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Rated: 13+ · Novel · Drama · #2323626
Shattered Pieces Left Behind - A book I hope to possibly publish

The cop takes our information from us and says “give me a moment and I will take down the report. It will be a little
bit if you both want to have a seat on the curb until I am finished.” I turn to head back to the curb and sit in a little grassy area under a tree as Mr. Blue Eyes follows me over. The traffic has seemed to dissipate, it seems like there isn't as much traffic anymore. But then again I am assuming it must be around 6 or 615 by now. Just as that thought passes through my mind my stomach makes an extremely loud grumble. Mr Blue Eyes looks at me and says "wow, it sounds like someone is hungry", embarassed that it was that loud for him to hear it. I giggle nervously as I say "it sure seems that way doesn't it" and look the other direction.

As we are sitting there next to each other he starts to make conversation with me, I guess there isn't much else to do. He says “again I can't apologize enough for what happened. I don't even know your name yet, my name is Warren Davenport”. I look at him and think nice name and quite fitting as my gaze looks over his body for the millionth time. I smile and put my hand into his extended hand as I feel immediate warm sparks travel up my arm. As our hands are pumping up and down in a much too long handshake, I then realize oh my name, tell him your name you fool my mind yells at me. I answer as soon as I return to earth, “Sophie McIntosh, I mean I am Sophie McIntosh, that's my name. It's very nice to meet you Warren Davenport” and I think yes, very nice indeed. I realize we are now just holding hands and no longer shaking hands, I pull mine out of his grip and laugh. I cannot believe that I am sitting here like this, I mean in any other situation it might be nice to sit in a grassy area under a tree with such an amazingly gorgeous man. But in this case he is the man that more than likely totaled my car.

He says, “what a way to end a Monday”. I laugh as I say, “I was thinking to myself as I was leaving work that this was a pretty good Monday it actually went by fast”. Giggling I continue,“I won't be thinking that again anytime soon, I think I jinxed myself with that thought”. As we both start laughing. I casually look down at his left-hand figuring if he is really this great of a guy with these looks he must be married. But to my astonishment there is no ring on that finger, but he might be one of those men that don't wear their ring. Plus I just met him it doesn't mean that he is really this nice, I mean people meet the person that ends up killing them and they probably thought they were nice in the begining too.

The cop finally returns and has our paperwork in hand. He gives us each our papers back and we receive a copy of the accident report. The cop asks, “do you both have a way home, or do you have someone you can call to pick you up and take you home?” I look around thinking crap I looked at my phone before and saw it was dead. Why didn't I ask to use Warren Davenport’s phone to call Uber? Again, my mind reminds me it's because I am just that stupid. The cop must be reading into my expression because he states, “if not I can drop you both off at home, I am nearing the end of my shift anyway”. I sigh with relief and admit, “that would be perfect, I did check my phone earlier and saw it was dead then it completely slipped my mind." The cop says that it is not a problem", that's when Warren also admits he will take the cops offer to drop him also. So now I do not feel so bad because I am not the only one that didn’t call and get a ride home.

The cop loads us into the back of the cruiser, as I catch a glimpse of the cars passing by on the street. I smile as I start to wonder what they are thinking and if they are wonder what the two of us did. Looking into the open back door of the cop car I think, wow this is not how I pictured it. The seat is hard plastic and there is hardly any room for your legs not sure if it is even meant for two occupants. Considering I am not that tall at 5'5", I think to myself how is Warren going to fit those legs in here not to mention his larger physique. The cop shuts my door goes around to the driver side and lets Warren load himself into the seat next to me. God, he smells as good as he looks, yummy I want to just eat him up. Again, I must stop my rapid fire dirty thoughts, but wow he is, I don't know he just is I think chuckling to myself. Warren puts his feet on my side as he quickly apologizes and says, “I'm sorry there seems to be a lack of space in here” as he laughs trying to maneuver himself into a not so totaled position. He must sit sideways to fit his whole body in this little confined area, but that's fine by me I'm not having any problems with it. Hell, I'm thinking he can put more of that body over my way if he wants, especially some certain body parts, I chuckle at my thoughts and agree it is tight in here. I just tell him “it's ok I don't mind if you need to move over closer, I don’t bite, not too hard at least”. I can't even believe my own ears as I hear myself say that out loud, I just giggle and sound like a little schoolgirl flirting with her first crush. I think to myself oh well what harm is in it, it isn’t like I will ever be seeing him again. I’m sure this is the last time I will ever see Mr. Warren Davenport’s sexiness, so I might as well have some fun with it.

The cop gets in and starts the car up and as he pulls away he asks a very peculiar question, “did you two know each other before this little mishap?” I am very confused by this statement and say, “no why do you ask?” He answers with, “when I was writing up your report I realized that you both live in the same apartment complex.” Oh my God, at that I turn my head so fast and look at Warren that I suddenly regret it because everything starts spinning and I get a little dizzy. Warren immediately asks, “are you ok Sophie?” I quickly respond, “oh yes, I am fine just a little dizzy, I think because I haven't eaten much today and all this excitement.”
Trying to giggle it off like it is nothing, but what I am feeling inside at the thought of this hunk living in the same apartment complex sends me reeling. We both say at the same time, “oh really the same complex, what a small world”. Looking at each other again, we both smile and say, “Pepsi” at the exact same time. A little thing people do when they say the same thing at the same time. The cop laughs and shakes his head, “seems to me that you two have a lot in common”. Oh, that would definitely be nice to have a lot in common with Mr. Davenport, hunk of Spring Creek's Apartment complex. I would never be so lucky to have anything in common with him that he would want to be hanging around me just for the fun of it.

I let my perverted little mind have some fun to think about what other things of Warren's I would like to have, I clear my throat as I see the cop is approaching my apartment building first. I hope Mr Davenport doesn’t live in the same building, I can't imagine out of this huge complex that he would be living in the same building, no way that would be impossible. I mean I am positive that I would have noticed this amazing man or his truck had he lived in the same building. I mean the truck alone you can't help but notice, and it would be parked out front of our building if he lived there. I grab my purse and papers together to get ready to get out of the car as I glimpse out of the corner of my eye to see if Warren is making any moves to exit the car. I don’t see him making any such moves so that makes me sigh realizing that he doesn't live in the same building as me.

The cop says, “ok, Sophie you're first” and he pulls into a space as he continues on “I will have to let you out the doors in the back do not open from the inside." He laughs as he says, “it would not be a good thing when you have a criminal in the back”. I roll my eyes at his attempt at a joke as he gets out and makes his way to my door. As the cop is coming around Warren looks at me and smiles, as he says “well Sophie it was a pleasure meeting you today, I wish it would have been under different circumstances though. But I do live just down the way in Building H and I was thinking that maybe we can see each other again sometime in a planned meeting. Maybe I could try to make it up to you for crashing up your car." Even though I am trying to hide my surprise, I feel my eyes get wide and I give him a smile and say, “You don't have to make it up to me, it was just an accident it's not like you did it on purpose." Then I realize dumbass let him know you would absolutely positively want to see him again. At that I quickly add " But I would definitely like that”. He smiles back grabs my hand and says, “so would I”.

The cop opens the door and I am shocked that again I have that weird sensation in my hand and arm when Warren Davenport touches me. Almost as he is filled with an electricity and he gives me a small shock every time he touches me. I turn to him as I start to slide out of the car and say, “goodbye, Mr. Davenport”. He says, "Sophie, just call me Warren" as he smiles and winks at me. I stand there and watch as the cop gets back in the car and pulls away with the sexy as sin Mr. Warren Davenport in the back seat. I mean Warren yes, Warren as I turn to walk up the front steps to my apartment.
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