to make myself look overly
interested, I just heard what I was thinking and thought wait
does that mean maybe he is overly interested and excited about
us getting together. That voice is fast to respond yeah, I am
sure that is it, he is just dying with anticipation to be
going out with you, he has such a hard time getting a pretty
girl to date him that he is happy to be getting you to go out
with him. Thanks a lot, I say back inside my head to that
wonderful supportive friend I have in my mind.

Well next I open my voicemail and hit the play. I hear his
sexy ass voice saying " Hi Sophie, this is Warren. I wanted
to reach out to you and let you know I got your text and I am
really looking forward to making plans with you this weekend."
I think to myself I bet you are making plans with me, so I can
be your little puppet and get all excited just so that you can
burst my happy bubble. He continues his message "I hope you
have a great Friday and I can't wait for you to call me later
this evening so that we can plan our date for tomorrow. I
thought maybe we could get together around noon and plan a day
trip or something. I really am looking forward to this and
looking forward to getting to know you better. Well I will
talk to you later, bye for now".
I am flabbergasted, my mouth I realize is hanging open and I
am out of thoughts. Holy shit this message even left the
bully silent, and he has never ever been at a loss for words.
Wow, Warren what are you doing this for. Seriously, why do
you feel like crushing me so badly, I sigh and get up to go
back to work.
This day cannot end soon enough I think to myself. I go out
to my desk and call up to Janet to let her know that I am
back, and she can run to take her break. She is so chipper
and happy, I wonder to myself if she is really that chipper
and happy or if she is just an excellent actress like me and
puts up that front for others. I wonder how many people that
look happy and content in their lives really are, and how many
of them just put up that front to make others think their life
is perfect. It's just like on social media, people do not
usually post about how horrible things are, they only post the
happy things and what they want the outside world to see.
Everyone has secrets, everyone.
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