Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2323637-Chapter-13
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Drama · #2323637
Work in progress

I am shocked I started to wake up this morning before my alarm
was even near ready to go off. I never wake up before my
alarm, even Brandi knows better than to wake me up before that
thing next to the bed makes a noise. Even more odd is that I
am in a good mood, I never wake up before the alarm goes off
and if I do I go back to sleep until it does go off. What the
fuck is the world coming to an end, I hate mornings no let me
correct myself, I despise mornings. But then again, I worked
night shift at one point and I hated nights, I think it is
just I hate the idea of having to wake up and not have the
opportunity to allow my body to wake up when it wants to.
That or it is just that I hate to go to work and would rather
wake up on my own accord and do what I want to do, I decide
that is what it is.
I lay there for about a half hour and let myself slowly come
out of my sleepy state. Brandi sat at the bottom of the bed
staring at me for a while, until I guess she figured it was
safe to approach mommy to get petted and loved. She is a
great companion, I can't count how many times I have thanked
God that he brought us together. I nuzzle my face into the
top of her head between her ears and I can hear her purring
like a motor boat. I tell her, "I love you sweet baby girl.
Is my girl hungry?" At that she is sitting there staring at
me like hell yeah, I'm hungry, she turns and jumps off the
bed, as I swear I can hear her say “and how let’s go”. I
laugh out loud, as I say, “alright I am coming.” I slowly get
up and slip on my slippers, and head out into the living room.
It is dark I guess it is going to be a yucky day, because even
though I am up earlier than normal, I know it should be
brighter in here than this.
I walk over to the sink and turn on the water, grab the coffee
pot and dump out the old coffee. I look over to Brandi and
tell her, “hold on, mommy needs her energy” as I look over and
see her patiently waiting and staring at me. I grab the old
filter and toss it in the trash, replace it with a fresh one
and a nice heaping scoop of coffee. I absolutely love the
smell of coffee in the morning, I swear that fresh lock seal

they put in the lid on the coffee to keep the freshness and I
keep it in the fridge, is seems to keep that aroma smelling
like it was just made. I press the power button, and in a few
moments, I hear it start to brew.
I sigh and say ok now for my kitty cat. I lean down and grab
her clean dish out of the dishwasher, I open the cabinet where
her food is kept, and I ask, "what is my furry love in the
mood for?". As I start naming her choices, and she is banging
her head against mine and rubbing so hard I am surprised she
didn't knock herself unconscious. I tell her “ok I think
turkey and cheese sounds like a good option for you this
morning.” Like she really cares what flavor I give her if she
likes it and I give her something to eat she is happy. I dump
out her old water and give her fresh cold water from one of
the water bottles in the fridge. Yes, she is spoiled, that I
will not deny, she is my fur baby I must spoil her.
I grab a cup out of the cupboard and pour some creamer into
it. I set it next to the coffee maker that is now brewing
away and sending its wonderful aroma straight to my nose. I
grab two pieces of bread and pop them in the toaster. I grab
the coffee pot and pour coffee into my cup. You know this is
the best invention that someone came up with, the way a coffee
pot stops brewing when you remove the pot. As I wonder if they
even still sell the ones that don’t have this feature. The
smartest thing I ever did was get one I wasn’t always that
smart. I was quite dumb when I made the mistake and found out
the hard way that the one I purchased first didn’t have this
feature. Oh, let me say that was a morning from hell no
question about that.
My toast pops up I butter it up and make my way over to the
kitchen table. While sitting at the table I have a perfect
view out the front bay window, and I see I was right it is
very cloudy out there today. It is October, so I am wondering
how chilly it will be today. I can't believe it is October
already, time just seems to be going faster and faster. I
remember growing up and bitching because time went by so slow.
If my mom would hear me say that she would always tell me,

well you wait until you get older, the older you get the
faster the time goes. I would always think sure I bet it
does, but at my age now I see a difference in how fast the
year goes from when I was say 17.
It is really a sad thought though when you think about it, it
is like you are on fast forward, like each year it gets a bit
faster pushing you closer to death. Uh what a miserable
thought Sophie, you really must investigate for more ways to
get happier thoughts inside your mind and not be so depressing
and negative. I think to myself well it isn't entirely my
fault it's the fuckers that I left into my life that made me
turn into this negativity Nelly. But I am the one who must
now be responsible for turning my life and attitude around. I
really would like to try to turn my feelings back to the way
they were when I was younger. Instead of B.C. in my case it
would be B.M. for before men, or bowel movement, well I guess
it means the same thing in general before all the shit.
I am giggling to myself as I finish up my coffee and take my
dishes over to the sink and set them in with the couple that
are already in there. I take the remaining clean dishes out
of the dishwasher and put them away. I turn on the hot water
and rinse off the dishes in the sink and throw them in the
dishwasher, put in the detergent and hit start. I never
understood why we have to pre-clean dirty dishes just to put
them into a machine that is made to clean them. Oh well it
still beats hand washing, to this day my parents still don't
have a dishwasher.
The dishwasher when growing up was either myself or my mom.
Now my mom and dad share the duty my dad washes, and my mom
dries. It is nice though because come holidays it is usually
myself, my aunt, my mom and grandmother that do the dishes
while the men sit over on the couches and recliners watching
football, with their eyes closed and snoring noises coming
from them. It is the little things like that which become the
wonderful traditions of the holidays and family get togethers.
I think to myself I can’t wait until the upcoming holidays are
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