I take a very long steaming hot shower and spend a little too much time under the water, my hands look like they are beginning to turn into prunes from being exposed to the water for such a long period of time. But being in the steam and under the hot water along with my lavender body wash seems to have helped tremendously at easing my nerves. I guess all the alcohol I consumed in such a short time and without having anything to eat since 11:00 this morning didn't hurt any either. I come out of the bathroom and the aroma of the chicken pot pie welcomes me and my appetite as my stomach seems to have smelled it too as it sends up a little grumble. I got to the kitchen take the dish out of the microwave and stir it, returning it back for another minute. I call Brandi in as I grab her dish to feed her and give her some fresh water. I realize that there for a few moments in time I was successful at not thinking about Warren. I mean it was a while after jumping into the shower until I was finally able to get this ordeal out of my mind, but once I did I only now realized I completely let him and this weekend slip from my mind. I go over and turn on the television and figure that will help me in taking my mind off my pending doom. I grab my dinner and a bottle of water and head over to cuddle up on the sofa and relax. I realize it is already 7:00 and that I was in the bathroom a hell of a lot longer than what I had thought I was. No wonder some of my skin looked the way it did, I think it's been a long time since my skin was exposed to water for that long. My mind goes off into thinking when the last time I treated myself to a long hot bubble bath was, and I make a mental agreement with myself that I will do that very soon. I make need to remember to pick up bubble bath or oils the next time I hit the store. I used to take baths a lot I would light candles and take a glass of wine with me, or a bottle depending on what my mood was and realize that it truly has been a long time. I really do need to make a point to start taking care of myself and having more me time. I mean I have plenty of me and Brandi time, but I don't take time to treat myself and do things that I once enjoyed doing. Even if I could just learn to slow down and learn to find enjoyment in doing things. I feel like I have fell into the routine of doing things more for the sake of having to do them, and not doing things that I enjoy doing. I loved to read books in the past, I couldn't get enough I would always get lost in a romance novel I would never put it down until I was done with reading the entire book. I also remember being addicted to Lifetime Movies and shows like that, but not anymore, that seems to have gone out the window with all the fucked-up relationships. I couldn't watch and read stories about love, because I hate to admit it, but I lost faith in love and the whole maybe I will find a guy who is like that character in the movies and books. I guess that is why I now am addicted to watching shows about people killing each other, disappearing without a trace, or being arrested by police. I think that is because that is more of a reality to me than the whole happy ever after love affairs in the movies and books. I wonder now if maybe it wouldn’t be such a bad idea to maybe look at changing some of my past time hobbies. Perhaps that would help to change my negative and pathetic outlook on life. I mean I can take up reading again, there are plenty of genres out there, it doesn't need to be about love and go into detail explaining what the best sex in the world should be like. I mean at the age of 24 and having plenty of experience with men I have not even come close to finding the sexual pleasures that the people in the books have been lucky to find. I’m wondering if there is an application that I can fill out to find the man to be able to provide that kind of pleasure to a woman and if I would meet his criteria. I think I got more pleasure from eating the last bowl of ice cream that I had, I snicker to myself and think no shit I am dead serious. I still to this day wonder if I have ever experienced an orgasm, I honestly don't think I have. I mean during masturbation, ok don't give me the oh my God I don’t do that expression. I know it is a fact that everyone in this world knows it is true that they have masturbated at least once, if you haven't you are not human. Any way as I was saying, during masturbation it can feel good, but I don't think it is that life stopping pleasurable. That plus, with me personally my mind goes nonstop so that I am constantly thinking about things. I am pathetic and begin to worry about things that are so fucking dumb, it’s like I don't think my body can just relax and enjoy it. It is even worse when I have a partner, then I am over the top self-conscious, thinking how fucking disgusting I must look and how grossed out he must be to look at me. I worry, if my body doesn't feel right or good to him, if I smell or if he is getting enjoyment with me or if he is fantasizing about some knock out that he seen earlier that day. Yes, I am one fucked up chick, I think I should come with papers or a warning label. Not that I am in anyway dangerous to anyone else, I never would hurt anyone else, I only just say things to hurt myself. |