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Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Drama · #2323636
Work in progress

I open the bathroom door and get a chill. Wow I swear there
must be at least a five-degree temperature difference between
the bathroom and the hallway. I walk down the hallway towards
the living room, and I am stopped cold in my tracks. Was that
a ding? No way it couldn't have been. Get that fucker out of
your head, he is playing mind games with you and you are
allowing him to. I walk over to grab the remote for the
television. I bend down and pick up the remote and am about to
turn on the TV as I distinctively hear a ding. I drop the
remote right onto my toe and my mouth drops open. No fucking
way, it must be someone else. Maybe my pharmacy sending me a
text that my medication is ready to be picked up, yes that is
it. Dumb bitch, I say out loud as I bend to pick up the
remote I so foolishly dropped. I click on the tv realizing it
is only 6:45, I feel like I just won the lottery because I
realize I have a few free hours left that I can watch my
favorite shows on the investigation channel that I love so
I sit down on the sofa and curl my legs up underneath me, just
in time for my phone to scream it's ding again to get my
attention. Fine, I get up walk over stopping at the fridge
first to grab a bottle of water. I wander over to my phone
not bothering to unplug it, because I know it is just the
pharmacy or my mom texting me. I look at my phone and I am
absolutely floored, he is really playing this out isn't he.
This man is really something else, he must really be looking
for an ego boost. I am beginning to feel that it has been a
while since he came across a girl like me that he can totally
play with. What are you up to mister?
Walking over to the sofa with my water and my phone, I am
uttering all the obscenities I know and making up a few new
ones. This man deserves to have special swear words created
for him. I mean come on he is putting this much energy in to
fucking my happiness up. Oh well you are a little too late
for that, there were a bunch of assholes that preceded you
before you ran into my car. I mean it’s not like I have any

happiness more like I was content I guess. With my little
fantasies I manage to have about some random hot guy.
I sit down and say to no one in particular, because by now I
see that Brandi must have made her way back to my bed "ok let
us see what you have to say this time". I click to open the
text and begin to read, "I am glad to hear you are ok Sophie,
I was really concerned". Ok, I'm sure you lost sleep and
couldn't eat because you were just so worried about me you
mother fucker. He continues on, "I'm not sure yet what I had
in mind for this weekend. I thought we could talk it over on
the phone and figure out what we could do. I thought when you
know if for sure you can go then I can call, and we can talk
about what you like to do and take it from there". I can’t
believe it I think to myself oh my lord you really are a
schmuck. You don't know what you had in mind because you
aren't don’t have anything in mind. You aren’t planning
anything this is all a sick ploy for you to enlarge that ego
that you already are carrying. He ends the text with "Well
let me know when you find out if you are available and I can
give you a call and we can make plans. I hope you sleep tight
and have sweet dreams, talk to you soon Sophie. W".
Now that is really going overboard, like any fool can't see
right through this fucking text. I am supposed to let you
know when I find out if I am available. Fuck you, how about
you text me closer to the weekend to find out if I’m
available, because I will not be texting anything back to you.
Oh, and I beat you are hoping I have sweet dreams, yeah sweet
dreams you just so you have the pleasure of having someone
fantasizing over you. Have me thinking and dreaming about
fucking you and holding you licking and caressing every inch
of your body? Just so I can be even more crushed when you
obliterate me and crush my very core. No thank you, and what
is up with "W" what the fuck is that. Do you think you are
Zorro with a W? Oh my God I can't take it.
I bet you are thinking I am going to respond within seconds
and give you what you want. Guess again buddy, not happening.
I told you this girl knows more about pricks than what you
obviously think I do, I bitch as I walk over and plug in my
phone. Not this time Zorro your out of luck sucker.

I try to watch television to get my mind off that fucking man
who must have balls the size of super-sized beach balls to
think I am that naive. After about an hour and a half of
feeling like I was watching television I realize I really have
no idea what I have even watched. My mind was so caught up in
my enemy telling me I told you so, and me being almost
traumatized to think that someone thinks I am that blind and
stupid as to buy any of this from a guy like that.
I finally give up and realize I can’t concentrate on the TV,
so I turn off the television and turn off the lights then make
my way back to my bedroom. I was right Brandi is already
curled up at the foot of the bed waiting for me. She looks up
as I switch on the light when I walk in. I pull the sheets
down and fluff my pillows, ok more like beat the shit out of
my pillows because that man has me so fucking mad. I walk
over and turn off the light, I tell Brandi goodnight and crawl
into the bed.
As soon as I am situated I have this image in my mind's eye.
Those gorgeous baby blue eyes, his light brown hair that has a
bit of a wave at the ends, and the amazing baby face. I
imagine that and Warren’s body completely naked standing at
the end of my bed with that cute grin. Fuck it, you will not
stop me from at least enjoying you in my dreams I say with the
devil's smile on my face. I will have sweet dreams Warren oh
I will have sweet dreams and you will be bringing them to me,
but you don't need to know that. I roll over and pull the
covers up to my chin as I sigh and say yes, a good night it
will be.
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